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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Monday 29 April 2024

Book Blitz & Giveaway: 25 Years To Life [The Hopeless Romantics 01] by CJ Ives Lopez!


   "Esteban was a dream come true, yet I couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt as if I were betraying Todd and all my friends. Thoughts of how to tell Todd and others about Esteban and me swirled in my mind. I refused to keep someone I cared about a secret because that wouldn't be fair. Esteban brushed off the blanket, allowing me to sit, and that small gesture warmed my heart. In these little acts of thoughtfulness, I realized no one had ever treated me with such care before. I reflected on the past six years with Todd, questioning if he truly loved me. Did he take me for granted because he had grown accustomed to me? Perhaps this break was exactly what we needed. I deserved to be treated with care and respect, just like Esteban showed me. Dusting off a blanket so I could sit comfortably and walking on the outside of the sidewalk to protect me from passing cars—these were the small gestures of a gentleman, the type of man I had always longed for. My father had been my protector, and now, in Esteban, I found someone who respected me enough to let me be bold, daring, and speak my mind. Todd hadn't done those small things, and it was time for me to find someone who would."

In a heartfelt journey through small-town Iowa, a forbidden love challenges destiny, unveiling secrets that could alter the course of many lives.

The emotional, family drama romance "25 Years to Life" captures the essence of forbidden love and the relentless pursuit of truth. Shelly and Esteban, torn apart by societal norms and personal sacrifices, leave behind a legacy of mysteries and unspoken promises that threaten the fabric of their family.

The story unfolds in the lush fields of Iowa, where Shelly and Esteban's love blossoms against all odds. Their deep and undeniable connection faces the ultimate test when external forces and cultural divides pull them into separate worlds. As the years pass, the silence around their separation grows heavier, casting long shadows over their loved ones.

Without revealing the identity of their offspring or the intricacies of their hidden past, the narrative weaves through the challenges and emotional scars left in the wake of their unresolved romance. The ripple effects of their love story set the stage for a powerful tale of discovery, identity, and the enduring strength of love.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy here

Author bio:

CJ Ives Lopez, a proud 20-year Air Force veteran, originally hails from Festus, Missouri, before relocating to Indianapolis, Indiana. After her distinguished military service, she founded The Authors Porch, leading the organization for four years before refocusing on her writing. As a best-selling, multiple award-winning author in various genres, including heartwarming children's stories under her Pen name Auntie Nann, CJ's literary journey is a testament to the transformative power of pursuing dreams. Explore CJ's captivating literary world and inspiring journey as she dives into diverse worlds with multiple pen names. at www.cjiveslopez.com.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday 28 April 2024

Stacking the Shelves [105]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

(The editions are exclusive to the Books for a Cause Book Box!)

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

I, unfortunately, didn't receive any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

Saturday 27 April 2024

Book Blitz & Giveaway: If You Loved Me [Pebble Brook Falls 02] by Brianna Remus!


   I laughed to myself thinking back on those days. “One time, when we were really little—Callie Rose had barely started walking—he created an obstacle course in the yard and he and my mom raced us in wheelbarrows until they were both dog tired and my belly hurt from laughing so much.”
   Sarah’s eyes were glassy, smile serene as she said, “That sounds like a magical childhood.”
   “It was,” I rasped, wishing that I could relive some of those years when my parents were happy and all felt right in the world.
   We rode on for a few minutes in silence.
   “Did your parents do anything like that with you and your brother?” I asked, carefully.
   She huffed, “No. Their idea of fun was putting us in as many extra-curricular activities as possible. Most that neither one of us wanted to do.”
   It was wild that we came from two different worlds and somehow both experienced pain where our families were concerned. Before my parents left us, they’d gifted Callie Rose and me with love and acceptance. Sarah might have been born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but her childhood home seemed void of the most important thing.
   “I’m sorry they didn’t give you more.”
   She knew what more meant as she solemnly replied, “Me too.”
   Her gaze turned west where the sun was sinking behind the distant mountains. “You know, I’ve always wanted land like this. A place where I can run wild and free without anyone to tell me I’m doing something wrong. Somewhere I can just be me.”
   She was so beautiful at that moment, her body limned with the bright hue of the setting sun. If I knew better, I’d say she was an angel sent straight from the heavens. Breaking through every icy barrier I’d put around my heart with a simple look or smile.
   “You can have it all, Sarah,” I whispered and she turned to look at me.
   “What?” Her voice was soft.
   I wished I could capture it and hold onto it forever. How the loose strands of her hair fell in gentle curls framing her face. The cute bow shape her lips made when she was at ease. And how her eyes shone with curious wonder at all the world had to offer. I wanted to give her the world. I wanted to give her everything.
   “My land. My sunsets and sunrises. Anything I have that would make you smile. Hell, I’d give you the air in my lungs and the last beat of my heart if it meant I could die with you looking at me like that. You can have it all.”

My parents would lose their minds if they found out their precious daughter lost her virginity to the town’s notorious bad boy and ex-convict.

Ranger Adams might have been a dangerous pariah after he was released from prison, but he was the only man I wanted. And after I convinced him to take me on a date, I got exactly what my body…and heart desired.

I spent my entire life trying to get away from my parents’ overbearing grasp. They’ve tried to control every part of my life, even down to the man I was supposed to marry. That was the price of being born into one of the South’s richest families.

The second I had a chance to get away, I did. Ten years of pissing them off and making my dreams come true was worth the sacrifice. No fun. No relationships. And no sex.

My life had been all work until Ranger came back into town. Everyone whispered about what he’d done to land in prison. But I didn’t care.

He was rough around the edges, wild, and free.

And I wanted every bit of what he was willing to give me.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Brianna Remus is a Florida-based author who lives with her husband, three pups, and terrorizing cat. She started her writing journey in 2016 to ward off the woes of graduate school. The light-hearted hobby quickly turned into a passion filled dream that consistently distracts her from the real world.

When Brianna isn't working as a psychology resident or writing books, you can find her getting lost in the worlds created by others (through writing and movies), spending a day at the ocean, or taking a walk in the forest. She loves to spend her days outdoors surrounded by the beauties of nature.

A true Tolkien nerd, she also spends a lot of her time immersed in Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, as well as praying that Amazon doesn't completely fuck up the new LOTR series.

Friday 26 April 2024

Blog Tour & Giveaway: A Court of Broken Promises & Nightmares [Courts & Curses 02] by Michelle Helen Fritz!


   “Who are you?” came a raspy voice to the side of the pathway. Alora cast her gaze in the direction from where the voice had come, noting the various shapes and heights of the mushrooms standing erect just beside the pathway.
   “I inquired who you are, you daft girl,” seethed the voice with unguarded irritation.
   “Why is everyone so unbearably rude?” Alora had had her fill with ill-mannered faeries and took angry steps until she halted before the mushroom where the tiny creature reclined. She staked her hands onto her hips in umbrage.
   Resting atop the largest brown and white mushroom was a tiny cyan caterpillar puffing out tiny rings of smoke. In one of his many grubby hands rested the mouthpiece of a hookah. He wasn’t wearing any practical clothing, yet there were minuscule sky-blue slippers on ten of his miniature feet.
   “Perhaps you're the rude one, you unwelcomed interloper!” the insect snapped before taking another drag on his instrument.

Once upon a time, an evil faerie queen traveled through the looking-glass with the cruelest of intentions…to curse a baby.

When Alora meets her prince at a masquerade and shares a moonlight dance, her life is forever changed. As her heart longs for his promised return, she can't get his amber gaze far from her mind.

The Faerie Prince of the White Kingdom doesn't remember the night he fell in love with his true mate. Debauchery and unrest are twisting the subjects of Wonderland into sinister faeries, and the prince is suffering right alongside his people. With time ticking down to preserve the wonder of his land, he’ll need to battle his greatest foe and regain his lost memories or risk sacrificing everything.

With the help of the Resistance and a tutor with style and sass, Alora is destined to save the two kingdoms, but she’ll need to embrace the darkness in order to fulfill the prophecy. What Wonderland needs most is a savior. But she’s only ever been a simple English girl. No pressure there.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Michelle Helen Fritz began her literary career as a personal assistant to Indie authors. She enjoys being immersed in the process of turning an idea into a complete and published book. Michelle loves to write about dashing heroes and the compelling women that tempt them with a bit of intrigue and an abundance of romance, creating swoon-worthy characters and stories for her readers to enjoy. Occasionally, her characters talk to her and change the entire plot. Maryland is where her humble abode resides, housing her four home-schooled children along with her jaunty hero-husband who makes all her dreams come true. Michelle fully believes in happily-ever-afters and wishing upon stars.

Thursday 25 April 2024

Sale Blitz: Back Beat [Heartbeat 01] by Ryleigh Sloan!

I had dreams. Big ones. And Dean Carter did everything in his power to help me achieve them.

Until we fell in love and everything fell apart. Now everyone thinks I tried to sleep my way to the top and I can’t say I blame them when the evidence points to exactly that.

However, looks can be deceiving...

Blair McKenzie is the definition of perfect. She’s crazy talented and hot as…well, you get the point. But aside from all that, she has heart and in this business, heart is hard to come by.

In a moment of weakness, I had a lapse in judgment and nearly cost her everything.

Now I need to do the right thing. Except it feels wrong.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Grab your FREE copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Ryleigh Sloan is a romance author with a masters degree in being an indecisive control freak. Her favorite pastime is driving her friends crazy by writing multiple books at once.

Following the advice of established authors to read, read, read in order to hone one's craft she does just that and engrosses herself in as many romance novels as she can get her hands on. Her bad habit of writing more than one book at a time carries over to her reading and she can be found reading, and listening to multiple titles at once and enjoying every moment.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Urn for Me [Royal Bastards MC: Sacramento 09] by Winter Travers

When you're in the business of death, things are pretty, well, dead. Even with a motorcycle club hanging around these days, things are pretty chill or least they were until Rocco Franks walked through the doors of Brooks Mortuary and Cremation.

"I'm the new owner."

Dorothy's world is sent into a tailspin, and Rocco is all to blame.

It would be so easy to hate Rocco if it weren't for his sexy smirk, devilish humor, and... soul stealing kisses. *facepalm*

Gah! Falling for her new boss is not at all what Dorothy needs, but when it feels so right how can she not feel the urn, uh, I mean burn for Rocco?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy here

Author bio:

Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author Winter Travers is a devoted wife, mother, and aunt turned author who was born and raised in Wisconsin. After a brief stint in South Carolina following her heart to chase the man who is now her hubby, they retreated back up North to the changing seasons, and to the place they now call home. Winter spends her days writing happily ever afters, and her nights being a karate mom hauling her son to practices and tournaments.. She also has an addiction to anything MC related, puppies, and baking.

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Sweetheart by Cookie O’Gorman!


   "Can I ask you something?" he said.
   "Why are you dressed like that?"
   I lifted a brow. "Like a blueberry?"
   Sam gave a shrug. "I was going to say a cross between Elsa and Cinderella."
   "Well, well," I said, "the Sam Bishop knows his princesses. Who would've guessed?"
   "Thanks to my sister," he said. "And I still don't get why you keep saying the before my name. Makes no sense."
   It made sense to me.
   He'd always been the Sam Bishop in my head. As in the one and only, the original, the Sam Bishop who stole my heart at age ten and refused to give it back. I couldn't say any of that to him, though, so I just shrugged.
   "I was hired to play a wedding," I said.
   "And they asked you to dress like a princess?"
   I shook my head. "The bride wanted a very specific shade of blue. Not baby blue, aqua or cornflower. Royal blue is what they asked for. This is what I had, so…"
   Sam nodded. "Looks good on you."
   "Yeah, right," I said with a scoff.
   "I'm serious."
   Feeling my cheeks heat, I crossed my arms.
   "Gotta be honest, though, I wasn't sure if you'd be able to fit all that in the car. That's a lot of material."
   His words startled a laugh out of me, and I gave a mental curse. I would not be charmed by him. The guy couldn't even remember my name for goodness sakes.
   "Is part of it still hanging out the door or…?" he said innocently.
   "Ha ha," I said, "very funny, Bishop."
   "Got a laugh out of you, Kent."
   At least he remembered my last name, I thought.
   "And I'm assuming if I hadn't been able to fit inside your inadequately-sized sports car"—he scoffed—"you would've just left me on the side the road?"
   Sam shook his head. "Nah, I would've just had you take the dress off."

Sweetheart (suh-weet-hart): Someone who is kind, friendly, and/or lovable. For reference, see Scarlett Kent.

Seventeen-year-old Scarlett Kent likes the idea of love—in theory. She’s just never had time for romance. Voted Most Likely to Succeed, founder of a youth mentoring program, and an aspiring professional violinist, Scarlett has goals—and a list of “firsts” she’d like to complete before graduation.

One thing that’s not on her list: Falling for Sam Bishop.

Flirtatious jocks who sleep through class aren’t her type—no matter how good Sam looks in his jersey. But when her car breaks down, Sam stops to help…which leads to an unexpected offer.

Sam volunteers to help Scarlett complete her list. In return, she’ll help him win back his ex.

It’s a sweetheart deal that should benefit everyone.

But between kissing lessons and pretend dates, Scarlett realizes Sam is the perfect fake boyfriend. And if she’s not careful, he could be her first real heartbreak.

This book features two souls who’re meant to be, one fake arrangement, so many heart-melting kisses and answers the question:

What happens when a perfectionist falls for a player?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Cookie O'Gorman writes YA & NA romance to give readers a taste of happily-ever-after. Small towns, quirky characters, and the awkward yet beautiful moments in life make up her books. Cookie also has a soft spot for nerds and ninjas. Her novels ADORKABLE, NINJA GIRL, The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder, The Good Girl's Guide to Being Bad, The Kissing Challenge (YA novella), WALLFLOWER, CUPCAKE, FAUXMANCE, and BOOKWORM are out now! She is also the author of NA sports romances The Best Mistake, The Perfect Play, The Sweetest Game, and The Total Knockout. Her newest release SWEETHEART came out on April 25, 2024!

Monday 22 April 2024

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Faeries Don’t Lie [Heart of the Worlds 01] by TF Burke!

Can Two Worlds Survive an Augury?

Releasing a Chandarion’s god-like magic into the world isn’t what sixteen-year-old Aunia, the village’s outcast, intends. She only wants to impress Mathias, a visiting seventeen-year-old pegasus flyer, who fiercely believes the choice—either Faery or Mortal world surviving—has come.

Her action calls forth the Boggleman, a soul-sucking ghoul, who abducts her dad, eats her faery friends, and sets Dagel demons on her isolated village. And worse.

The worlds of Ahnu-Endynia are full of faeries, pegasi flyers, myths, secrets, and themes of belonging, despite being misunderstood. And if you don't watch carefully . . . You might be pulled into the Betwixt. . . the space between the worlds.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

TF Burke currently works with NYT David Farland’s Apex-Writers as an admin and marketing specialist, where she schedules industry leaders for weekly multi-Zoom calls, provides content for social posts, and hosts several writer-focused Zooms.

Her published works includes hundreds of newspaper articles, blog posts across various platforms, anthologies, including MURDERBUGS, the second volume of the Unhelpful Encyclopediam a collection of short stories in WHIRL OF THE FAE, and the first book of the Heart of the Worlds Series, FAERIES DON’T LIE.

When not writing or wearing other hats, she can be found with a sword and a dagger in her hands for medieval-style fencing tournaments and melees, something she’s been doing since 2010.

Sunday 21 April 2024

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Land of the Free Trilogy by Mimi Barbour!

Irresistible Freedom [Land of the Free 01]

Escape… a new beginning.

That’s what Demi Fedora yearns for. And so, she leaves everything and everyone she knows to move to her deceased grandfather’s derelict cabin in the wilds of Alaska, the one he left her in his will.

Meeting Whittaker Hart isn’t in her plans. Though the ruggedly handsome gold prospector does everything to win her over, she keeps her distance until her need to survive a life totally foreign to her nature overcomes her desire to do everything herself.

After rescuing a young drunk and taking on the tough life of a greenhorn, she realizes one thing. Between fixing up the place to make it livable for the coming winter and learning how to exist in a land filled with vicious storms and treacherous wildfires, she can’t cope alone.

No matter how much she yearns for independence, she needs help…. a lot of help.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Unforgettable Freedom [Land of the Free 02]

Demi has been consistently warned that the northern winter would be perilous, yes. Yet nothing in her wildest imagination could prepare her for the reality. In book two, she will go through incredible and frightening adventures where the little bastard (as she calls her wild wolf pup) will be instrumental in not only driving her crazy but saving her life… more than once.

Her ongoing belief that Whit will survive being lost in the fire he and Glen went to fight becomes a huge conflict. She refuses to accept any other ending… but should she?

And Glen, the young native friend she saved in book #1, will be a challenge that can’t be ignored. Life isn’t easy by any means. Thankfully, the awe-inspiring land, many call God’s country, has a way of soothing those in need.

​Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Ultimate Freedom [Land of the Free 03]

Conquering conflicts and battles, Demi and her Alaskan family face more unexpected adventures. Battling for her life is just the beginning. Before she has a chance to catch her breath, she’s deep in a fight for her best friend’s future.

Nothing comes easy in this wild country. Even with the support of the handsome gold prospector, her new brother, and her wolf, life in the North continues to challenge her every step of the way.
If she fights with everything in her, will she finally find the peaceful existence she craves?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

NYT & USA Today, best-selling, award-winning author, MIMI BARBOUR, has nine romance series to her credit. She also has a new Trilogy, many single titles and a huge number of box sets – her own and multi-author collections.

Mimi lives on the East coast of Vancouver Island with her small dog, Charli, and writes her various romances with tongue in cheek and a mad glint in her eye. She’s been known to say: “If I can steal a booklover’s attention away from their everyday grind, absorb them into a fantasy love story, and make them care about the ending, then I’ve done my job.”


Saturday 20 April 2024

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Hott Take [Hott Springs Eternal 02] by Serena Bell!


   After Nia told me that Shane Hott is an actor, I watched the first Crown of Spires movies, Lord of Every Sky. It was full of scenes where he was shirtless, badass, and bossy. He’s basically the villain of the first movie—although I get the sense that he’s going to be redeemed later from the way the camera lingers on his…assets.
   Even as I watched, I questioned my life choices. I wasn’t at all sure watching the movie was a good idea because in a town as small as Rush Creek, Shane and I were bound to cross paths.
   After I watched him in Lord of Every Sky, I wanted to build a small monument to his torso and worship it…with my tongue.
   And now, encountering him in the hallway outside of Hanna’s office, my knees feel less solid than I would ideally like.
   Never trust a guy so good looking he makes you stupid.
   So I do what any self-respecting woman would do in that situation.
   I pretend I have no idea who he is.
   I can tell he’s waiting for me to recognize him, giving me a beat to say, Holy crap, Shane Hott!
   After he got on Bridge and turned into a household name, Anthony used to do the same thing.
   Seeing echoes of Anthony in this guy makes me even less inclined to give him what he wants. Another Hollywood fuckboy hopped up on fan worship. It’s the last thing my life needs.
   “Nice to meet you. I’m Ivy Scofield,” I say, cool and low key, like I’m introducing myself to the manager at the bank.
   Surprise flickers behind his eyes, but he hides it, extending his hand. I take it. It’s big, warm, and dry and, unfortunately for my equilibrium, attached to a toned, muscular forearm below a rolled shirt sleeve. The shirt itself is a soft-looking blue gray that clings in all the right places to his movie star–worthy shoulders, pecs, and abs. He has long-lashed dark brown eyes paired with a blade of a nose, square jaw, and lush mouth. Against my will, I admit that he’s gorgeous.
   I thought I had permanently rid myself of men who were too good looking to be believed, but apparently not.
   “I think we can help each other out,” he says. Actually, he whispers it. “You, um, mind walking with me?” He gestures toward the exit.
   “Should I be worried that you’re a serial killer?”
   The corner of his mouth turns up. “I’m not a serial killer. I’m an actor.”
   “Even worse.”
   He laughs, which is terrible because it makes him even better looking, all eye crinkles and white teeth and genuine amusement. Then he stops—because I wasn’t joking and he seems to intuit that.
   “Even so,” he says, more seriously. “Please. Just…let me walk you out and tell you what I’m thinking.”
   I give him a shrug-nod, and we walk out of Hott Springs together to the parking lot. Now I know who owns the Aston Martin Vanquish I parked next to. I know nothing about cars…but Anthony coveted that car: fast, expensive, and—his words—a dream to drive.
   As we draw even with his car, Shane says, “I know you need our barn.”
   I flick him a quick, confused glance as hope buys real estate in my chest. It sounds like he’s implying that it still might be possible. I will do anything to save our theater—not just for me, but for the kids. I know Nia feels the same way.
   “I can get the barn for you.”
   “Hanna said—”
   “Hanna wasn’t looking at the whole picture,” he tells me. “I am.”
   I raise an eyebrow.
   “You need the barn, and I need you to marry me.”
   His too-pretty-for-real-life face is deadly serious now. My mouth falls open.

The hard part isn’t acting like we’re falling for each other. It’s pretending we’re not.

Shane: My grandfather’s will has me between a rock and a Hott place. If I don’t score a celebrity wedding, my sister will lose her wedding planning business—and our family’s land. As a playboy movie star, I know Hollywood’s ins and outs. But finding two celebrities in love is tougher than it looks.

Enter Ivy Scofield—the beautiful star of one of TV’s most beloved failures. She’s hiding from her past in Rush Creek, running a community theater for troubled kids. She needs my family’s wedding barn to save her program. So we make a deal: I give her the barn—she gives me her hand in fake marriage. Lights, camera, action—and cut—right?

Not so fast. Planning our fake wedding is way more personal than I was expecting. I’m learning Ivy’s quirks, preferences, and pet peeves—and that’s before I walk in on her enjoying my most infamous on-camera scene. Plus she’s slowly peeling back my layers—the ones I’ve built up to protect myself. If someone doesn’t do something soon, we might discover that the only thing fake about this wedding is the way we keep pushing each other away.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

USA Today bestselling author Serena Bell writes contemporary romance with heat, heart, and humor. A former journalist, Serena has always believed that everyone has an amazing story to tell if you listen carefully, and you can often find her scribbling in her tiny garret office, mainlining chocolate and bringing to life the tales in her head.

Serena’s books have earned many honors, including an RT Reviewers’ Choice Award, Apple Books Best Book of the Month, and Amazon Best Book of the Year for Romance.

When not writing, Serena loves to spend time with her college-sweetheart husband and two hilarious kiddos—all of whom are incredibly tolerant not just of Serena’s imaginary friends but also of how often she changes her hobbies and how passionately she embraces the new ones. These days, it’s stand-up paddle boarding, board-gaming, meditation, and long walks with good friends.