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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Sunday 23 March 2014

Release Day Blitz & Review: Broken Wings by Erika Ashby!

Publication date: 6th March 2014
Paperback edition: 386 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis Lynsie Fox has what she considers to be a perfect life. Married to Lincoln, a military pilot, she's living the Army life she's always loved. Being a sucker for great love stories, Lynsie makes it her mission to find Lincoln's best friend and co-pilot, Dax Adams, a good woman.

Losing the one woman he's ever loved, Dax attempts to be a good sport by playing along in Lynsie's match-making scheme. However, Dax is certain he will never get the woman of his dreams.

But life doesn't always fly smoothly. When turbulence strikes, Lynsie watches her world crash and burn around her, leaving her empty with broken wings. Despite her grief, can she mend the pieces back together and learn to fly again?

I've read this author's other book, Save Me From Me, and I seriously loved it, so I was looking forward to reading more from her! When I first heard about this book, I knew I was going to need tissues and I was going to have a book hangover after reading it lol! And I can say that I was exactly right lol! This is one of the most emotional books I've ever read! I must have went through an entire box of tissues while reading it! It had the kind of plot that you know what's going to happen, but you don't want it to happen! I feel that these kind of plots make you connect more with the book and the characters, which is probably why I cried so much lol! Who am I kidding! I would have cried just as much as I did if I hadn't know what was going to happen! The synopsis gives you a pretty good idea of what happens in the plot, but I love that it keeps it quite vague as well! I do have to admit that I did kind of guess quite a few things that were going to happen in the plot as it progressed, but the plot was so beautifully written and there were some twits and turns in it too! The characters were amazing! Lynsie was the main female character and my heart completely went out to her in this book! I got to experience her when she was happy and she had everything to look forward too, and then I watched it all be taken away in a second! After what Lynsie goes through, she relies on the main male character in this book, Dax! I could see why Lynsie did that because Dax reminded Lynsie of her husband and that's what Lynsie needed, but as the book progressed, Lynsie started to develop feelings for Dax and she didn't know how to handle them! Lynsie learns how to spread her wings though and learns how to let go and live again! Dax was one of the kinda main male characters in this book! I loved Dax! He was such a sweetheart and my heart went out to him as well because he had just lost one of his best friends! Dax was so brave though because he sort of put his grief to one side and made sure that Lynsie was okay and he tried to ease her suffering! You could easily see that Dax had had feelings for Lynsie for ages before he admitted them to her, but I really admired Dax for keeping his feelings to himself and not trying to cause trouble between Lynsie and her husband and then after for letting her grief! I wasn't expecting this book to be written from both Lynsie and Dax's point of views, so I was pretty surprised when Dax's point of view came up, but it was definitely essential because of what happens in the plot! I also loved this book even more because it was written from both of the main characters point of views! I can completely understand why this book is a standalone! Everything is sort of wrapped up and the characters learn how to live again and how to let go, but still remember! I've just discovered though that there's going to be a companion novel that focuses on Dex's brother, Dustin! I'm so freaking excited to read it and get inside Dustin's head! I was really intrigued by him in this book! The cover for this book is unbelievable! It suits the book 100%! I can't get over how beautiful it is! It's stunning! Big thank you to Erika for an ARC of Broken Wings and to Enticing Journey Book Promotions for having me on the Release Day Blitz!

Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon or Barnes and Noble
Author bio:
Being born an "Army Brat", Erika Ashby has been residing in Oklahoma the last 10 years finally putting an end to the nomad tendencies she had grown accustomed to. She's a happily married woman who has 5 kids between her and her husband. She has an insane passion for music and embraces her Inner Groupie any chance she has. It wasn't until the age of 29 that she realized she also had a hidden passion for reading; before then she claimed to have hated it. Six months after unlocking that deep desire she never knew she held, she turned the key to another chapter of her life which has become the desire to write. And the rest is still history in the making.
EJ Button

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