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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Saturday 28 February 2015

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Sting [Spark 04] by Jennifer Ryder!

Going undercover has its’ challenges. When Detective Ryan Clark is sent to the sleepy coastal town of Fremantle to dismantle the country’s most lethal drug syndicate, it’s worth the risk. Even if he becomes a fatality, in the war against drugs.

Ryan finds himself coming back to the same coffee shop. Blondie, the local barista, has him hot under the collar and reaching for his piece. He knows the attraction isn’t just one-sided.

She’s trying to keep her distance.

It only makes him want her more.

Willow Asher left it all behind, but not by choice.

After two long years, she’s finally getting somewhere. Willow has a busy café with her buxom business partner, Gabby, who is the closest thing she has to family.

Although Willow’s past still plagues her thoughts, she’s determined to have her happily-ever-after. As soon as her demons stop haunting her.

What she doesn’t need is the complication of Mr Sexy-Brown-Eyes, who seems to be drinking more and more coffee.

She doesn’t want the questions.

She’s still trying to get her story straight.
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks

Join the Release Day Party HERE!

Author bio:

New Adult and erotic romance writer, and author of the Spark series.

A sexy imagination, a life-long love of books and a sucker for romance, Jennifer Ryder couldn't stifle her creativity any longer.

Writing steamy adult romance has become her new focus. Living on a rural property in New South Wales, Australia, she enjoys the best of city and country.

Her loving husband is ever willing to provide inspiration, and her two young cherubs, and sheep that don't see fences as barriers, keep life more than interesting.

Jennifer placed third in the International Stringybark Erotic Short Fiction Award 2013.

 love p

Friday 27 February 2015

Sale Blitz: Jacked [Trent Brothers 01] by Tina Reber!

We all have skeletons in our closets.

Doctor Erin Novak was only sixteen when she was accused of a crime she didn't commit. Since that moment, she has made it her life goal to pursue emergency medicine, pouring her heart and soul into assuring another innocent life isn’t lost to the hands of the wicked.

We all have secrets we've never shared.

Detective Adam Trent has lost control of everything, starting with losing his partner to a punk with a gun and then everything else to the crushing guilt. Now a member of the elite Auto Theft Task Force in Philadelphia, it's his job to be one step ahead of the criminals stealing expensive cars in the city. Too bad the television cameras keep getting in the way of his investigation.

We all have pasts that we can never escape.

A stolen car, a tragic chase, and a traffic stop crosses the fates of these two, tying them together in ways that are unimaginable. As their love and trust grows, so do the enemies that threaten their survival, testing the strength of their commitment. Can true love endure half-truths, past pains, and secrets never meant to be shared?

Some things are just out of our control.

Love Unscripted spin-off featuring Kyle Trent's older brother, Adam.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks
Author bio:

TINA REBER had her first library card at the age of four. The daughter of a small town librarian, books have always held a special place in her life. Her debut novel, Love Unscripted, has been a top contender on Amazon's Best Sellers in Women's Fiction, ranking in the list's top 10 novels often.

She lives a quiet life in Pennsylvania with her husband and son, who allow her to slip away into ficticious worlds on a daily basis.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Lighter [Begin Again 01] by Gia Riley!

   “Sorry, what?” I look between Kipton and Cara. They both glance at me curiously, but don’t ask any questions. Even if they did, I’m not sure I’d have the guts to tell them about the darkness that haunts my past. It’s safer to push it away.
   “What if I have you home early?” Kipton asks.
   I shrug my shoulders, unsure with my decision at this point. The angel on my right shoulder is telling me to go to bed early and focus on my training. Of course the devil on the left has me picturing every inch of him naked. I have to stop this. My hormones have been in overdrive since he caught me in my towel. “I’ll think about it.” It’s a smart answer. This way, I leave my options open but don’t have to commit yet.
   “I’m definitely in,” Cara adds with a clap of her hands and a shake of her ass. “And if I have any say in it, so are you, Sophie.”
   Kipton rolls his eyes but waits until Cara turns around to hang more clothes in the closet. When she’s out of view, he mouths the word come and immediately I’m covered in goose bumps. I nod my head, accepting the invitation. My body answers before my brain has a chance to catch up. What did I agree too?
   “Have a good night, ladies.” Before he closes the door completely, I let out the breath I’ve been holding. I throw myself onto my bed, realizing the earthy scent of his cologne has seeped into my bedding. If I close my eyes, it’s as if he’s still laying here with me. Inhaling deeply, I cuddle my pillow against my chest. Mid sniff, the door to our room swings open. Kipton grabs his keys off the top of the TV stand and winks at me. “Won’t get too far without these. See-ya tomorrow.”
   “Bye, Kippy.” Cara practically sings from her closet. She’s on cloud nine about this party. I, on the other hand, am in serious trouble. Mortified, I roll over to face the window, hearing Kipton chuckle as the door closes. 
   He caught me sniffing my pillow. 

What do you do when you can't save the one you love?

Sophie can’t survive without control. Growing up with an alcoholic father, she craves the discipline of gymnastics. Feeling lost on a brand new college campus, she lets loose for the first time in her life. But with freedom comes consequences. Is one night everything she hopes? Or will she become her own worst nightmare?

Kipton's one year away from graduation. He's never thought beyond a one night stand until meeting his sister’s new roommate. Finally setting his sights on the girl he can't resist, he's more determined than ever when she won't give in to his persuasions. He's always gotten the girl, and he's not about to give up without a fight.

Will Sophie be able to salvage her dreams and wage a war against her own vices? Can she finally let love in? Or will history repeat itself causing her to self-destruct?

Lighter isn't your typical college romance. Darkness suffocates, dreams are dashed, and battles are lost. Love takes on a whole new meaning.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Kobo

Author bio:

Gia is a lover of all things romance and a firm believer that everyone deserves a happily ever after. She resides in the small but mighty state of Delaware with her husband and son. Mother and wife by day, writer by night - she's a girl with a dream to write.

When she's not busy writing, she can be found roaming the isles of Kirkland's or up to her elbows in Play-doh.

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." ~Maya Angelou


Wednesday 25 February 2015

Release Day Blitz: Dangerous Temptations by Brooke Cumberland!

One night was all it took...
One night to ruin everything I thought I knew.

From the outside, I had the perfect lifestyle.
Wealthy fiancé, blossoming career, amazing friends.

I wasn’t looking to get married yet, but when William—“Manhattan’s royalty”—charmed his way into my life, I couldn’t deny the security and comfort that overcame me.

To society, I was the girl only after his money. I was the party-goer who managed to seduce a man twice my age to have the lifestyle some could only dream of. I was every magazine’s cliché of what a gold-digging whore was.

I wanted to prove them wrong—that our love was real and that I wasn’t that girl.

But then everything changed.
One wrong decision. One unfaithful night. One haunting reality.
Perhaps they were right.

The media didn’t see it coming... and neither did I.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble or iBooks

Read the first chapter HERE!

Author bio:
Brooke Cumberland is a USA Today Bestselling author who's a stay-at-home mom and writes full-time. She lives in the frozen tundra of Packer Nation with her husband, 4 year old wild child, and two teenage stepsons. When she's not writing, you can find her reading love stories, listening to music that inspires her, and laughing with her family. Brooke is addicted to Starbucks coffee, leggings, and anything sweet. She found her passion for telling stories during winter break one year in grad school--and she hasn't stopped since.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Blackest Red [In the Shadows 03] by P.T. Michelle!

No matter how hard I’ve tried to let go of Mister Black, the memories of us together torture me. They’re an unforgettable reminder of a life I can’t have for many reasons.

Burying myself in work mostly keeps thoughts of him to a screaming minimum, until he's thrust into my life under circumstances beyond my control. Despite my need for his protection, this time I’m not sure if I’m strong enough to survive with my heart intact.

He is Black: a fierce protector and irresistible charmer.

I am Red: a trouble magnet and rainbow weaver.

Together we ignite. Explosive colors merging at the hottest melting point.
Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks
Author bio:

P.T. Michelle is the NEW YORK TIMES, USA TODAY and International Best Selling author of the Contemporary romance series IN THE SHADOWS, the YA/New Adult crossover series BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS, and the romance series: BAD IN BOOTS, KENDRIAN VAMPIRES and SCIONS (listed under Patrice Michelle). She keeps a spiral notepad with her at all times, even on her nightstand. When P.T. isn't writing, she can usually be found reading or taking pictures of landscapes, sunsets and anything beautiful or odd in nature.


Monday 23 February 2015

UK Blog Tour: Thoughtful [Thoughtless 1.5] by S.C. Stephens!

Publication date: 24th February 2015
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4 stars
Synopsis: It's time for Kellan Kyle, the rockstar who captured our hearts in Thoughtless, to tell his side of the story.

The only place Kellan has ever felt at home is on stage. Gripping his guitar in a darkened bar, he can forget his painful past. These days his life revolves around his music and his band mates, and that's the way he likes it. And then one woman changes everything . . .

Kiera is the kind of girl Kellan has no business wanting - she's smart, sweet, and dating his best friend. Certain he could never be worthy of her love, he hides his growing attraction . . . until Kiera's own tormented heart hints that his feelings might not be one-sided. Now, no matter the consequences, Kellan is sure of one thing: he won't let Kiera go without a fight.

I'll start off by saying that I've only read the first book in this series, but when the UK publisher emailed me and asked me if I would like an ARC of this book, I couldn't resist saying yes! I also knew that this book was the first book written from the male characters point of view, so I knew that I was going to be able to understand it and be able to follow it! I also loved that this book was written from the male characters point of view! It gave me so much insight into why he acted the way he did, which was really interesting to find out! I also got really into this book and read it in a few days, even though it was quite a lengthy book! The plot was again amazing, but I did find that the cheating side still wound me up and I really tried to overlook it, but it actually started to annoy me more as the book progressed! I loved the romance and the bit of action near the end of the plot though! It added a lot to the plot! Overall, I enjoyed the plot, but I just found the whole cheating side hard to read again lol! The characters were amazing! As I said, this book was the first book, Thoughtless, written from the main male character, Kellan's, point of view, so he was the main character! I connected so much with Kellan in this book! It really surprised me! This book showed me what he had been through in his childhood to make him the guy he was! He had such a rough and hard childhood, which made him insecure, but a tough guy! My heart went out to him! I loved Kellan though! He was seriously hot! I do have to admit though that Kellan pined after his love interest, Kiera, for near enough all of this book, which started to grate on me more as the book progressed, but apart from that, I loved the two of them as a couple and the chemistry was off the charts with them! Kellan was also super protective of Kiera, which I loved! Kiera was the main female character in the first book, and seeing her through Kellan's eyes was so beautiful! I mean, Kellan really, really loved her, and I could see that he would do anything for her! I also really liked Kiera, even though she did cheat on her boyfriend with Kellan! I could understand to an extent why she cheated on him, but not fully! Kiera was still a very well written character, and she was really sweet and a bit of a vixen at times lol! She became more of a vixen as this book progressed, which I liked as she became more confident! I'm definitely going to be reading the other two books in this series! I read the first book years ago and didn't feel like I wanted to read on because of the cheating side of the plot, but reading this book has made me want to find out what's next for Kellan and Kiera! I'll definitely be reading the rest of the series soon and I hope I enjoy them! The cover for this book is seriously hot! Like, seriously hot lol! I completely love it! I'm so happy the UK publisher didn't change the cover and that they kept it the same as the US one! Big thank you to Sphere for an ARC of Thoughtful!

Check it out on Goodreads!
(Please click on the tour schedule to enlarge it!)
Author bio:
S.C. Stephens is a New York Times #1 bestselling author who spends her every free moment creating stories that are packed with emotion and heavy on romance. In addition to writing, she enjoys spending lazy afternoons in the sun reading, listening to music, watching movies, and spending time with her friends and family. She lives in Washington State with her two children.

Sunday 22 February 2015

Release Blitz & Giveaway: Innocent Ride [The Hellions Ride 04] by Chelsea Camaron!

Opposites attract, or so the saying goes. When two people from different worlds come together by a chance meeting twisted with an element of danger, can their attraction remain innocent?

She's a corporate accountant. Her life is full of structure, routine, and organization. Settled, comfortable, and content, Caroline Milton, loves knowing what to expect every minute of every day.

He's the Catawba Hellions VP and a wild one, refusing to be tamed. His motto, 'hit it, get it, and go; no repeats' where women are concerned, guarantees a new woman in his bed nightly. His life suddenly tilted on its axis, when his wild days come barreling back with a major responsibility. Drexel 'Rex' Crews finds he has a real reason to settle down his wild ways.

When a situation quickly spins out of control at work for Caroline, she reaches out to the one place she least expected to find herself dependent upon. The Hellions Motorcycle Club.

His cousin's ol' lady, Doll, comes to him with a personal favor, protect her best friend. He can't refuse. Protecting Caroline was supposed to be an innocent task.

The attraction from their first meeting is still a fire burning strong inside of them both. Neither can deny the pull. They come from different worlds.

Can Rex show Caroline the safety and security of the MC? Can Caroline tame the wild beast inside of Rex? Can their innocent ride become a journey to long lasting love?
Check it out on Goodreads!

One Ride (The Hellions Ride, #1)
Forever Ride (Hellions Ride, #2)
Merciless Ride (Hellions Ride, #3)
Innocent Ride (Hellions Ride, #4)

Author bio:

Chelsea Camaron was born and raised in Coastal North Carolina. She currently resides in Southern Louisiana with her husband and two children but her heart is always Carolina day dreaming. 
Chelsea always wanted to be a writer, but like most of us, let fear of the unknown grab a hold of her dream; she realized that if she was going to tell her daughter to go for her dreams, that it was time to follow her own advice. 

Chelsea grew up turning wrenches alongside her father, and from that grew her love for old muscle cars and Harley Davidson motorcycles, which just so happened to inspired her ‘Daddy’s Girls’ series. Her love for reading has sparked a new love for writing and she currently has a few more projects in the works. 

When she is not spending her days writing you can find her playing with her kids, attending car shows, going on motorcycle rides on the back of her husband’s Harley, snuggling down with her new favorite book or watching any movie that Vin Diesel might happen to be in.
She hates being serious and is still a big kid at heart. She is a small town country girl enjoying life and, Chelsea hopes that her readers remember not to take life too seriously and to embrace your inner five year old, because five year olds know how to enjoy the simple things in life and how to always have fun.


Saturday 21 February 2015

Sale Blitz: Even the Moon Has Scars by Steph Campbell!

Steph's youngest daughter was born with a rare heart defect called TAPVR. Britta is a happy, healthy three year old now, and also the inspiration for EVEN THE MOON HAS SCARS. In honor of Heart Awareness Month, Steph will be running a sale on EVEN THE MOON HAS SCARS from Feb 16-23. We would love for you to join us in spreading the word! #1in100
Two strangers.
Two broken hearts.
One night to set each other free.

Almost dying from an undiagnosed heart condition means every second of your life is a precious gift to be guarded.
Lena Pettitt was born a miracle.
And her parents never let her forget it.
Even if that daily reminder kept her from experiencing the one thing they were trying to protect most--her life.

Gabriel Martinez’s heart has been ripped out.
His pride has been stomped on.
Oh, and he now has an arrest record that’s caused an even bigger rift between him and his DA mother. All for a love that wasn’t really true.

Now he’s exiled to his grandmother’s, working on his late grandpa’s old Corvair, when a shivering girl knocks on the garage door. Lena, left alone for the first time ever, has locked herself out of her house. Gabe knows he could help this girl get back inside her house--but that may mean missing the next train to Boston to pick up the part he’s spent eight weeks tracking down. She can wait for him at his grandmother’s or…

A few hours, an aluminum valve cover, and some strong coffee later, neither Gabe nor Lena can feign disappointment when they race to the station and arrive just as the last train home from Boston is pulling out.

As jaded as he is, Gabe can’t deny the fact that he’s excited to spend the night exploring a city he knows nearly every corner of, with a girl who sees magic in the simplest things.

Lena has been waiting for her tiny world to crack open her entire life. Now that it’s finally happened, she finds the only thing she can focus on is the unexpected tour guide who opens her eyes to possibilities she never imagined.

All they have is this one night, together, under the bright moon in a city full of hidden beauty.
It’s one night that will change how they see the world and the paths their hearts will take forever.
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks | Kobo
Author bio:
Steph Campbell grew up in Southern California, but now lives in the hot, humid south. She has one husband, four children and a serious nail polish obsession. When she's not writing or taking care of her brood, she's reading or scouring travel sites, always ready for life's next adventure.

Friday 20 February 2015

Book Blitz: Eyes Unveiled [Unveiled 01] by Crystal Walton!


   Coffee beans churned in the automatic grinder, my nerves not far behind. “I’ll have a small—actually, make that a large chai tea.” It had the potential of being a very long night.
   The barista twisted from the back to the front counter and set my drink next to the register before I unburied my wallet from my cluttered purse. “That’ll be $3.79, dear.”
   Someone set a five-dollar bill in front of me. “May I?”
   Slowly, I lifted my head toward a voice I didn’t recognize to find the eyes I knew by heart. I couldn’t answer him. Not with that half smile tying my vocal chords in knots.
   Riley propped an elbow on the counter. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
   Blink. Say something. What in the world was Riley Preston doing paying for my drink?
   “It’s rare you see a non-coffee drinking college student.” His voice was rich and dangerously mesmerizing. “That’s impressive.”
   Words, Em. You can do it. “I . . . I never really cared much for the taste of coffee. Tea has less caffeine, but it still helps. I’m a tea kind of girl.” Really? I’m a tea kind of girl? I buried my chin in my shoulder and reached for my earring to block his view of my now-burning cheeks.
   Riley circled around, flashed a soft, playful grin that made me feel faint, and handed me my cup. “Well, ‘I’m a tea kind of girl,’ I hope you enjoy the night.”
   Thank god the stage was on the opposite side of the room. Away from the ridiculous smile I couldn’t coax my jaw into releasing. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one wondering if that really just happened. Jaycee blinked from the table as though transmitting her question through Morse code. I slipped into my seat. With any luck, maybe no one else had noticed.
   A. J. rocked his half-emptied mug on the table. “Maybe Rico Suave will let you have a turn on the stage after all.” His arm grazed mine as slightly as his tone grazed jealousy.
   Trevor tilted his chair back. “What do you say, Em? Up for a little guitar showdown?”
   A. J. pried my whitened fingers off my mug handle, rested my hand in his palm, and met my gaze. “I bet this guy isn’t half as good a player as Emma is.”
   “Think we’re about to find out.” Trevor dipped his head toward the stage in the corner.
   The shop owner jumped onto the platform. “You guys ready for another local artist to bring down the house? Give it up for Mr. Riley Preston.” The packed café lit up in sound.
   Riley adjusted the microphone in the stand. “Thanks, guys. I don’t usually perform in public arenas. So, if I run off the stage in a panic, don’t worry. It was all planned.” The crowd laughed on cue. Riley rubbed the overgrown stubble along his cheekbone. “No, seriously, I write my own music and don’t often get the chance to share it. So, I hope you enjoy it.”
   In worn jeans, navy blue flip-flops, and a solid tan, long-sleeved T-shirt, he could’ve been any other college student in the room. Yet even though he’d just announced he rarely performed in public, it was clear he was made to be on stage.
   From the first chord, his acoustic guitar’s melancholy tenor set off a level of emotion that mended places I hadn’t realized ached until that moment.

Twenty-one-year-old Emma Matthews lost the song in her heart the same night she lost her dad. With an unfulfilled promise and an ultimatum shadowing her junior year of college, maybe it’s better that way. You can’t hurt if you can’t feel.

But when the reflection she sees in musician Riley Preston’s eyes borders dangerously close to the one she’s spent the last five years searching for, Emma discovers her walls can’t guard her heart from its fiercest desire. Terrified of what she’s experiencing, and even more afraid of what she might lose, Emma grapples for the courage to hold on to one dream without abandoning the promise of another.

Contemporary New Adult Romance novel Eyes Unveiled lets you relive those heartfelt moments when you don’t know how you’d survive a day without your best friend, when you’re trying to figure out who you are and what you’re supposed to do with your life, and when falling in love changes everything.

Music. Friendship. Self-discovery. Hope. Purpose. Identity. Within this inspirational love story, you'll find you have a song of your own to share.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Amidst multiple moves up and down the east coast, Crystal received her bachelor of arts from Messiah College in PA, married her exact opposite in upstate NY, and earned her master of arts from Regent University in VA, where she currently resides with her husband. Crystal writes contemporary new adult fiction fueled by venti green teas from Starbucks.

When not working her accounting day job, she's delving into the wonder of words, supporting her Starbucks habit, or laughing over movie quotes & singing eighties songs with her husband.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Where We Belong by Eve Connell!

One man diving into the past.

One woman emerging from the depths.

At the age of seventeen, Amelia Baide won silver at the Olympic Games and was the second-fastest woman in the pool. Then one tragic night she crashed into a lake and was dragged out without a pulse. Now twenty-four, she is still haunted by it and hasn’t swum again. Until this year’s anniversary of the accident. It is a day unlike any other and a strange turn of events finds Amelia back at a swimming pool.

Harry Jamieson had eyes for one girl, while women and the media had eyes for him. As a trainer of Olympic athletes, he was an in-demand man. Until one boozy morning after … But from bad luck to pure chance he runs into his old flame, Amelia, at a swimming pool no less. She doesn’t remember a thing from the night of the crash.

And Harry knows every single secret.

The pair joins forces—a comeback for Amelia and Harry’s ultimate coaching opportunity. But dodging waves is hard to do; and even the strongest swimmer may sink.

Where We Belong is a second-chance love story for young and old, for swimming enthusiasts and romantics at heart.


Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks or Google Play

Author bio:

Writer, kid-at-heart, awesome partner, graphic design dabbler, book lover.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Release Day Blitz: Summer Star [Blue Phoenix 1.5] by Lisa Swallow!

"I love the world we're in, where you'll always be my summer Sky. I could live here forever.”

Dylan Morgan has lived and breathed his life as lead singer of Blue Phoenix for eight years and now it’s suffocating him. On the verge of a breakdown, he cuts off his signature long-hair and walks away from the band.

Returning to a place from his childhood, Dylan’s life collides with Sky Davis, the girl who doesn’t know or care who he is. Usually girls fall at his feet in a star-struck heap, so Dylan is intrigued by and attracted to the girl who’d rather read about hot guys in books than succumb to his charms.

What follows is an unsuccessful battle to keep his rock star ego under control and his hands off Sky. The harder Sky fights her attraction to him, the harder Dylan tries to get her attention. But a girl like Sky needs more than a smouldering look and a bacon sandwich to win her over.

Dylan and Sky find themselves lost together in the fantasy of a holiday romance by the sea, but the reality of who Dylan is threatens to break the illusion at any moment.

This 41,000 word novella is a retelling of part one of Summer Sky from Dylan’s point of view.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks

Grab your copy of the first book in the series, Summer Sky, for FREE from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks

Author bio:

Lisa is an author of new adult romance and writes both paranormal and contemporary, often with a side of snark.

In between running a business, looking after her family and writing, Lisa sometimes finds spare time to do other things. This often involves swapping her book worlds for gaming worlds. She even leaves the house occasionally. Lisa loves all things from the Whedonverse and preferred vampires before they sparkled.

Lisa has four books published: the ‘Butterfly Days’ series, and two in her urban fantasy series Soul Ties. She is currently working on a new contemporary romance series Blue Phoenix and the first book, Summer Sky is due for release in April. Lisa is originally from the UK but moved to Australia in 2001 and now lives in Perth in Western Australia with her husband, three children and dog.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

UK Blog Tour: Obsession in Death [In Death 40] by J.D. Robb!

Publication date: 19th February 2015
Paperback edition: 416 pages
Source: Hardback
Rating: 4 stars
There's a thin line between hero worship and dangerous obsession . . . the explosive new Eve Dallas and Roarke thriller

A crisp winter morning in New York. In a luxury apartment, the body of a woman lies stretched out on a huge bed. On the wall above, the killer has left a message in bold black ink: FOR LIEUTENANT EVE DALLAS, WITH GREAT ADMIRATION AND UNDERSTANDING.

Eve Dallas is used to unwanted attention. Famous for her high-profile cases and her marriage to billionaire businessman Roarke, she has learned to deal with intense public scrutiny and media gossip. But now Eve has become the object of a singular and deadly obsession. She has an 'admirer', who just can't stop thinking about her. Who is convinced they have a special bond. Who is planning to kill for her - again and again...

With time against her, Eve is forced to play a delicate - and dangerous - psychological dance. Because the killer is desperate for something Eve can never provide - approval. And once that becomes clear, Eve knows her own life will be at risk - along with those she cares about the most.

This genre of book isn't normally one I would pick up on my own, but I got an email from the UK publisher about reviewing the book and being on the UK Blog Tour for it, so I thought about it for a few hours and then said yes! I also found out that this book was the fortieth book in the series lol, which put me off reading it, but the publisher told me that it was a good place to start the series off, and I was pretty intrigued by the synopsis, so I was looking forward to reading it and going outside my comfort zone a bit! I enjoyed this book! It took me about five days to read and I had to force myself to want to continue reading when I would pick it up at the start, but then I would start to get really into it! It developed at a nice pace and was really good! There were also a few scenes in this book where characters and situations were brought up that appeared in past books, which confused me a little as I haven't read the other books, but I was sort of able to understand everything! The plot of this book was so mysterious! It kept me on my toes and really made me think! The reader also finds things out as the main character does, which added to the suspense and mystery! The characters were great! Eve was the main character, and she was so calm and she kept her head straight in dangerous and icky situations! This really impressed me! I connected really well with Eve too! I wasn't expecting to connect with her as much as I did, but I really did! I could see her determination and fierceness as a cop, and she was a damn good one! I was told multiple times throughout this book by multiple characters how good of a cop she was lol! I could also understand the reasoning behind Eve becoming a cop, as this was touched briefly on in this book, and it made my heart go out to her! She was such a brave character and I loved her! Roarke was the love interest and husband of Eve! I loved Roarke! He was such a sweetheart! He also helped Eve out so much with her case, and I could see that he really, really loved her! Roarke also wasn't in this book tons, but this book wasn't about Roarke's relationship with Eve and it was more about the mystery aspect! I loved the sexy scenes between Eve and Roarke though! They added so much to the book! This book was written mainly from Eve's point of view, but there were a few scenes that were written from Roarke's point of view and also the killer's! This added a lot to the plot, and I'm really happy the author put these in! I'm not sure if I'm going to continue reading this series! I mean, I might read the next books that release after this one, but I'm not sure if I would go back and read the other thirty-nine books in the series lol! I would love to see where Eve's journey started though, as this book really made me want to go and find out! The UK cover for this book is brilliant! It suits the book so well and is very appealing! I definitely prefer it to the US cover too! Big thank you to Piatkus for sending me an early hardback copy of Obsession in Death and for having me on the UK Blog Tour!

Check it out on Goodreads!

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Author bio:
Nora Roberts is the number one New York Times bestseller of more than 200 novels. She published her first novel using the pseudonym J.D. Robb in 1995, with the In Death series, Robb has become one of the biggest thriller writers on earth, with each new novel reaching number one on bestseller charts over the world. With over 450 million copies of her books in print, she is indisputably one of the most celebrated and popular writers in the world. 
