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Tuesday 29 April 2014

Blog Tour: Bender [The Core Four 01] by Stacy Borel!

Publication date: 21st April 2014
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4 stars
Synopsis: All Keegan wanted was a roommate who was quiet, minded their own business, and paid for part of the rent. Instead, she got Camden Brooks.

Camden, with his sinful body, sharp tongue, and the inability to stay out of Keegan’s personal business, couldn’t seem to curb his interest in the new girl who wouldn’t put up with his domineering ways.

Feelings were running rampant, sexual tension was thick, and both were struggling to let go of control.

To some people, getting a roommate simply meant living with another person. But to both Camden and Keegan it was a curveball that neither was prepared to swing at.

I was so excited when I found out about this book! It sounded hot and it sounded like my kind of book! And this was all before the cover ;) The cover basically sealed the deal for me, because who wouldn't read a book with a guy with that body on it, right? A much as it sounded good and have a hot cover, I felt like there was something missing for me to love it! I really enjoyed it at the beginning, but then some things that the characters did started to grate on me! The plot was also a different to what I was expecting! I enjoyed it though and I did like the direction it went in! The sex in this book was also so freaking hot! I mean, I've never read a sex scene in a gym before lol! Even though I had some problems with it, I did enjoy this book, its plot and I loved the ending too! The characters were great! Keegan was the main character and I started out really liking her and loving the way she was with her sister, but then she started overreacting and it felt to me that she was kind of cheating on the guy she was seeing! The guy she did start seeing deserved a slap though, and let's just say that he definitely deserved what Keegan's love interest did to him! Keegan was also kind of a whiny character! I can't stand whiny people, so I did find it a bit hard to connect with her! She let herself go though and I got to see the real Keegan when she started her relationship with her love interest, which was interesting! Camden was the love interest of Keegan and he was deliciously hot! I loved how protective he was of Keegan and I could see that although he tried not to, he had strong feelings for her! Camden didn't want to develop feelings for Keegan, but it was inevitable! They made such a hot couple though! Camden did say a couple of things in this book though, which made me want to punch him *Cough* When he called Keegan chubby! *Cough*! That was just uncalled for and I would have punched him if I was Keegan! He did make up for it though! The ending of this book was so freaking amazing! It really summed up Camden and Keegan as a couple! I read this book when it was a standalone, but it's been announced that it's actually the start of a series, with each book focusing on a different character! I will probably read the next book in this series and the rest of the series, but it probably won't be at the top of my TBR list! I'm excited to read the next character's story though! As I said, the cover for this book is so hot! Big thank you Stacy for an ARC of Bender and to Enticing Journey Book Promotions for having me on the Blog Tour!


Buy your copy from Amazon or Barnes and Noble
Author bio:

Stacy Borel currently resides in southeast Texas with her husband and two kids. She grew up as a military brat and has lived everywhere from California, Alaska, Azores Portugal, and Hawaii. She loves traveling and seeing new places, so being a military spouse is perfect for her. Stacy enjoys the adventure of moving every 2-4yrs. It's refreshing to experience a new place.

Stacy is a self proclaimed reading addict and Facebook addict. If she's not doing one of those two things, she can be found writing, or playing with her kids. Some of her hobbies are listening to new music, going fishing, being active outdoors, and she always loves spending time with her out of state family.

Stacy discovered Indie Authors in early 2012 after reading Fifty Shades of Grey, and there began her passionate love affair with books. She always wrote stories and journals growing up, but she decided in December 2012 to really dip her toes in the water with a romance novel. She now has three full length novels under her belt, and a whole new series for the 2014 year.

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