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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Review: Near & Far [Lost & Found 02] by Nicole Williams!

Publication date: 23rd March 2013
Paperback edition: 352 pages
Source: Kindle

Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: There’s optimistic. And there’s Jesse Walker.

If he wasn’t so charming, his sunny disposition and incessant grin would get old. Fast.

Falling in love with the broken girl who had at first seemed immune to anything resembling love was the best thing to happen to Jesse since the Walkers adopted him when he was five.

As Jesse’s life continues at the ranch and Rowen begins making her mark in the Seattle art community, they wonder where the middle ground is. Or if there even is one.

As push comes to shove, they’re forced to make choices neither are eager to make, and Jesse and Rowen have to face what their lives might look like without the other.

Can two people with such tragic pasts and different presents expect a promising future together? Whatever the answer, they’ll need a lot more than love to make it.

When I started the first book in this series I had no idea that there was going to be another book to Rowen and Jesse's story until I got to the end and it got left pretty unresolved! I was really excited about another book as I adored Rowen and Jesse in Lost & Found! This book was so amazing! I must admit that I enjoyed the first book just a little bit more, but this book was a fantastic continuation of Rowen and Jesse's story! The plot of this book was followed on from where the last book left off from! It was really emotional too be honest! It tugged at my heartstrings, but there were some scenes that had me grinning like an idiot! I also had a little cry at the end! The plot was also written brilliantly and I had a hard time putting it down! The characters were again amazing! Rowen told her story in Lost & Found, but in this book you get to go into Jesse's head as well as this book was written from both of their point of views! This was amazing as Jesse was such a big character in the first book and you only get a glimpse into his past whereas in this book you get to see the full extent of Jesse's past! Jesse's past was horrible! My heart completely went out to him! He was such a sweet guy and to see what he went through as a child brought tears to my eyes! Jesse was such a strong character though! He didn't think he was, but Rowen showed him just how strong he was! This book shows you how far Jesse has come as a person and also what made him the way he is! Rowen in this book was a different Rowen to the one we meet in the first book! She was more confident and she'd come a long way from when we first meet her! Rowen was so normal in this book! It made it easy for me to connect with her! I adored her even more than what I did in the first book! I thought that there was going to be a love triangle in this book and at times it felt like there was one, but nothing really happened with it so it was hard to tell! The ending of this book was beautiful! I could have guessed it, but too be honest even though I could have it was still beautiful and I wouldn't have had it any other way! I'm really excited to read the next book in this series! I know it's going to be Garth's story which makes me even more desperate for it as Garth plays quite an important character in this book and also the first one! Luckily, I have an ARC of it just waiting to be read! The cover for Near & Far is stunning! I love how well it suits the first book's cover!

Near and Far (Lost and Found, #2)

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