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Sunday 12 October 2014

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Unless You Can Be A Unicorn [B3 01] by Delphina Henley!

Always be yourself...

That was the last advice Scout's Grandma Nora gave her before she died. Scout has spent her life trying to be anything but, but she has a chance to start anew as she moves several states away to college. She had always thought the glowing aura she saw around some people was a childhood fancy, but when it starts coming back just as she's starting her new life, she learns there was much hidden about who she truly is.

Thankfully, she has a motley crew to help her along the way: a spunky bookseller, a trustworthy pub owner, a commanding grandmother, a possible best friend, and a hot rocker boy who only has eyes for her.

Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:
Delphina has been writing since she can remember and has always had a love of the paranormal. She is an avid reader and a self proclaimed shifter crack addict. Delphina currently lives in the Midwest with her husband and four kids. Her novel, Unless You Can Be A Unicorn, is set to release early October. You can get a glimpse of Scout's world in "Always Be Yourself", which is a part of the anthology, Certain.
Be sure to enter to win a Ginormous Gift Pack of Awesome including a Giftcard, books, swag and more! You can check out the prize pack on the FB Release Day Extravaganza page or enter below and join the fun!

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