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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Saturday 18 May 2013

Cover Reveal: Reborn [Born Trilogy 03] by Tara Brown!

Twenty years ago a man made a child he never intended to love.

Ten years ago the world ended and Emma turned her back on the man she believed was her father...in an attempt to survive.

Eight weeks ago she discovered the truth about her family, including the sister she never knew existed.

Last week she had her heart broken by the one man she never imagined giving it to.

Yesterday she turned her back on those she cared for in an attempt to help them survive.

Today she plans on hunting two men to the ends of the broken earth.

Not to save the world.

Not to make the world a better place.

Tomorrow... she plans on getting revenge.

Author bio:

I am not going to talk in the third person. It feels weird.

I am a Bestselling author of Paranormal Romance, Post Apocalyptic, Contemporary, Romance, and Fantasy novels. I write a lot of books and jump Genres all the time. Mostly because I think I have Writers ADD, I like to call it WADD. It might be a real thing.
I write YA some of the time but mostly New Adult, my books have sexual content (Heck yes) and Swearing. You have been warned. Now enjoy!

I have a beagle named Buster, a husband who I force to read everything I write and two girls who want so badly to be a character in my books. And not in that order.

I am mid thirties so be prepared for the chick lit novel this year. I am calling it my Ode to my Midlife Crisis. I'm kidding. It's actually called The Single Lady Spy Series and it is an adult romantic-thriller series. The first book, The End of Me is due out April of 2013. It is a sexy and fresh series with the lightest touch of erotic naughtiness.
I have been writing since I was old enough to lie. So for some time. If you're wondering about the hat, it's my 'Hey I'm Canadian Toque'

Welcome to my world. Please enjoy the ride.

Thanks for checking me out and I hope you got lost in something I wrote or it made you so MAD/HAPPY/SAD/BLISSFUL/TURNED ON/ANGRY/EXCITED/FRIGHTENED/HORRIFIED that you couldn't believe it.

Have a great day!!!


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