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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Monday 31 October 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: The Enchanted Bungalow [The Mystery House Series 09] by Eva Pohler!


   This wasn’t the first time they’d been forced to dig up a body, but the last one had been the shallow grave of a child in the swampy ground of New Orleans. Ellen feared the limestone rock of the west coast would be nearly impossible to penetrate. She hoped the rain, which had begun to fall again, would make the ground soft and more penetrable. And more than that, she hoped that she and her friends could complete their mission without getting caught. Digging up a body on your birthday was bad enough; getting arrested and going to jail would be unforgiveable.
   But worst of all, the fear of angering the ghost of Dan Pullen loomed. They must be on their guard and ready for a spiritual attack.
   They took 110 back toward Forks but turned off on Mora Road, just past an RV park. Dusk gave way to night as they crossed the Quillayute River. The road soon narrowed and became lined with tall firs and cedars, obscuring views of anything but the dark road before them. Sue made one more turn onto Quillayute Road and, after passing a tiny air strip, emerged from the trees to an even tinier clearing that was the cemetery.
   It was a square plot no bigger than 500 square yards and bordered on two sides by thick trees. Two roads converged to form the other half of the square, and a small black fence ran between them and the cemetery. On the opposite side of both roads were more thick trees.
   So, secluded it was, Ellen thought.

Ellen and her friends never saw this coming.

During a Twilight tour of Forks, Washington, Ellen, Sue, and Tanya rent a bungalow on Quileute land to celebrate Tanya’s sixtieth birthday. They’re having the time of their lives until strange visions make them question everything they know about the afterlife. Can the three best friends uncover the mystery of the Machiavellian spirit sharing their bungalow?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Eva Pohler is an award-winning and USA Today bestselling author of over thirty-five novels in multiple genres, including paranormal mysteries, thrillers, and young adult fantasy based on Greek mythology. Her books have been described as "addictive" and "sure to thrill"--Kirkus Reviews.

Sunday 30 October 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Hate, Rinse, Repeat [A Gamble on Love Mom-Com 03] by Whitney Dineen & Melanie Summers!


   Childhood can be hard at the best of times. But when your name rhymes with crazy, lazy, hazy, daisy, and Swayze—as in Patrick—it’s worse than you can imagine. Here are a few phrases I heard ad nauseum during my formative years:
   “It’s crazy Maisy with the lazy eye!” Corrective glasses fixed the eye, but there’s no coming back from such an abysmal start to your school years. Kind of like if you wore a body brace in middle school, you will always be the girl who wore the body brace in middle school. And if you wore a body brace and had a lazy eye? It was no picnic, let me tell you.
   An actual allergy to allergy medication—you can’t make this stuff up—was to blame for my third-grade teacher often complaining, “Maisy was a little hazy today.”
   I have Dr. Seuss to thank for, “It’s Daisy Head Maisy!” That’s right, his first posthumous book was gunning for me. I turned down free tickets to Seussical (the musical) because of it.
   Finally, my least favorite and most often heard—thank you, Chase Evans—“Maisy Swayzeee, wassup?!” This one was often accompanied by, “Nobody puts Maisy in the corner.”
   Being that I live in the town where I grew up, I’m often reminded of my past nicknames. Owning the only hair salon in Gamble, Alaska, means old classmates and their mothers are always hanging around (and bringing their hilarious memories of me with them—Remember that time your back brace got caught in the monkey bars?).
   If having a challenging start to life wasn’t enough, I’ve made one or two questionable decisions along the way that have added to my troubles. The first being that the father of my son does not know he’s the father of my son.
   I know, I know, “secret baby” is by far the worst romance trope. As romance novels are my only social life, I read a ton of them. And even before I got pregnant with Jack, I always passed on the secret baby ones. I mean, who keeps a secret that big?
   Short answer—me. But I have my reasons. More on that later because I’ve got much bigger problems these days.

Christmas is a time for hate…

Maisy Moore is not looking forward to the holiday season. As owner of the only hair salon in Gamble, Alaska, she’ll be run off her feet helping her clients get dolled up for Christmas and New Years Eve parties. Parties she’ll never be invited to.

But that’s not the worst of it. As a single mom, she knows she still won’t be able to give her seven-year-old son, Jack, the kind of magical Christmas his classmates get. Telling him how much she loves him will only get a kid that age so far. If only she could give him what he really wants—to know who his dad is.

The last thing Maisy needs is for NHL star Chase Evans to come waltzing back into town like he’s God’s gift to women. But that’s exactly what Chase does.

After a taking a crosscheck from behind, Chase’s season is over. Instead of scoring goals, he’s recovering from shoulder surgery, and according to his mother, there’s no better place to recover than home. Because let’s face it, basking in the glow of local adoration won’t be too bad. There are no fans quite like hometown fans.

The last thing Chase expects is to find Maisy Moore still single. He decides to see if maybe they could rekindle their brief romance that occurred the night of their ten-year high school reunion. But when he tries to talk to her, he discovers Maisy’s feelings of lust have turned to loathing. And he’s determined to find out why.

Will Maisy manage to keep the identity of her son a secret? Will there be a holiday miracle that will reunite two hard-headed lovers? Will the BOGO special on shampoo and conditioner be a hit?

Find out in the deliciously funny and ridiculously romantic final installment of the Love is a Gamble Mom-Com Series.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon or Barnes and Noble

Author bios:

Whitney loves to laugh, play with her kids, bake, and eat french fries -- not always in that order.

Whitney is a multi-award-winning author of romcoms, non-fiction humor, and middle reader fiction. Basically, she writes whatever the voices in her head tell her to.

She lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband, Jimmy, where they raise children, chickens, and organic vegetables.

Gold Medal winner at the International Readers' Favorite Awards, 2017.

Silver medal winner at the International Readers' Favorite Awards, 2015, 2016.

Finalist RONE Awards, 2016.

Finalist at the IRFA 2016, 2017.

Finalist at the Book Excellence Awards, 2017

Finalist Top Shelf Indie Book Awards, 2017

Melanie Summers also writes steamy romance as MJ Summers. 

Melanie made a name for herself with her debut novel, Break in Two, a contemporary romance that cracked the Top 10 Paid on Amazon in both the UK and Canada, and the top 50 Paid in the USA. Her highly acclaimed Full Hearts Series was picked up by both Piatkus Entice (a division of Hachette UK) and HarperCollins Canada. Her first three books have been translated into Czech and Slovak by EuroMedia. Since 2013, she has written and published three novellas, and eight novels (of which seven have been published). She has sold over a quarter of a million books around the globe. 

In her previous life (i.e. before having children), Melanie got her Bachelor of Science from the University of Alberta, then went on to work in the soul-sucking customer service industry for a large cellular network provider that shall remain nameless (unless you write her personally - then she'll dish). On her days off, she took courses and studied to become a Chartered Mediator. That designation landed her a job at the R.C.M.P. as the Alternative Dispute Resolution Coordinator for 'K' Division. Having had enough of mediating arguments between gun-toting police officers, she decided it was much safer to have children so she could continue her study of conflict in a weapon-free environment (and one which doesn't require makeup and/or nylons). 

Melanie resides in Edmonton with her husband, three young children, and their adorable but neurotic one-eyed dog. When she's not writing novels, Melanie loves reading (obviously), snuggling up on the couch with her family for movie night (which would not be complete without lots of popcorn and milkshakes), and long walks in the woods near her house. She also spends a lot more time thinking about doing yoga than actually doing yoga, which is why most of her photos are taken 'from above'. She also loves shutting down restaurants with her girlfriends. Well, not literally shutting them down, like calling the health inspector or something--more like just staying until they turn the lights off. 

She is represented by Suzanne Brandreth of The Cooke Agency International.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday 29 October 2022

Stacking The Shelves [87]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

Friday 28 October 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Making the Deal [Deal 01] by Shelby MacKenzie!

They knew the merger wasn’t going to be easy. But Rayna and Jax never expected it to start with sparks flying.

Rayna is an attractive fiery entrepreneur and successful litigator who has grown her business incredibly. Now she has the sort of offer on the table that dreams are made of—more money, success, and power than she could ever imagine. And all she must do is form a partnership with a large law firm.

Jax’s ambitions have driven him to put everything into his firm, and this merger is supposed to take his firm to the next level. He is great looking, laidback, and a top corporate shark. He knows what he wants and believes he knows how to get it.

But when the pair meet for the first time, they instantly dislike each other, and a frustrating power struggle commences. But is it fueled by a merger of the firms? Or are shamefully attracted they are to each other…

Making the deal is the thrilling first book in the slow-burn enemies-to-lovers romance series. If you like your stories filled with unexpected twists and turns and red-hot heart-pounding tension, this book was made for you.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Kobo

Author bio:

Shelby MacKenzie has always navigated life based on her own rules. While she lives in Midwest, she loves to wander, especially to the east and west coastlines. Shelby enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and critters alike. And true to her Midwest roots, she has a soft spot for holiday decorations, including an abundance of spooky things and copious amounts of felt Christmas decorations. When Shelby is not writing, she edits legal briefs, serves as a taxi driver to kids ’activities, and engages in mischievous antics with her friends.

Thursday 27 October 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Powerhouse: The Morelli Boxed Set!

Rich. Ruthless. Dangerous. The Morelli family is known throughout New York City as a powerful family. Raised with an iron fist, the Morelli siblings aren’t looking for love. But when they meet their matches, they will scorch the earth to keep them safe.

POWERHOUSE contains three full length novels: HEARTLESS by Jade West, RUINED by M. O’Keefe, and DANGEROUS TEMPTATION by Giana Darling! Immerse yourself in the Morelli family in this exhilarating boxed set from three bestselling authors.

“This author has perfected the dark and dangerous hero we all love, who is brought to his knees by the sunshine heroine, and I am here for it! A dangerous romance that left me missing the characters long after I finished the book!” – Dani Rene, USA Today bestselling author on DANGEROUS TEMPTATION

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon


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Wednesday 26 October 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Blood and Thunder [Thunderbird Brotherhood 02] by Wren Michaels!


   “Let’s see how it compares to a kiss in the real world.” Without waiting for a response, he slanted his lips over hers, pressing into her mouth.
   Her fingertips curled into the muscles of his shoulder, and the twinge of pain blended with the heady adrenaline coursing through him from their kiss. A growl rumbled in his chest, shocking even himself as his beast responded, edging him onward. He teased the seam of her lips with his tongue, and she opened for him, meeting him with her own, sliding it against him, deepening the kiss.
   What started soft grew needy and frantic as their mouths moved over each other’s, their tongues matching stroke for stroke. Tag held her face in his hand, guiding her, claiming her mouth he wished was also her body. Pressing himself against her, the heat between her legs forced his cock to twitch.
   She moaned into the kiss, and he buried it with his tongue, grinding his hips against her. But his brain yelled for him to stop, to pull back and listen to what she said. If they took things too far, it could be disastrous.
   He eased himself from her mouth, sucking on her bottom lip before releasing her. They panted for breath in rhythm, and she locked eyes with him. She slammed her hands against his chest, and he went sailing backwards, landing on the bed.
   “Everleigh?” he gasped. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to take it that far.”
   “Shut up,” she said as she climbed on top of him and threw his arms above his head. In the next instant, she reclaimed his lips, her hips rocking against him, a groan rocketing up from his chest at the feel of her heat rubbing over him.
   He slid one arm from her strangle hold on his wrists and wrapped it around her waist, curling his fingers into her flesh as he matched his hips to hers, surrendering to the heat and rhythm. Damn, if it felt this good through clothes, what the hell would it feel like flesh to flesh?
   Every part of him ached to find out.
   Her long white hair tickled his skin, and he freed his other hand from her hold to fist his hand through it, clinging to the back of her head. The emptiness he didn’t realize he had inside him filled up with only her, nestling into his soul, the missing piece of him. The sensation of being whole flooded him with strength.
   “Tag,” she said in more of a moan than a word, easing back from their kiss.
   He swallowed hard, looking up into her shining violet eyes. Blinking, he eased them both to a seated position, because, holy shit, her eyes were really shining.
   “Everleigh,” he whispered. “Why are you glowing?”

Rowtag Aktoon is about to die. He doesn’t know how, and he doesn’t know when. All he knows is it’s coming.

After his cousin shares a vision and part of it comes true, the reality creeps in that his end could very well be imminent. His family convinces him to seek the help of a witch who could provide answers. He only hopes that what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

Everleigh Ulric isn’t what she seems. Hiding from a father who wants to exploit her and an immortal witch out for vengeance, she’s built a life of anonymity hidden away at Cirque de Mystique – a paranormal circus.

When Tag discovers Everleigh is his fated mate, life takes on new meaning, however short theirs may be. He plans to do everything in his power to make sure neither he nor his new mate end up six feet under. But dying may just be the key that unlocks the doors of their happily ever after.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Wren hails from the frozen tundra of Wisconsin where beer and cheese are their own food groups. But a cowboy swept her off her feet and carried her to Texas, where she promptly lost all tolerance for cold and snow. Fueled by coffee, dreams, and men in kilts, Wren promises to bring you laughter, heart-fluttering romance, and action that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Extortion [Controlling Interest 02] by Amelia Wilde!

Will Leblanc takes risks in his private equity firm and in the underground boxing ring, but nowhere else.

Definitely not in love. Which is why he had to walk away.

Except Bristol Anderson needs his help. More than that, he wants to protect her.

But no one can protect her from him. He has a dark side. A violent side. She’s an unbearable temptation. He’s barely holding back.

What happens when the monster inside him gets loose?

Welcome to the Midnight Dynasty… The warring Morelli and Constantine families have enough bad blood to fill an ocean, and their brand new stories will be told by your favorite dangerous romance authors.

Check it out on Goodreads!


Author bio:

Amelia Wilde is a USA TODAY bestselling author of steamy contemporary romance and loves it a little too much. She lives in Michigan with her husband and daughters. She spends most of her time typing furiously on an iPad and appreciating the natural splendor of her home state from where she likes it best: inside.

Amelia is a USA Today best selling author from northern Michigan. Be her friend!

Monday 24 October 2022

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: The Baby Blitz [Varsity Dads 03] by Lex Martin!

Two pink lines won’t change the bad blood between us.

I haven’t always hated my brother’s best friend, but Michael Oliver gets under my skin and brings out the worst in me. He knows how to push my buttons, and I relish pushing all of his. He betrayed my trust years ago, so I’ve made it my mission in life to aggravate him until he admits he was wrong.

When his sister’s wedding brings us together, Michael suggests a truce for one night. If only he weren’t so handsome and smart, maybe I could resist the allure, but I’ve always been a little impulsive, and this man is my ultimate temptation. After years of pent-up frustration and unrequited lust, I finally let down my guard, and that’s all it takes for us to combust.

But like all bad decisions, the morning after brings a reckoning, and I leave his hotel room swearing to never waste another moment of my time pining after him. Who needs that grumpy jerk warming her bed? Not me.

I don’t let myself think about that steamy night together, or how it pained me to hear about his football injury, or how much I know he wants to get drafted so he can help his family. Because I’m cutting Michael out of my life for good.

Only the two little pink lines mean I can’t forget him. Even if I desperately want to.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy here

Author bio:

Lex Martin is the USA Today bestselling author of The Varsity Dad Dilemma, the Texas Nights series, and the Dearest series, books she hopes readers love but her parents avoid. A former high school English teacher and freelance journalist, she resides in Texas with her husband, twin daughters, and a bunny named Dandelion.


Sunday 23 October 2022

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Under a Wicked Moon [The Crown's Wolves 02] by Zoe Forward!


   She moistened her lips as she stood, eyelids at half-mast. “We shouldn’t go there.” He was suffocated by her proximity, by the feel of her hand on him, even though it was only resting on his thigh. Tingles spread from that point of contact. The room closed in, and nothing else existed. His chest rose and fell with each deep inhale and exhale.
   “Kiss me, Ky. Because if you don’t, I’m going to kiss you.”
   He couldn’t look away from her lips. This was a line he wasn’t sure he should cross. He could do it. But should he? This woman had more power over him with one touch than he expected.
   Her hand slid farther into his hair and gripped as if to hold him in place.
   She pulled his head toward her. She met him more than halfway. At first touch, her lips were soft. Her tongue tickled the seam of his lips, teasing and asking. She tilted his head. His lips parted, and she went in deep. He floated, falling, and if he hadn’t been seated, he’d have fallen into the abyss.
   Her opposite hand fell to his hips and slipped beneath his shirt. The warmth of her skin gliding over him elicited a groan. He lifted her onto his lap to have better access.
   Without an ounce of self-consciousness, she rubbed against him. “Touch me, Ky.”

They are the ultimate weapon. The ultimate secret. They are the Crown’s wolves.​

Lycan Ky Lanzo is bound by the Crown’s command. His latest mission directive was deceptively simple. Get yourself caught. Now, Ky’s been bound, drugged, and collared by an unknown enemy in a facility that knows enough about him to neutralize his lycan strength and his telekinetic magic. But he’s not alone in his cell. Because there’s someone else with him. Someone exquisite. Someone altogether forbidden…

For Vivi Kinley, another month gone by means another full moon trapped in a cell with a moon-crazed lycan. There once was a time I’d never kill a living creature. Only, Ky is different. He’s powerful, latently sexy…and wanting him is dangerous trouble. Because sexual attraction is exactly what their captors want—and it’ll be an icy day in hell before she’ll allow it.

Now, Vivi and Ky have one chance at escape and to discover what twisted organization did this to them—and make them pay. The good news is that Ky might have found his near-impossible lycan mate.

The bad news is that she might be programmed to kill them all…

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

USA Today bestselling author, parent, wife, veterinarian, chocolate lover. Author of spicy paranormal and contemporary romances. Zoe Forward brings readers the perfect combination of action adventure, romance, humor and a bit of magic.

Her novels have won numerous awards including the Prism, Readers' Choice Heart of Excellence, Golden Quill, Carolyn Readers Choice Award, and the Booksellers' Best Award.

You can find her residing in the South with a menagerie of four-legged beasts and two wild kids.



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Saturday 22 October 2022

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Arabian Knight [Knights of Caerleon 03] by Ines Johnson!

Sir Geraint gets tangled up in an arranged marriage in this steamy, magical modern-day adventure of knights, fairies, and slip knots!

Fairy princess Enid is tired of being a pawn in her father’s games of thorns. Don’t let the pretty petals of her flowers fool you because she’s no wilting wallflower. But when the king goes too far, she calls on the Knights of the Round Table to help free her from an impossible situation. She doesn’t expect for the valiant knight who comes to her rescue to sweep her off her roots as he comes to her rescue.

After pledging himself to the chivalric code, Sir Geraint feels useless as the modern women around him fight their own battles. Given purpose by the call of a fairy in distress, he rushes in—sword at attention—to restore her honor. When he learns that only a marriage of convenience will save her, he lays his sword at her feet and offers his name, and his heart. Agreeing to this forced union is against everything he stands for as a chivalric knight, but for once he’s willing to throw those vows out the window in exchange for making lifelong ones with Enid.

The price of her freedom is higher than she expected, but as Enid grows to care for her new husband and her new home of Camelot, there are secrets she must keep. Geraint longs to break through her protective barriers, but it may also mean breaking his oath to his brother knights. And when the fairy king’s plots and plans put Enid’s new life in jeopardy, will she have to betray the husband she’s starting to fall for in order to save him and everything he loves?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Kobo

Author bio:

Lover of fairytales, folklore, and mythology, Ines Johnson spends her days reimagining the stories of old in a modern world. She writes books where damsels cause the distress, princesses wield swords, and moms save the world.

You can sign up for her mailing list and receive alerts and free reads at http://bit.ly/inesnews.

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