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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Monday 29 April 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Twisted [Torn 02] by K.A. Robinson!

Publication date: 14th March 2013
Paperback edition: 331 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Chloe and Drake have found their happily ever after... Almost.

When Chloe's mother comes back into her life with a bang, it sets off a chain of events no one could have ever expected.
Everyone has their demons, and Chloe and Drake's hit them with a vengence.

Sex, drugs, money, a crazy ex, and Rock n Roll.... Can they survive it all?

Things are beginning to feel a bit... Twisted.

This book was so much better than the first one! As much as I loved the first one I loved this one more! At times this book felt like the first book of a series to me as it had that potential apart from Chloe and Drake already having a relationship but I loved that! I also thought that I knew what was going to happen after the massive ending to Torn so I thought I knew what to expect but what I got was so much more! Twisted really was an amazing book and it completely blew me away! I also loved that you could tell that the author started to feel more comfortable with writing and the characters as Torn was only her first novel! The plot continued straight on from where Torn left off from and I loved it! So much happened in the plot and at times it made my head spin! The plot got quite dark at some scenes and I felt myself feeling more emotion with the characters during their darkest hours! I think that Twisted had the right amount of romance, suspense and plot development to make it phenomenal! The characters were even better in this book than what they were in Torn! I adored all of them! I loved Chloe in this book! I wasn't so sure about her after the impression she left me with in Torn but she really impressed me in this book! My opinion of her completely changed in this book as she was so much easier to connect with! As it was a lot easier for me to connect with her in this book then I enjoyed reading from her point of view more and I also felt like she was a completely different person as she had grown so much! My heart went out to Drake in this book! He went through a lot in this book and it was hard for me to watch him go through it! I really felt for Chloe as well as she was kept in the dark for so long about how bad Drake had gotten! I adored Drake and Chloe as a couple in Torn but I loved them even more as a couple in Twisted as there was a love triangle in this book between Chloe, Drake and Jordan! I was completely Team Drake but at times I did have a teeny, tiny soft spot for Jordan! I loved that Twisted was written from both Chloe and Drake's point of views as this was definitely essential as there was so much going on and at times in the book there was two different stories happening! The ending was beyond amazing! I was sort of expecting the ending but I adored that the author made it absolutely beautiful! I am really sad to let Chloe and Drake go as I loved their relationship but I am really excited to read more from K.A. Robinson as this series is definitely one of my favourites! I also love the cover for Twisted as it really suits the first cover to this series! Big thank you K.A. Robinson and to Shh Mom's Reading for having me on the Blog Tour!
Twisted (Torn, #2)
Check it out on Goodreads!


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