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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Wednesday 31 January 2018

Release Boost: Unwanted by Leigh Lennon!


A baby is all I've ever wanted.
After almost dying on the operating table,
I despise everything about motherhood,
especially the little girl I brought into this world.
It makes me sound awful; hell; I am awful.
How can I make myself fall in love with a baby
I feel no attachment to?


I don’t recognize my wife anymore.
When I thought I might lose Emma during our baby’s delivery;
she survived only to reject the baby I love so much.
When I hold this baby, I fully understand unconditional love.
How do I make the woman I love want this little
girl I would move heaven and earth for.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio

Leigh Lennon is mother, veteran and a wife of a cancer survivor. Originally with a degree in education, she started writing as an outlet that has led to a deep passion. She lugs her computer with her as she crafts her next story. Her imaginary friends become real on her pages as she creates a world for them. She loves pretty nails, spikey hair and large earrings. Leigh can be found drinking coffee or wine, depending on the time of the day.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Say You'll Remember Me by Katie McGarry!

"Doesn't matter who did it. Not anymore. I did the time. It's over."

When Drix was convicted of a crime--one he didn't commit--he thought his life was over. But opportunity came with the Second Chance Program, the governor's newest pet project to get delinquents off the streets, rehabilitated and back into society. Drix knows this is his chance to get his life back on track, even if it means being paraded in front of reporters for a while.

Elle knows she lives a life of privilege. As the governor's daughter, she can open doors with her name alone. But the expectations and pressure to be someone she isn't may be too much to handle. She wants to follow her own path, whatever that means.

When Drix and Elle meet, their connection is immediate, but so are their problems. Drix is not the type of boy Elle's parents have in mind for her, and Elle is not the kind of girl who can understand Drix's messy life.

But sometimes love can breach all barriers.

Fighting against a society that can't imagine them together, Drix and Elle must push themselves--Drix to confront the truth of the robbery, and Elle to assert her independence--and each other to finally get what they deserve.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks or Google Play

Order your copy of SAY YOU'LL REMEMBER ME, register and you will receive AND THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER, a novella that features your favorite Pushing the Limits and Thunder Road characters!

From the Pushing the Limits series, Noah, Beth, Isaiah, West and Logan are all grown up. Catch up with your favorite characters as one of them finally says, I do.

Pigpen, Eli and Addison from the Thunder Road series: Three separate personalities who still needed to find love...and still had someone important to meet.

This is a limited time offer! So hurry! Registration ends on February 3, 2018! You must register your order to receive AND THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER.


Author bio:

Katie McGarry was a teenager during the age of grunge and boy bands and remembers those years as the best and worst of her life. She is a lover of music, happy endings, reality television, and is a secret University of Kentucky basketball fan.

Katie is the author of full length YA novels, PUSHING THE LIMITS, DARE YOU TO, CRASH INTO YOU, TAKE ME ON, BREAKING THE RULES, and NOWHERE BUT HERE and the e-novellas, CROSSING THE LINE and RED AT NIGHT. Her debut YA novel, PUSHING THE LIMITS was a 2012 Goodreads Choice Finalist for YA Fiction, a RT Magazine's 2012 Reviewer's Choice Awards Nominee for Young Adult Contemporary Novel, a double Rita Finalist, and a 2013 YALSA Top Ten Teen Pick. DARE YOU TO was also a Goodreads Choice Finalist for YA Fiction and won RT Magazine’s Reviewer’s Choice Best Book Award for Young Adult Contemporary fiction in 2013.


Monday 29 January 2018

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Silver Fox by Misha Elliot!

Jill Caldwell and Richard Sisk’s lives were both irrevocably changed at the age of 17.

A chance meeting and long-term friendship lead them into a love story that should never be.

Their love affair is an erotic passionate meld of lust and understanding—It’s also taboo.

But age is irrelevant when love enters the heart.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy from Amazon or iBooks

Author bio:

Misha Elliott is an old movie watching, wine drinking, book-lover. Once a northerner she now calls the Lone Star state her home. She can’t remember a time when books weren’t a part of her life. Writing gives her a reason to talk to the voices in her head. When she isn’t writing you will find her talking about books with friends or at the beach with her toes in the sand.

Misha is represented by SBR Media. Please contact Stephanie Phillips for any foreign, film, or audio rights questions at



Sunday 28 January 2018

Stacking The Shelves [30]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

I, unfortunately, haven't bought any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

Dark in Death [In Death 46] by J.D. Robb
(Thank you, Little, Brown Book Group!)

 For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

The Elder by Celia Aaron (Cover hasn't been revealed yet) (Read)

Currently Re-Reading:

Saturday 27 January 2018

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Sheltered [The Cities Below 04] by Jen Colly!


   Bette woke from a sound sleep, consciousness returning with a burst of adrenaline. Eyes open and searching, she could barely make out a single object within her dark bedroom. She sat up in bed, perfectly still and listening intently for the noise she thought she’d heard. Had she imagined the footsteps? She heard nothing now. But if she’d truly heard someone walking, had they only passed by her door? Or were they inside her home?
   No, she couldn’t pinpoint what had woken her, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was inside her home. Bette dove for the lamp at her bedside, and when she switched it on, the soft click echoed through the room. Her hand trembled in the glow of the light, and she drew in a shaky breath, afraid of who she might see standing in here with her.
   Bette glanced around her bedroom. Everything was in its place. Nothing moved. No sound carried to her from outside her bedroom door, or even beyond, but she couldn’t dismiss this fear.
   Something thrummed inside Bette, an intuition, a warning. Reaching to her nightstand, she curled her fingers around the handle of her jewel-encrusted letter opener she kept within arms’ reach. She poked her bare feet from the covers, then gingerly touched her toes to the soft carpet and stood, the hem of her satin and lace nightgown sliding down her legs to brush the tops of her feet.
   Tiptoeing across her bedroom, she reached out a hand to her highbacked green and gold chair, steadying herself as she stepped around it and headed for her bedroom door. She slowly opened the door, but hugged the frame as she peeked into the great room. A part of her wanted to call out, to ask if anyone was in her home, but fear blocked out the words, choked off her voice.
   Several nerve-wracking moments passed without a whisper of a sound, but Bette couldn’t put her mind at ease until she checked the locks. She would have to cross the great room. The soft glow of her lamp behind her did little to give her courage, but she dare not look back, not now that her eyes had adjusted to the darkness ahead.
   Crossing should be easy, just put one foot in front of the other. She could do this. Bette stepped into the great room, and suddenly something moved beside her, a shadow shifting in the darkness, visible from the corner of her eye. She jumped, unable to suppress her gasp of surprise, and scrambled back into her bedroom. There was no thought behind her reaction. It wasn’t as if the dim light at her bedside could save her, but somehow seeing what was coming seemed less terrifying than being attacked by the unknown.
   Bette covered her mouth to keep silent, and to stop her lips from quivering. Her other hand held the letter opener, her grip tightening in preparation. The edges of the makeshift weapon weren’t necessarily sharp, but the tip was pointed enough to damage flesh. Would inflicting an injury be enough of a distraction for her to escape the intruder? She wasn’t sure. By the size of the shadow, she assumed a man had entered her home, and men were indomitably resilient.
   With long, deep breaths, she forced her breathing to calm. She needed to hear beyond her own panic and listen for movement in the next room. If she could hear the approaching steps, she might be better prepared to strike. Excruciatingly long moments passed with no sound, no hint of movement. Had anyone been there? Had she imagined the shadow, and perhaps even the sound that had woken her?
   Bette no longer trusted her senses, but this instinctual, driving need for self-preservation was difficult to ignore. With no further proof of a trespasser, she decided she needed some clarity.
   The light switch to the great room was close. She needed to dash down the short hall and reach around the corner. Bette stepped from her room, and that shadow moved with her, followed her… It was her shadow.
   She pressed her hand to her forehead. Lack of sleep had finally taken its toll. Sounds woke her, kept her on edge. Catnaps no longer sustained her energy, and now she was jumping at her own shadow. When she could no longer slumber soundly through the day, she’d tried to sleep at night, but sleep was not only illusive, it left her vulnerable, to both real and imagined dangers.
   It was all in her head. Again. Bette loathed her fears, her confusion, and the lack of control over her life. Could she even classify this existence as life? Babette, the wealthiest woman in Valenna and the last of the illustrious Dautry lineage, had been reduced to cowering inside her home, fearful of the people living within her own city. 

Only love can save her from certain death. Too bad, she doesn’t believe in love...

 When Bette Dautry comes to him, seeking his protection, Guardian Rollin Casteel suspects the mysterious beauty has an ulterior motive. Unable to resist her seductive charms, he soon hungers to mark her as his. Only Bette disappears before he can sink his teeth into her tender flesh, leaving Rollin with one mission: to find her—and to claim her...

 Bette seduces Rollin intent on conceiving his child, believing the mother-child bond to be the only kind of love she can sustain—the only kind of love that can keep her alive. But she never expects to feel so much for her strong and silent lover. Then she discovers Rollin is none other than the heir to the Balinese throne—a man too noble—too dear—to play a role in her dark scheme. A man she would willingly die for, if only he would set her free...

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Jen Colly is the rare case of an author who rebelled against reading assignments throughout her school years. Now she prefers reading books in a series, which has led her to writing her first paranormal romance series: The Cities Below. She will write about anything that catches her fancy, though truth be told, her weaknesses are pirates and vampires. She lives in Ohio with her supportive husband, two kids, one big fluffy dog, and four rescued cats.



Friday 26 January 2018

Release Boost & Giveaway: She Asked For It [She Asked for It 01] by Willow Winters!

You’ll tell me you don’t… but you already think you know what my story’s about.

You have no idea.
Just like the people sitting in this courtroom.
She asked for it. That’s what they keep saying.

And no, it’s not because my skirt was too short or I was drunk at a party.
It’s nothing like that. It’s because of what I like and how I like it.

They’re judging me as I sit in the front row, my eyes drawn to the man on trial.
If I’d known it was going to end like this, I never would have gone home with him.
But he’s the type of man I just can’t say no to.

I wanted to feel his lips kiss down my neck.
I dreamed of running my fingers along the rough stubble on his jaw.
I craved his hands on me, pinning me down.
I needed to whisper his name in the dark, late at night.

You still think you know what happened? You don’t.
He’s innocent and I enjoyed every second I was with him.

Let me tell you my story … all about how I asked for it.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks

Author bio:

Willow Winters is so happy to be a USA Today, Wall Street Journal and #1 Contemporary Bestselling Romance Author. She likes her action hot and her bad boys hotter. She certainly doesn’t hold back on either one in her writing!

Willow started writing after having her little girl, Evie, December 2015. All during her pregnancy with Evie she continued to read and she only wanted to read romance. She was reading a book a day — sometimes two.

In January 2016 Willow was staying up late with Evie and just thinking of all these stories. They came to her constantly so she finally sat down and just started writing. She always wanted to do it so she figured, why not? Today Willow cannot be happier for making that decision!



Thursday 25 January 2018

Release Blitz & Giveaway: Savages [Badlands 01] by Natalie Bennett!

"I am the monster they created. I’m the whore they’re ashamed of."

When life tried to break me I grabbed that b*tch by the throat and squeezed.
I thought I could overcome anything. I swore I could handle him, but after being forced to play at the Devil's playground I ended up craving his touch.
One taste of his poison made my loyalties begin to waiver.

"I’m a living nightmare, I’m everything they fear."

I’ve been called the Devil, deranged, and a savage. I lived by a code created by rebel souls. We were sinners and thieves that made no apologies for taking whatever the f*ck we wanted. Saving a girl in the woods was never part of my plans, but when I saw the crazy in her eyes I knew it was a match made in hell.

Now secrets are piling up, the bodies are rotting, and time is running out to finish what I started.

Forewarning, our story is more than a little f*cked up.

Authors Note:
18+ I am not going to put a long 'trigger warning' on this book. I will say that Savages is a VERY cautionary tale that has no regard for hard limits. Reader discretion IS highly advised

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Natalie Bennett is the creator of erotic stories that always come with a warning label. She writes about depraved alpha a**holes and women that love to hate them. Her books don't follow any specific tropes, have no set word counts, and tend to deviate from traditional HEA's.

When she isn't in front of her computer she's spending time with her husband and their three little boys.

Natalie is an avid fan of caramel frappes, horror movies, Shameless, and of course, reading.

You can find Natalie on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Hound [Cerberus 2.0 02] by Marie James!

My first job with the Cerberus MC was to grab a girl from a seedy bar. Easy money, right?

The moment I realized the blonde I was hunting wasn’t around, I ended up captivated by a redhead dancing on the stage. With her striking features and sinful body, I knew she was trouble, but that didn’t stop me from making her mine that night.

When I learned that she WAS the job, everything became clouded.

I was only looking for a one night stand, but when the dust settled and she ran, my only desire was to chase her.

Should I risk my job, and quite possibly my life, in order to have her? Would she even stay if I caught her?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Marie James is a full-time working mother of two amazing little boys and wife of almost 13 years. She enjoys reading in her spare time, and diet coke is always near. Central Texas is where Marie calls home and has lived most of her life. With 13 published books under her belt, she has no desire to stop writing anytime soon and has dozens of book ideas to keep her busy.


Tuesday 23 January 2018

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Promise Me by Kelly Walker!


   Mystery girl is nowhere to be seen.
   Two doors at the back lead to a storage room, and the break area. The break area also has an exterior door that opens into an alleyway. Intuition tells me that’s where I’ll find her, but my intuition is wrong.
   Backtracking through the break area, I pause with my hand on the door of the storage space, one of the few places I haven't checked. Logic dictates that if she's in there with the door shut, she’s not just grabbing supplies. A sense of duty prods me to find out what she’s up to, but I pause. I don't want her to be involved in the break-in. They warned us during training that sometimes when we go looking for answers, we won’t like what we find. There's a part of me that wants to walk away.
   Before I deliberate any longer, I throw the door open quickly, like ripping off a band-aid. Better to get it over with.
   The room is bathed in darkness, but it doesn’t take much fumbling on the nearby wall for me to find a light switch.
   Mystery girl’s eyes meet mine. Neither of us speaks.
   I should ask why she’s crouched with her back against the wall, hiding in the darkness. I should ask if she’s okay, but that’s stupid. Clearly she’s not, or she wouldn’t be crouched in the darkness, and her eyes wouldn’t look as dead as I feel inside. I could ask if her hair always looks like liquid honey, as I’m immediately struck with a mental image of allowing it to flow through my fingers. The last thought is so sudden, so different, and I realize that I don’t feel so lost tonight. Focusing on others has eased the weight of the mistakes I’ve made. And this girl…something about her has me more than a little intrigued. She’s pretty in the same way a snowstorm is. You know it comes with chaos and hassle, yet something about it is downright lovely. I think she’s even more broken than I am.
   Just as the silence becomes too heavy to bear, she grabs a pack of napkins bound in brown paper.
   “Glad to see you’re showing those napkins who’s boss.”
   Her green eyes narrow before darting to her hands. She’s got the pack clutched so tight her knuckles are turning white. And that’s remarkable, given how pale she already is overall.
   I get the distinct impression there’s something she wants to say, but her lips remain closed, pressed into a hard line. Like maybe she thinks if she opens them, more than words will come tumbling out. Seeing her try so hard not to speak, I desperately want her to. I can’t help it. I’ve always liked a challenge. It’s why I became such a good hacker. Everything and everyone is just another puzzle to figure out.
   A faint vibration can be heard coming from her apron. Her pointed look at the doorway behind me tempts me to move. Instead, my feet remain planted. “Get what you came in here for?” I don’t actually know why she was in the storeroom, but I’d be willing to bet my computer monitor it wasn’t for paper products. Mystery girl rolls her eyes and lifts the napkins.
   Ducking her shoulder like a football player running for the goal line, she weaves past me, radiating tense uncertainty. Jeez, it’s not like I was planning to tackle her. I follow her to the kitchen. Each of the other staff members has been welcoming and forthcoming, even if they haven’t been particularly warm. Even Jordan. The waitstaff as a whole has been a friendly bunch. Except for this girl. That’s got to be why I’m dying to know who she is. And everything else there is to know about her. She’s an unanswered question. My specialty.

Self-professed Harry Potter addict and math genius River Jacobsen can count on one hand the people who matter in her life. Really, it’s just Dean, the boy who loves her despite her odd habit of counting everything around her when she needs to quiet her mind. When Dean promises her forever she never imagines it will be a lie.

After Marine hacker Ian Maclean is mistakenly declared dead by the US government, he’s happy to correct them the moment he escapes captivity. He wants nothing more than to get home to the wife he left behind. Discovering she’s been cheating on him since the moment he deployed wasn’t in the plan. Devastated, he walks away from everything, even his name.

With the futures they were counting on destroyed, Ian and River find themselves starting over. Ian reminds River of things she’d much rather forget, but pushing him away is harder than she expected. Ian wants a second chance at happily ever after, but the more he gets to know River, the more he worries she isn’t trying to figure out how to live again, she’s figuring out how to die.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble or iBooks

Author bio:

Kelly Walker is a YA and NA author of several romantic titles, including the Souls of the Stones Fantasy Romance series. She has an unhealthy appreciation for chocolate, and a soft spot for rescued animals. Her best lessons on writing came from a lifetime of reading. She loves the fantastical, and the magical, and believes a captivating romance can be the most realistic magic of all. Kelly, her husband and her two children share their Virginia home with three dogs who walk her, and two cats who permit her to occasionally share their couch.



Monday 22 January 2018

Cover Reveal: The Internship of Pippa Darling by Stephanie Keyes!

Grad student, Pippa Darling, is thrilled when she's chosen for a summer writing internship at Tèarmunn Castle in Ireland, but devastated when she learns it's with overnight sensation, Finn Burke. The previous authors who've worked with him have gone on to receive tremendous book deals. But how can she get excited about working beside an author whose book she hates, especially when no one can compare to her favorite writer, the elusive James Black?

Finn Burke believes in giving back, which is why he's chosen one student from his alma mater as an intern every year since his debut novel hit the NYT bestseller list. When Pippa arrives at his castle-in-progress off the coast of County Donegal, Ireland, he kisses her, then fires her. Yet, with no one else to fill in on short notice and a looming deadline, Finn has to keep Pippa on—even if it means keeping secrets.

When the critique sessions intensify, tension builds between the pair. They're driven into one another's arms. Yet, when Pippa discovers what Finn's been hiding, will it bring them closer or break them apart?

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Stephanie Keyes is the author of the YA Fantasy series, The Star Child [Inkspell Publishing], which includes The Star Child, After Faerie, The Fallen Stars, The Star Catcher, The Last Protector, and A Faerie Wedding. In 2016, Inkspell compiled The Star Child novellas into the paperback, Into Faerie: The Star Child Novellas. Her work also appears in the compilations Can't Buy Me Love, Moonbeams and Magic, Blood In The Shadows, and the international bestseller, Ever in the After: 13 Fantasy Tales.

Ms. Keyes has presented and facilitated courses throughout the US and the UK. In addition, her work has received multiple commendations, including the following: 2015 BTS Magazine Reader's Choice Awards Finalist, 2014 Dante Rossetti Young Adult Novel Awards—Mythological Category—First Place, 2013 Kindle Book Awards Semi-finalist. Keyes was also selected as a 2015 Rutgers University One-On-One Plus Conference mentee. She's an active member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators and Pennwriters.

When she's not writing, Keyes is an adjunct faculty member at the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC). She also works as a freelance graphic and instructional designer.

She lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with her husband and her boys, Hip-Hop and Bam-Bam, and dogs Duncan MacLeod and Princess Riley. Steph is a hopeless romantic and Whovian who's shamelessly addicted to Nutella and spontaneous singing.


Sunday 21 January 2018

Blog Tour & Giveaway: A Meddle of Wizards [Fledgling Magic 01] by Alexandra Rushe!

Welcome to Tandara, where gods are fickle, nightmares are real, and trolls make excellent bakers...

Raine Stewart is convinced she’ll die young and alone in Alabama, the victim of a chronic, mysterious illness. Until a man in a shabby cloak steps out of her mirror and demands her help to defeat a bloodthirsty wizard.

Raine shrugs it off as a hallucination—just one more insult from her failing body—and orders her intruder to take a hike. But the handsome figment of her imagination won’t take no for an answer, and kidnaps her anyway, launching her into a world of utmost danger—and urgent purpose.
Ruled by unpredictable gods and unstable nations, Tandara is a land of shapeshifters and weather-workers, queens and legends. Ravenous monsters and greedy bounty hunters patrol unforgiving mountains. Riverboats pulled by sea-cattle trade down broad waterways. And creatures of nightmare stalk Raine herself, vicious in the pursuit of her blood.

But Raine isn’t helpless or alone. She’s part of a band as resourceful as it is odd: a mage-shy warrior, a tattered wizard, a tenderhearted giant, and a prickly troll sorceress. Her new friends swear she has powers of her own. If she can stay under their protection, she might just live long enough to find out...

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks or Google Play

Author bio:

Alexandra Rushe was born in South Alabama, and grew up climbing trees, searching for sprites and fairies in the nearby woods, and dreaming of other worlds. The daughter of an English teacher and a small-town judge, Rushe developed a love of reading early on, and haunted the school and local libraries, devouring fairy tales, myths, and tales of adventure. In the seventh grade, she stumbled across a worn copy of The Hobbit, and was forever changed. She loves fantasy and paranormal, but only between the pages of a book—the flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz give her the creeps, and she eschews horror movies. A psychic friend once proclaimed the linen closet in Rushe’s bedroom a portal to another dimension, and she hasn’t slept well since. Rushe is a world-class chicken.
