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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Tuesday 3 May 2022

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: My Escort [A Different Kind of Escort Service 01] by Kelly Gendron!

The Daxon Brothers all have day jobs.
At night, they’re escorts.
But a different kind of escort.
They work with a local domestic abuse center.
Like a thief in the night.
They steal battered women from their abusers.
It’s not an easy job.
And sometimes not legal.
Still, they made an oath.
Never leave a woman behind.

This is MY Story
A year ago, he saved me.
Now, can I save him?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy here

Author bio:

USA Today Bestselling Author Kelly Gendron writes Steamy, Contemporary, HEA Romances. In her books, you’ll find a variety of alphas, love stories with fast-moving plots, and a slow burn that will keep you turning the pages. Besides being a writer, she’s also a nurse. So she’s a firm believer in clean hands and dirty books!


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