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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Saturday 27 July 2013

Review: Who He Is [FireNine 01] by S. Q. Williams!

Publication date: 18th July 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4.5 stars
Synopsis: Eliza Smith has never been the one to seek a relationship. She’s never dated a guy in her life, never even hugged a man (outside of her father/manager of the hot and popular rock band, FireNine) but when she decides to spend her summer on tour with FireNine, it all changes. Eliza really gets to meet Gage Grendel - her former crush from high school and the lead singer of FireNine - and witness sides to him to which she’ll begin to truly despise.
She’ll ignore him, she’ll dislike his ways, she’ll do anything to try and stay away from him until Gage finally gets her to slip up and give in. She agrees on a casual fling with Gage, but soon they’ll both see how the fling will blur into something they can’t control and when it’s finally time for Eliza to go and accomplish her own dreams, she’ll know there’s more she took from Gage than she ever thought possible.

I had been desperate to read this book since I first heard about it! I had such mixed feelings about it though! I loved it, but it kind of annoyed me at the same time! It was the kind of annoying though when you can't put the book down and you just want to keep reading! I think this book was probably the first time that I've ever felt like that! The plot oozed sexual tension! No joke! It was hot and it was sexy and it was oh, so good! It got so much better as it progressed as well and by the end I was dying for more! The plot kept me entertained and there were plenty of hot scenes to make me swoon like mad! I thought that the plot was very well written and it will definitely be a hit! The plot was quite fun, but there was a serious message behind it as well which I loved! I don't think everyone will get the message, but I did and I learned something from it! People will fall in love with the characters in this book as well! I mean who wouldn't love the hot lead singer of a band? The characters were amazing! I actually started to connect with them more at the end of the book than at the beginning! Eliza was the main character and I adored her! I felt at times that she had two different personalities though! There was the shy, held back Eliza and then there was the hot, come and get me Eliza, and while reading the book I didn't know which Eliza I was going to get! She was such an interesting character though and I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens with her story in the next book! Gage was the main male character and I thought he was a serious douchebag! I actually fell in love with him at the end of this book rather than the beginning because during it I just thought that he acted like a bit of a prat! He thought that every girl was going to fall at his feet and what I liked about Eliza was that she'd had a serious crush on him for years, but was one of the only people to not fall at his feet! He was still exceptionally hot and at the end of the book I actually cried for him! There were quite a few other characters in this book and they all added so much to the story! I'm really hoping that the author maybe gives them all separate stories as they were all amazing characters! OMG! I am dying for the next book in this series! Nothing will stop me from reading it when it comes out! I will definitely be anticipating its release! The cover is also hot! I knew it was going to be hot before I even saw it, but it definitely exceeded my expectations! Big thank you to Shanora for an ARC of Who He Is and also for mentioning me ad my page/blog in the Acknowledgements!

Who He Is (FireNine, #1)

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