Publication date: 25th April 2016
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4.5 stars
Synopsis: London Wright thought she’d been in love before, but she hadn’t—not even close.Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4.5 stars
Then, she met him.
Rugged and gorgeous, Loïc Berkeley, is everything she’s ever wanted. Getting him to notice her was a challenge, but keeping his love is proving to be more difficult.
London is used to getting what she wants, so loving someone like Loïc is a humbling and somewhat terrifying experience. For everything she has in her life, he’s the one thing she can’t bear to lose.
Loïc never wanted love. He views it as an unneeded distraction that always ends in disappointment, causing nothing but pain.
Then, he met her.
Spoiled but witty and breathtakingly beautiful, London Wright is his undoing. From the moment he laid eyes on her, he knew his life would never be the same. Though he tries to fight it, he finds himself falling for her.
Loïc has lived a life full of sorrow, but finding London brings him rare happiness. Though his feelings for her are strong, is what they have powerful enough to break the cycle of his past?
When one is destined for heartbreak and loss, can love really change anything?
Favourite quote: "Maybe, where you have holes, I can fill you with my strength, and where I am ripped wide open, you can mend me."
I'll admit that I wasn't really sure whether to sign up to review this book or just do a promotional post for the Blog Tour, as the synopsis calls the main female character spoiled, and I can't stand spoiled people, so I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy this book that much because of the main female character! I decided to review it, though, and I'm really happy I did! I loved this book a lot, and I'm actually going to meet this author at a book convention in a few months, so I'm really happy that I've read at least one of her books now! This book was just amazing! There was a lot in it and the romance was very beautiful at times! There were a few really, really hot scenes too! I wasn't expecting that many hot scenes, so I was surprised, but they were really, really hot! The plot also only took me a few sittings to read, and although it didn't have any action and suspense in it, it did have plenty of romance! I loved the romance! It taught both main characters a lot and it changed them too! The characters were also amazing and made this book for me! London was the main female character, and she was a girl that was spoiled and came from a rich family! She was also used to guys throwing themselves at her! I normally can't stand people like this, but I did like London a lot! I didn't really like her at the beginning of the book, but I liked her more and more as this plot progressed and London realised what was more important in life! She went through a lot of changes in this book and all her changes were positive! She still had a bit of a spoiled attitude, but it was brought down a lot to what she was at the beginning! Loïc was the main male character and love interest of London! He was also seriously hot! Loïc was a guy that came from rough and terrible background! He grew up in care and he had been through a lot, seen a lot of bad things, and lost a lot of people that he loved! This had shaped Loïc into the guy that he was in this book, and it was very sad to see so Loïc guarded and so afraid! I was expecting him to be cocky and stuff, but he was anything but! He really surprised me! I just loved Loïc and he came such a long way in this book! I loved that he got more confident and he allowed himself to open up more as this book progressed! I loved that this book was written from both London and Loïc's point of views! I was expecting it to be after I read the synopsis! It made the plot even better and it helped me connect more with both characters too! I also can't wait to read the next book in this series! I did think that this book was a standalone when I first heard about it, but I'm really happy it's a series! I'm excited for the next book in London and Loïc's story! I'm also definitely going to bump this author's other books up on my to-be-read list too! The cover for this book suits it perfectly! I love that it matches the title and what happens in the book! It matches the main character's name too, which is really cool! It does have two meanings and I think that makes the cover a title that little bit more special! Big thank you to Ellie for an ARC of Finding London and to Enticing Journey Book Promotions for having me on the Release Tour!

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Author bio:
Ellie Wade resides in southwest Michigan with her husband, three young children, and two dogs. She has a Master’s degree in education from Eastern Michigan University and is a huge University of Michigan sports fan. She loves the beauty of her home state, especially the lakes and the gorgeous autumn weather. When she is not writing, you will find her reading, snuggled up with her kids, or spending time with family and friends. She loves traveling and exploring new places with her family.

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