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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Sunday 31 March 2019

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Heat [Russo Saga 01] by Nicolina Martin!


   One button at a time, I undo his shirt and plant a kiss on every new patch of revealed skin. Tearing it off him, I add it to the pile on the floor.
   “You’re playing with fire, girl.”
   I stick out my tongue at him, and he has me on my back in a flash, his body flush against mine. A hard bulge presses against the apex of my thighs, making my pussy clench with anticipation, but I push at him.
   “Hey, I wasn’t finished.”
   He regards me, then pushes up, his eyes almost black as he stares hungrily at me. “Get on with it,” he growls.
   Our gazes are locked, as I pull the belt out of its loops and drop it to the floor. Pulling down the zipper, I make sure to brush against his hard length. He bucks and lets out a grunt. I grin and push him onto his back, then I pull off his pants and socks in a few jerky moves. Sitting back, I admire my work and the positively beautiful creature before me. He nods at his underwear. I’m more than happy to oblige and pull the last piece of fabric off him, shivering as I take in the breathtaking man in my bed. 

Anything can happen during the hot nights in the Dominican Republic.


I just wanted a tan and to sip drinks with little umbrellas in them. I didn’t know that vacation would mean sex with a hot stranger, being drugged, and nearly killed. My instincts tell me there’s more to the smooth facade of Nathan Russo, but my heart won’t listen. He’s my opposite, hot where I’m cool, experienced while I’ve never really lived. What starts out as a sexy fling can’t be more. Can it?


I’m a dangerous man with a mission to complete and people to kill. Sydney Lewis might literally cost me my life. As the stakes increase, I have to decide whether to follow my head or my heart. My life is too dangerous, I’m too much of a monster. She’s a good girl. She can’t be a part of this. I have to be cruel. I have to cut her out.

But she’s the only one who can save me.

Heat will take you on a journey to paradise, through Hell, and back.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Nicolina Martin is a Swedish born author who escapes the long, dark winter nights by writing hot contemporary romance/suspense.

She's a mother of three teenage girls, a medical doctor, a quirky loner, and a social human being. She has traveled the globe, has had more lovers than she can count, has loved and hated, succeeded and failed, has gone through marriage and divorce. She has seen darkness and despair, as well as light and happiness.

All these experiences, she pours into her tales, taking her readers for a wild ride while twisting their minds. She loves showing that stories can be different even if the trope is the same.

Nicolina believes that life is too short for regrets and in looking forward, no matter what. She wants to enjoy every moment, and cherish life.

To find out more about Nicolina Martin, visit her official website.



Saturday 30 March 2019

Release Blitz: I'll Be Seeing You by Beth Rinyu!

My mother once said that angels come in many forms: people, animals, insects, flowers or even objects. Some stay with us for just a short time, helping us through difficult times, others stay forever, deep inside our soul, carrying us from one moment to the next. I always wanted to believe it was true, that maybe in a world where there was so much bad, there was still hope for some good. As I grew older and the innocence of childhood waned and tainted my views on life, I was finding that perhaps it was just my mother’s way of feeding my young imagination. That all changed the day I met him.

You know that feeling you get deep inside your gut? The one that tells you something is dangerous, or something is meant to be. The one that sees the bad or good in a person before they even utter a single syllable to you. The one that rattles your very soul, making you question your own sanity because you know you must be completely mad for having such an intense connection to someone you’ve just met. That’s the feeling I had when I first saw him. It was so much more than his good looks, his charming personality and his caring ways. It was something unexplainable and unimaginable.

The first time we met, I felt it, and I was pretty certain he did to. Familiar strangers searching for someone, or something deep inside the other. Maybe I was losing my mind or maybe I was just caught up in a daydream of how I wished my life could be. But from the first moment, I had gotten caught up in his gaze, I knew I had stared into those deep-blue eyes once before…maybe not in this lifetime, but perhaps a lifetime before.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Ever since I can remember, I have always enjoyed Creative Writing. There was always something about being able to travel to a different place or become a different person with just the stroke of a pen - or in today's world a touch of the keyboard. I love creating deep characters who you will love or love to hate.

My life is not as interesting as my books or the characters in them, but then again whose life is? My happy place is a seat by the ocean with my feet in the sand or on the busy streets of New York City. You will more than likely find one of these places as the setting for most of my books.

Friday 29 March 2019

Release Day Blitz: Demon You Love [Lost Boys 02] by L.A. Fiore!

Anton Scalene

I was born in hell, raised in a nightmare.
I was fifteen when I killed for the first time.
As a child, my dreams were about climbing out of that hell, of being on top of the pile of bodies and not one of them.
I live in the shadows, find solace in the darkness.
Until her.
A chance meeting, a fleeting moment…
Her innocence beguiles me.
I want her, but to have her would destroy the very part of her I crave.
And even knowing that, I can’t stay away, until my past threatens to drag her into my nightmare.
Letting her go is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but a demon has no business falling in love with an angel.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

LA Fiore is a hybrid author who believes in a happily ever after, but she likes to make her readers work for it. When she's not writing, she can usually be found in the garden or hanging on the deck with her family and friends. She lives in Bucks County, Pennsylvania with her husband and two kids and their four fur babies.

Thursday 28 March 2019

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Sin of Love [Illusions Duet 02] by L.M. Halloran!


She took me with her when she left.
A day.
A thousand days.
It doesn’t matter.
She blew out the flame inside me and now
I’m in the dark.


Suffering is the cloak that shelters.
The mask that protects fragile skin.
And happiness is something for those
who have suffered less.

Happiness doesn’t live here,
in the house of broken dolls.

Only sin.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

When not writing or reading, the author enjoys walking barefoot, subjecting her husband to questionable recipes, and chasing her spirited toddler. She's a rabid fan of coffee, moon-gazing, and small dogs that resemble Ewoks. Home is San Diego, CA, but her heart lives in Portland.


Wednesday 27 March 2019

Stacking The Shelves [44]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Fleeting [Nash Brothers 01] by Carrie Aarons
Entice Me [Austin Singles 02] by Kelly Elliott
Trust the Push by Kaylee Ryan
Filthy Riches by Lauren Landish (Read)
Limit [Rebel 03] by Molly McAdams
From Breath and Ruin [Elements of Five 01] by Carrie Ann Ryan
Surprise Baby! by Lex Martin & Leslie McAdam
Soaring with Fallon [Big Sky 04] by Kristen Proby
Play Me by Kelly Elliott & Kristin Mayer
The Roommate Agreement by Emma Hart

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen M. McManus
A Curse So Dark and Lonely [A Curse So Dark and Lonely 01] by Brigid Kemmerer (Read)
Spirit [Elemental 03] by Brigid Kemmerer
Till Death by Jennifer L. Armentrout (Read)
Twilight/Life and Death by Stephanie Meyer
Under His Skin by Nicola Marsh/Wicked Heat by Kelli Ireland
King's Ransom by Jackie Ashenden/Good Girl by Christy McKellen

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

When Stars Come Out [When Stars Come Out 01] by Scarlett St. Clair
(Thank you, Scarlett!)
Sherwood by Meagan Spooner
(Thank you, Harper 360!)

For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

The Stranger in the Woods by Kiersten Modglin (Read)
The Angel Secret [The Angel Trials 06] by Michelle Madow (Read)
Now That I Found You [Heart's Compass 3.5] by Brooke O'Brien (Read)
Mine to Protect by Kennedy L. Mitchell

Currently Reading:

Lock [Rebel 02] by Molly McAdams

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Hard Loving Cowboy [Crossroads Ranch 04] by A.J. Pine!

This cowboy's handsome, sexy, and definitely off limits . . .

Walker Everett spends his days at the Crossroads Ranch wrangling cattle-and steering clear of anything that would complicate his already too-complicated life. Until Violet Chastain, the ranch's newest employee, asks him to pretend to be her boyfriend for her parents' anniversary party. She's the most beautiful woman he's ever met and needs his help. How can he refuse?

Violet isn't about to fall for a brooding bad-boy cowboy, no matter how sizzling their chemistry. But she also never expected Walker to go along with the charade. Before long, he's charming her parents at their weekly dinners and kissing her way more than necessary. Spending so much time together tests the limits of their "just friends" relationship, but what happens when their game of pretend becomes all too real

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks or Google Play

Author bio:

A teen librarian by day and a romance writer by night, A.J. Pine can’t seem to escape the world of fiction, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s the author of the If Only series (Entangled Embrace), the Only You series (Berkley/Intermix), the Kingston Ale House series (Entangled Select), and the Crossroads Ranch series (Forever Romance). When she finds that 25th hour in the day, she might indulge in a tiny bit of TV where she nourishes her undying love of vampires, superheroes, and a certain high-functioning sociopath detective. She hails from the far off galaxy of the Chicago suburbs.


Monday 25 March 2019

Release Day Blitz & Giveaways: The Story of Home [Langley Park 05] by Krista Sandor!

Sam Sinclair has a secret.
A secret dark enough to bring Zoe Stein to her knees.
A secret that’s kept him from being more than just her friend.

But not all secrets stay buried, especially in the town of Langley Park.

Zoe is done.
Done with Sam.
Done waiting for him to realize she’s in love with him.
Done wondering why he’s kept her at arm’s length.

Done remembering the two steamy nights they shared years ago.


Zoe gets the chance to right a wrong from her past, and Sam is the only one who can help her uncover the truth. Their passion reignites, but is their love enough to overcome the secrets that could tear them apart?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

If there’s one thing Krista Sandor knows for sure, it’s that romance saved her. After she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2015, her world turned upside down. During those difficult first days, her dear friend sent her a romance novel. That kind gesture provided the escape she needed and ignited her love of the genre. Inspired by the strong heroines and happily ever afters, Krista decided to write her own romance series. Today, she is an MS Warrior and living life to the fullest. When she’s not writing, you can find Krista running 5Ks and chasing after her growing boys in her adopted home of Denver, Colorado.

Facebook Group


Enter to win SIGNED paperbacks of the Langley Park series on Krista's Facebook page HERE!

Sunday 24 March 2019

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Fool’s Errand [Fate’s Fools 04] by Ophelia Bell!


   “Sing with me,” I whispered as I began to move. I lifted my wet hands from his shoulders to his temples, raking my fingers through his damp curls and holding on, my grip forcing his head to tilt back.
   Rohan’s golden gaze fixed on my face, his eyelids fluttering slightly and his breath coming quicker as I fucked him. “Are you sure?”
   “Yes. I want to try . . . ”
   He gripped my hips with both hands and took a deep breath. His exhale became a long, plaintive note, his brows creasing with the tension of the first verse of a song to accompany our lovemaking.
   The music was the perfect mix of hungry and sweet, and I clung to him as the notes settled inside me. I ached to join in when the tension of the pleasure coiled so tight I needed an outlet before I came too fast, but my voice betrayed me once again. When I tried to sing, the sound just came out as a pitiful croak, so I clamped my mouth shut, focusing on the pleasure to hold back the tears.
   I buried my face in his neck, my moan half pleasure, half despair. Rohan stroked the back of my neck, halting mid-verse. “It’ll come back to you, baby. I promise. I’m proof you don’t need a turul soul to sing.”
   “Just make love to me,” I whispered, pulling back to look into his eyes. He gazed intently back at me, brow creased and jaw clenched, betraying how my own hurt affected him just as acutely.
   I took a deep breath and started rocking my hips again, focusing on the pleasure of our connection as he resumed the song. The music truly helped, even if I couldn’t join in without an instrument.
   I let myself get lost in the rhythm he set and the deep notes that rose above the steam. I could draw the pleasure out with him, trusting that he’d let me know when he’d given too much. Rohan urged me on, holding tighter and shifting his hips into mine at a quicker tempo.
   The lyrics to the song gave way to his cries of pleasure as we crested together, both of us finding our climax at the same second amid sloshing water and slippery, gasping kisses. Rohan’s strained expression fell into laughter as he relaxed, his skin glowing faintly with my iridescent magic and my own skin glimmering golden and wet.
   I sank against him with a sigh, grateful for yet another reprieve from the ever-encroaching threat to my sanity and the added disappointment of losing my voice. Perhaps with enough time and their continued attention, that need would fade and my songs would return. For now, I would enjoy the lucidity when I had it and let them do the singing for me.

A lost soul…

You never know what you’ve got until it’s gone. In my case that was literal – I had Ozzie West’s soul and didn’t know it, but now it’s been torn from me and him along with it. I’m afraid I will never get him back.

My heart is broken.

My three mates may try to fill that void, but they don’t understand what he meant to me. They can’t see the memories unlocked by Fate.

Only one man can help, but he’s the one man I’m afraid I can never trust again.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks or Google Play

Author bio:

Ophelia Bell loves a good bad-boy and especially strong women in her stories. Women who aren't apologetic about enjoying sex and bad boys who don't mind being with a woman who's in charge, at least on the surface, because pretty much anything goes in the bedroom.

Ophelia grew up on a rural farm in North Carolina and now lives in Los Angeles with her own tattooed bad-boy husband and four attention-whoring cats.

If you'd like to receive regular updates on Ophelia's publications, freebies, and discounts, please subscribe to her mailing list: http://opheliabell.com/subscribe


Saturday 23 March 2019

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Climbing The Walls [Hart & Cole 01] by Sacha T. Y. Fortuné!



   Silence engulfs the room. I lie on the bed, hands behind my head, bareback, thinking. She sits there beside the damp towel, looking at me. It’s the middle of the afternoon on the longest day of both our lives, and the rest of the day looms ahead. Frighteningly. Each of us waiting for the other to make the first move. The first move to determine where our marriage and the rest of our lives are going.
   “I missed you,” she says quietly, breaking the silence. She slides down into position beside me on the bed, pulling her feet onto the bed.
   I close my eyes slowly, knowing what’s coming next. Knowing it and dreading it, and craving it simultaneously. She leans over me and pushes my hair back from my face to clear my forehead and kiss it. Her lips are soft and wary; it may be days before they return full force to their usual passion. Ah, yes. Too well, I remember my thoughts from the morning of last time we used the rose.
   Too well.
   She abandons my forehead and moves south, tracing her lips over my nose and settling on my lips. She pulls away gently, waits a split second and dips back in again. And pulls back, waiting. Waiting. Eyes closed, I can feel the electricity swallowing me whole, pulling me toward her. It’s what she wants. What she needs. She needs me to need her. She needs to be absolutely irresistible, she needs to be my kryptonite.
   My reluctance dwindles, pitifully. I have so little resistance. I’ve missed her so much, her lithe body pressing against my side… her eyes moistening and soaking me up, pulling me into her world, her hair draped so tantalisingly over my bare chest, her legs barely touching my skin yet sending out such steady and compelling heat – such warmth, oh God such warmth, her warm fingers pressing ever-so-gently into my cheek, a control mechanism to direct my lips— 
   Dammit dammit dammit dammit.
   So little resistance.
   My eyes still closed in utter and absolute bliss, I feel her leg cross over my stomach so that she’s straddling me, rolling onto my body and dragging her fingers through my hair and kissing me hard on the lips, pulling back every few seconds till my helpless body succumbs to her spell and leans forward of its own accord, seeking solace in the soft warmth of her thick and all-powerful lips. Her tongue snakes into my mouth at the same time that she places her right hand in between our stomachs, arching her body back slightly from mine. Teasing me. Good Lord, teasing me. So unfair. So damn unfair. After the last few days I’ve had, after the torture I’ve been through. She’s always had all the control, she loves separating us with that sole hand, her torso muscles tensed and taut and teasing.
   Oh Good Lord. God Almighty. Stop teasing me. Stop taunting me. Stop tearing me apart. Stop… good God, STOP. Please, for the love of God, STOP.
   “STOP!” The vehemence of my own words jars me, and she pulls back abruptly, jaw ajar and eyes exhibiting awe.
   I wriggle out from under her until I’m standing on two shaky feet on the carpeted floor beside my marital bed. “I can’t—I can’t do this. I won’t.” 

***Real emotion. Real life. Real love. This is NOT a glossy love story. But if you’re looking for a romance read that will rattle you… characters that will change you… and love that will last in your mind long after you’re finished… THIS IS THE ONE FOR YOU.***

Kris fell, head over heels over hormones, for the damaged b*tch who became his power-woman sex-goddess wife.

All Nicole wants is to be a better mother, and a wife more worthy of the husband she loves with every fibre of her body, but she is constantly yanked away by her job and her overbearing boss Darren Hart.

But Darren has marital problems of his own – and, when he confides in her, Nicole realises just how easily a happy marriage can crumble.

…Can she keep her own from doing the same?

Told from both points of view, “Climbing The Walls” explores the fibres that hold a marriage together – love, trust, forgiveness… and of course, the earth-shattering sex that will not be denied.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Sacha T. Y. FortunĂ© hails from the twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean, and she considers herself a “citizen of the world” [Read her “30 Day Truth Challenge” here – go to Day 16].

Her passion for writing began in her early childhood, when she channeled her active imagination into writing short stories, poems and full-length novels for her friends.

The winner of several writing awards during her childhood, she became the President of the Writers’ Guild at Lancaster University in Lancaster, UK, where she contributed some poems and short stories to Lancaster University’s Writers’ Guild Anthologies during 2005-2007.

With her BA in Media & Cultural Studies under her belt, she went on to complete her MA in International Journalism at the University of Westminster in London, UK.



Friday 22 March 2019

Release Blitz & Giveaway: The Five by Lily White!

Every man who meets Rainey wants her. Having lived a life of sex, drugs and manipulation, she is a temptation with far too many secrets.

When psychologist, Justin Redding, is assigned to Rainey's case, he has no way of knowing the tale of debauchery he will encounter.

On a twisted path of love, loss and murder, Rainey leads Justin through the events of her life.

Death follows Rainey...
Justin fights to discover her secrets...

But will he discover the secret of THE FIVE in time to resist Rainey's ultimate seduction?

"This book deals with sensitive subject matter that may be upsetting to some readers."

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Lily White is a romance writer who likes to dabble on the taboo side of eroticism. She is most known for her Masters Series, Target This, Wishing Well, and Asylum. In addition to dark romance Lily writes contemporary romance, taboo romance, and psychological thrillers. Lily enjoys stretching her writing muscles by continuing to challenge herself with each book she publishes.


Enter to win a $25 Amazon Giftcard on Lily's Facebook page HERE!

Thursday 21 March 2019

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: The Missing Ingredient [Reality of Love 01] by Marika Ray!

Who knew a cooking show could get so messy?

Elle Fierro
All I have to do is appear as a judge on this cooking show in Hollywood and my restaurant will open to rave reviews. Pretty much my lifelong dream. What I absolutely shouldn’t do is sleep with one of the contestants and ruin everything I’ve worked so hard for. But he gives good hugs, makes me laugh, fills out a simple T-shirt like nobody’s business, and is sweeter than the maple syrup he dripped all over my naked body last night…

Austin Cox
I may have been drunk when I applied to be on that reality cooking show, which is why it’s hard to believe I’m here. What’s even harder to believe is that Elle, with her painted red lips and fiery disposition, is in my bed and making me forget I need to win this damn show to get my little sister out of the foster care system.

When Elle throws me under the bus to realize her dream, will our love burn out or will we find the missing ingredient to happiness?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks

Author bio:

Marika Ray spends her time behind a computer crafting stories, walking the beaches of southern California scoping out the lifeguards, and making healthy food for her kids and husband whether they like it or not. Prior to writing novels, Marika held various jobs in the finance industry, with private start-up companies, and then in health & fitness. Cats may have nine lives, but Marika believes everyone should have nine careers to keep things spicy.

Marika enjoys writing all types of fiction novels, based on what inspires her. Right now she's working on stand-alone romances in the Beach Squad series, all about California lifeguards and their equally fearless women. Moderate suspense, a splash of humor, and lots of steamy romance...all with the beautiful ocean as a relaxing backdrop!

More information can be found at www.marikaray.com
