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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Friday 31 August 2018

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Eight Goodbyes by Christine Brae!


“Who knows you're here?” she asked.
   “You mean, specifically here? In Hong Kong?”
   She nodded.
   “No one. My family and friends think I'm traveling for work.”
   “Ah. So if anything happened to you, how do they know where to look?” she asked, her chin resting on the palm of her hand.
   “Well, when they find my phone and the one thousand pictures of you, they’ll know,” he said.
   She laughed. Rather uncomfortably. This is what having an affair feels like. It’s you and him and no one else.
   “Adrian doesn’t know I’m here.” This time he leaned forward, closer to her. “Does Riley know you're here?”
   “She has to. Even if I don't tell her directly, Jake knows. He's very protective that way. Needs to know where I go, who I’m with.”
   “You seem so attached, the two of you.”
   “He's the only constant in my life."
   He stayed silent. She hadn’t intended to offend him with that comment. But then she decided that it was too soon to even think of his role in her life.
   That was the real crux of the matter, and she wanted to keep it top of mind.
   What about you, your parents? Do you see them often while you're home?”
   He laughed. “As a matter of fact, I have dinner with them every Sunday. They don’t live far from my old apartment. I'm moving to Chelsea when I get back which is a little further away, but I know my mum will find every excuse to come and visit. I'll be too close to the shopping area for her to resist. She likes to get out sometimes. Leave the farm.”
   “We're lucky we have family we can count on,” she said.
   “But none of them know we're together,” he said, his tone lowered, quiet.
   “Why does anyone need to know? Who cares?” she asked in defiance. She observed the way he picked up another dumpling with his chopsticks and shoved the whole thing in his mouth. “Okay, let me rephrase that,” she said. “In time, they’ll know.”
   He smiled. “Better.”
   He looked at his watch. She could tell that he wanted to change the subject. And she didn't have to try. A round of applause filled the room. Tessa and Simon turned to see a man on one knee with his arms in the air, proposing to a very embarrassed woman.
   “At a dimsum restaurant?” Simon smirked.
   “Hey! You'll never know! Maybe this is a special place for them,” Tessa said.
   “Must be,” he answered, pulling his wallet out at the same time. He motioned for the dimsum man to bring the check over.
   The man counted the different colored plates, each with a code for the food they ordered, wrote with lightning speed on a pad of paper, tore it off unevenly and handed it to Simon.
   As he examined the bill, Simon said, “I forgot that your Twitter profile says 'hopeless romantic.'“
   “Love makes the world go ‘round!” she said in response, pausing to follow up with an afterthought. “At least in Romance books!”

One universe, nine planets, 204 countries, 809 islands and 7 seas, and I had the privilege of meeting you.” –Unknown

When Tessa Talman meets Simon Fremont for the first time, not only is she attracted to him, she’s intrigued by how different their lives are. He’s a dedicated scientist, practical, pragmatic, and grounded—while she’s a head-in-the-clouds romance author. As their relationship grows, they agree to meet in places around the world, while continuing to live on opposite sides of the globe.

Though their feelings for each other deepen, their priorities remain the same. Simon is in a hurry to be financially sound and settle down, but Tessa is enjoying her freedom and newfound success. Neither is willing to give in, but as each goodbye gets harder, Tessa begins to wonder whether fame is the path to happiness, or if she has everything she needs in Simon.

Just as Tessa finds the courage to go after her own happily ever after, the unthinkable happens, separating them in ways they never imagined.

To move forward, she must let go of the past, and determine once and for all if love is truly more powerful than the pain of goodbye.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks

Author bio:

Christine Brae is a full time career woman who thought she could write a book about her life and then run away as far as possible from it. She never imagined that her words would touch the hearts of so many women with the same story to tell. Her second book, His Wounded Light was released in December, 2013.

Christine’s third book, Insipid, is a standalone that was released in June, 2014, and her fourth book, In This Life, released in January 2016.

When not listening to the voices in her head or spending late nights at the office, Christine can be seen shopping for shoes and purses, running a half marathon or spending time with her husband and three children in Chicago.

Christine is represented by Italia Gandolfo of Gandolfo Helin Literary Management.



Thursday 30 August 2018

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Recovering Beauty [The Kane Brothers 02] by Gina Azzi!

She saves him from himself. But he ruins her for anyone else.


He shouldn’t smile at me. He shouldn’t even look at me. He’s cost me more than he’ll ever know yet he’s saved me in ways he’ll never realize. Carter Kane is different. He sees past me and through me and into me all at the same time. He makes the damaged parts of me beautiful and the beautiful parts inconsequential.


She's the last person I expect to meet here. Wide blue eyes, full lips, and flowers in her hair, she looks like she could grace the cover of a magazine. Or dance at Coachella. But when Taylor Clarke unexpectedly catapults into my life, she flips it upside down, forcing me to see things differently. Forcing me to admit things I’d rather forget.

Sometimes life hands us a second chance. A fresh start. Sometimes life deals us a tragedy that we just manage to recover from. Sometimes, it’s even beautiful.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks or Google Play

Author bio:

Gina Azzi loved every moment of college – especially her study abroad experiences, internships, and travel adventures! She draws from these experiences to create the storylines for her new adult and contemporary romance books. A passionate reader, frequent globetrotter, and aspiring baker, Gina resides in Canada with her family. Her new series, the Kane Brothers, releases in 2018.


Wednesday 29 August 2018

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Stolen Nights by Renee Harless!

Elle’s life seems like one struggle after the next.

She’s facing life after a divorce, learns that her ex-best friend is pregnant with his baby, and the house she’s willed after her estranged father’s death comes with a catch.

When she thinks her life can’t get any more difficult, her neighbor seems determined to rile her up on a daily basis.
He’s gorgeous and looks like he’s walked off a movie set, but his attitude is enough to leave Elle feeling sour despite the tingles she feels when he’s around.

But one stolen kiss leads to a number of stolen nights blurring the line between hatred and love. Elle’s curse of bad luck may be taking a turn, or she could be facing her toughest obstacle yet – heartbreak.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks

Author bio:

Renee Harless, her husband, and children live in Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. She studied Communication, specifically Public Relations, at Radford University.

Growing up, Renee always found a way to pursue her creativity. It began by watching endless runs of White Christmas- yes even in the summer – and learning every word and dance from the movie. She could still sing Sister Sister if requested. In high school she joined the show choir and a community theatre group, The Troubadours. After marrying the man of her dreams and moving from her hometown she sought out a different artistic outlet – writing.

To say that Renee is a romance addict would be an understatement. When she isn’t chasing her toddler around the house, working her day job, or writing, she delves head first into a romance novel.


Tuesday 28 August 2018

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Rewrite the Stars by Julieann Dove!

   He swam closer to her, reaching out in the dark recesses of the water and brushing against her arm. Thoughts of having accidently touched her in other places began sending messages to his mind, thus sending a wave of heat through his already cooling off body. She situated herself in front of him, holding onto his arms. They were face to face with one another. Her wet hair smelled like strawberries.
   “That’s better,” she said.
   He watched as she looked in his eyes. Her lips were glistening in the light of the moon. Her hair was completely soaked and pulled back from her face. A smile broke out on her face. He was barely able to make out the dimple on her right cheek that he’d known was there. “You have a pretty smile.”
   “Does that mean you purposely looked at me changing out of my gown and now feel guilty about it? By saying something nice?”
   “Man, has anyone ever paid you a complement that you didn’t think had an ulterior motive behind it?”
   “Says the guy who climbed up in a tree to watch me swim naked?”
   “Jeez, that was years ago, Claire. We’re grown up now. You’ve definitely grown up.”
   “What does that mean?” She stopped twirling him around in circles.
   “Just that you’ve matured. You’re very pretty. Some might say alluring. Maybe not me, but some might.”
   “Okay. Thank you…I think. And why not you?”
   “Oh, you know. I’ve seen your skinny body—pre-college years. It’s not for me to say something like that. We have history…snakes, frogs…you know.”
   “I see.”
   No, she didn’t. He wanted to say he did find her alluring. Captivating even. He wanted to tell her how she made him feel at ease, or how at dinner he thought several times that she’d caught him watching her, or even how the sight of her body made him wish they were two different people in a different time.
   “I dare you to swim to the beacon.”
   “Now?” He held tighter to her arms. She was drifting from his grasp.
   Without hesitation, he swam in the direction of that stupid beacon. “Hey, wait, I was kidding. Not tonight,” she yelled out to him.
   It was too late, he was headed for it. Something of a challenge for his male ego. He’d taken up swimming as a sport in college and knew he could do it without a problem. That was until he heard Claire’s scream.
   “Colin, come quick.”
   He whipped around and did long breaststrokes to back to her.
   “Something brushed up against me. God, it’s going to eat me alive! I felt it.” She was hysterical, flailing her arms and panting wildly.
   He finally made it to her. She grabbed his neck and pulled him closer. He noticed she was shaking, her lips even quivering.
   “It’s okay. I’ve got you.” He stroked her hair, trying his best to calm her down.
   “It was something big. I thought it was going to grab my legs and take me under. Colin, I’m serious.”
   He felt her breasts press against him, her breathing rising and lowering with rapidness. Her legs had become locked around his waist. He felt his own heart, palpitating like a man who’d just swam thirty laps in less than two minutes. But, it wasn’t from the swim. It was from the touch of her skin on his. He had to get some space between them.
   “Let’s get you out of here. Come on.”
   When they got to shallow water she un-gripped the vice she had put on him. He escorted her to the sandy beach. The moon temporarily had ducked behind a cloud, making it difficult to see their way back to the pier.
   “Stand here, I’ll go and get your gown.”
   Claire stood there and waited for him to return, her arms crossed in front of her. He was glad for the opportunity to get himself in check before standing close to her again. When he returned with the gown, he’d already put on his shorts. He handed her clothes to her, with his other hand over his eyes. “Here.”
   It took her only a second to get dressed. “You can open your eyes now,” she said quietly.
   He removed his hand and looked at her. Even in the dimmer light, she looked so much better with nothing on. He knew he better get it together before morning came and he had to face her in the daylight. His mother had always told him how transparent his feelings about things showed on his face.
   “I might actually get some sleep after all that exercise in screaming and flailing for my life.”
   He laughed and took her hand in his. It felt like the natural thing to do now that they’d done it in the water, but she seemed puzzled by it. Her big brown eyes squinted, almost questioning his. It was too late to let it go. He figured if she didn’t want to hold his, she would’ve let go first. But she didn’t, she squeezed harder.
   They returned to the creaking back porch door. Before she grabbed for it, he took her other hand and held it in his. “I had a great time with you tonight, Claire. Even if all you did was scream like a girl and think an eel was eating at your legs.”
   “That was an—“
   Before she could finish her sentence, he lightly pulled her by the neck and kissed her. Her lips were moist and chilled like the water they’d just come from—salty, too. He wasn’t sure if she was going to kiss back or smack him for getting fresh. When he pulled away he saw her eyes were still closed. She seemed more relaxed than earlier. He’d wagered correctly. Claire Ashton was receptive to what this summer could turn out to be for the both of them.

For ten summers Claire and her mother had been guests at the Prescott’s beach house at Kelly’s Cove. And for ten years she played with Mallory and her twin brother, Colin. But it wasn’t until she returned after college graduation for her last summer there, that she realized Colin had grown into a guy who made her knees knock just by smiling at her. Being from different worlds, she knew nothing would come from her attraction to him.

Having returned to the states from studying abroad for four years, the last person Colin thought he’d find staying in his bedroom was Claire Ashton. Lanky and awkward during her adolescent years, he had to look twice to make sure this was the same girl. After a week together it was obvious he’d overlooked something before, because he felt things for her he’d never experienced before. There was only one problem—his last name and all that came with it would never permit him to be with her.

In the end, it’s either love or prestige that will win in the game of love.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Julieann lives in Virginia, where she loves collecting houseplants, sewing cute little quilts, and writing about messy love. She fell in love with reading at a young age, after following Nancy Drew in solving the mysteries of the world. This carries on today, as crime shows are among her favorite to watch. Well those and the Hallmark channel love stories and mysteries. Keeping busy with soon-to-be six children, she needs time to unwind!



Monday 27 August 2018

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Tryst by Shaniel Watson!

Three things you absolutely must not do, especially when you're the boss.

One… have an affair with your summer intern.

Two… have an affair with your friends’ daughter.

And three… have an affair with your ex's niece.

It's going to be a brutally hot summer in the city, and someone might just get burned.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Shaniel Watson is the author of the Imperfections Series. Her first book was published in 2015. She writes stories she likes to read, sultry emotional stories with imperfect characters who eventually get their happy ending.

Shaniel lives in New York and is a proud mother.


Sunday 26 August 2018

Stacking The Shelves [37]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month. 

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

I, unfortunately, haven't bought any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

Going for the Hole by L.P. Dover (Read)
Anonymous by L.P. Dover (Read)
(Thank you, L.P. Dover!)
Leverage in Death [In Death 47] by J.D. Robb
(Thank you, Little, Brown Book Group!)

 For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

Saturday 25 August 2018

Blog Tour & Giveaway: His True Queen [Smoke & Mirrors Duology 02] by Jodi Ellen Malpas!

The breathtaking conclusion of the Smoke & Mirrors Duology.

A beautiful, defiant princess. A renowned, sinfully gorgeous Hollywood actor.

A love affair that is sure to rock the British Monarchy…and the world.

Their love affair began intensely and passionately. Princess Adeline and Josh Jameson knew any future together was impossible—her status as a princess and his standing as a Hollywood heartthrob dictated that. But the heights of pleasure they could take each other to were wildly unanticipated by them both. Josh’s absolute disregard for Adeline’s status quickly drew her into his hedonistic world. And her perfectly worn mask and false façade captivated Josh to the point of obsession. The boundaries became blurred. The physical became emotional. Their hearts became entwined.

But a cruel turn of events rips their worlds apart and Adeline is more bound than ever by the protocol and expectations her title commands. The army of royal advisors who guard the secrets and scandals of the Monarchy will go to unthinkable lengths to keep the smoke and mirrors in place…and Josh away from Adeline. She knows the power she possesses comes with agonizing sacrifices. Walking away from Josh devastates her…but it keeps him safe from the corrupt institution that has ruled her life.

Yet Josh refuses to lose the woman who has consumed him so completely, distorted his boundaries, and stripped him of all sensibility.

Will the power of the British Monarchy triumph? Or will their fierce love for each other change the course of history?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks

Author bio:

Jodi Ellen Malpas wrote her debut series, The This Man Trilogy, in secret, worried about what people might think if they knew what her imagination was capable of. She was shocked herself. But she finally found the courage to unleash her creative streak and self-published THIS MAN - the first book of the This Man Trilogy - in October 2012. She took a chance on a story with a hero who soon became one of modern day fictions most prolific alpha male characters. Jesse Ward – also affectionately known as The Lord of The Manor, sparked incredible reactions from women across the globe and catapulted Jodi into the world of women’s fiction. With so much love and enthusiasm from her readers, and a thirst for more of her words, Jodi suddenly wasn't afraid of her imagination anymore. She went on to write The One Night Trilogy with the delectable and mysterious Miller Hart, and stole the hearts of her readers once again. She’s now a proud #1 New York Times bestselling author – all seven of her published novels having hit the New York Times best sellers list – as well as a Sunday Times bestseller and international bestseller. Her work is published in over 20 languages across the world.

Jodi was born and raised in the Midlands town of Northampton, England, where she lives with her two boys and a beagle. She is a self-professed daydreamer, a Converse & mojito addict, and has a terrible weak spot for Alpha Males. Writing powerful love stories and creating addictive characters has become her passion – a passion she shares with her devoted readers


Friday 24 August 2018

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Don't Let Me Be Yours by Dominique Laura and Kimberly Reese!

Esperanza ‘Perrie’ Ayala
I’m a force to be reckoned with.
I’ve worked my way to get to where I’m at.
Life was good, but then I fell for him.
He’s my best friend’s soon-to-be husband.
There’s no ring, but there will be.
She’s everything I’m not.
He’s everything my body needs, what it craves.
We didn’t cheat. No.
We had one night, after their umpteenth breakup.
We had fun, and when they got back together, it was like it never happened.
But it did, and I need more.
But more isn’t possible, so I’ll settle for his friendship—for now.

Lawrence Sterling Montgomery III
I’m a lucky bastard who’s always been confident in where my life will lead.
Take over one of the most influential West Coast families.
Marry the right girl.
But my plans are shaken when the wrong girl stirs up forbidden feelings.
We match in all the ways that should count.
I want her, but I can’t have her—won’t let myself have her.
We had our fun, but I’ve made a mistake.
I’m just not sure if the mistake was being with her in the first place or letting her go.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bios:

Dominique Laura is an advocate for love, mental health, and happy ever afters. She’s snarky and sarcastic, and she lives in sunny Los Angeles with her dog, who she’s slightly obsessed with. When she isn’t writing, she’s either reading or swooning over animals.

Kimberly Reese published her first novel in 2017 and has since been hard at work writing more steamy stories. She grew up in a military family and is currently working on her tan in Arizona. When she isn't writing, you can catch her reading, traveling, resisting the urge to adopt more dogs, or spending time with family.


Thursday 23 August 2018

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Everything Under The Sun by Jessica Redmerski!

Publication date: 28th August 2017
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Thais Fenwick was eleven-years-old when civilization fell, devastated by a virus that killed off the majority of the world’s population. For seven years, Thais and her family lived in a community of survivors deep in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains. But when her town is attacked by raiders, she and her blind sister are taken away to the East-Central Territory where she is destined to live the cruel and unjust kind of life her late mother warned her about.

Atticus Hunt is a troubled soldier in Lexington City who has spent the past seven years trying to conform to the vicious nature of men in a post-apocalyptic society. He knows that in order to survive, he must abandon his morals and his conscience and become like those he is surrounded by. But when he meets Thais, morals and conscience win out over conformity, and he risks his rank and his life to help her. They escape the city and set out together on a long and perilous journey to find safety in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Struggling to survive in a world without electricity, food, shelter, and clean water, Atticus and Thais shed their fear of growing too close, and they fall hopelessly in love. But can love survive in such dark times, or is it fated to die with them?

I saw the sign-ups for this Blog Tour and I recognised the cover of the book, so I decided to check my Kindle! It turns out that I actually already had this book on my Kindle, so being on the Blog Tour meant that I was actually going to read it lol! I'm not sure why I didn't read this book when it released last year, but I'm really happy that I have now! The plot of this book developed at the perfect pace and it kept me intrigued and wanting to read on! I loved the dystopian/post-apocalyptic feel to the plot and that it was different to other books that I've read! I also enjoyed the plot more as it developed and the two main characters were on the run! I felt like there was a lot of action and suspense in the plot and plenty of romance and hot scenes too! I wasn't expecting hot scenes, but they were pretty hot lol! The characters were also amazing and made this book even better! Thais was the main female character, and in this book she did her best to take care of her sister and father in a world that had completely changed! Thais' world then changed again and she was left on the run! I think that Thais came such a long way in this book and she was such a bright, loving character in this book! I loved her a lot! Atticus was the main male character and love interest of Thais! Atticus intrigued me in this book because I found it difficult to read him, even when the chapter was written from his point of view lol! It was easy to see that he was different to the other soldiers and he didn't like the way they behaved and acted! I connected with Attius more as this book progressed and I loved him more and more! He was always aware and it was easy to see his feelings for Thais develop! He treasured her so much and was very protective of her too! I loved that this book was written from both Thais and Atticus's point of views! I was hoping that it was going to be after I read the synopsis, so I'm really happy that it was! It helped me connect more with all the characters and it allowed for a lot more things to happen in the plot, especially as the characters spent some time apart and were going through their own situations! I'm also not sure if this book is a standalone! It gave the assumption at the end of this book that there was going to be another book, but I can't seem to find any information on it at all!
I really hope that there is another book because I feel like these characters story isn't over and the ending was left open! I still have quite a few of this author's other books to read though, so I can't wait to check those ones out and see if they're my type of reads! I will admit that the cover for this book gave off a contemporary vibe to me when I first saw it, so I was surprised when I read the synopsis and it turns out it's a dystopian/post-apocalyptic book lol! I do love the cover though and the cover models suit the characters of Thais and Atticus! Big thank you to Xpresso Book Tours for having me on the Blog Tour!

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon or Barnes and Noble

Author bio:

Jessica Redmerski is a New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author and award winner who juggles several genres of fiction.

She also writes as J.A. Redmerski.



Wednesday 22 August 2018

Release Day Blitz: Restored Dreams [#sexysilverfoxes 03] by L.B. Dunbar!


More romance for the over forty.

Brut Paige needs a life break.
As caretaker to his brother, his business, and his son, he's used to being the man to get things done.
Yet, along the way, he's forgotten how to have fun.

Lily Warren deserves a vacation.
She's worked hard to establish her bakery, a lifelong dream. She's proud of her accomplishments.
But, she knows there's something missing.

A broken heart tore them apart.
A little matchmaking forces them together...
Twenty-two years later.

Funny thing about being over forty—forgiveness and frosting can lead to all kinds of trouble...or restored dreams.

+ + +

If you loved Hank Paige in Midlife Crisis, you'll want to learn more about his brother, Brut, a sexy silver fox mechanic, and the lost woman of his dreams.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

L.B. Dunbar loves the sweeter things in life: cookies, Coca-Cola, and romance. Her reading journey began with a deep love of fairy tales, medieval knights, Regency debauchery, and alpha males. She loves a deep belly laugh and a strong hug. Occasionally, she has the energy of a Jack Russell terrier. Accused—yes, that’s the correct word—of having an overactive imagination, to her benefit, such an imagination works well. Author of over two dozen novels, she’s created sweet, small town worlds; rock star mayhem; MMA chaos; sexy rom-coms for the over 40; and intrigue on an island of redemption. In addition, she is earning a title as the “myth and legend lady” for her modernizations of mythology as elda lore. Her other duties in life include mother to four children and wife to the one and only.

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Release Tour: Why HER? [Mistaken Identities 02] by Rie Warren!


   I’D RUSHED OUT IN such a hurry after almost kissing Kane again that I’d gotten all the way home before I realized I’d forgotten my laser level at his house. It wasn’t one hundred percent necessary I retrieve it tonight, but my dad’s rules were nailed into my head, and number one above all was his creed to treat your tools like your job depended on it.
   Kane’s cool as fuck Mercedes was in the driveway, and I thought about knocking, but he’d already scolded me a few times about that, so I slipped inside and headed toward the kitchen where I’d last seen the digital level.
   “Fuck, Stevie.” Kane’s deep voice stopped me dead in my tracks.
   I thought he’d heard me enter the house, and I was just about to jump around the corner of the living room to explain I’d forgotten my level when he growled out, “Suck my cock.”
   Oh my God.
   Heat flushed my body in an instant. With a hand covering my mouth, I tiptoed through the entryway and peeked into the living room.
   Oh my fucking God.
   Kane sat in a large leather chair, head thrown back.
   Tie askew.
   Shirt unbuttoned.
   Sculpted tanned chest covered in soft-looking sooty-colored hair that arrowed to a thin line along his abdominals before . . .
   Pants open, and Oh. My. God. COCK.
   Oh Jesus Christ.
   Kane was hung.
   He gripped a fat, furiously hard dick in one large hand, pulling up on the veined beast until his knuckles butted the head. A large head that was dark and swollen and slick.
   Not to mention the pure filth pouring from his mouth.
   “Take it deeper, baby,” Kane ordered the me he clearly fantasized about, and I imagined crawling up to him, taking that incredibly hard cock all the way into my throat.
   I bit down on my lip, straining to go to him, knowing I shouldn’t watch him.
   Helpless to do anything but.
   Arousal skittered to my pussy in a flash. Liquid seeped from my cunt. Swollen nipples puckered beneath my bra. I wanted to slip a hand between my thighs to relieve the tingling ache as goose bumps erupted across my flesh.
   Wet sounds echoed from Kane’s long slow strokes. More precum poured out and his whole cock glistened with each snick snick snick.
   Kane Bishop.
   Suave. Distinguished. And absolutely dirty.
   His grip tightened at the thick base, and his other hand trailed lightly up and over the long length, fingers swirling across the tip then cruising back down faster.
   Until he drew his hands away to clench the arms of the chair, a grunt parting his lips.
   “Don’t wanna come to soon.”
   I couldn’t move. The slick lips of my pussy rubbed together. Wiggling a little, I tried not to make a sound even though a whimper crawled up my throat.
   He was magnificent when he went back to pumping his cock in a two-fisted hold that started out loose at the root then closed over the swelling purplish head.
   Large hands.
   Probably hot hands.
   Rough hands that had barely grazed my breasts earlier.
   “Yes. Lick my balls.” He lifted the weighty-looking sac and ran a thumb down the center, separating each testicle.
   I covered my mouth with a hand, almost crying out with lurid need.

If you believe in second chances . . .

All I did was dance with her at a bar. Just once.
Then this undeniably gorgeous party girl, Stevie, turns up at my house, the contractor in charge of my remodel.
How am I supposed to take her seriously?
The problem is she’s excellent at her job, which aggravates me even more.
She’s changing my house, changing my life, and my animal urge to protect and possess her feels like a betrayal to my deceased wife.

She’s absolutely unsuitable.
He’s uptight, f*** hot, and there’s no way she can compete with the ghost of his wife.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Rie is the badass, sassafras author of Sugar Daddy and the Don’t Tell series–a breakthrough trilogy that crosses traditional publishing boundaries beginning with In His Command. Her latest endeavors include the Carolina Bad Boys, a fun, hot, and southern-sexy series.

A Yankee transplant who has traveled the world, Rie started out a writer—causing her college professor to blush over her erotic poetry without one ounce of shame. Not much has changed. She swapped pen for paintbrushes and followed her other love during her twenties. From art school to marriage to children and many a wild and wonderful journey in between, Rie has come home to her calling. Her work has been called edgy, daring, and some of the sexiest smut around.

You can connect with Rie via the social media hangouts listed on her website. She is represented by Saritza Hernandez, Corvisiero Literary Agency.