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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Friday 30 November 2018

Stacking The Shelves [40]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

 For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

Currently Reading:

Thursday 29 November 2018

Book Blitz & Giveaways: Valiant by Merrie Destefano!


   The creature outside lets out a horrid scream, so loud it penetrates my bones, so strong I’m sure it can be heard for miles.
   Icy dread washes over my body.
   It’s a Xua, and it’s letting its brothers know where we are.
   Panic grips me. But I can’t allow fear to take over right now. I need to get my brother and my friends to safety.
   “We have to go,” I say. “Get ready to fight when I open the door.”
   We all pull out our laser switchblades and power them up. Natalie checks to make sure her gun is loaded. Billy brushes his hair out of his eyes with one hand, slips his backpack over his shoulder with his other. Ella stumbles to a crawling position, dark circles under her eyes and one hand clutching a car jack.
   This girl is ready to rock and roll.
   Gabe frowns at me. “But you said everything would be fine in the morning—”
   “I was wrong,” I say, fighting the despair that gnaws at me.
   Natalie grabs her knapsack. “Maybe Aerithin meant later in the morning, like ten or eleven o’clock?” There’s a glimmer of hope in her eyes as she asks the question we’re all hoping is true.
   Maybe Aerithin lied. Or maybe he was wrong. Maybe the Xua found a way to change destiny and nothing Aerithin said matters. A soul-crushing dread fills my chest, and I need all my strength to take the next step.
   “As much as I want that to be true,” I say, “we have to focus on the here and now. We have to fight our way out before more Xua arrive.”
   I find the door latch and get ready to push it open, worrying that the bright light will stun us, and the Xua will rush in, and there might be more of them than we can handle. This could be our last fight, our last few moments on Earth. I’m hoping Justin is out there somewhere, and that I’ll get to see him one last time.
   “Stay with me,” I say. Then I swallow, tense my muscles, and get ready to swing my laser switchblade. I quietly unlatch the door.
   “Three, two, one…”
   I kick the door open, and I’m blinded by the morning sunshine that I’ve been waiting fifteen lifetimes to see.

The Valiant was supposed to save us. Instead, it triggered the end of the world.

Earth is in shambles. Everyone, even the poorest among us, invested in the Valiant’s space mining mission in the hopes we’d be saved from ourselves. But the second the ship leaves Earth’s atmosphere, our fate is sealed. The alien invasion begins. They pour into cities around the world through time portals, possessing humans, forcing us to kill one another.

And for whatever reason, my brother is their number one target.

Now the fate of the world lies in the hands of me, a seventeen-year-old girl, but with the help of my best friend, Justin―who’s suddenly starting to feel like more―maybe if we save my brother, we can save us all…

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks

Author bio:

Born in the Midwest, former magazine editor Merrie Destefano currently lives in Southern California with her husband, two German shepherds, a Siamese cat, and the occasional wandering possum. Her favorite hobbies are reading speculative fiction and watching old Star Trek episodes, and her incurable addiction is writing. She loves to camp in the mountains, walk on the beach, watch old movies, and listen to alternative music—although rarely all at the same time.



Wednesday 28 November 2018

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Vow of Honor [Vow 03] by Emma Renshaw!

I can’t stand Tatum from the second she walks into the room. Everything about her puts me on edge—from her small delicate curves to the smile that she refuses to lose.

There’s nothing she loves more than to piss me off. She’s infused herself in every part of my life, taking away the silence I crave. I’d walk away if I could. If I hadn’t been shot. If I didn’t need physical therapy. If I could resist her.

I only kiss her to shut her up. I didn’t expect it to turn into the hottest moment of my life with our clothes scattered on the floor. The one-time thing turns into something neither of us expects.

When my guard drops and secrets are revealed, I’ll do anything to protect Tate. We have enemies lurking around every corner.

Will my vow of honor cost me the one thing I can’t live without?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks

Author bio:

Emma loves to write, just don't ask her to write about herself. If she isn't writing, you can find her lost in a book or trying to get her doggo to take a selfie with her. He usually refuses. At the end of the day, you can find Emma at the closest Mexican restaurant eating queso and sipping on a margarita. She lives in Texas with her husband and dog.


Tuesday 27 November 2018

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Insistent [Soul Serenade 04] by Kaylee Ryan!

She came into my life without warning. It wasn’t love at first sight, but the more time I spent with her, I knew she was the one. Our relationship was complicated, and I knew I had my work cut out for me. I have to prove to her that she’s all I see. That no matter how the past reads, we can re-write the future.

He’s the sexiest one of the group, in my personal opinion. We’re friends, and colleagues, well technically he’s my boss. He’s also the man that consumes my thoughts, and my desires. I have too much at stake to allow myself to jump into bed with him, but I really really want to.

One taste and I know I’ll never be the same. Cassidy can prolong this all she wants, but I know how it ends. When she’s mine.

He’s relentless, and I let him drag me under his spell. It can’t happen again, but Gavin, he’s Insistent that this is just the beginning.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks or Google Play

Author bio:

Kaylee Ryan is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author. When she’s not spinning tales of happily ever after, she’s reading or spending time with family. Born and raised an Ohio girl, Kaylee resides in Cincinnati with her husband and their son.


Monday 26 November 2018

Release Blitz & Review: Wild Collision [The Wild 01] by Micalea Smeltzer!

Publication date: 23rd November 2018
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: He was a beautiful nightmare.

Mia Hayes is comfortable with her life as it is.
Boring is good.
Boring is normal.
Boring is safe.
But the thing with boring is it makes temptation all the sweeter.

She was a sweet dream.

Hollis Wilder goes a hundred miles an hour after everything he wants.
Fast is fun.
Fast is crazy.
Fast is dangerous.
But the thing with fast is it keeps you from thinking before you act.

Together they were the notes in their favorite song.

When Mia and Hollis collide—literally—music’s new bad boy can’t help but notice the beautiful red-haired woman with soft curves. She calls to him like a siren, and since the word no isn’t in his vocabulary he’s determined to get what he wants.

The problem is, one night won’t be enough, and the fact that Mia is his mentor’s daughter complicates things royally.
Mia’s the one girl that’s off limits, but she might be the only one he wants for real.

I've read all of this author's books and I always look forward to a new release from her! This book sounded amazing and I was very excited to read it! I then received an ARC from the author and I had just finished my current read, so I was able to read this book straightaway! After reading this book, I can say that I really enjoyed it! The plot developed at the perfect pace and it kept me intrigued and wanting to read on! I really enjoyed the direction that the author took it in, even though it was a bit predictable as to what was going to happen! There also wasn't any action and suspense in this book, but there was plenty of romance between the two main characters and this allowed for some seriously hot scenes! I wasn't expecting the scenes to be quite so hot, but they really were lol! I also loved where this book ended and it was left at the perfect place for the characters! The characters were also amazing and made this book even better! Mia was the main female character, and in this book she was brilliant! She stood up for herself and she was easy for me to connect with! I also respected her for working a 'normal' job and going to school, even though she came from a wealthy family! Mia was in a bit of a dilemma in this book because she didn't want to cause trouble with her father, but she also wanted her relationship to be accepted! Hollis was the main male character and love interest of Mia! Hollis was seriously hot in this book and actually learned quite a lot by the end of this book! He was quite cocky at the beginning of this book and just wanted to make it big in the music world! Mia changed things for Hollis though and she made him realise about what was more important and that fame isn't everything! It was easy to see that Hollis really loved Mia too and he was very funny with her! I loved that this book was written from both Mia and Hollis's point of views! The synopsis kind of gives the impression that it's going to be written from both characters point of views, so I'm really happy that it was! It helped me connect and understand both characters and it allowed for more things to happen in the plot, especially as Mia and Hollis were going through their own things and didn't spend the full book together! I now can't wait to read the next book in this series! I know that it's going to focus on two secondary characters that were in this book, but this has me even more excited to read it because their story started in this book, so I can't wait to continue it! I'm not sure when the next book is going to release, but I'll definitely be anticipating its release! The cover for this book is also absolutely stunning! I loved it as soon as I saw it and the cover models are the perfect Mia and Hollis! It does make your eyes go crazy if you look at it for too long, but it suits the book perfectly and I bet it's going to look amazing in paperback! Big thank you to Micalea for an ARC of Wild Collision!

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Hi. I’m Micalea. Ma-call-e-uh. Weird name, I know. My mom must’ve known I was going to be odd even in the womb. I’ve written a lot of books. Like a lot. Don’t ask me how many, I don’t remember at this point. I have an unhealthy addiction to Diet Coke but I can’t seem to break the habit. I listen to way too much music and hedgehogs have taken over my life.

Sunday 25 November 2018

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Blinded [Bound 02] by Jennifer Dean!


   Within seconds we were on highway 264, heading toward the Alexander mansion—or Goose Creek Park to those unaware of the Alexander’s true residence.
   “Now are you going to tell me why we had to fake an illness to escape me from school grounds?” I looked down at our hands with a gulp before finding the courage to look back at up him.
   “Time is of the essence,” Liam said.
   With my stubbornness beginning to surface, Liam looked at me with prideful satisfaction while the same hesitation I had seen in the school hallway lingered within his eyes. I was going to have to drag it out of him. It would have been convenient to have Sean’s ability right now.
  “Liam…” I paused with a frustrated sigh to his silence as he looked back out the windshield. “What is so bad that you had to ask me to leave school? Your face doesn’t exactly look as if you got the urge to head out on vacation.”
   “Would you go with me if I asked?”
   Liam turned his neck to gaze at me with eyes so bright they almost frightened me. How could someone look so hopeful and saddened at the same time?
   “Anywhere. Anytime,” I said.
   “Maybe when I…”
   He stopped himself with his words, gripping his knuckles tightly on the steering wheel.
   “Maybe when you what?” I closed my eyes as I spoke his name aloud as if it were a password. “Liam…” They opened back to gaze upon his dirty blonde hair. “Please just tell me. What’s wrong?”
   I sat in silence shifting my eyes around his face as if they were a plane and I was trying to find a safe place to land. I waited in continued silence as I caught sight of the road that lead to the Alexander Mansion. Just when the white of the mansion peeked through the trees Liam finally spoke without looking at me.
   “Something’s happened.”
   I ignored my desire to be angry with his silence up to this point.
   He was ready to tell, so I was ready to listen.
   “What has?”
   Liam pulled swiftly into the curved drive before putting it in park and turning his body completely to face me. He closed his eyes with a sigh for only a second’s composure before opening them with an exhale. My heart beat faster, afraid of his next words.
   “Sean didn’t come back from his watch this morning.”
   At the sound of Sean’s name I grabbed instinctively at the door handle for support. My stomach barrel rolled with a fear, and a shiver ran up my spine, leaving me dizzy. Liam’s hand moved to gently hold my face level with his own, forcing me to concentrate on him. My eyes desperately wanted to shift down in panic as I thought about Sean’s fate, but the emerald glow of Liam’s eyes were enough to hold me. Unfortunately, they couldn’t stop the dark thoughts from circling my mind. Where is he? Was he distracted from last night? This is my fault.
   “Oh God, that was something important when Grace called. Was that when they knew…and we waited the whole period…what do we–”
   The last time I had been this jumbled was when I had discovered Sean was immortal. Each thought ran wildly in every direction, spreading panic in its path. I felt my deep breaths become shorter upon each inhale.
   Liam’s gentle tone brought my focus back enough to voice my fears.
   “He’s missing?” I said.
   “Yes,” Liam said.
   I could feel the sweat glisten my palms as my heart beat even faster. I slowly reached my right hand up to lay on top of Liam’s left as my lips pulled together.
   “But he’s not de—”
   I breathed out a small sigh of relief at his interruption. I dropped my hands into my lap, grateful because I didn’t think I could have even finished the last word of my question.
   “Come on,” Liam said.
   He dropped his hands from my face and reached for the door handle. I quickly followed him out of the car, meeting at the end of his car’s hood. We held onto each other’s hands as we ran–at my pace–up the curved porch stairs. Despite my lack of concentration to each step, I was impressed that I hadn’t tripped.
   Once reaching the porch we slowed, not stopping as Patrick opened the door, ushering us inside. Once in the living room, my eyes bounced from left to right, shocked to see every member of the Alexander clan. Well, everyone except my brother.
   Liam and I dropped hands as I gazed at the right side of the room to see Grace next to William. She was talking on the phone to someone while William looked at a map. Liam began heading in their direction. I followed him on auto-pilot, my mind still processing the situation. As I got closer, I could hear Grace.
   “Yes, Kallie. The scent goes north before dropping off completely.”
   As Grace listened to Kallie’s reply on the other end, I gazed up to see her withdrawn cheeks and brightened sapphire eyes. Grace looked back at me for only a few seconds before looking back at the map.
   “I understand,” Grace said.
   She stood listening to Kallie before letting her eyes close for only a second’s need of composure.
   “Thank you,” Grace said before ending the call with her thumb, and placing the cell phone into her pocket.
   Whatever Kallie had said it must have been about Sean. My stomach tensed as I watched Grace lower her finger to the map.
   “Liam, you head south while Will and I head past the northern border,” Grace said.
   There were so many things happening it was hard to know what to ask first.
   “You’re going?” I said.
   I turned my head to meet Liam’s already waiting eyes. They weren’t the only pair that gazed back at me.
   “There’s a better chance of finding him if the three of us go,” Liam said.
   I nodded with my small exhale. The voice in my mind told me to shut up. It wasn’t my business to question how immortals tracked. I guess it was just human nature to worry about those you love. I was torn between the uneasiness of Liam leaving and the gratefulness of his selfless search to find my brother.
   “You’re right,” I said choosing the latter.
   If only I had the gift to see into Sean’s thoughts the way he had read mine after Henry had taken me. I could end this search immediately and send them to get him. But I couldn’t. I could do nothing.
   I sighed, focusing my eyes on the ground before they suddenly froze in place with a new thought. No, I couldn’t peek within Sean’s mind but he could always hear what was in mine. Sean. If you’re still alive—god I didn’t mean that—I just mean if you are hearing me now then I want you to know one thing. They’re going to find you. They are going to bring you back to me so that I can see you one last time. And once I see you are okay, I promise I will give you your wish and let you move on with your new life. I promise, big brother. I love you.

Despite the constant nightmares that remind her of the attack that almost took her life, Emma Morgan has come to accept the risk that comes from being a human in love with an immortal. Unfortunately, it’s Sean who still continues to struggle with his sister’s presence in the world of his new life. 

A struggle that inevitably leaves him distracted long enough to go missing on his watch. But Emma learns that finding her brother may come at a high price.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks

Author bio:

I was never that child you found in the corner reading. In fact, I loathed the idea of picking up a book. The activity seemed more of a chore than a past time.

All that changed when my brother began talking to me about the newest novel he was reading Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix. Before I knew it, my curiosity got the better of me, luring me to try the series. It didn't take long for my mindset of reading to turn on its head.

But even with my new hobby discovered it wasn't until my junior year of college that I developed a hidden desire for writing stories. And when I found myself writing scenes instead of paying attention to my professors, I knew becoming a writer was the career path I was meant to follow.


Saturday 24 November 2018

Book Blitz & Giveaway: The Long Shot by Reana Malori!

When did she become so bold?

Regina Perkins played by the rules. She did what was expected of her and lived life between the lines. No one would ever accuse her of taking chances. Being a risk-taker was not in her DNA. But, the first time she saw Gavin Carpenter, all those things went out the window. Dating the father of a student wasn't strictly forbidden and in Regina's mind, that meant she had permission.

When did he decide to believe in love again?

Gavin Carpenter spent years shielding his heart from women who weren't any good for him, or his son Riley. After a betrayal at the hands of his son's mother, he swore off women, and relationships, which suited him just fine. Until she strolled into his life with her soft smile and beguiling eyes. Regina Perkins was the one woman who made him willing to risk it all for one chance of holding her in his arms.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble or iBooks

Author bio:

Reana Malori is a Bestselling Author of Multicultural / Interracial Contemporary Romance. She weaves romance stories that pull the reader into her world, and helps them share in her universe, even if only for a short time. She began her writing journey in 2009, releasing her first novella, To Love a Marine. Since then, she has released more than 30 books of varying lengths, to include Weekend Fling, Escape to Heaven, Finding Faith, and Conall. Reana currently resides in Montclair, Virginia with her husband and two sons who keep her busy laughing, having fun, and making sure she doesn’t take herself too seriously.


Friday 23 November 2018

Release Blitz & Giveaway: Three Wishes by Reana Malori!

Jordan Hunt's need for Leticia James is coming to a boiling point. The beautiful, curvy, and oh so feisty woman grabbed his attention from the first moment he noticed her. Taking a chance, he introduced himself, not giving her a chance to walk out of his life. Two years, and a lifetime of memories later, he's determined to make her his. Even as she continues to push him away. She doubts he’s ready to settle down with just one woman. Namely her.

Desire clawing at him to claim his woman, Jordan’s done all the right things. He’s bided his time and proven to Leticia that he’s not going anywhere. Shown her that he’d changed his ways. Still, the stubborn woman refuses to see they’re perfect for each other. Her lush curves would fit perfectly against his hard muscles. Those soft lips would kiss away the memories of anyone who came before her. If only she’d given them a chance.

When visiting her home one day, he finds a piece of paper hidden away from public view. Three words catch his eye. My Three Wishes.

Now Jordan has a mission. He's determined to make Leticia his in every sense of the word, even if he must use a little Christmas luck to make it happen.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Reana Malori is a Bestselling Author of Multicultural / Interracial Contemporary Romance. She weaves romance stories that pull the reader into her world, and helps them share in her universe, even if only for a short time. She began her writing journey in 2009, releasing her first novella, To Love a Marine. Since then, she has released more than 30 books of varying lengths, to include Weekend Fling, Escape to Heaven, Finding Faith, and Conall. Reana currently resides in Montclair, Virginia with her husband and two sons who keep her busy laughing, having fun, and making sure she doesn’t take herself too seriously.



Thursday 22 November 2018

Book Blitz & Giveaway: In the Land of Gods and Monsters, Part I [Gods & Monsters 01] by Carmen Jenner!


   “You’re behaving like a brat,” he says through clenched teeth. “Is that the thanks I get for providing you with a bed and blankets?”
   “Take them back! I don’t want them. I want out of this room.”
   “You want out of this room?” Ares grabs my face with one rough hand. He leans in, his warm breath skating across my ear as his stubble grazes my cheek. “Then you have to earn it. And trust me, your bratty antics aren’t doing that.”
   He releases me and walks away, pressing his hand into the keypad to unlock the door. Without another word, he leaves. I launch off the bed and throw myself at the glass wall. He doesn’t look at me as he walks away, and I know I’ll pay for my behavior later. I’ll pay this tithe in pain, and bruises, in welts on my body, and in pleasure that he steals from me. For now, I circle my room like a caged animal, because that is what I am. Caged.
   I scream, bang my fists on the glass, rip my blanket from the bed and throw it at the wall. He’s almost at the staircase. I know he hears me. I know he’s keeping a tally in his head of all the things I will be punished for. Well, fuck him. I can’t do this anymore.
   He thought of everything. All the ways I could harm him—or myself. He removed them all.
   All except one.
   I walk toward the reinforced steel door, take a deep breath, and slam my head against it. Pain, white-hot and searing, reverberates through my skull, so hard that my eyes roll in their sockets. Blood trickles down my forehead. I’m woozy, nauseous. Bile rises in my gut as if it were acid. I rear back and slam my head into the metal, harder this time.
   “Fuck!” Ares shouts. I can’t see him, but I know I have his undivided attention now. I stumble back against the wall as the familiar beep sounds, and he enters the room. “Fuck, pet! What did you do?”
   I shove my hand out in front of me to swat him away, but instead, I find myself caught up in his arms as I sink into the darkness that calls to me with its siren song. “Fuck you and your freedom.”

In the land of gods and monsters, she was a toy. A plaything. A pet.
His pet.
Taken, stolen, beaten, used.
Pet remembers nothing before his touch, and afterward she craves nothing more.
Sinful and merciless, Ares is her god now. He alone says when to beg, when to come, and when to kneel, but he never said anything about leaving.

Warning: In the Land of Gods and Monsters is a dark romance novel. It contains strong sexual themes, dubious consent, graphic violence, and may contain triggers for some readers.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Carmen Jenner is a thirty-something, USA Today and international bestselling author. 

A tattoo enthusiast, hardcore makeup addict, cake fanatic, and zombie fangirl, Carmen lives in sunny Australia, where she spends her time indoors wrangling her two wildling children, a dog named Pikelet, and her very own man-child. 

A romantic at heart, Carmen strives to give her characters the HEA they deserve, but not before ruining their lives completely first … because what’s a happily ever after without a little torture?
