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Tuesday 20 February 2024

Release Day Blitz: Ward Willing [Ravaged Castle 03] by Amanda Richardson!

She was the epitome of forbidden fruit.
And I wanted a taste.


Being the oldest Ravage brother means I’ve always been the fixer, handling everyone else’s mess.
But the one problem I can’t solve?
Keeping my hands off my best friend’s daughter.
Hidden away in my remote cabin, writing is my escape until duty thrusts her into my life.
Over the years, Zoe evolves into a tempting taboo–the one person I crave but can never claim, despite what she tells me about her… inclinations.
I vowed protection at any cost–even if it’s from myself.


Orphaned and thrust into adulthood, I bury myself in school work and keep my eyes trained on the prize.
Now, with law school and an uncertain future looming, I’m used to doing everything myself and pushing back against Liam’s stoic, overprotective resolve.
Until I learn that the vanilla, cinnamon roll of a man I’ve known my whole life isn't so vanilla after all.
Now, instead of infuriating me, his strict, commanding presence sends shivers down my spine.
I soon realize his resistance was never about denying desire for him–it was about fulfilling a different kind of hunger.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Amanda Richardson writes from her chaotic dining room table in Yorkshire, England, often distracted by her husband and two adorable sons. When she's not writing contemporary and dark, twisted romance, she enjoys coffee (a little too much) and collecting house plants like they're going out of style.

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