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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Friday 31 March 2023

Cover Re-Reveal & Giveaway: Illusions Unveiled [Ardor Creek 02] by Ayla Asher!

Sometimes you squander all your second chances…

At the tender age of seven, Peter Stratford fell in love with the only woman who would ever claim his heart. But Carrie represented Ardor Creek, the town Peter detested. Determined to make something of himself in New York City, he leaves her behind, breaking both their hearts.

Carrie Longwood accepted that Peter would never love her enough to stay. Embracing her inner strength, she married another and had her precious boys before her messy divorce. Alone in Ardor Creek, she builds her life around her small family unit.

When Peter returns to Ardor Creek, battered and broken from addiction, he begins to heal, knowing Carrie will never forgive him. But Carrie kept her own secrets and, whether they’re ready or not, all of their illusions will be unveiled…

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy here

Author bio:

Ayla Asher is the contemporary romance pen name for USA Today bestselling PNR author Rebecca Hefner. She loves a spicy, fast-paced contemporary romance and decided to share some of her contemporary stories too, hoping to spread a little joy one HEA at a time.

She would love to connect with you on social media, where she enjoys making dorky TikToks, FB/IG posts and fun book trailers!

Thursday 30 March 2023

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Kingdom of Blood and Salt [Blood & Salt 01] by Alexis Calder!

After spending years training to defend my people from our enemies, I never expected that my enemy would be the one keeping me alive.

Athos is the last human city. A treaty with the Fae keeps the fae, the vampires, and the wolf shifters at bay, while we fight against the dragons at our border. Being a human in this world is dangerous and we all make sacrifices to survive.

When the delegation sent by the Fae King arrives to claim the human tributes required by our treaty, I never expected to forge a connection with their leader.

Ryvin is as dangerous as he is handsome. I know he’s my enemy, and I know I’m supposed to hate him, but with each passing day, he’s more difficult to resist.

But things are changing in Athos. Humans no longer want to bend to the Fae King.

Alliances blur and centuries of lies begin to unravel.

And I’m faced with a choice.

No matter how much I hate him, Ryvin might be the key to preventing war.

But it may mean sacrificing everything….

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy here

Author bio:

Alexis Calder writes sassy heroines and sexy heroes with a sprinkle of sarcasm. She lives in the Rockies and drinks far too much coffee and just the right amount of wine.

Wednesday 29 March 2023

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Thorns at Sunrise [Star-Crossed Gifts 02] by Janeen Ippolito!


   Her imaginary friend was playing a new trick on her. This time, she would discern his meaning.
   Usilea set down the quill on the paper, frowning at the words mocking her from the page. She pressed her lips together in thought. Thorns at sunrise? What could it mean? What was her mind trying to tell her?
   “What do you think of my riddle?”
   As usual, the voice didn’t come from within her mind directly, but somewhere outside. Yet were she to glance around, all she would perceive is the vaguest sensation of shadow and soul in the periphery of her vision.
   And so, she refrained from looking. Instead, she focused on the words she had written, words he had spoken into her mind at some point in the night.
   I think … you’re afraid.
   “And what am I afraid of, goldenbird?” Amusement teased the edges of his words. She had known her friend was a male since the first time they had met, whenever that had been. Sometime after her sixth year. “Tell me, you who know me so well.”
   I know you as well as I might any figment of my imagination.
   “Likewise. That is not the answer to the riddle.”
   A sigh escaped her. Usilea leaned back in her cushioned chair and rubbed the tense area around her eyes. You are afraid of being lost. You are afraid of being found. You are afraid of darkness, and you are afraid of light.
   No answer came from the voice in her mind. A faint smile curved her lips. He only withdrew like that when she was right and he was bewildered. She had learned that pattern over the years as they had conversed. He liked keeping his mysteries, while he equally delighted in unveiling the mysteries of others. A curious behavior for her imaginary friend.
   A strange, stabbing sensation pierced through her musing.
   What did it imply about her that her closest friend wasn’t real?

A young queen. Her imaginary friend. A kingdom on the verge of death.

She believes she’s crazy.

Queen Usilea has a secret–and he lives in her mind. Ever since she was six years old, her imaginary friend has been her closest companion, and her arranged marriage has been a great dread. When she learns her betrothed and the royal family have suddenly died, she feels obligated to attend the funeral in the foreign land of Absteph–and perhaps learn more behind their mysterious passing.

He only wants the truth.

Petar endures great pain to protect those he does not remember. His only solace is a shadowy woman who he loves–even though she denies that he exists. When a terrible tragedy occurs in his kingdom, that mysterious woman is his only hope of bringing justice to light. For the cage that imprisons him grows harsher every day, and he is losing the fight.

But there are thorns at sunrise.

Brought together on the barest thread of reality, Usilea and Petar must discover what really happened to the royal family. But Petar’s time is running out. Soon not even a Mender like Usilea will be able to save him.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Janeen Ippolito writes about misfits who defy expectations, whether in fairy tale, steampunk fantasy, urban fantasy, humorous paranormal romance, or poetry. She also spreads wordtastic joy in her work as a fearless book strategist, nonfiction author, and coach. In her spare time, she swordfights and posts cute animal memes.

Tuesday 28 March 2023

Release Week Blitz & Giveaway: Taming the Rake [Lords in Love 02] by Erica Ridley!

Enjoy a fiery, passionate enemies-to-lovers revenge romance from a New York Times bestselling author!

All her life, Miss Gladys Bell was a wallflower whose parents despaired of her ever attracting a suitor. Then she met the man of her dreams, who said she was the woman of his. One passionate night later, Gladys awaits a marriage proposal that never comes. Reuben Medford, the ton’s most notorious rake, doesn’t even remember her name.

Thanks to his cold-hearted callousness, Gladys lost her reputation, her dowry, and her chance at love. But now she’s back, and bent on revenge. He’s trifled with the wrong woman: This wallflower has thorns. Once Gladys holds that damnable rake’s arrogant, fickle heart in her hands… She’ll crush it, just as he did to her.

This time, he’ll remember her name.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy here

Author bio:

Erica Ridley is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of of witty, feel-good historical romance novels, including THE DUKE HEIST, featuring the Wild Wynchesters. Why seduce a duke the normal way, when you can accidentally kidnap one in an elaborately planned heist?

In the 12 Dukes of Christmas series, enjoy witty, heartwarming Regency romps nestled in a picturesque snow-covered village. After all, nothing heats up a winter night quite like finding oneself in the arms of a duke!

Two other popular series, the Dukes of War and Rogues to Riches, feature roguish peers and dashing war heroes who find love amongst the splendor and madness of Regency England.

When not reading or writing romances, Erica can be found eating couscous in Morocco, zip-lining through rainforests in Costa Rica, or getting hopelessly lost in the middle of Budapest.

Sign up for Erica's newsletter! Sign up today and get a FREE BOOK—plus giveaways, discounts, insider info, contests, sales, & more!

Monday 27 March 2023

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: The Devil's Hand: Monk [High Stakes 02] by Shilo West!


Something is wrong…

It’s not like I didn’t see it coming. From the moment I saw Juno, I knew. There was no loving her without loving danger.

Sal told me not to let her out of my sight, but I did. I told myself it would be okay. Even as I watched her wave to me from the ferry the last time I saw her. I could feel it, I could feel it in my chest, something was coming for us.

By the time Juno’s texts stopped, I had already called Sal and he told me what I needed to do. I knew he was right, but it didn’t make it any easier.

If I really wanted to find Juno, I needed to reach into my past.

The past was hell to me, and hell is a place I don’t like to revisit. But without those connections, finding Juno would be nearly impossible.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and I was well aware I was about to walk straight into the flames.

I prepared myself to do something I never thought I would do. To make a call I never imagined I’d be making. I searched carefully for the words I’d need to say.

I need your help. I’ve lost someone.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Shilo West is the author of the High Stakes series. She loves to write mafia/billionaire adventure type romances. Lucky enough to live in Maui with her dog and fiancée, when she's not writing, she loves hanging out at the beach or hiking.

Keep up with the latest updates & sneak peeks here ~ https://www.cravepublishing.net/shilo-west


Sunday 26 March 2023

Stacking The Shelves [92]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

I, unfortunately, didn't buy any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

I, unfortunately, didn't receive any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

Currently Reading:

Saturday 25 March 2023

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Muddy Waters by DV Fischer!


   “Do you know Willow Ashley?” the older lady with curled white hair says next to me as the last of the congregation reaches the communion rail and kneels before the cross. She must have caught me staring.
   I didn’t catch the old lady’s name. Or maybe I did and I already forgot it. It doesn’t matter. I’ll find out later.
   “Willow? No, never met her,” I answer in the same whisper as hers. The name rolls off my tongue and sends goosebumps over my skin. I like it. It’s fitting.
   She grins at me and leans closer to continue our conversation in private. “The Ashley family are good people. They do so much for the church and for our Lord. But I hear their daughter is a troublemaker. I heard she lives out in the Bayou and does some unholy things out there.”

Forgive me Father, for she is my sin.

Willow Ashley pays her bills through sin. She’s made her peace with that. Her best friend, on the other hand, cannot. She relentlessly begs Willow to go to church to confess all of her wrong-doings. When Willow finally gives in, she stumbles across the new pastor, Rowan Elsher. He’s the kind of gorgeous she wants to thank the heavens for, and makes her think all sorts of filthy things that would make even God blush.

Rowan Elsher came to New Orleans hoping to make a real difference in helping those in his congregation. When a woman approaches him about her best friend needing guidance, yet refusing to tell him why, he becomes curious. Then he sees Willow, with her ample curves and seductive pout. In a glance, his infatuation with her begins.

He was told to stay away from dating within the congregation. He shouldn’t want her. He can’t want her. But he just can’t help himself but to break all the rules he vowed to keep.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

DV Fischer is a second pen name for D. Fischer.

USA Today bestselling and two-time Iowa award-winning author D. Fischer (DV Fischer) is a mother of two very busy boys, a wife to wonderful husband, and an owner of two sock-loving German Shorthair Pointers. They also have a cat named Geralt, but since Geralt adopted them and not the other way around, the cat is more of a tenant who occasionally purr-purrs for his rent, if he's not too busy murdering nerf darts.

Together, they live in Orange City, Iowa.

When D. Fischer isn't chasing after her children, she spends her time typing like a mad woman while consuming vast amounts of caffeine. Sometimes, if her husband can manage to remind her of the real world outside her office window, they hike!

Known for the darker side of imagination, she enjoys freeing her creativity through worlds that don't exist, no matter how much we wish they did.


Friday 24 March 2023

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Sing with Me [Fellside Mountain Rescue 02] by Dani Elias!

Fellside Mountain Rescue's volunteers help those that are lost in the mountains. But who will help them when they fall for their women? Meet the British hunks who risk their lives for others and risk it all when it comes to love.

Sing with Me - Book 2 in the Fellside Mountain Rescue Series

Phil is an introvert who prefers to remain behind the scenes. When he meets Christina, he is torn between his instinct to run and his desire for her. Lucky for him, she is as determined as he is shy. Christina knows she has found the "One". When she finally gets Phil to open up to her, nothing seems to stay in their way until she asks him for something he can't give her.

I am known for being the quiet and shy one. It takes a lot of alcohol to get me anywhere near a woman. That is until I meet Christina. She is loud, bubbly, and relentlessly pursuing me. She doesn't give up and slowly brings me out of my shell. Our first night together isn't quite what either of us had hoped for, but it is definitely the start of something special. Then she pushes me too far, and I must decide whether to bravely face the challenge or retreat to my comfort zone.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Author Dani Elias loves writing about British working-class hotties and the women who are their happily-ever-after. Her stories are short, sweet & steamy.

Thursday 23 March 2023

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Pretend [Neighbor from Hell 14] by R.L. Mathewson!


   “Kill. Me,” Morgan managed to get out as her grip tightened around the towel that she was hugging against her chest while she prayed that Eric took pity on her and stopped talking before it was too late.
   There was a heavy sigh and then…
   “How did I fuck up this badly, Morgan?” the man that wouldn’t shut up asked while she lay there wondering why she didn’t leave when she had the chance.
   Because she was an idiot, that’s why, Morgan realized when the man that she’d never thought she would see again released another long-suffering sigh, causing her poor head to pound harder. Not sure how much more of this she could take, Morgan slowly, ever so slowly, moved to stand up only to decide that was a bad idea when she remembered what happened the last time she tried to become vertical and settled for turning around, shoving the shower curtain out of the way and crawling into the oversized shower stall.
   Once she was there, Morgan blindly reached up, slapped at the tile that matched her bathroom in the townhouse next to this one until she found the faucet, turned it on, and promptly returned to the fetal position, praying that Eric took pity on her and left her alone so that she could die in peace. She felt herself begin to relax as the hot water slowly worked its way through the dress that was probably ruined now, closed her eyes, and-
   Found herself groaning when Eric shoved the curtain open the rest of the way with a heavy sigh and asked the question that she’d been wondering since he’d decided to propose to the Wicked Bitch of the East, “What the hell was I thinking, Morgan?”
   “Can we talk about this later?” Morgan asked, regretting her decision to do those shots with Trevor, but at the time, she’d thought that they were a good idea.
   “How do I keep fucking up my life?” Eric asked, ignoring her question.
   “I really don’t think you want me to answer that,” Morgan mumbled as she reached over, grabbed the towel she’d abandoned on the bathroom floor and dragged it inside the shower and shoved it beneath her head.
   “I’m done with women,” Eric said with a heavy sigh that had her cracking one eye open to glare at him because she’d heard this all before.
   Since he didn’t actually want a response, Morgan closed her eyes again and tried not to think about how much she had to drink last night. She was never drinking again, Morgan decided as she listened to Eric ramble on about how badly he’d messed up because that’s what she did when the man that she’d been in love with her whole life needed to vent about another woman.
   She listened.
   She listened while he wondered why it didn’t work out this time.
   She listened while he wondered why he couldn’t seem to fall in love with any of them.
   She listened to all the things that she didn’t want to hear because he was her best friend, but this time, this time would be the last time.

She couldn’t do this anymore.

After watching her best friend and the man that she’d been in love with her entire life propose to another woman, Morgan decided that it was time to finally move on. She made plans, plans that Eric didn’t know about and she planned to keep it that way, but unfortunately for her, one bet destroyed everything, leaving her with no choice but to be there for her best friend one last time.

He was done.

After catching his fiancée cheating on him, Eric Bradford was done wasting his time on women that he had absolutely no hope of falling in love with. He just needed time, a chance to get away, and he just needed…


Determined to figure out how he kept screwing up his life, Eric takes his best friend on the honeymoon that he’d spent a fortune on and asked her for one more favor, one that would change everything, and leave him with no choice but to do whatever it takes to stop the one woman that meant everything to him from finally walking away.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

New York Times Bestselling author, R.L. Mathewson was born in Massachusetts. She’s known for her humor, quick wit and ability to write relatable characters. She currently has several paranormal and contemporary romance series published including the Neighbor from Hell series.

Growing up, R.L. Mathewson was a painfully shy bookworm. After high school she attended college, worked as a bellhop, fast food cook, and a museum worker until she decided to take an EMT course. Working as an EMT helped her get over her shyness as well as left her with some fond memories and some rather disturbing ones that from time to time show up in one of her books.

Today, R.L. Mathewson is the single mother of two children that keep her on her toes. She has a bit of a romance novel addiction as well as a major hot chocolate addiction and on a perfect day, she combines the two.

If you’d like more information about this series or any other series by R.L. Mathewson, please visit www.Rlmathewson.com

Wednesday 22 March 2023

Release Blitz & Giveaway: Cyber [Steele Riders MC 12] by C.M. Steele!

We were both nimble with our fingers as we hit the keys; hers were ivory, however. She’s a star at the beginning of a promising career, whereas I’m a man who hid behind a screen, hunting and protecting. We come from two different worlds…

Until she runs into my arms, begging for my protection.

She can have it and so much more. My security, my heart, and everything I have will be hers. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to make her happy, safe, and mine.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author links:

Tuesday 21 March 2023

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: The Rock at the Bottom [Lorna & Tristan 03] by Cynthia Hilston!

Stephen feels he is marked from day one to lose the ones he loves. His mother dies giving birth to him, and his alcoholic father makes sure Stephen never forgets it. To block out his father’s hate, fists, and belt, young Stephen loses himself in his imagination. Stories become his closest companions and barricades against a family that never wanted him. Once he can look his father in the eye, Stephen swears he will never be the monster his old man is. He vows he will become a published author, if for no other reason than to prove his father wrong.

While his dreams of being a bestselling novelist and falling in love come true, Stephen has much to prove to himself before he can write his own happy ending. Set against the backdrop of Prohibition-era Cleveland, Stephen fights the same alcoholic demons that plagued his father as he tries to begin a life free from his family. He meets equally headstrong Julie and is smitten, but their marriage is as fractured as his career is solid. He can find ten ways to write about being in love, but he has a hard time translating love on the page to love in real life. Julie slips between his fingers like sand, and Stephen sees his father staring back when he looks in the mirror.

Try as he might to rewrite his life, even going so far as to change his name, he has to wonder if he is the author or the killer of love.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Cynthia Hilston is a stay-at-home mom of three young kids, happily married, and lives in the Cleveland, Ohio, area. Writing has always been like another child to her. After twenty years of waltzing in the world of fan fiction, she stepped away to do her debut dance with original works of fiction, although she still dabbles in fan fiction.

In her spare time – what spare time? – she devours books, shamelessly watches Hallmark movies and When Calls the Heart, pets her orange and black kitties, looks at the stars, drinks wine or coffee with good friends, and dreams of what other stories she wishes to tell.
