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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Inevitable [Key West Series 02] by C.A. Harms!

Harper Jameson, had built the necessary walls to keep her heart safe. Never again would she allow herself to be weak and vulnerable.

Confident and full of attitude.

A mask she wore that many fell for.

Except Easton Black.
He was equally confident, cocky and knew what he wanted.

Things he wanted rarely escaped his grasp. He was immune to the façade Harper had created.

She was intriguing.
It was inevitable and Harper could sense that there was no way out. Easton Black would no doubt be the man who could change everything.
People aren’t always as strong as they appear to be on the outside…
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon or Barnes and Noble
Author bio:

I enjoy happy endings in my love stories. Loving those scenes that give it the needed angst and heat to keep you hooked and wanting more. Just enough drama to make her heart race and your stomach flutter. I haven't always been a lover of Romance and had once been addicted to a good Mystery. Just recently I have taken on a new liking and now I am addicted to Romance Novel.

I am a Limitless Publishing Author and love sharing my stories with my great fans. Feedback is great and I really enjoy interacting with my readers.

I live in Illinois and enjoy spending time with my husband and two children.

You will always find me with my kindle or paperback in hand as it is my favorite pass time.

And I never leave home without a small notebook. You never know when an idea for a new story will strike.

Monday 29 June 2015

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Meeting the Step [The Step 01] by Ash Adams!

Him: When I returned from vacation my father dropped the news that he was remarrying. I would have a stepsister but I didn't want one. I told him he was twenty years too late for the whole sibling thing. I hated the thought of her until we met and then I couldn't get her out of my head.

Her: When my mother told me she was going to remarry, I died inside. She moved us to the suburbs in a perfect little neighborhood but I didn't want to be there. I knew my mother's fiance had a son that was close to my age but I didn't want anything to do with him until he rescued me from my boyfriend. Somehow with his prince charming good looks he had become my knight in shining armor.

Max and Chelsea couldn't deny their instant attraction, which meant trouble.

Their parents would never approve, but who said they had to know.

It all started with a kiss and one weekend alone…
Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy for only $0.99 from Amazon

Author bio:

Ash Adams loves words and likes to pretend she is a super hero. Luckily, through her stories she can make that dream a reality. When she isn't busy writing and fighting fictional crime, she can be found exploring the great outdoors or lusting over mountain views. She enjoys a good cup of coffee and sappy chick flicks where the good guy always gets the girl. She's also a little obsessed with hashtags. #happilyeveraftersforever

Sunday 28 June 2015

Stacking The Shelves [2]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews where we show what books we got recently. I do it once or twice a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book they can all be shared!
Purchased (Ebooks):

*My Birthday was the 22nd May, but I had already posted my Stacking The Shelves post by the time I got all my books lol!*


Saturday 27 June 2015

Cover Reveal: Ultimate Temptations [Temptations 01] by K. Anne!

Ella Wilkins only wants one thing out of life—to graduate from high school and escape her hometown where everyone knows her and the dark cloud surrounding her family.

Everything is going according to plan until two new students show up at her school. Asher and Cain, identical twin brothers, take an interest in her, and she can’t help but wonder why two gorgeous brothers would want anything to do with a social outcast like her.

As she gets closer to the brothers, she’s torn between the two. Asher’s kindness pulls her in and comforts her while Cain both tempts and infuriates her with his sarcastic and devious ways.

When she learns who they truly are—or rather, what they are—things start to get a little tricky.

Ella might not know it, but she is the key to winning the ultimate battle between heaven and hell. Both realms want her, and neither is willing to let her go.

She’s torn between the ultimate temptations of heaven and hell. Which side will she choose?

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Author bio:

K.A. Robinson is the New York Times and USA Today Best Selling Author of The Torn Series and The Ties Series. She lives in a small town in West Virginia with her husband and toddler son. When she isn't writing, she is reading or listening to rock music.

Friday 26 June 2015

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Run [NOLA Zombie 01] by Gillian Zane!

Publication date: 26th May 2015
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 3.5/4 stars
Synopsis: Zombies are on the loose in New Orleans and of all the End of the World scenarios, Alexis Winter wasn’t prepared for this one. But, an apocalypse is an apocalypse and she should have this covered. She has been “prepping” for the last three years. The problem is location and timing. She’s stuck downtown and she has to get to her house on the outskirts of the city so she can get her supplies and bug-in (for the “non-preppers” this means hole up and stay safe).

Agreeing to work on a Saturday is now coming back to bite her on the ass big time. Hopefully, it won’t be a literal bite by the walking dead.

Luck favors the prepared, and as luck would have it, it comes in the form of the ridiculously hot Blake Miller. Former military man, current mercenary, Blake Miller, the man with the plan, his goal: steal a boat and trek up the Mississippi until they find safety. Alexis thinks this is a great plan and she decides to team up with Blake. The two team up in unexpected ways as they find they can’t keep their hands off of each other even when the world is falling down around them.

Can Alexis and Blake survive the end of the world, and if they do make it through the night, find a place that is safe and secure? Can their newfound attraction lead them down the road to love or heartbreak?

Zombies, sex, romance and carnage…you can’t get any better than this.

I thought that this book was going to be a full length book, but it's actually the first novella of a three part novella series! I normally don't read a novella/serial series until all the parts have released, but I signed up to review this one, so I knew I had to read it and now I impatiently have to wait for the others to release lol! I was drawn to this novella though as I love zombie books, and romance and zombies are even better lol! I read this novella in a few sittings in a day because of its length! It had action and plenty of romance in it! It maybe had too much romance if you ask me lol, and the sex scenes went in a direction that I wasn't expecting! I do have to admit that I found it a bit weird lol, but I think it was just because I didn't expect them to go in that direction! The plot had plenty of action in it and quite a lot happened in it for the length of it! I did enjoy it and I liked that it had plenty of gore and action in it! It also developed at a good pace to keep me interested! The characters were also awesome! Alexis was the main character, and she was kick-ass in this book right from the first chapter! We're introduced to her just as the zombie apocalypse has started and she went right into action and she knew what to do! I understood why she was like this after I heard her story! I mean, what she had went through must have been a horrible experience! Alexis also held her own in this book for a lot of it, which impressed me! I do wish she hadn't hidden behind her love interest as much, but hey, I would do the same lol! She also became more confident as the novella progressed and was a good main character! Blake was the love interest of Alexis, and he was seriously hot! He was also a kick-ass character too and had plenty of fighting experience! I found it a little hard to connect with Blake for a lot of this novella though! I think it was maybe because the novella was only written from Alexis' point of view! I'm hoping the next novella might be written from dual point of view, but I'm not sure if it will be! Blake also became a bit of a dick to Alexis right at the end of this novella! In a way I understood why because of the information he was given, but in a way I couldn't understand it! I hope he redeems himself as this series continues! I have to admit though as much as I liked Alexis and Blake, I did think that their relationship developed way too fast! I mean, they met and slept together only hours later! It was just way too fast for my liking and I would have liked their relationship to have developed slower! Saying that, I'm looking forward to reading the next novella in this series, even though I didn't love, love this one! The ending of this novella was left at an awesome place, which has me intrigued to find out what's going to happen next! The cover for this novella suits it really well! It has a zombie and romantic feel to it, which suits the book! Big thank you to Gillian for an ARC of Run and to Alpha Author Promotions for having me on the Blog Tour!

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon or Smashwords
Author bio:
Gillian Zane has been writing fiction stories since she was first able to put pen to paper. She has published a few non-fiction books in her field of study, which is Art, but finally, after all, these years her first fiction novella is being released. Gillian is obsessed with anything that gives her a thrill and feels adding romance to any storyline is a good thing. She was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. She lives with her husband, too many animals in a little house that has way too many books.
Tour Host OUAA

Thursday 25 June 2015

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: And Then Forever [Fortune's Island 01] by Shirley Jump!

Welcome to Fortune’s Island, where the only rule is to follow your heart.

Love is an extravagance Darcy Williams can’t afford. She prefers the simple life, which includes waitressing at The Love Shack and avoiding temptation. But when a forbidden part of her past steps off the ferry, her safe, guarded existence is turned upside down.

Kincaid Foster has never gotten over his first love. When he sees the wild, beautiful blonde again, dancing her way around The Love Shack, the memories of Darcy’s soft skin, gentle touch, and heated kisses come rushing back. As the privileged son of a wealthy family, Kincaid was too young to stand up to his overbearing father when he and Darcy were together. Now, he’s back on the island—free of the family shackles—and the chiseled, big-time lawyer wants a second chance.

But, Darcy made a promise to keep a secret from Kincaid—a secret that is now a six-year-old girl who looks just like her daddy. If Kincaid finds out about their daughter, Darcy could lose everything. But, she can’t resist the man who stole her heart all those years ago. And it doesn’t take long before both of them realize that anything can happen on a hot summer night.
Pre-order your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks or Google Play
Author bio:
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Shirley Jump spends her days writing romance and women’s fiction to feed her shoe addiction and avoid cleaning the toilets. She cleverly finds writing time by feeding her kids junk food, allowing them to dress in the clothes they find on the floor and encouraging the dogs to double as vacuum cleaners.

Look for her Sweet and Savory Romance series, including the USA Today bestselling book, THE BRIDE WORE CHOCOLATE, on Amazon and Nook, and the debut of her Sweetheart Sisters series for Berkley, starting with THE SWEETHEART BARGAIN and continuing with THE SWEETHEART RULES (out in April 2014).

Visit her website at
www.shirleyjump.com or read recipes and life adventures at www.eating-my-words.com.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

UK Blog Tour: Moonlight on Nightingale Way [On Dublin Street 06] by Samantha Young!

Publication date: 2nd June 2015
Paperback edition: 336 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4.5 stars
Logan from Echoes of Scotland Street is back with his own smoldering story, as the New York Times bestselling On Dublin Street series returns…

Logan spent two years paying for the mistakes he made. Now, he’s ready to start over. He has a great apartment, a good job, and plenty of women to distract him from his past. And one woman who is driving him to distraction…

Grace escaped her manipulative family by moving to a new city. Her new life, made to suit her own needs, is almost perfect. All she needs to do is find her Mr. Right—or at least figure out a way to ignore her irresistible yet annoying womanizer of a neighbor.

Grace is determined to have nothing to do with Logan until a life-changing surprise slowly begins turning the wild heartbreaker into exactly the kind of strong, stable man she’s been searching for. Only just when she begins to give into his charms, her own messy past threatens to derail everything they’ve worked to build…

I'm a big, big fan of this series and this author, so when I received an email from the UK publisher about being on the UK Blog Tour, there was no way I was saying no lol! I received an e-ARC that day and started reading that night! I loved this book! It did go in a completely different direction to what I was expecting, but the direction was different and took me by surprise! I enjoyed it as well because it was such an unexpected twist and the synopsis didn't give anything away! The plot was amazing! It was so beautiful at times and then there were quite dark aspects as well! It had a bit of everything in it! The romance in it was also seriously hot! I was also a bit desperate to keep reading on find out what was going to happen next and this book took me a few sittings to read! I also loved the epilogue! It had a bit for each couple in the series, which was amazing! The characters were amazing! Grace was the main character, and she was a woman who had been belittled and by her mother and father! This made her have low self-esteem and feel insecure about relationships! I felt really sorry for Grace when I heard her story and heard about her childhood! She was an amazing person though and she managed to break away from the people who were pulling her down and make a life for herself! She was so strong and I connected so well with her! She also helped her love interest so much! He received a shock, and Grace was there for him all the way through this book, and he was there for her too! Logan was the love interest of Grace, and he was in the last book in this series! I loved him in that book and couldn't wait to read his story! Logan seriously impressed me in this book! He was given a huge shock, but with the help of Grace, he was able to come to terms with it and do the right thing! He really stepped up the mark and took on the role he needed too! Logan was also so hot with Grace! He was really protective of her and I could see that he had deep feelings for her! He showed this again and again in the book lol! I just loved him and he's definitely on my book boyfriend list lol! There was a part of me that thought that this book was going to be written from both Grace and Logan's point of views, but it was actually only written from Grace's! Don't get me wrong, I liked it being written from only Grace's, but it would have been really interesting to have gotten inside Logan's head and see how he was feeling at certain points! I'm really sad that this book is the last book in this series! I've loved this series and it was quite emotional to say goodbye to a bunch of characters that have me laugh, cry and fall completely in love with them! I'm excited to see what this author's next release will be though! The UK cover for this book suits it so well! I love how much it suits the others in the series too! I love the US cover as well! Big thank you to Piatkus for an ARC of Moonlight on Nightingale Way and for having me on the UK Blog Tour!

Check it out on Goodreads!

(Please click on the Tour schedule to enlarge it!)

Author bio:
Samantha Young is the author of the runaway bestselling On Dublin Street, which sold over 150,000 copies within five weeks and has now been sold in more than 25 countries. Published by Penguin UK until recently, her first book with Little Brown (Castle Hill) was one of the top 10 Hachette ebooks for 2014. This year she has been nominated for the Goodreads Choice Award for Best Author and Best Romance. She lives in Stirlingshire, Scotland and is available for publicity purposes, along with corresponding regularly with her 22,000 fans on FB and 15,000 Twitter followers.


Tuesday 23 June 2015

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: The Girl I Was Before [Falling 03] by Ginger Scott!

I’m the selfish one. I suppose that’s the nicest thing people say about me. I’ve heard the other things, too. “Paige Owens is a pretty girl with nothing else to offer. She’s just a good time at a party. She’s stupid, heartless, cold and useless. All she cares about is getting a guy to look at her. Why would anyone want to be her friend?”

Some of those things are true. Others were true. They’re all hurtful.

None of it matters.

I’m ready to make the hard choices. I’m ready to face the consequences. I’m ready to be the girl I was before, and I’m done being the one who lost her way.

I’m ready to become the girl Houston Orr sees when he looks at me.

Houston isn’t a star athlete. He doesn’t play in a band. He’s never going to be president, and his life is so far away from simple and easy it isn’t even funny. He wasn’t part of my plan. But I’m starting to think plans are overrated, and maybe our stories are what we make them. And mine depends entirely on me, and the choices I make…starting now.

Houston is my fairytale. He’s perfectly imperfect. He’s poetry and life. He’s truth and heartbreak, all rolled up in a tall body with dark hair, broad shoulders and green eyes that lull me into submission. He’s nothing I ever thought I wanted, but the very thing I need. He’s the only guy I’ve ever really loved, and he thinks I’m a princess. I fell into him, and now I’m holding on.

But sometimes life takes away our ability to choose. Sometimes…things aren’t in your control. Sometimes, it hurts to be selfless. My only hope is that when it comes time to choose, I get it right.

Welcome to my once upon a time and wish for happily ever after.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Google Play

Author bio:
Ginger Scott is an Amazon-bestselling author of eight young and new adult romances, including Waiting on the Sidelines, Going Long, Blindness, How We Deal With Gravity, This Is Falling, You and Everything After, Wild Reckless and The Girl I Was Before.

A sucker for a good romance, Ginger’s other passion is sports, and she often blends the two in her stories. (She’s also a sucker for a hot quarterback, catcher, pitcher, point guard…the list goes on.) Ginger has been writing and editing for newspapers, magazines and blogs for more than 15 years. She has told the stories of Olympians, politicians, actors, scientists, cowboys, criminals and towns. For more on her and her work, visit her website at

When she's not writing, the odds are high that she's somewhere near a baseball diamond, either watching her son field pop flies like Bryce Harper or cheering on her favorite baseball team, the Arizona Diamondbacks. Ginger lives in Arizona and is married to her college
sweetheart whom she met at ASU (fork 'em, Devils).


Monday 22 June 2015

Kick-Start Your Summer Blitz!

Ahh, summer. It's finally here. Hot days, tall glasses of lemonade, and the perfect time to dive into a good book...for FREE!
Kick-Start Your Summer With These 10 FREE Must-Read Contemporary Novels From Some Amazing Authors!
Ready to feed your e-reader?
Where there’s a Stone, there’s a scandal.

Amazon, iTunes, B&N, Kobo
Learn more about The Lust List Series on Mira's Website.
Connect With Mira Bailee Online:

Sometimes coming home is the hardest part...
Learn more about the series on Sarra's Website.
Connect with Sarra Cannon Online:
Jack has some ‘splainin’ to do! Dog trainer Callie Lassiter's normally well-behaved Great Dane Jack has run off and done the wild thing with the neighbor's dog and now she's pregnant. It must be puppy love!
Learn more about the Going To The Dogs Series on Zoe's Website.
Connect with Zoe Dawson Online:
I was falling, emotions first, in The Raven’s trap. And I didn’t try to stop myself.
Learn more about the University Park Series on C.M.'s Website.
Connect with C.M. Doporto Online:

Is a future together worth drudging up their past?

Learn more about Belong To Me on Laura's Website.
Connect with Laura Howard Online:

When you're lost, sometimes the only place you can go is home.

Learn more about the Clayton Falls Series on Alyssa's Website.
Connect with Alyssa Rose Ivy Online:
Make it Last is a second-chance love story about two people trying to find their way in life, and the friends that always support them.

Learn more about Make It Last on Bethany's Website.
Connect with Bethany Lopez Online:
Together the two learn there are moments in life that hold within them all the power to break you...
Learn more about The Coldcreek Companion Series on Jennifer's Website.
Connect with Jennifer Snyder Online:
Sky changed her life for a man once, and she has no intention of doing so again - even if he is a six-foot, tattooed rock god who makes a mean bacon sandwich.

Learn more about Summer Sky on Lisa's Website.
Connect with Lisa Swallow Online:
Getting into her top choice sorority? Easy. Failing out of college? Oops.
Learn more about My Paper Heart on Magan's Website.
Connect with Magan Vernon Online:

Happy Reading!

 Be sure to spread the word about these Must-Read #FREE Novels!