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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Only Half Alive by Konstanz Silverbow!

Publication date: 27th September 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4 stars
Synopsis: The World's darkest creature will be their brightest hope!

While darkness haunts her, she craves the light. Christina is a demon, but she doesn't want to be. She is willing to sacrifice everything to change it. Only one person stands in her way, and he will stop at nothing to keep her the way she is.

The greatest battle of light vs dark threatens every living creature, a battle that could destroy all. And the demon in love will only have one chance to save everyone.
The cover first attracted me to this book! I mean look at it! It is stunning! I then read the synopsis and it doesn't really give a lot away about what happens in the book, but in a way it does as well! It doesn't give away a teaser, but it explains the book in such a short way! I liked this book and I enjoyed it, but I didn't love, love this book! I did have a few problems with it as well! The plot of this book starts right away! I liked that, but then I did find it a little confusing as well! It took me a few chapters to start being able to actually follow what was happening, but I did enjoy it! The plot was pretty unique as I haven't really read anything like it before! The author added a really nice twist to the whole demon aspect to make this book different and stand out! The plot did impress me, but I did have a slight problem with it as well! There were some sentences in it that could have been written better in my opinion! There were a few sentences I felt like that about, but not too many and it didn't occur throughout the full book, which I loved! The characters were awesome! Christina was the main character and all she wanted was to be normal! She was something that she didn't want to be, but she had to live with it! Or did she? ;) I loved Christina because she was so kick-ass! She was so determined to protect the people she cared about that she would do anything and I loved that about her! I also loved Christina because she was such a genuine person and she was so normal! Even though she didn't think so! I loved her courage and determination as well! Riley was the love interest of Christina, but he wasn't in this book a lot too be honest! When Riley was in the book I loved him! I did think that he accepted Christina's world a little too easily, but I guess that everyone reacts differently to different situations! Riley was such a sweetheart! I loved his relationship development with Christina There was potential for a love triangle in this book between Christina, Riley and someone else who plays quite an important role in this book, Finn! I would have loved this book to have had a love triangle in it, but in a way I'm really glad it didn't! There was so much going on in the book already that a love triangle would have been too much! I'm not sure if there is going to be another book to this one, but I don't think there will be! This book was fully resolved and everything, but I still wouldn't mind another book to see Christina and Riley's relationship develop more! The ending also left this book open to another one! As I said, the cover for this book is stunning! It really suits the book and it so eye-catching! Big thank you to Konstanz for a copy of Only Half Alive and to Amber for having me on the Blog Tour!   
Only Half Alive
Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Konstanz Silverbow has always been a dreamer . . . but not a writer. Being an author was something she was dragged into. But since that day, she hasn't stopped. It has become more than a hobby, it is a passion.

During the day Konstanz works, making jewelry, playing the violin, collecting dragons, and learning all she can about medieval weapons. But at night she creates made up worlds and places where those dragons come to life and the weapons are used in battle.

Young adult fantasy, paranormal with a dash of romance author, Konstanz Silverbow; Proud Creator of magical worlds, fictional creatures, ideal super heroes and sarcasm since 2007!


  1. Thank you so much for such a beautiful review!!! I truly appreciate your insights, the compliments, and even knowing what you didn't like. <3

    Thank you for being a part of the tour! <3

  2. Thank you for the amazing giveaway!
