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Monday 15 July 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Found [The Crescent Chronicles 03] by Alyssa Rose Ivy!

Publication date: 16th July 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Levi might be hot, strong, and have a cool set of wings, but it's not enough to make up for keeping Allie in the dark.

Allie's tired of being left with more questions than answers. She's tired of loving a guy who refuses to level with her. Most of all, she's tired of her life spinning out of control.

Desperate to save Jess no matter the personal cost, Allie has to face the possibility that the only one she can trust is herself.

Favourite quote: "Sometimes you have to take flight to find your way home." 

You know that final book in a series that you have been dying for and then when you get it you jump up and down like a crazy person? Well, this is that series for me and I may or may not have jumped about like a crazy person when I got my ARC of it! I have loved this series from the first page so when I got an email about being on the Blog Tour for this book I got really excited! This series continues to completely surprise me and I've really enjoyed it! I also haven't finished a full series in a while so it was nice! The plot of this book was continued on from where the last book left off from and I loved it! It was written brilliantly! I had to take my time while reading it to make sure that I could understand what was going on and so that I could follow it! I also loved the twists that were added into the plot of this book as I didn't really have any idea where this book could lead to after the ending to Focus so the twists added so much and left me surprised! The characters were again amazing! Allie has grown so much since I first met her in Flight! She sometimes had a snarky attitude and I think that sometimes she was a little unappreciative of the amount of love Levi showed her, but in this book I saw Allie's feelings for Levi be put to the ultimate test and I saw her really show her true feelings for him! In this book she had to make some tough decisions and not all the decisions she made were good, but she made them to protect other people! Levi was still hot! Still! I must have sighed about a million times whenever he was in a scene as he was just so cute and the way he was with Allie was so adorable! I could tell that his feelings for her where genuine and real! There was a the love square in this book and I enjoyed it probably more than I should have done lol! The love square was between Allie, Levi, Toby and Cade and I was not expecting it at all! I was obviously Team Levi, because of the amount of love he has shown Allie over three books, but I do have to say that I liked the other guys as well! I'm positive that this is the final book in The Crescent Chronicles as it ended perfectly and everything that has come up in the last books were fully resolved! I'm really sad to see this series end though! I've really enjoyed it and it's my first series by Alyssa! I will definitely be checking out her other books though! The cover for Found is SO hot! I almost melted when I first saw it! I think it suits the book and Levi's character well! Big thank you to Alyssa for an ARC of Found and to InkSlinger PR for having me on the Blog Tour!

Found (The Crescent Chronicles, #3)

Author bio:

Alyssa Rose Ivy is a New Adult and Young Adult author who loves to weave stories with romance and a southern setting. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.

Alyssa Rose Ivy


  1. It sounds interesting after reading reviews.

  2. Sounds like a good read and I love the cover. Looking forward to reading it!

  3. I'm so excited you enjoyed Found! Thanks for reading and reviewing it!
