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Friday 21 March 2014

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Unconditional [Beachwood Bay 03] by Melody Grace!

Publication date: 18th March 2014
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: "I’ve spent my whole life chasing perfection: perfect looks, perfect man, perfect home. But in one brutal moment, I realized it was all just a beautiful lie…"

Carina MacKenzie is fleeing from her past. Picking up the wreckage of her shattered dreams, she seeks comfort in the only place she’s ever felt safe: Beachwood Bay.

Garrett Sawyer isn’t looking to be anyone’s savior. Scarred by old betrayals, he’s sworn never to put his heart on the line again -- especially not for a damaged, high-maintenance girl like Carina. But passion knows no logic, and soon, their reckless chemistry is making him forget his bitter vows.

Two damaged hearts. The hope of true love. As their passion blazes out of control, Carina and Garrett struggle to escape their legacies of hurt. But can you ever outrun the past? And when everything is on the line, can they trust enough to build a love that's unconditional?

Favourite quote: "Every journey begins with a single step. The only thing you have to fear is fear itself."

I just completely adore this series and every book just seems to get better and better, so to say I was excited to read this book was an understatement! This book really was amazing! I wasn't really sure what to expect from it after I read the synopsis, but what I got blew me away! The plot started straight away and went at a pace to keep me desperate to read on and find out what was going to happen next and how things were going to develop! There were also some twists and turns to keep it interesting and I didn't see them coming! The plot was about two characters, who had both been through a lot, sort of reconnecting and realising their true feelings for each other! It was really beautiful and the main characters relationship did develop a lot further then I had expected! I also have to admit that I shed tears while reading this book, but not because it was sad, but because it was just so beautiful! I can't get over how beautiful it was! The character were amazing! Carina was the main female character and she really surprised me in this book! She was described as an ice queen, but she was anything but! She had actually been through a lot and then she went through a lot in this book too! Carina kept her troubles to herself and tried to tell herself that she was happy when she was living a lie! I just adored Carina because she was in such a predicament until she made a decision that changed everything in her life! Carina was also the older sister of the main character in the first book in this series, Juliet! I can honestly say that I didn't make the connection, so I was pretty surprised lol! It was amazing to have Juliet and Emerson back for some of this book though! Garrett was the main male character and the love interest of Carina! I completely loved Garrett! He was so hot and I loved that he taught Carina that no matter how many mistakes you make, there are always ways to come back from them! Garrett had been through a lot as well, but it takes until quite a long time through this book until what he'd been through starts to unravel, but what a secret he was keeping! I wasn't expecting it! It definitely showed why Garrett acted the way he did though and my heart did go out to him! Garrett was a stong character though and he did prove this! I also loved that this book was written from both Carina and Garrett's point of views! I wasn't really expecting it to be, but then I remembered that all the other books in the series are written from dual point of view, if I remember correctly that is lol! The ending of this book showed how far Carina and Garrett had come as a couple and I may or may not have shed some tears lol! It was really beautiful though and I loved that the two of them got their happy ending! I'm really, really excited to read the next book in this series, Uninhibited! I can't wait to read Dex and Alicia's story and I know it's going to be just as amazing as all the other books in this series! I hope Carina and Garrett make some appearances in it too! The cover for this book is absolutely stunning! The models on the front really suit the characters of Carina and Garrett and I love how well it suits the other covers in the series too! Big thank you to Melody for an ARC of Unconditional and to Inkslinger PR for having me on the Blog Tour!

Author bio:

Melody Grace is the USA Today bestselling author of UNBROKEN and UNTOUCHED. A small-town girl turned SoCal beach-lover, she spent years with her nose in a book before deciding it was time to write them for herself. She loves bad boys, good books, and pistachio-flavored ice-cream.

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