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Monday 27 May 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Pieces of You [Shattered Hearts 02] by Cassia Leo!

Publication date: 17th May 2013
Paperback edition: 350 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: The story that began in the USA Today bestseller RELENTLESS continues. Which team are you on?

In Relentless, college student Claire Nixon and surfer Adam Parker each had a painful past too heavy to carry alone. Claire tried to push Adam away, but Adam's relentless pursuit of her heart and her secrets made her walls come crumbling down.

Though their hearts will never be whole again, Claire and Adam now know they are stronger together than they are apart.

But now Claire's attending college a hundred miles away from Adam. With their relationship already hanging by a thread, Adam is sent to Hawaii on business.

And rock star Chris Knight is back in Claire's life.

Chris wants his ex-girlfriend back and he knows just how to get her: only he has the power to mend the final missing piece of Claire's broken heart. Now Claire must choose between a long-distance relationship with Adam and a second chance at love, family, and home.

Favourite quote: "You're mine, and a piece of you will always belong to me the same way a piece of me will always belong to you."

I loved the first book in this series so I was really looking forward to reading Pieces of You! I have to say that I didn't really enjoy this book as much as the first book! I preferred the first book as it had more relationship development in it and in Pieces of You relationships were put to the ultimate test! Also, there weren't a lot of scenes with Claire and Adam in them so I was slightly upset because I missed my Adam fix! This book was still extraordinary though! The plot continued on from where Relentless left off from and it was all about all of the characters coming to terms with the big secret that was revealed on the first book! I couldn't get through it fast enough as I was instantly drawn back into Claire's world! The plot was full of emotion that you connect with the characters a lot more and you start having more empathy for them! The characters were again amazing! I felt sorry for Claire as she had so much going on in her life and she had to deal with her love for two amazing guys who would do anything for her! I didn't agree with some of Claire's choices in this book, but in a strange way I could see why she made them! Adam in this book surprised me! I can't say much or else I will spoil the book, but he and Claire went through some things that I wasn't expecting them too and I felt sorry for him! We got a glimpse of Chris in the first book, but in this book he is one of the main characters! I liked Chris, I didn't not like him, but I didn't like that he came back into Claire's life and just expected her to get back into a relationship with him! I feel that I got to know him more as the book went on though! I loved that Pieces of You was written from Claire, Adam and Chris's point of view as in Relentless I got to see the story from only Claire's point of view, but when the guys point of views were added in then it made it so much more interesting as I got to go inside their heads and start to see how they really feel because emotions play such a big part in this book! The love triangle in this book comes to the ultimate climax! I was Team Adam in the first book and I was Team Adam in this book! I liked Chris, but I thought he was a little too big for his boots sometimes! I could see that he loved Claire though! I am definitely looking forward to reading the next book in this series and seeing where it ends and also seeing who Claire picks! I will be rooting for Adam! That cover! WOW! It is stunning and it most definitely suits the book! Big thank you to Cassia for an ARC of Pieces of You and to Christine for having me on the Blog Tour!

Pieces of You (Shattered Hearts, #2)
Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy Links!

Author bio:

USA Today bestselling author Cassia Leo loves her coffee, chocolate, and margaritas with salt. When she's not writing, she spends way too much time watching old reruns of Friends and Sex and the City. When she's not watching reruns, she's usually enjoying the California sunshine or reading--sometimes both.
Grandprize giveaway!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the giveaways!!!
