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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Monday 17 March 2014

Review: Fractured Innocence [IFICS 02] by Julia Crane!

Publication date: 24th December 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Kaitlyn and Erik are sent on a mission to track down Vance Dasvoik, a ruthless monster. His latest thrill—abducting and selling young women.

Vance's current victim: Aaliyah, a seventeen-year-old who never imagined walking her brother home from school one evening would change her life forever.

The mission quickly turns personal for Kaitlyn when she finds Aaliyah beaten, her mind and soul fractured from abuse of the worst kind. Kaitlyn knows firsthand what it's like to be haunted by the past and resolves to bring justice to the elusive Dasvoik.

This book was so different to the first book in the series! I wasn't really expecting it to be until I read the synopsis and then I realised just how different it was going to be and how far it had developed since the first book! The plot of this book focused on an issue which occurs, but in my opinion, isn't talked about enough! It focused on human trafficking and I think this was such a brave step from the author! She put something which occurs every day to young woman and men and mixed it with a bit of a paranormal element, but she made sure that the paranormal side of things, didn't overshadow the message she was trying to send! I was really happy that the author decided to add human trafficking to the plot because I don't believe it's spoken about enough and this book does show just how brutal it can be and how much it can affect someone who has been through it! The plot had me flicking through the pages furiously desperate to find out what was going to happen next! I was hooked, but I did have to put the book down a few times to come to terms with what I had just read! Some things that happened to the sort of second female character really were horrible and my heart completely went out to her in the plot! The characters were even more amazing than what they were in Freak of Nature! Kaitlyn in this book was just kick-ass! She was ready to fight and she was ready to take on anyone who stepped in her way on her mission! In this book, Kaitlyn was still trying to adjust to being human and also trying to adapt to her abilities at the same time! She had a few mishaps in this book, but she covered them up and I think she had come so far since the first book! I still loved her as much as I did in the first book as well! Lucas was so cute in this book! I loved how protective he was of Kaitlyn, even though he knew she could take care of herself! I also still liked that he was a bit geeky, but hot at the same time! Aaliyah was also a main character in this book and she was the girl who played a vital part of the plot! My heart went out to Aaliyah because she went through something unimaginable and it affected her so much! Well, it would affect anyone who went through it too be honest! My heart then completely broke for her when I watched her try and recover from what she had been through! She thought she was broken and that nobody would ever want her again, but in reality, she came out even stronger! The secondary characters from the first book were back in this book and they were so amazing! I loved what they all added to the plot! I loved that this book was written from Kaitlyn, Lucas and Aaliyah's point of views, as it gave more depth to the story and it made it so much more interesting! I cannot wait for the next book in this series and to see what the author has planned for it! I will definitely be anticipating its release! The cover for this book suits the first book's cover perfectly! It really suits what happens in the book as well and I love it! Big thank you to Julia for an ARC of Fractured Innocence!

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