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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Saturday 30 September 2023

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Love in the Hills of the Headwaters Series by Tricia Daniels!

Behind the Tangerine Door [Love in the Hills of the Headwaters 01]

'Behind the Tangerine Door' there was mystery, there was tragedy, and there was love. Journey home to Mono Mills with Cora Scott and uncover the secrets her grandparents kept for many years. While you're visiting, try not to fall in love with Ben, he's not your typical boy next door. His bossy nature and sarcastic sense of humour will challenge you at every turn. Home with family is where he belongs and he’ll never leave the hills of the headwaters. When sentimental childhood memories and international career opportunities collide, Cora is left with the difficult decision of pursuing her dreams or following her heart.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy here for only 99 cents!

Refusing to Expire [Love in the Hills of the Headwaters 02]

Many years after a failed marriage Tori comes to the shocking realization that all her online dating relationships seem to have a 'best before' date. Until she meets Roger Ford, a kind and caring man, with just enough protective alpha to make a woman feel appreciated and loved. The moment they meet and he gazes into her enchanting, green eyes, he falls hard. Everything just seems to fit. Well, almost everything. Roger may not be the perfect man, but he is no quitter, and he’s determined to prove it. ‘Refusing To Expire’ flows from serious and heartbreaking to a wistful and hilarious journey of two hearts ready to love again and the blending of families.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy here for only 99 cents!

Unfinished Business [Love in the Hills of the Headwaters 03]

I’ve had intuitive moments since I was a little girl. My siblings don’t seem to share the gift, if you can call it that. If they do, they’ve kept it a secret. When I was a teenager, my overthinking complicated things. I avoided Alex for more than seventeen years because of it. I made some bad decisions back then because I never really understood my gift until I was older. As the stars finally align, the universe pushes us back together and a new destiny begins to unfold. Twists and turns in the road being laid out before us will force us to face our fears and insecurities. And this time I sense Alex and I aren’t the only ones with unfinished business.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy here

Author bio:

Tricia Daniels was born and raised in the suburbs of Toronto, Ontario. 30 years ago, she moved to a small town in the Hills of the Headwater where she raised three sons as a single mother. The happily-ever-after she thought she would never have took her by surprise when she met her one great love, later in life. Love changes everything and Tricia Daniels strives to bring you love stories you can relate to.

Friday 29 September 2023

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: His Reward [Banachi Family 01] by Winter Travers!

Blood or not, the Banachis are family…

When a typical day turns into an unexpected meeting with Kitty, Princeton quickly realizes he’s got something good right in front of him. Something he doesn’t want to let go.

As a ghost from his past waltzes in without warning, threatening to take away Kitty, Princeton knows nothing will happen to Kitty and her family as long as he’s breathing. Kitty may not be blood, but she’s family now, and the Banachis do anything for the family.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy here

Author bio:

Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author Winter Travers is a devoted wife, mother, and aunt turned author who was born and raised in Wisconsin. After a brief stint in South Carolina following her heart to chase the man who is now her hubby, they retreated back up North to the changing seasons, and to the place they now call home. Winter spends her days writing happily ever afters, and her nights being a karate mom hauling her son to practices and tournaments. She also has an addiction to anything MC related, puppies, and baking.

Thursday 28 September 2023

Release Day Blitz: Cruel Love [Hidden Valley Elite 06] by Isla Vaughn!

I fell for the enemy.
He broke me, and then put me together again.
Our future? It’s worth fighting for.
Or it was before the accident.

The accident stole Phoenix from me. Now, he’s nice… kind even. But the memory of me—of our baby—is gone. Despite everything, I’m left fighting for our child and the man I’ve come to love.

How much will I have to sacrifice to bring him back? What happens when secrets buried deep in the past burst into the present? Do we have a chance? Or is it inevitable that history repeats itself and we’re forced to go our separate ways?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Isla Vaughn is the author of the Hidden Valley Elite series. Her romance books are full of complex characters, strong alpha males, and the fierce women who bring them to their knees. When not writing, she can be found daydreaming about owning a beach house, reading, or drinking too much coffee. You can find her at www.IslaVaughnAuthor.com

Wednesday 27 September 2023

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Redeeming Rabbit [Dead Presidents MC Book 11] by Harley Stone!



   Eyes sparkling with mischief, she pushed away from the sofa, stepping toward me. “Do you want to see a magic trick?”
   The only trick I wanted to see was my dick disappearing down her throat, but saying so would make me an asshole. Especially since she was drunk. I nodded. “Sure.”
   She smacked a hand to her back, wincing as she overextended her elbow. “Wait. I have too many clothes on.”
   She pulled off her borrowed tee and tossed it on the bed, sucker-punching me with a glimpse of creamy pale skin. Against all odds, I was trying to do the right fucking thing here and keep my filthy hands off her. Couldn’t she help me out just a little? Obviously not, because she reached up her shirt and unclasped her bra. Her breasts shifted into their natural position, hugged by her tightass shirt. Hard nipples tented the front of the fabric, making my hands itch and my mouth go dry.
   She was just… perfection, and she was… fuck. She was removing her bra. Without lifting her shirt, she yanked one bra strap over an arm before struggling with the other. Then she pulled the entire black lace brassiere—it was too fancy to be called a bra—through an armhole and tossed it aside.
   “See? Magic.”
   The real magic trick would be me not devolving into my primate brain and fucking the hell out of her tonight. Just when the situation couldn’t get any worse, she palmed her breasts, lifting and lowering them as she sang some song about milkshakes and atoms.
   And pizza.
   It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen.
   Unable to help myself, I let my thumbs dip under her T-shirt and sample the softness of her skin.
   She sobered. “That’s what I want for my last meal.”
   “Milkshakes, atoms, and pizza?”
   She nodded. Then she shook her head. “I don’t think I’m mentally cape. Cape. Capable of sharing this or any information right now. Besides, there are other things better suited to take up our time.”
   Her hands dropped to my zipper, and my self-control snapped.
   Then she puked all over me.

They say combat trauma can be the noose you hang from, the cross you bear, or the cliff you scale to survive. But I was a f*ck up long before my Army enlistment and the resulting PTSD. Thanks to the veteran MC that took me in, I’m coping with my condition. Mostly.

Until her.

The Complete Package. She’s way out of my league. I shouldn’t have a chance in hell with Elenore, but I got a peek under her hood and the sexy scientist has a screw loose.

Good thing I’m the best damn mechanic in Seattle.

I never once contemplated murder until my sister showed up bruised and bloody on my doorstep. Now, my intellect has overridden my morals to create an extermination plan with a 98.3% success rate.

Relax, I won’t actually kill anyone. Probably.

But he might.

Who knew I’d find a kindred spirit in my self-appointed tattooed biker bodyguard? Rabbit’s alarmingly protective but the most fascinating person I’ve ever met. And the sight of his bare chest just made the lock on my bedroom door spontaneously combust.

A tempest on the outside with a soft, gooey center, he could be the one.

If I’m strong enough to love him.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

International bestselling author Harley Stone specializes in imperfect characters, realistic storylines, scorching hot sex scenes, and fun, witty dialogue. She's always up for a good adventure (real or fictional), and when she's not building imaginary worlds, she's dipping her toes into reality in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and their five sons and two dogs.

Tuesday 26 September 2023

Release Day Blitz: Without You [Burgers and Brew Crüe 08] by Lacey Black!


I spend my days brewing beer for the popular Brew Crüe Beer Company and my nights devoted to being a dad. Raising a young child with special needs can be tough and stressful, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. He’s everything to me, and the reason I keep going. It’s him and me against the world, and I have no intention of changing that.

Then, Kinsley McGregor walks back into my life.

Letting her go all those years ago was the hardest thing I had ever done, and having her here proves how good we are. Unfortunately, her Nashville life is calling, and I will have to let her go again.

This time, it’s not just my heart I risk, but my four-year-old son’s too.


My entire life explodes on television for the whole world to witness. After my husband’s public affair throughout the course of my very first headlining tour, I retreat to my safe haven: Stewart Grove. I need a place to lick my wounds and figure out my next step, without being under the watchful eye of the paparazzi, and I find it in my hometown.

I wasn’t planning to reconnect the man I left behind, along with his adorable son.

Tucker Dunn was everything I ever wanted before I went to Nashville to chase my country music dreams. Leaving him in Stewart Grove wasn’t easy, but it was the path we chose together.

Now, I stare down the same choices; only this time, the decision will be harder to make.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

USA Today Bestselling Author Lacey Black is a Midwestern girl with a passion for reading, writing, and shopping. She carries her e-reader with her everywhere she goes so she never misses an opportunity to read a few pages. Always looking for a happily ever after, Lacey is passionate about contemporary romance novels and enjoys it further when you mix in a little suspense. She resides in a small town in Illinois with her husband, two children, and three rowdy chickens.

Monday 25 September 2023

Book Blitz & Giveaway: I’ve Watched You Die [Academy for Gods and Freaks 01] by Karina Banks!


   Our eyes meet and I forget to breathe. He is the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. Something about him is hypnotic. My heart races so fast it’s more like a fluttering that makes me dizzy. Everything tilts, but I can’t look away. I don’t want to lose contact with him, even though I know this moment is where the vision ends; the instant life fades from his eyes. I can’t leave him to die alone.
   Any second now, I will wake up from this hallucination, this nightmare, and sob because he’s gone. I didn’t know him. This isn’t real. But this feels so sad. So wrong.
   I hear it then, his last, shuddering breaths, the rattling in his lungs as they fill with blood. The light in his eyes—the awareness—fades, and I am shocked at the difference between life and death. Intensity and—emptiness.
   “No! Don’t leave me.” The sound of my own voice startles me. I’ve thought the words, many times. I never make a sound. I’m always trapped, locked away as an observer.
   I know he won’t obey, and I can’t stand staring into his lifeless face. I’m weak, I know, but this is asking too much. Too damn much. I shudder and close my eyes, will my miserable mind to be snapped away, back to reality, where a lifetime of experience and pure logic tells me I’ll find myself slumped over on the sidewalk, or unconscious in the grass.
   All of this is in my mind. An illusion.
   But I can’t wake up this time. A strange jolt of energy spreads inside me, unpredictable and wild, like cracks advancing across a pristine piece of glass…except I am the thing about to shatter. My insides are as hot as a scorching sun in the desert.
   Heat radiates from my gut to my hands, where they rest on his chest. I risk a peek, afraid I will see them burning.
   A flash of light blinds me. I slam my eyes closed but the brilliant red-orange color chases me into the darkness.

A young woman, cursed. A rebellious prince in hiding. A forbidden love that will threaten two worlds…

There are two main things I’ve learned since my life turned upside down. The first is, if you speak of someone’s death before it happens, you’ll be blamed for murder. The second? If the hottest guy you’ve ever seen kisses you, and thanks you for saving his life, don’t argue.

I watched him die, over and over. So many times. The vision is always the same and there is never one damn thing I can do to save him. I don’t know why I can’t dream about normal things, like going to school naked, or spiders. I hate spiders. No, I’m lucky enough to see strangers at the moments of their deaths.

The only thing keeping me sane is knowing the visions aren’t real.

Until the accident. The blood. He dies in my arms.

At least, I thought he did. But now he’s here, telling me I saved his life. Telling me unbelievable stories about monsters and gods and destiny. Promising to protect me.

If none of this is real, why am I afraid of the creatures hunting me? And if I saved his life, why are the nightmares back, stronger than ever? What is this thing lurking inside me, eager to strike?

I don’t know, but I’m freaking out.

I’m afraid what I think is real, isn’t. And what I know is not, just might be.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday 24 September 2023

Stacking The Shelves [98]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

(These books were in the Forbidden Romance Readers Book Box UK!)

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

I, unfortunately, didn't receive any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

I, unfortunately, didn't receive any review copies this month.

Currently Reading:

Saturday 23 September 2023

Book Blitz & Giveaway: One Bossy Disaster by Nicole Snow!


   “Um, a little help? I can’t get out.” I make another half-hearted attempt to stand up in my kayak and fail comically.
   Shepherd stares at me for a second before he laughs.
   He laughs—a real belly laugh—and it’s a happy sound that vibrates through me.
   Not cruel, either, but warm and understanding.
   There goes my heart again as he strides over to where the waves meet the beach.
   He grabs the front of my kayak effortlessly and hauls it out of the water.
   No sweat.
   No big deal.
   No small favor with bigger muscle.
   Damn, I’ll admit it.
   Right now, I am thirsty as hell.
   I’ve been ogling him all day and he still hasn’t stopped getting hotter.
   “There,” he says when I’m safely on the sand. “Can you get out now?”
   I try.
   I really do.
   But my body simply won’t cooperate.
   I guess my legs forgot they’re supposed to be a flesh and bone team, and my arms feel totally disconnected from my shoulders.
   “This is so embarrassing,” I say, but he just releases the end of the kayak and steps closer.
   “Save it, Destiny. You worked your ass off today and there’s no point in feeling shamed. Even if I’m going to carry you.”
   He bends down, and before I can register what’s happening, he does it.
   Picks. Me. Up.
   As in, I am in his arms right now, damsel in distress style, legs hooked over one arm while his other arm lends back support.
   The world spins as I weakly wrap my arms around his neck.
   And oh.
   He’s almost superheated with exertion through his wet suit.
   The shelter of his arms makes me aware just how massive he really is.
   I’m so used to being the same height as most of the men around me—often taller—but this guy makes me feel small.
   That’s a miracle in itself.
   And he’s breathing harder now.
   I’m pretty sure he wasn’t when he dragged my kayak up onto the shore. His arms tighten around me, drawing me closer.
   I’m not sure I’m breathing.
   Scratch that, definitely not.
   There’s a wild look in his eyes.
   My arms are locked around his neck and we’re so close, I can feel his heart beating so, so fast.
   He isn’t alone. Mine strums like a guitar plucked by a rock star belting out a nasty breakup ballad.
   What is even happening?
   “It’s normal for first-timers,” he says softly, and I blink up at him in confusion.
   Shepherd Foster is never soft.
   ...and first-timers?
   How do I explain that although I’m way younger, I’m not inexperienced. I’ve had my fair share of male attention, though none of the boys I’ve dated have ever swept me up like a storm.
   “Kayaking,” he clarifies, eyeing my blank face.
   Oh, crap.

Trust me, I’m not falling for a human porcupine.
I don’t do older men with baggage a mile long.
Billionaires? Nope, I’m Miss Independence, thank you very much.
And when a man with the emotional intelligence of a cucumber decides to boss me around?
Hoo boy.

Shepherd Foster and I are utterly incompatible.
He still can’t get over the day we met when I questioned Mr. High and Mighty’s judgment.
He’s also holding the key—and the moolah—to my animal rescue dreams.
I’m only putting up with this torture for the cute otters, I swear.

And we’re only camping together so I can prove him deliciously wrong.
My ideas will outshine Seattle’s grumpiest egomaniac.
If only Shepherd’s scowls and barbed words weren’t attached to a body crafted for sin.
I still don’t know how it happened.

Don’t ask me why I let his cruel mouth kiss me into a smoldering wreck.
Don’t remind me that messy nights in Eden with my boss carry a brutal price.
I’m worried I’m feeling… things for a man I desperately need to keep hating.
Because there’s one way this ends if Shepherd damn Foster gets his hooks in my heart.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Nicole Snow is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author. She found her love of writing by hashing out love scenes on lunch breaks and plotting her great escape from boardrooms. Her work roared onto the indie romance scene in 2014 with her Grizzlies MC series.

Since then Snow aims for the very best in growly, heart-of-gold alpha heroes, unbelievable suspense, and swoon storms aplenty. With over a million books sold, she lives for the joy of making two people fight with every bit of their soul for a Happily Ever After.

Current fan favorites include her Enguard Protectors series, accidental love novels, plus long beloved MC romance thrillers like the Grizzlies and Deadly Pistols.

Friday 22 September 2023

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Almost Heaven [Merciless Few MC West Virginia Chapter 01] by M.D. Stewart!

Almost Heaven is a dark, emotional tale of how the power of love can heal even the deepest of wounds.

Gunnar "Viking" Anderson
I never thought I’d return to West Virginia, not after my father was convicted of murdering my girlfriend, Hailey. But when my father dies, I’m forced to face the hometown I left behind. I’ve closed myself off to a happy life, content with the brotherhood I’ve found in the Merciless Few MC. That is, until I saved Diana Taylor during a brutal assault.

Diana Taylor
I’m searching for my missing niece but it's Viking who ignites a search for something more. Despite his reservations, he says he can't help being drawn to my strength and unwavering determination to find, and save Mariska. As I fight to break down his walls, I know Viking must confront the demons of his past or we won’t have a future. Am I strong enough to help him heal, and discover that love is worth fighting for?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

I’m somewhat of a recluse, living in Southern West Virginia with my husband, three cats, and three chickens. I’ve combined my love of romance with my vivid imagination to create my own Universe. My hope is that my books can transport you to faraway worlds where there's always a guaranteed happily ever after!

Thursday 21 September 2023

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Echoes of the Past by Ashley Packard!


   “I didn’t have a choice then, but I do now,” I said, with a mixture of nostalgia and sorrow filling my chest as I sat on the bench across from an old bouquet of crinkled, dried flowers. The soft breeze rustled the autumn leaves, leaving a crisp scent lingering in the wind. The sun dipped over the horizon, casting a warm glow against my face as I sat in this place of quietude.
   “Mom, Dad,” I whispered, taking a deep breath, “I miss you so much. I need your help now more than ever before.” I knew that coming here today was necessary – I needed their guidance, I was so confused.
   I sat there and looked around the well-tended lawn and the sun’s reflection against the pond nearby. I kneeled down to replace the old bouquet with the new, trying to avert my eyes, but they were anchored on rereading the etched inscription for the millionth time:
   “Emily & Liam Wilson, Beloved Parents, May they always rest in peace, Forever in our hearts.”
   I could almost hear my father’s voice saying, “There’s no ‘cannot’ in our dictionary at home. I crossed it out, it doesn’t exist!”
   Is that really true, Dad? Right then, it felt impossible. I already had a plan in place, a prestigious job lined up, and now this. A completely unexpected option. I felt a tear run down my cheek and brushed it away with my sleeve.
   Life hasn’t been the same since you dropped me off at Grandma’s. None of us could have predicted what happened next.
   “I think I know what I want to do, but I’m so scared.”
   Memories came flooding back, each one flipping through my mind like snippets of a film.


   “Anna, my dear,” Charlotte said gently, but heavy with melancholy as she opened the screen door from the back side of her house. Anna was hula-hooping and stopped, sensing that something was off by the sound of her grandmother’s tone, and came over to her.
   “There’s something I need to tell you.”
   “What is it, Grandma? What’s wrong?”
   Anna watched as Charlotte fell to her knees, took her hands in her own, tears streaming down her cheeks, and said, “I just got a phone call. There’s been an accident and your parents…I’m so sorry, they’ve passed away.”
   Anna froze. Shock washed over her, as she attempted to grasp her grandmother’s words. Her eyes started to feel puffy and swollen with tears. A whirlwind of thoughts and emotions raced through her mind. How could this happen? It was a vacation.
   Charlotte pulled her in closely as they wrapped their arms around each other. Both acknowledged that neither of their lives would ever be the same again.

Anna Wilson is faced with the prospect of starting her first job out of university. She worked hard for this coveted position not for the prestige, but because it paid well, would make her parents proud, and most importantly, the location was close to her grandmother, her only remaining family.

Accepting this job was a seal of fate according to Anna’s grandmother, who grappled with the guilt that Anna planned her life around her.

After graduating from university, Anna’s world gets turned upside down when she receives the devastating news her grandmother passed away, leaving behind an unexpected inheritance, a chest full of old postcards, and tickets for a trip her grandmother planned leaving in a few weeks.

Anna battles the difficult decision – to stay with the job she accepted, or embark on a journey that could uncover truths about herself and the untold stories of her grandmother’s past.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Ashley Packard was born and raised in the suburbs outside of Boston, Massachusetts. She currently resides in Berlin, Germany with her husband Zac and their two cats Emmy and Zelda. They moved to Germany in 2022 as newlyweds after getting married in Iceland. “Echoes of the Past” is her debut novel. She has a passion for traveling, telling stories, and taking photographs. You can find her latest work and updates on www.ashleypackard.com.

Wednesday 20 September 2023

Release Blitz & Giveaway: Savior [Elements of Abduction 01] by Stefanie Dawn!

Abducted by aliens in the middle of the night, then dumped on a foreign planet in nothing but my flimsy nightclothes.

Any number of predators could have eaten me.

Well, as it turns out, I was—eaten, I mean—by a hulking alien who really knew what he was doing when it came to pleasing human women.

Is he my protector or my captor?
And what happened to the other women I was abducted with?

Something must be seriously wrong with me because I want to ask for his help to find the other women, but even with our language barrier, I find my thoughts drifting. And the way he touches me tells me his thoughts are anything but pure.

I must be crazy. There are dangers on this planet he’s only hinted at, a reason I’m here I don’t know, and yet when I’m with my alien savior, all I can think is when he touches me, I really, really, like it.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy here

Author bio:

Stefanie Dawn writes paranormal and steamy romances, as well as dark and urban fantasy, and strives to give her readers stories they can escape into as they become absorbed in the worlds created, and fall in love with the characters.

Stefanie adores creating romances that will keep you hooked, with HEAs and paranormal fantasy, elements of instant attraction, and of course lots of steam!

All books in the Unearthly Sins Novels are standalones, and they can be read in any order. But as you move through the series, you’ll see the characters start to cross over and interconnect, creating an intriguing web of tales!

When she isn’t writing, Stefanie might be painting, reading, or watching movies, or simply enjoying a cocktail with friends.
