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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Born in Flames [Born in Flames Trilogy 01] by Candace Knoebel!

Publication date: 6th September 2012
Paperback edition: 259 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Red mirrored scales race up my arms as the haze of pain blurs my vision. My bones crack, breaking to realign. I scream. It is then that the realization of my unavoidable fate sinks in; I am of a dying race. I am dragon.

Aurora Megalos, orphaned and teetering on the edge of adulthood, thought finding her past would curb the sting of being an outcast. Having no memories of the time before she awoke on her foster mother’s doorstep, she yearns for the emptiness inside her to be filled. With her fellow orphaned best friend, Fenn, by her side, she has nothing to lose and everything to gain. But something powerful stirred within her that she couldn’t explain. Something wanted out.

In the dark of night, a crazed Seer, dubbed Mr. Creepy, erases everything she’s ever known with an impending prophecy. She now faces two paths. Return to her true home to protect a dying race against a growing evil, or stay hidden in the safety of our realm with a shot at a true love. With a vengeful Arch Enemy stopping at nothing to see her dead, she’s running out of time; a decision must be made. What would you choose?

I loved this book! It was the second book that I have read about with Dragons in it with the first being the Firelight series by Sophie Jordan! When I heard that there were Dragons in this book I really hoped that it was different to the Firelight series as even though I loved the Firelight series I did want this book to stand on its own and have a different approach to dragons and I was so relieved when I discovered very early on that it was completely different to the Firelight series! I did think that this book started quite abruptly which left me a bit confused! I was only confused for a couple of chapters though and then I was able to figure out what was going on and who certain characters were! Born in Flames was also written quite formally and I think that it is few books that I have read that is written like this so I liked that it was different! The plot was very original and it is the first time that I have ever read anything like it! The plot had quite a bit of action and I also really enjoyed the sort of flashback scenes as well as they helped me understand more about the people that Aurora was up against! The character were amazing and written very well! Aurora was the main character of Born in Flames and I really enjoyed her character! She was strong and watching her grow and learn about herself was amazing! Fenn was sort of the love interest of Aurora but their relationship didn't really develop in this book which disappointed me a little bit as I was expecting some romance in this book but I hope in the next book that there are a lot more scenes between the two of them and their relationship develops more! There were quite a lot of other characters in this book as well and each one brought so much to the story! The ending was so sweet! It was completely satisfying and I loved it! I am really looking forward to seeing where the next book in this series goes as so much could happen in it! I also love the cover and I think that it really suits the story! Big thank you to Candace for a copy of Born in Flames!

Born in Flames (Born in Flames Trilogy, #1)
Check it out on Goodreads!
Author bio:
Candace Knoebel had dreamed of being a dancer ever since she could remember. With a love of all things art, she saw herself moving to New York and pursuing her passion as an artist. But all that changed on October 10th, 2002 when she met the love of her life. Her dreams diverged and after marrying her high school sweetheart and having two beautiful children, she realized she missed her creative side.

Growing up alongside the Harry Potter series, Candace found herself missing the epicosity of a story that pulls you in and won’t let you go. In 2009, she began dreaming up characters that would mold her first novel. Through lunch breaks and late nights, after putting her kids to
bed, she built a world where she could escape the ever-pressing days of an eight to five Purgatory. She found her calling in life and knew this was more than dancing could’ve ever meant to her.

Once complete in 2010, she began the grueling process of finding a publisher. With relentless determination, she was finally able to realize her dream in December of 2011 when 48fourteen offered her a
publishing contract. With a HUGE yes and a happy dance, she now continues her Trilogy.
Candace Knoebel

1 comment:

  1. Thank You for the awesome giveaway both Kendall and Candace!! I am looking for my next read :)
