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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Saturday 30 April 2016

Review & Giveaway: Bring Me Back by Micalea Smeltzer!

Publication date: 24th April 2016
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
I could have put the typical blurb here.
Boy meets girl.
They fall in love.
Live happily ever after.
The end.
But this isn’t THAT story.

I knew about this book for quite a while before the author surprise released it! I was asked by the author near the middle of April if I would like to read an ARC of this book to give her feedback, and I was sworn to secrecy, so I couldn't mention this book at all lol! I started this book as soon as I received my ARC and I couldn't put it down until I had finished it! It only took me like three sittings to read as well! The plot was also amazing! It will break you as you read it, but it will also give you hope and make you appreciate the people you're surrounded by! I also cried several times at the plot and I did have tears running down my face for the majority of it! It was very sad and emotional, but also amazing and very uplifting! There were quite a few twist and turns too! I also don't want to say too much about what actually happens in the plot as it's something you should experience yourself, and the synopsis doesn't tell you a thing about what happens in it, so I'm going to leave it there before I end up writing a spoiler lol! The characters were also amazing and very easy for me to connect with! Blaire was the main character, and at the beginning of this book she was in the perfect relationship and she had the perfect fiancé and the perfect life! She then breaks down and struggles to get back to the woman she once was! I loved Blaire's strength! She was someone to admire and she always tried her best, even when she was struggling! I just loved Blaire in this book! She worked hard and she deserved to be happy! My heart did go out to her, but she came such a long way in this book, which I loved! Ben was the fiancé of Blaire, and Ben was the perfect fiancé! He was always there for Blaire and he supported her in everything that she did! Their relationship was beautiful and very, very loving! It was also very easy to see the amount of love between the two of them! Ben also did small things for Blaire that were very beautiful too! I loved the whole paper crane thing between them! It was very sweet! Ryder was also another character in this book that helped Blaire a lot on her journey to find herself again! Don't worry, there's not a love triangle between Blaire, Ben and Ryder or anything like that lol! Ryder was a guy that had been through a lot, but had come out stronger on the other side! I loved how much he supported Blaire and that he was always there for her! It was exactly what Blaire needed to find herself again! This book was only written from Blaire's point of view, which I can completely understand! It was only right that it was written from Blaire's and not someone else's as well! I'm going to assume that this book is a standalone! I mean, I could see potential for books for a few female secondary characters, but Blaire's story is finished and the ending to her story was also perfect and left at the perfect place! I would also completely understand if the author didn't give the female secondary characters books! The cover for this book is also stunning! I loved it as soon as I saw it! It suits the book perfectly and actually makes more sense after you read the book too! Big thank you to Micalea for an ARC of Bring Me Back!

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Kobo or iBooks


 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday 29 April 2016

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Perfect Sense [Perfect 01] by Amanda Cowen!


   I round the corner into the secluded hall leading to the washrooms, and my heart stops. Cash on the ice, sweaty and dressed in hockey equipment, was sexy, but the Cash sitting feet away, wearing an expensive modern-fit, pastel brown suit, is insanely hot. I eye the two women perched on either side of him on the red velvet chaise. To his right, a long-haired blonde with extensions rests a possessive hand on his chest. To his left, a woman with jet black hair toys with her side ponytail while running the fingers of her other hand through his wavy honey-colored hair.
   His piercing blue gaze snaps to mine, and he tilts his head to the side, studying me. A cocky grin curves his full lips. I move forward, unable to breathe as his stare slides down my peplum dress, stopping once at my breasts and once at my hips. His eyes lock with mine and I fiddle with the gold-toned slider bracelet around my wrist. He pushes up from the chaise, abandoning the two women feeling him up in the corner. I turn away, and as my palm slams against the door of the ladies room, a big, warm hand closes around my wrist.
   Cash spins me around and I press back against the wall beside the door. He cages me, his palms flat on either side of my head. He leans toward me, his mouth inches from my face, so close I can the warmth of his breath tickling my cheek. He smells ridiculously good, like honey and cinnamon. 
   “Mittens,” he whispers, his mouth dangerously close to my lips. “I didn’t peg you as the stalking type, especially since you took off after I scored that hard-earned goal for you.”
   What an arrogant bastard!
   I arch an eyebrow at him. “Excuse me? Do I know you?”
   His eyes flicker, and his lips curl in amusement. “Come on, Quinn. I don’t ever forget a pretty face. I’m willing to bet you don’t forget one either.”
   My heart pounds as I glare into his sharp baby blues. His sexy athletic build towers over me. He makes me feel even more petite than usual. I try to ignore the rise and fall on his muscular chest, but despite myself my nipples harden.
   Even though my body is betraying me, I refuse to act like every other puck bunny, falling at his feet. “You’re really full of yourself, aren’t you?” I say. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to use the ladies room.”
   He chuckles, “How about you stop playing games with me and admit you came here looking for me.”
   I shoot him a disgusted look. “I’m not here for you.”
   Cash smiles at me with what I am guessing to be one of his most charmingly rehearsed expressions. He cocks his head to the side then bites his bottom lip like he is thinking about something. “Alright, since you want to play it that way…” He leans in close enough that I feel his stubble brush against my cheek. “Can I buy you a drink?”
   An unwelcome shiver of awareness shoots up my spine. “Listen, asshole. I am Hilton Ashby’s daughter and the newest employee in the Marketing and Promotions Department for the Bruisers. So if you wouldn’t mind stepping aside so I can freshen up, I would really appreciate it.”
   Cash’s dimples deepen, and a dangerous grin pulls at the corners of his lips. “Perfect, now I know where I can find you.”
   I feel myself weaken for a brief second at his smile, until I remind myself this guy is nothing but trouble. Wrapping my fingers tightly around his tie, I yank him against my chest, and whisper in his ear, “Stay away from me, Brooks. I don’t do arrogant dickheads.”
   Cash looks straight into my eyes, his grin still in place. He runs a callused fingertip along my collarbone. “I’m not going anywhere.” He leans down, his lips close to mine. “I promise you, this is just the beginning.”
   When he steps back, I have to press my back hard against the wall to keep myself from sliding down to the floor. He runs his thumb possessively over my lips, before he turns around and walks over to his two voluptuous dates waiting for him on the chaise.
   I inhale a sharp breath, before I push open the door into the ladies room. I collapse into one of the stalls unable to breathe. I can still feel where Cash’s stubble touched the side of my face and wonder how I am ever going to survive this internship.
He’s gorgeous.

He’s reckless.

And he’s every woman’s dirty fantasy in the state of California.., except one… Quinn Ashby.

Recent graduate of Penn and top of her class, Quinn is whip smart, ambitious and interning as the new marketing coordinator for the Bexley Bruisers American Hockey League team. The last thing she needs is to waste her time on guys…especially one as lethal to her focus as Cash Brooks.

But once the bad boy hockey star tempts her into his world, threatening her professional future, she’s forced to decide whether to let him into her heart…or to leave him behind forever.
Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:
Amanda Cowen can be found eating cupcakes, singing off-key, or watching a good RomCom when she isn’t trapped on her computer writing stories and delighting her imagination. She has been writing since the ripe age of twelve about ponies and princesses in brightly colored duo-tangs with metallic pens. Thankfully, she now has a Mac with a keyboard where she can write about love, sex and relationships. She is an “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” fanatic, a hater of roller-coasters and a country music junkie. She lives in Thunder Bay, ON where the summers are short and the winters are long.

Her next Contemporary Romance/New Adult Fiction novel TAINTED (The Wyatt Series #1) will be available in Summer 2014.

Amanda would love to hear from her readers. Contact her via her website, www. 
amandacowen.com, become a fan on Facebook, follow her on Goodreads, or visit her blog.



Thursday 28 April 2016

Release Blitz & Giveaway: Leave A Mark by Stephanie Fournet!

Dyed, pierced, and covered in tattoos, Wren Blanchard is the exact opposite of everything Dr. Lee Hawthorne thought he wanted.

His residency is almost finished. With the perfect job, the beautiful house, and the polished girlfriend, he knows he should be happy, yet he isn't.

But once Wren lands in his ER with her sharp tongue and artist’s soul, she leaves a mark on him that just won’t fade.

Wren knows the good doctor is way out of her league. To people like him, she's a circus freak. Besides, she's not the type to get hung up on guys, especially ones with midnight blue eyes—ones who know all about antiques, crack bad jokes, and love Joss Whedon.

No. She doesn't need that.

After all, she has friends, a psychotic cat, and a promising career as one of the best tattoo artists in town. And it’s enough.

Really, it is.

Or it would be if Lee weren’t there every time she turned around.

One kiss seals their fate.

Their attraction is undeniable--but Wren’s past is full of ghosts. Is their bond strong enough for a solid future? Or will their new relationship crumble beneath the weight of all she carries?
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks
Author bio:

Stephanie Fournet, author of Fall Semester, Legacy, Butterfly Ginger, and Leave a Mark, lives in Lafayette, Louisiana—not far from the Saint Streets where her novels are set. She shares her home with her husband John and her daughter Hannah, their needy dogs Gladys and Mabel, and an immortal blue finch named Baby Blue. When she isn’t writing romance novels, she is usually helping students get into college or running. She loves hearing from fans, so look for her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, and stephaniefournet.com.


Wednesday 27 April 2016

Stacking The Shelves [12]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):
Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):
Gifted from Authors/Publishers:
(Thank you, Jeanine!)
(Thank you, Little, Brown Book Group!)
 For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:
Currently Reading:


Tuesday 26 April 2016

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Dirty Bastard [Grim Bastards MC 01] by Emily Minton and Shelley Springfield!


   His hand slowly moves down, pushing my hair back. Then, he slides his fingers through my long locks, before grabbing the back of my neck. There is something about his touch that is different this time. It’s gentle but also electrifying, sending a zap of pure energy through my body. It’s also possesive, as if he is marking me as his own. I want to be his, more than I’ve ever wanted anything in the world.
   Grabbing my hand, he asks, “Are you sure about this?”
   “Yeah,” I mumble, fear creeping into my voice.
   As much as I want him, my mind is running in overdrive. Being a virgin, and the daughter of an MC President, I have very little experience with this shit. Other than a few kisses from high school boys brave enough to risk my father’s wrath, I’m completely naïve about this stuff. Well, as naïve as a girl that grew up in a biker clubhouse can be. I’ve always wanted Boz, even dreamed that he would be my first, maybe only. But now that it’s about to happen, my ass is freaking out in a major way.
   “Don’t be nervous. Nothing will happen that you don’t want to,” he says, reading my mood.
   He then takes my hand and leads me into the treeline behind the clubhouse. With each step we take, the sounds of the party grow more faint. The only light is the shining of the moon, making it seem as if we are in a world of our own. We walk in silence for a few minutes, until we come to a clearing just beside a creek. It’s a place I know well.
   He takes the blanket from me, and as he spreads it out on the ground, he says, “No one should bother us here.”
   My eyes stare at the moonlight reflecting off the water and ask, “How did you know this place was here?”
   “Your dad showed it to me a while back. The fucker made me go fishing with him,” Boz says, surprising the shit out of me.
   This spot has always been special to me; it reminds me of Mom. We lost her to breast cancer, not long after I met Boz for the first time. Losing her nearly killed Dad and me both. Being here brings back a ton of wonderful memories of her and our family. It’s where my mom taught me to swim, where we would have tea parties and talk about girly crap. It’s also a place my dad would take us, just to get away from the club for a few minutes. He said it was our spot, a place for our family to be together. The last time Dad brought me here was the day after Mom’s funeral. We sat by the creek, and I cried in his arms until I fell asleep.
   “I know it’s no fancy bed, but I always liked it out here,” Boz says as he sits down and pulls me down beside him. “I hope you’re okay being out here.”
   The sound of crickets chirping reaches my ears as a huge smile spreads across my face. I’m more than okay; I’m absolutely estatic. I have the man of my dreams by my side, and we are in the most beautiful place God ever created. How could it get any better?
   I look up at him and, with all honesty, say, “I think it’s perfect.”
   He raises his hand and runs his thumb along my cheek. “Good. A woman like you deserves perfection.”
   I know he’s running a game on me. I can tell that these are lines he’s used a million times before. Still, it doesn’t matter. He is saying everything I need to hear, everything I’ve ever dreamed he would say. I want more, more of him.
   He then leans down and places his lips on mine, igniting a fire deep inside me. A nearly silent whimper escapes me, allowing his tongue to sneak inside. His lips are aggressive and fierce, his tongue gliding against mine as he devours me. It goes on and on, before he finally pulls back and leans his forehead against mine.
   “You taste fucking amazing,” he says with a groan.
   Not guarding my words, I tell him, “I will remember that kiss for the rest of my life. I will never forget the way your tongue feels when it’s wrapped around mine.”
   He lifts his head just a little and simply stares at me for a second, as if he can’t beleive what I just said. Finally, his lips come back to mine. He slowly pushes me backwards, until I am laying flat on the blanket, and continues to kiss me as his body comes down on mine. We kiss for a few minutes, our hands all over each other. Touching and caressing, we get as close as we can to each other with our clothes still on.
   Finally, he starts to lift my shirt. As soon as his hand touches my stomach, I go wild. Sitting up, I pull off my shirt. I do the same to him, trying to jerk his shirt off.
   “Slow down, darlin’,” he says, slipping off his cut and tossing it on the edge of the blanket.
   He then pulls off his shirt, giving me my first glimpse of his ink-covered chest. I reach out to touch the massive Grim Bastard tat, but he stops me, going in for another kiss. At the same time, he reaches up and rubs his hand along the seam of my bra, barely touching my breast.
   Slipping a finger inside the cup, he whispers, “So fucking beautiful.”
   He reaches around and unsnaps it, allowing my bra to drop to the ground. “Oh yeah, more beautiful than I ever imagined.”
   His lips meet mine again, stealing my breath away. His hand caresses my breast as he takes my puckered nipple in between his fingers and squeezes, before giving it a twist. My pussy convulses with anticipation of what’s to come. I am soaking wet with desire. Unable to stop myself, I rub my thighs together just to get a little friction.
   He tightens his fingers on my nipple and says, “Fuck, darlin’, you’re gonna have to quit doing that. I can feel the heat coming off of that sweet little pussy everytime you move. My dick is already so damn hard, it’s about to bust out of my pants.”
   “I want you.” I reach down and rub my hand over his jean-covered cock.
   At first contact, fear starts to fill me again. He’s hard as hell and so fucking huge. I may have never touched a dick before, but I’ve seen my fair share around the clubhouse. None have been this big. The thought of him trying to fit in my body is as terrifying as it is exciting.
   My hand works up and down his length, squeezing tight each time I come to the tip. With each squeeze, he lets out a grunt. The sound is driving me insane with need. He pulls back enough to unbutton my jeans. He slides them down, taking my panties with them. As soon as they join my other clothes, he comes back down on me.
   As his tongue invades my mouth once again, a moan of pure pleasure escapes me. As if he knows what I need, his hand slides between my legs, tweaking my clit. Instinctively, I lift my hips to meet his searching fingers. I need his cock to be inside me.
   When he finally rubs his fingers in between my folds, he mumbles, “Fuck, Trix. Your pussy is soaking wet. I can’t wait to feel it wrapped around my dick.”
   “Please,” I beg, not quite sure what I am asking for.
   One of his fingers enters me, curling up to touch the bundle of nerves hidden deep inside. It feels so damn good I almost come from the pressure alone. As he slides his finger in and out, he uses his thumb to rub small circles over my clit. Unable to hold back a minute more, I let out a long moan.
   I grab onto both of his shoulders and pull him toward me, needing his lips on mine. As his tongue enters my mouth again, he pushes another finger inside, stretching me to my limits. My hips keep moving against his hand, until fireworks explode in my body.
   As my pussy convulses around his fingers, he groans. “Your pussy is so fucking tight. I’m afraid I’m going to hurt you.”
   Placing my lips on his, I say, “I need you inside me now.”
   He kisses me one more time before getting up to unbutton his jeans. “I’d like nothing more, darlin’.”
   After he gets his pants unsnapped and the zipper down, he kicks off his boots. Just as he starts to push his jeans down, the sound of someone walking through the woods hits my ear. “Boz, brother, get your ass back to the club house.”
   Boz stops, zips his pants back. “What the fuck?” Reaching over for his tee, he hands it to me. “Put that on, darlin’.”
   “Who is that?” I ask, covering myself up as quickly as possible.
   He just shakes his head, before walking to the edge of the clearing and shouting, “What the hell do you need, Round?”
   I hear heavy footfalls hitting the ground, just before an older man steps into the clearing. He doesn’t even bother to look at me as he says, “It’s your dad.”
   “What the fuck did he do now?” Boz asks, walking back to the blanket and shoving his boots back on. “You do know I’m not his keeper, right?”
   The older man doesn’t answer, just turns around and starts back to the clubhouse. Over his shoulder he says, “Hurry the fuck up. He’s hurt bad.”
   Leaving me without a word, Boz takes off at a run. I jump up, pull on my jeans and head after him, not even bothering with the rest of our stuff. As soon as I step into the clubhouse, I see Boz in my dad’s face.
   When I get close enough, I hear Boz talking in a menacing whisper. “Who the fuck shot him?”
   It’s at that moment, I see Boz’s dad lying on the floor, his vacant eyes staring at the ceiling. His chest is covered in blood, and there is no doubt in my mind that he has drawn his last breath. Unable to hold it back, my stomach revolts. Leaning forward, I heave today’s lunch onto the floor. One of the old ladies comes over and grabs my shoulders, pulling me into her arms. She leads me out of the room, away from the dead body.
   Just as we step outside, I hear Boz shout, “I asked you a fucking question. Who shot my father?”
   “I don’t know,” Dad says with a shake of his head. “He’s been running his mouth all damn night, putting his hands on the old ladies. You know this shit was bound to happen sooner or later.”
   That’s the last I hear before I am jerked outside. Peeking at Boz just before the door closes, I see his eyes on me. From the look on his face, I can tell that any chance we had is gone.
She's a biker chick with an edge.

Daughter of a MC president, Trix Slade is used to living on the wild side, but nothing prepares her for being kidnapped by the Grim Bastards MC. Hellbent on getting back home, Trix will do anything to get away from her captors--anything. There’s only one problem; Boz is as sexy as he is wild-- a tempting combination for a woman like Trix.

He's a bastard with a soul.

The Bastards’ president, Boz Creed, wants to bring Trix’s father down and knows the best way to get to him is by using his precious daughter. Determined to get the revenge he seeks, Boz is willing to do anything to get what he wants--anything. There’s only one problem; Trix is as sexy as she is stubborn--a deadly combination for a man like Boz.

Can love between two rival clubs survive without someone taking the ultimate fall?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bios:
USA Today Bestselling author, Emily Minton is a Kentucky native. She is proud to call the Bluegrass State home. She claims she bleeds blue–Wildcat Blue! She has been married to her husband, David, for over twenty years. They share two wonderful children. Emily loves to read and has more books on her kindle than most people could read in a lifetime, but she intends to read every single one. She has published nine books, but there are many more are floating around in her head. She hopes to get them all on paper before long. She loves sharing her dreams with her readers.
Shelley was born and raised in Kentucky and doesn't see herself leaving the bluegrass state anytime soon. Shelley and her husband have been together for sixteen years, and they share three beautiful daughters and one handsome son.Although Grim Bastards is her first published novel, she has been a fan of romance reads for many, many years. Shelley loves all sorts of genres of romance but Contemporary, New Adult, and Romantic Comedy are her all-time favorites.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday 25 April 2016

Release Tour: Finding London [Flawed Heart 01] by Ellie Wade!

Publication date: 25th April 2016
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4.5 stars
Synopsis: London Wright thought she’d been in love before, but she hadn’t—not even close.
Then, she met him.
Rugged and gorgeous, Loïc Berkeley, is everything she’s ever wanted. Getting him to notice her was a challenge, but keeping his love is proving to be more difficult.
London is used to getting what she wants, so loving someone like Loïc is a humbling and somewhat terrifying experience. For everything she has in her life, he’s the one thing she can’t bear to lose.
Loïc never wanted love. He views it as an unneeded distraction that always ends in disappointment, causing nothing but pain.
Then, he met her.
Spoiled but witty and breathtakingly beautiful, London Wright is his undoing. From the moment he laid eyes on her, he knew his life would never be the same. Though he tries to fight it, he finds himself falling for her.
Loïc has lived a life full of sorrow, but finding London brings him rare happiness. Though his feelings for her are strong, is what they have powerful enough to break the cycle of his past?
When one is destined for heartbreak and loss, can love really change anything?

Favourite quote: "Maybe, where you have holes, I can fill you with my strength, and where I am ripped wide open, you can mend me."

I'll admit that I wasn't really sure whether to sign up to review this book or just do a promotional post for the Blog Tour, as the synopsis calls the main female character spoiled, and I can't stand spoiled people, so I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy this book that much because of the main female character! I decided to review it, though, and I'm really happy I did! I loved this book a lot, and I'm actually going to meet this author at a book convention in a few months, so I'm really happy that I've read at least one of her books now! This book was just amazing! There was a lot in it and the romance was very beautiful at times! There were a few really, really hot scenes too! I wasn't expecting that many hot scenes, so I was surprised, but they were really, really hot! The plot also only took me a few sittings to read, and although it didn't have any action and suspense in it, it did have plenty of romance! I loved the romance! It taught both main characters a lot and it changed them too! The characters were also amazing and made this book for me! London was the main female character, and she was a girl that was spoiled and came from a rich family! She was also used to guys throwing themselves at her! I normally can't stand people like this, but I did like London a lot! I didn't really like her at the beginning of the book, but I liked her more and more as this plot progressed and London realised what was more important in life! She went through a lot of changes in this book and all her changes were positive! She still had a bit of a spoiled attitude, but it was brought down a lot to what she was at the beginning! Loïc was the main male character and love interest of London! He was also seriously hot! Loïc was a guy that came from rough and terrible background! He grew up in care and he had been through a lot, seen a lot of bad things, and lost a lot of people that he loved! This had shaped Loïc into the guy that he was in this book, and it was very sad to see so Loïc guarded and so afraid! I was expecting him to be cocky and stuff, but he was anything but! He really surprised me! I just loved Loïc and he came such a long way in this book! I loved that he got more confident and he allowed himself to open up more as this book progressed! I loved that this book was written from both London and Loïc's point of views! I was expecting it to be after I read the synopsis! It made the plot even better and it helped me connect more with both characters too! I also can't wait to read the next book in this series! I did think that this book was a standalone when I first heard about it, but I'm really happy it's a series! I'm excited for the next book in London and Loïc's story! I'm also definitely going to bump this author's other books up on my to-be-read list too! The cover for this book suits it perfectly! I love that it matches the title and what happens in the book! It matches the main character's name too, which is really cool! It does have two meanings and I think that makes the cover a title that little bit more special! Big thank you to Ellie for an ARC of Finding London and to Enticing Journey Book Promotions for having me on the Release Tour!

Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:
Ellie Wade resides in southwest Michigan with her husband, three young children, and two dogs. She has a Master’s degree in education from Eastern Michigan University and is a huge University of Michigan sports fan. She loves the beauty of her home state, especially the lakes and the gorgeous autumn weather. When she is not writing, you will find her reading, snuggled up with her kids, or spending time with family and friends. She loves traveling and exploring new places with her family.

Sunday 24 April 2016

ARC Review: Unrivalled [Beautiful Idols 01] by Alyson Noel!

Publication date: 10th May 2016
Paperback edition: -
Source: Paperback (ARC)
Rating: 4.5 stars
Synopsis: From #1 New York Times bestselling author Alyson Noël comes the first book in the Beautiful Idols series. With mystery, suspense, and an insiders-only look at Los Angeles that echoes Gossip Girl’s racy and real New York, fans of Pretty Little Liars and readers who crave pulse-pounding romance will love Unrivalled.

EVERYONE wants to be someone.

Layla Harrison wants to be a reporter.
Aster Amirpour wants to be an actress.
Tommy Phillips wants to be a guitar hero.
But Madison Brooks took destiny and made it her own a long time ago.

She’s Hollywood’s hottest starlet, and the things she did to become the name on everyone’s lips are merely a stain on the pavement, ground beneath her Louboutin heel.

That is, until Layla, Aster, and Tommy find themselves with a VIP invite to the world of Los Angeles’s nightlife and are lured into a competition. The prize, or rather the target? Madison Brooks.

Just as their hopes begin to gleam like stars through the California smog, Madison Brooks goes missing. . . . And all of their hopes are blacked out in the haze of their lies.

I've known about this author for years! I read the first three or four books in her Immortals series, but I felt like the series just got too complicated for me to keep up with it! I haven't read any of this author's other series though! I heard about this book when the UK publisher emailed me about review copies and this book was in the email! I love contemporary books, and this book was compared to Pretty Little Liars, which is one of my favourite television shows, so I decided to request a review copy! I wasn't really sure what to expect from this book when I started reading it, but I actually found myself really enjoying it! It took me like three sittings to read and I found the storyline very cool and vey different! It showed Hollywood as being tough and ruthless place to make a living if you're at the bottom, which is true! The plot also developed at a really goo pace and had some action, suspense and romance in it! The characters were also amazing and all so different from each other! There were four main characters in this book! Layla was the first character that was introduced! Layla came from a normal, everyday background, and she wanted to create a celebrity blog and become famous through her blog! I really liked Layla! She stood up for herself in this book and she didn't let people walk over her! You have to be like this in Hollywood, but it can also come back and bite you! Aster was another main character, and Aster came from a rich background and she thought that she was going to make it big in Hollywood because of this! Aster learned a lot in this book about the kind of person she was and she learned that fame comes at a price! Tommy was another main character, and Tommy was a guy that tried his best to get to where he wanted to be, but his father always made it impossible for him! He always wanted to please his father and try and achieve more than what his father thought he was going to achieve! Madison was the last character, and she was the one person of the main characters that had made it big in Hollywood! She had lots of money, a nice house, and had a successful boyfriend! Madison had a lot of secrets though, and she worked hard to keep them buried! Madison also had a bit of a smug way about her, but she was also very normal at times too! This book was written from four different point of views! It was written from Layla, Aster, Tommy, and Madison's point of views! I normally prefer a book to only be written from no more than two point of views, but the plot of this book was made better by being written from so many different point of views! It helped me connect more with all the characters too! I'm also definitely going to read the next book in this series when it releases! I really enjoyed this book and The cover for this book is stunning! It definitely drew me to the book and it suits the book too! I like that the cover doesn't have people on it and how simple, but effective it is! I'm also going to read the next book in this series! Big thank you to Mira Ink for an ARC of Unrivalled!

Friday 22 April 2016

Cover Reveal: Young Love [Bloomfield 04] by Janelle Stalder!



Honor Jacobs has a dream, and she won't stop until she achieves it.
Dancing is her life, which means she has no time for men. Especially not tattoo artists with hard eyes, and a mouth that has her thinking things she shouldn't be. Staying as far away from Grey Anderson as possible is the solution to all her problems. Except that's easier said than done. And no matter how much space she puts between them, it's never enough. He might think she's too young, and she might think he's not the one for her, but their hearts think differently. It'll all come down to will and determination...she just needs to decide which path she's destined to take.
Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!
Author bio:

Janelle Stalder was born and raised in Brampton, Ontario. At an early age she developed a love for literature. Her debut novel, Eden, was the first book in a series of four, released in September of 2011. Since then she has released an Adult Dystopian Romance series, the New World Series, hitting the best sellers list on Amazon. She has also released a Mature YA/NA novel, Brush Strokes, that stayed on the best sellers list for contemporary romance for sixteen straight weeks. She is a strong supporter of other independent authors, and loves to interact with her readers. When she's not writing, Janelle is at home with her husband, three children, Aiden, Elora and Violet, and her two furry children, Alice and Lily. She now resides in a small town in Ontario in her old, possibly haunted, century home.

Thursday 21 April 2016

Book Blitz: Till Death Us Do Part by Cristina Slough!

The fateful day Mimi Marcus has dreaded begins with a phone call...

The wife of a U.S. Marine, Mimi spent countless nights worried that her husband Joel would fall in the line of duty. He had fought valiantly and served his country with honor. That’s exactly what they tell her when they deliver the news—Joel was taken by the enemy in Afghanistan. Her husband is dead.

In desperate need of closure, Mimi travels to the one place Joel still has ties—The Marcus Ranch in Texas, inherited by his handsome younger brother Austin.

New beginnings are only an illusion...

The closer Mimi grows to the Marcus family, the more she considers it home. But when suspicions of Joel’s past surface, Austin refuses to disclose family secrets—even to his brother’s widow. It’s only by accident she uncovers evidence of Joel’s tainted past. Devastated by his lies and betrayal, she slowly opens up to Austin, and together they unfold layers of pain and grief.

Mimi is sure she’ll never love again, but is Austin the man to prove her wrong? Then the unthinkable happens…

Just as Mimi finds new hope in a future with Austin, Joel returns home from war. Enraged, traumatized, and teetering on the edge of insanity, Joel confesses to a history of deception, revealing yet another secret—this one too terrible to forgive.

In an awful twist of fate, Joel proves marriage vows are made to be honored.

No matter what.
Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:

Novelist, movie addict, and animal lover, Cristina Slough is the author of: Till Death Us Do Part, her debut novel.

Cristina has always been a bookworm, rarely seen without a pen and paper in her hand, she loves delving into a literacy fictional world of her own.

At age of 11, her teacher told her mother that she would be wasting her life if she didn’t become an author. Throughout her teenage years, her parents spurred her on to keep writing. She later began a career in commercial real estate, working in London’s West End, a corporate bubble where she was unable to satisfy her passion to write.
On her Californian honeymoon in 2012 the bug to write was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. After visiting Yosemite, she was inspired by the natural beauty of the land that surrounded her. Holding a special place in her heart, Yosemite would later be written into her debut novel.
She finally gave up the ‘big smoke’ when her son, Lucas, was born.
After getting to grips with her new role as a mother, she began working a psychological thriller, but she couldn’t connect to the characters she created. She ditched the manuscript and started Till Death Us Do Part.
Cristina is married to Adam, who runs a successful business; together they share their Bedfordshire home with their son, crazy white German Shepherd and three spoiled cats.
As a family, they love to travel frequently, the United States being a firm favourite.