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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Friday 31 January 2020

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Breach of Contract [Kavanagh Family Romance 01] by Elizabeth Miller!

Bona fide bombshell Maisie Walker loves sex. The problem is she’s never had it—not with a real live person anyway. Her vibrator, Vinnie, and pornbud.com keep Maisie’s nights busy, but she’s itching to lose her V-card—with her boss, Jayce Kavanagh.

Managing partner of the hottest legal firm in New York City, Jayce Kavanagh, likes to win—in court and in the bedroom. With his mind set on legal perfection he doesn’t have time for the killer sway of his assistant’s assets or her sinful mouth.

One late night in the office changes everything.

Spanking your associate after-hours is not ideal, but with proper boundaries, Jayce makes it happen. Enter in Exhibit A, the contract. General terms and conditions are set in place, satisfaction is guaranteed, and oral persuasion commences.

As they test their limits in and out of the office, feelings surface and amendments are made. But just when an extension is proposed, Jayce strays outside of the contracted lines and Maisie must decide if their flourishing relationship can survive a breach of contract.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

She wears many hats. Some include wife, mother of two boys, writer, reader, lover of gummy bears and Henry Cavill. She’s a proud Indie author who adores a broken hero, a feisty heroine, and lots and lots of sexy times.


Thursday 30 January 2020

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Barely Breathing [Keep Breathing 01] by Erica Marselas!

Buried deep under a mountain of lies, I’m struggling for air. My life, my choices are being dictated by my father.
I was forced to give up the man I love in order to protect him and now I must marry a man who I hate.
I thought I had found a way out.
I thought my time in this gilded cage was almost over.
Then one day Jaxson Holden walks back into my life, flipping it upside down.
He’s angry, I get it.
But he has no idea how much I have to lose—how much he has to lose with him coming back.

Now I need to find a way to hold on while I’m gasping for breath as my past and present collide.

Just keep breathing, River.
Just keep breathing.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Erica is a wife, a mother of four, and a tequila drinking smart mouth. When she’s not wrangling her children and trying to keep them alive, she’s writing. She’ll write anything from sweet stalkers, to forbidden love, to erotica, to rom coms to young adult because she believes no love story is created equal and every story deserves to be told. Even the fictional ones. As long as she can dream it, she'll write it.


Wednesday 29 January 2020

Stacking The Shelves [54]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):
Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

Grief Angels by David Owen
(Thank you, Atom!)
All Your Twisted Secrets by Diana Urban
(Thank you, Harper360!)

 For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

Tuesday 28 January 2020

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Darker Than Love [Darker Than Love 01] by Anna Zaires & Charmaine Pauls!

Once upon a cold, dark night, a Russian killer stole me from an alley.
I’m dangerous, but he is lethal.
I escaped once.
He won’t let me do it twice.

The revenge is his.
The betrayal is mine.
But so are the lies to protect the ones I love.

We’re cut from the same twisted cloth. Both merciless. Both damaged.
In his embrace, I find hell and heaven, his cruelly tender touch destroying and uplifting me at once.

They say a cat has nine lives, but an assassin has just one.
And Yan Ivanov now owns mine.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Apple Books or Google Play

Author bios:

Anna Zaires is a New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling author of sci-fi romance and contemporary dark romance. She fell in love with books at the age of five, when her grandmother taught her to read. Since then, she has always lived partially in a fantasy world where the only limits were those of her imagination. Currently residing in Florida, Anna is happily married to Dima Zales (a science fiction and fantasy author) and closely collaborates with him on all their works.

Charmaine Pauls was born in Bloemfontein, South Africa. She obtained a degree in Communication at the University of Potchestroom, and followed a diverse career path in journalism, public relations, advertising, communications, photography, graphic design, and brand marketing. Her writing has always been an integral part of her professions.

After relocating to Chile with her French husband, she fulfilled her passion to write creatively full-time. Charmaine has published over twenty novels since 2011, as well as several short stories and articles. Two of her shorts have been selected by the International Literary Society for an anthology from across the African continent.

When she is not writing, she likes to travel, read, and rescue cats. Charmaine currently lives in France with her husband and children. Their household is a linguistic mélange of Afrikaans, English, French and Spanish.


Monday 27 January 2020

Cover Reveal: Stolen Soulmate by Mary Catherine Gebhard!

There’s a rule in Crowne Hall: never look a Crowne in the eyes.
It protects us more than them.
I broke it once, the night Grayson Crowne mistook me for his true love and stole my first kiss. I’ve regretted it every day since.
He hates me.
He torments me.
He won’t let me go, because that night he whispered a secret against my lips not meant for me. Grayson Crowne, heir to the Crowne empire and notorious playboy prince is… a virgin.
I signed a contract in my heart’s blood as much as ink: help him get back his love, repair what I broke. Give him my body, my soul, my heart, let him use all of me, so when the time comes to marry her, he won’t need me.
I shouldn’t need him.
But he’s my stolen soulmate, and I’m at his mercy. 

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Mary Catherine Gebhard bites off more than she can chew. She's lived in Salt Lake City, Utah her entire life, but occasionally goes on vacation from reality. Don't worry, she sends postcards.

Sunday 26 January 2020

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Unconditional [Always 01] by Lexxie Couper!


   Searching frantically for the restroom sign, I spied what I thought was the ladies’ room and ran for it, head down, fist gripping the strap of my bag as if it were a lifeline to bladder relief.
   So of course, when I slammed into something rock-solid but warm and firm as well, the first thing I thought was I was going to pee myself. Not, argh, I’ve just run into someone and I need to apologize.
   I stumbled back a step, flinging the poor woman in my way a harried glance. And froze when that harried glance found not a poor woman, but a tall, broad-shouldered, stunningly hot—no, change that—stupefyingly hot, gorgeous guy with shaggy dark-brown hair hanging over equally dark-brown eyes so intense and beautiful and sexy and— 
   He wrapped strong fingers around my upper arms and steadied me before I could fall completely on my ass.
   “Hey, I think you’re heading into the wrong loo.”
   I gazed up at him and didn’t say a word. I’d’ve liked to have blamed sleep deprivation and jet lag for my ridiculous silence, but they weren’t the culprits.
   The guy holding my arms, keeping me upright, was stunning. Gorgeous. Hot. Like a brown-haired, brown-eyed version of Chris Hemsworth. Only sexier.
   I didn’t think that was even possible, but there you go. Tall, with a crooked grin that made my heart skip a beat and a goddamn divine body, all muscular and sculpted and perfectly proportioned with the broadest of shoulders, all wrapped up tight in a snug white T-shirt and snugger faded jeans.
   And he had an Australian accent.
   Oh boy.
   I gaped at him, my heart thumping in my throat.
   “Can you speak?” he asked.
   I caught my bottom lip with my teeth and shook my head.
   His eyebrows shot up. “You can’t?”
   “I can,” I blurted, nodding this time. Talk about being a mess of contradictions. “I’m just …” I paused, stopping myself from telling him I was falling in lust with him. Yeah, not exactly cool behavior. Gushing all over a complete stranger on the way to the bathroom? Welcome to Australia.
   “I’m just … desperate,” I finished, ducking my head. I sounded like an idiot.
   He gave a warm, friendly laugh. “To go to the loo?”
   I peered up at him through my bangs. “Yeah.”
   That crooked grin returned to his face. As before, it made my body do things I wasn’t entirely used to.
   “You better go then.” He stepped aside and held an arm out, directing me deeper into the men’s restroom.
   Oh my God, was I blushing? I shuffled my feet, frowning.
   Devilment danced in his dark-brown eyes. “Something else you’re desperate for?”
   Something else? Was he serious? A guy that looked like him, asking me what I wanted? If I were the brave, take-no-prisoners kind of girl, I’d tell him straight up. Something else I’m desperate for? Hell yeah, a kiss from you would be a start. But I wasn’t that kind of girl. I was a sleep deprived, jet lagged student with poor social skills and a disease that wasn’t exactly high on the sexy list. Of course, I wasn’t going to ask him for a kiss.
   No matter how much the thought made my tummy flutter.
   He studied me with a playful grin. “Going to tell me what it is?”
   “A kiss.” The word fell past my lips before I could stop it.
   My face went cold as the blood drained from it. And then hot as all that blood rushed back into my cheeks just as fast. Holy shit, had I really said that aloud?
   “A kiss?” he repeated, lifting an eyebrow.
   Oh God, I had said it aloud. I stared at him, once again dumbstruck. What was I doing? Was I really that tired? Had to be. Why else would I say something so … so … embarrassing? I couldn’t be flirting with him. I wasn’t any good at it. I was an environmentalist dork with Parkinson’s. As if I knew how to flirt.
   Was I delusional? Was my brain finally betraying me compl—
   Warm lips brushed over mine in a lingering caress of skin on skin. I would have melted on the spot … if it wasn’t for the fact I yelped in shocked disbelief and stumbled back a step.
   Mr. Broad Shoulders laughed. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to freak you out.”
   Just to make it clear before I continue, I’m not a virgin. I lost my virginity four nights after my sixteenth birthday, to my high school boyfriend—the quarterback, no less. How’s that for both an achievement and a cliché? But since I found out I have Parkinson’s, I’ve pretty much shut down any and all notion of romance. Who wants to get romantic with someone who’s going to be a shaky mess in a few years? I can’t imagine there are many guys out there willing to roll with that kind of burden, so I stopped putting myself out there. Which might explain my very active fantasy obsession with a married Australian actor, now that I think about it. Hmmm. Desire the impossible to substitute the denied. Makes sense, right?
   I gaped up at my mysterious kisser—again. Heart beating way too fast, I pressed my fingers to my lips. “Why did you do that?”
   “You asked.” His grin turned wickedly playful, hinting at a dimple in his right cheek, and he leaned a little closer to me, his brown eyes holding mine. “And you looked so damn sexy with your mussed-up hair and coffee-stained shirt.” 

Life’s great — it’s the terminal degenerative disease that sucks.

Maci is young, smart and about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. It looks like she has the world at her feet, but appearances can be deceiving. Because Maci is not like other college girls. She already knows her future is written and there’s no happy ending in sight.

For Raphael, life is all upside. He’s on the fast track to success and nothing can stop him—except his unexpected love for a girl who’s convinced she’ll hold him back.

When Maci and Raphael are drawn irresistibly together, they’ll both have to redefine everything they thought they knew about life, love and happy ever after.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

International bestselling romance author Lexxie Couper started writing when she was six and hasn't stopped since. She's not a deviant, but she does have a deviant's imagination and a desire to entertain readers with her words. Add the two together and you get romances that can make you laugh, cry, shake with fear or tremble with desire...Sometimes all at once.


Saturday 25 January 2020

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Burning Hot Rumors [Choices: Tarkio MC 02] by Debra Kayn!


   He turned and looked out on the floor. It took him longer to find her because she was hidden behind the biker talking to her. He craned his neck, caught her smiling at the other man, and tensed.
   Stalking across the floor, he shoved people out of his way and stepped between her and the Tarkio member.
   "Man, you better step away," said the biker.
   "Get lost." He grabbed Callie's upper arm and pulled her away.
   "Wh…?" Callie stumbled beside him. "Who?"
   He ignored her mumblings and pushed out the front door. Turning her to face him, he gazed up and down her body to make sure she was okay.
   Callie's mouth opened and shut numerous times, and she blinked rapidly. "Kent?"
   "Nice of you to recognize me," he said.
   "I thought I'd never see you again." She planted her hands on his chest, but her body weaved side to side, trying to gain her balance.
   He caught her other arm and held her steady in front of him. That's when he noticed the way her eyes remained unfocused on him.
   "What the hell have you been doing?" He stroked her hair out of her eyes.
   Gut punched, he remembered the excitement, the passion, the energy swirling around her the night she'd finally let loose and egged her ex-husband's truck. He'd walked away from her that night as if he'd gotten his first taste of the real Callie, and his addiction to her had started.
   How many other men inside the clubhouse were standing in the same position he was, half in love, fantasizing about being with a woman who had no understanding that fire ran through her veins? How many other men wanted to be the one who helped her set herself on fire?
   Callie crumbling, diving for his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, keeping her on her feet. A fire brought him back to her.
   "I lost everything," she mumbled against the front of his jacket.
   "I know." He rubbed her back, happy to hold her. "Fuck, I missed you, honey."
   She raised her head and frowned. "You left."
   "I needed to go." He kissed her forehead. "But I'm back."
   She pushed against him. "Why?"
   "I want to help—"
   "No." She stepped away from him, almost stumbling. "You can't just invade my life and then leave again. You're just listening to the rumors. Everyone listens to Josh."
   "I'm not—"
   "You listened." She tapped her head, slurring her words. "That's why you left. Now you're listening to him again. Just go. Leave me alone."
   She grabbed for the handle. He planted his hand on the door, stopping her.
   "I'm not listening to anyone but you, Callie."

For Callie Moore, it’s a day-to-day struggle to live in a town where everyone thinks she’s the worst person on earth— thanks to rumors. Divorced, living with her ailing dad, and the scars of finding her ex-husband in bed with not one, but two, of her friends, have her on a downward spiral.

Her immediate problems outweigh her concern over the rough and gruff biker her dad hires to help out at the gas station. No matter how attractive she finds Kent, he’s only another person she needs to defend herself against.

A drifter his whole life, Kent Calder can live anywhere as long as he has his motorcycle and a road in front of him.

Stopping at Moore’s Gas Station was only a pit stop on a road trip with no destination. A way to put a few dollars in his pocket. He has no plans to stay in Missoula, where drama and rudeness from the locals is a way of life.

Until the talk centers around Callie, and he sees what the lies are doing to her.

If she can’t stand up for herself, he’ll fight for her. But as soon as he stomps out one fire, another one pops up.

Through attraction, heartache, devastation, and time, the flames between Kent and Callie only grow hotter. 

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Debra Kayn is published by Grand Central Publishing, Simon & Schuster Publishing, Carina Press – Harlequin Enterprises Limited, and repped by agent, Stephany Evans of FinePrint Literary Management.

Believing everyone deserves to love and be loved, she takes the most unlikely characters and turns them into heroes and heroines.

She lives with her family in the Bitterroot Mountains of beautiful North Idaho where she enjoys the outdoors, the four seasons, and the wild animals that gather in her yard.


Friday 24 January 2020

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Breach of Contract [Kavanagh Family Romance 01] by Elizabeth Miller!

Bona fide bombshell Maisie Walker loves sex. The problem is she’s never had it—not with a real live person anyway. Her vibrator, Vinnie, and pornbud.com keep Maisie’s nights busy, but she’s itching to lose her V-card—with her boss, Jayce Kavanagh.

Managing partner of the hottest legal firm in New York City, Jayce Kavanagh, likes to win—in court and in the bedroom. With his mind set on legal perfection he doesn’t have time for the killer sway of his assistant’s assets or her sinful mouth.

One late night in the office changes everything.

Spanking your associate after-hours is not ideal, but with proper boundaries, Jayce makes it happen. Enter in Exhibit A, the contract. General terms and conditions are set in place, satisfaction is guaranteed, and oral persuasion commences.

As they test their limits in and out of the office, feelings surface and amendments are made. But just when an extension is proposed, Jayce strays outside of the contracted lines and Maisie must decide if their flourishing relationship can survive a breach of contract.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

She wears many hats. Some include wife, mother of two boys, writer, reader, lover of gummy bears and Henry Cavill. She’s a proud Indie author who adores a broken hero, a feisty heroine, and lots and lots of sexy times.


Thursday 23 January 2020

Release Day Blitz: Fearless [Carolina Coastal 02] by Kelsey Cheyenne!

It all started with a bet…

I told Olivia Hart that if she won, I’d leave her alone for good. Little did she know, I was never going to let that happen. She thinks I hate her, but she couldn’t be more wrong.
I keep raising the stakes, making wagers and tricking her into spending time with me.
The more we’re together, the harder she falls.
But once she learns the truth, all bets are off.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Dog mom. Lover of carbs. Slytherin. Kelsey is a sarcastic, true crime junkie, but also secretly a hopeless romantic. When she’s not bingeing Netflix with her boyfriend or spoiling her golden retriever, you can find her writing anything from fluffy romcoms to killer twists. Above all, Kelsey creates stories that are real, raw, and emotional and will have every reader hooked.

Wednesday 22 January 2020

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Lace and Lies [Brooklyn Brothers 01] by Melanie Munton!



   I took a step toward Jasmine, noting the worry line on her forehead. That would be gone by the end of the night. I’d make damn sure of it.
   “I would have killed that man tonight if he’d touched you,” I bit out. “I almost did for even talking to you. For threatening to take you away from me. For pointing a deadly weapon anywhere near you. That would have been illegal because I wouldn’t have been able to claim self-defense in the end. Not with the way I beat him. But I’d still have done it if he’d laid his filthy hands on you. Does that make me a vicious criminal?”
   I watched her swallow as I took another step forward. She retreated until her back hit the fireplace. I crowded against her, caging her in by placing my hands on the mantle beside her head.
   “And if you’re concerned about me being a violent person, I think you got your answer tonight,” I continued. “But I’m not violent toward innocent people. I reserve violence for those who deserve it. Specifically, those who threaten people I care about.”
   I let those words sink in for a moment. She could take that comment however she wanted, though the implication was anything but subtle.
   “Is that something you think you can handle?” I whispered against her parted lips. “Because that’s who I am. That’s what you get when you’re involved with me. So, now I have a question for you.”
   She licked her lips.
   With that one small movement, I was hard as steel.
   “What’s that?” she breathed.
   I know that voice, sweetheart.
   She was ready to get fucked.
   I angled my head, acting like I was going in for a kiss. With maybe a millimeter separating our lips, I stopped. Our hot breaths mingled together, no doubt driving her as mad as it was me.
   But I had to make a point here.
   She had to be sure of her decision before we went any further. I didn’t want her doubting herself at the critical times or thinking I’d coerced her into anything.
   “Do you still want me?”
   I didn’t have to wait for an answer.
   The second the last word left my lips, hers crashed against them.

We are the Rossetti’s.
The exiled “sixth family” of the New York mafia. We’re the good guys.
People don’t fear us…much. They respect us.
The five of us? We’re the Brooklyn Brothers.
And we protect what’s ours.

Jasmine Kingston should run from me. I mean, she should literally pick up her dress, toss away her heels, and haul ass in the complete opposite direction. Because for the last few months that she’s been in New York and taking the fashion world by storm, I’ve been watching her. From my ivory tower, from the shadows. Wherever she’s been, I’ve been only feet away, and she hasn’t even realized it.

Until now.

I can’t stay away and watch one more man take his shot with her. She needs to know what she’s doing to me. Especially since things are heating up with my family’s enemies. I just pray those enemies don’t discover my only weakness.
Maybe it was the wrong way to go. Maybe I should never have touched her. Never treated myself to her addictive taste. But I can’t alleviate this obsession I have with her any more than I can put a bullet between my own eyes.

She’s mine to protect now.
I’ll burn my entire fortune to the ground and take ten of those bullets before I let anything happen to her.

I just hope she doesn’t find out what I’ve done.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Traveler. Reader. Beach-goer. St. Louis Cardinals fan. Pasta-obsessed. North Carolina resident. Sarcastic. Bit of a nerd.

Author of the Cruz Brothers, Possession and Politics, and Timid Souls series, Melanie loves all things romance, comedies and suspense in particular because it’s boring to only stick to one sub-genre! From light-hearted comedies to sexy thrillers, she likes to mix it up, but loves her some strong alpha males and sassy heroines.

Go visit Melanie’s website and sign up for her newsletter to stay updated on release dates, teasers, and other details for all of her projects!

