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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Thursday 30 November 2023

Release Blitz & Giveaway: My Romeo [Iron Fiends MC 03] by Winter Travers!

It’s lights, camera, ACTION for the Iron Fiends!

Throttle doesn’t care about anything but the Iron Fiends MC. Life dealt him a bad hand from birth, and he’s finally got things going his way. Well, for the most part…

If you would have told Throttle a few months ago he was going to be on a reality show, he would have told you to get bent. Having cameras following him around and acting like he didn’t cuss every five words wasn’t what Throttle wanted or needed. But the Iron Fiends needed it, and the Iron Fiends were Throttle’s life.

You know what else Throttle doesn’t need? Dove. Sloane’s friend disappeared for over two weeks and then she just magically reappeared after the club turned heaven and hell upside down looking for her. Dove’s lips are sealed on where she was or what happened, but Throttle knows something is up. Something that could very well threaten the club he loves like family.

While the cameras roll, Throttle is trying to figure out just what Dove is up to while also trying to act like the perfect little biker. What Throttle doesn’t know is the Iron Fiends are headed straight for trouble, and Dove is the only one who can help them.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy here

Author bio:

Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author Winter Travers is a devoted wife, mother, and aunt turned author who was born and raised in Wisconsin. After a brief stint in South Carolina following her heart to chase the man who is now her hubby, they retreated back up North to the changing seasons, and to the place they now call home. Winter spends her days writing happily ever afters, and her nights being a karate mom hauling her son to practices and tournaments.. She also has an addiction to anything MC related, puppies, and baking.

Wednesday 29 November 2023

Book Blitz & Giveaway: The Dasher by Cindy Kehagiaras!


   I took a cigarette from my purse and stuck it between my lips, staring at the rain. The water hitting the asphalt was getting louder in my brain. Before I lit the cancer stick, I stepped out from under the overhang and into the downpour.
   This kind of rain wasn’t common in Southern California. I was compelled to embrace it every time it poured like this. I didn’t give a shit that my hair, makeup, and $700 Gucci sneakers would be ruined.
   Fat water drops hit the cigarette I had between my lips, reminding me it was there, and I lifted my hand with the lighter.
   “Good luck getting that lit,” I heard from behind me and spun to see Ben standing with his hands in the pockets of his baggy shorts—his chain wallet swinging, and his arm tattoos on full display.
   I wasn’t sure how long I stood there staring at him.
   In an act of defiance for him and mother nature, I flicked the metal of the lighter several times. Then threw the damn thing, followed by the cigarette.
   “Let me ask you something.” He had to shout over the rain, but his tone was calm.
   That pissed me off. I was standing in a rainstorm. Soaked from head to toe, I tried to light a cigarette. How in the fucking hell was I qualified to answer any question right now? I hadn’t even taken a breath yet.
   “Is it about the money? Or is it a fuck you to your old man to prove him wrong about you? Or to fix something that you think is broken?” he asked.
   I had to blink to keep the water from getting in my eyes that was now dripping from my forehead.
   “That’s three questions.” I shook my head. “Why are you even out here? What do you care about any of this? Who the fuck are you, Ben?”
   He stepped closer. “Now you asked me three questions.”
   God, he was impossible. What did he think would happen, some romance movie moment in the rain where I jumped into his arms, and we lived happily ever after getting matching tattoos and motorcycles?
   In my silence, he answered one of my questions: “I’m Billy-fucking-Joel.”
   My heart clenched then fell into my stomach. He knew. Of course, he knew what I’d thought last night when Jason described.
   “Uptown Girl” as a man falling in love with a woman out of his world and how it had changed him. Was Ben in love with me? I didn’t expect him to change for 1. He shouldn’t even like me or, God forbid, love me. I wasn’t worthy.
   “I don’t need this shit right now,” I shouted at him.
   “Answer my question, Lisa.”
   I wiped the rain from my eyes. “Which one?”
   “Is it about the money?”
   “Yes, damnit, and my father and fixing broken things. It’s all of it.”
   It was too much. I couldn’t keep this up. His questions, his mysterious look, the mere presence of him. My desire for him. My lust for him. My fear of him. My fear of him and me together. I wasn’t strong enough.
   I was too broken. “You have to stop. You want to fix me—”
   “No, I don’t. I like you like this.”
   “What? Having a breakdown, standing in the fucking rain? You like this? You’re a sick fucker.”
   He laughed. He fucking laughed at me. I was having a stage-three meltdown, and he was laughing. I threw my arms up and spun away from him.
   “You’re the only one who can fix you,” he hollered to my back. “All of the business stuff, though, you can figure that out. Just think about it. We all know you’ll make it work.”
   I turned back around. “Why? Why do you think I can? I can’t even figure out that a lighter doesn’t work in the damn rain.”
   He laughed again. “You are so fucking hot.”

Lisa—My business is failing, my father disappeared, my brother is lazy, and my uncle just mansplained me—again. Ben is nothing I want right now, but he might be everything I need.”

Ben—My new brother-in-law, the legendary “Zen Shredder,” is making me launder my karma which is bullshit and interesting. The coolest man on the planet just married my spreadsheet-loving sister and is about to save Tennent Surf Company, making him Lisa Tennent’s hero.
I’m the one who should be her hero, yeah, me, a tattooed ex-con with anger issues. I’ll show her my friendship and loyalty and return her magic.

“The Dasher” is a friends-to-lovers, single father, over 40 romance sequel to “The Perpetual”- with GenX pop culture references and lessons in self-love as we age.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

My writing journey began after my 50th birthday, and the pandemic lockdown provided the opportunity to write. Some of my stories have haunted my dreams for decades. When the characters shouted day and night, I knew I had to write about them.

My previous lives have been in advertising, fashion, and a small business owner. I've made it my life’s ambition to push through challenges of a dyslexia diagnosis to consume novels, poetry, articles, and tell fun, swoony, romantic stories.

A proud GenX woman and native Californian, I live in Hermosa Beach, CA, with my husband aka "The Greek", two beautiful kids, and two spunky-rescue kitties.

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Release Day Blitz: Surrender [Halo MC Next Generation 13] by Terri Anne Browning!

All she wants is his surrender.


I’m more like my brother than anyone knows.
I knew who was meant to be mine as soon as I was old enough to understand what the definition of “want” was.
Some would say it is an obsession.
They may even whisper that I am…crazy.
But when I set my mind on something, I don’t stop until I have it.
And what I want is him.
Elias Reid.
No one knows how twisted my mind has turned for him.
How tangled up my heart has gotten over the older, sexy biker.
My plans are in place.
Every step precisely executed.
I have been playing the long game, and now, he is within my grasp.
The life we are meant to have together is so close.
I just need him to surrender to the inevitable.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Terri Anne Browning is a Wall Street Journal and USA TODAY bestselling author. She writes contemporary romance featuring rockers, bikers, and mafiosos--but mostly about the strong female characters who rule what has become known as the Rocker Universe.

Monday 27 November 2023

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Never Plan a Billionaire’s Wedding [Whatever It Takes 01] by Julia Kent!


   Carolina was introducing him to his former fiancée.
   Fine. Near fiancée. It had been a promise ring, not an engagement diamond, but still.
   The run he'd just finished was apparently unnecessary from a cardio standpoint, since his heart was now racing, crashing into his ribs as if it were fleeing a crime scene. Not that he was the bad guy. But still.
   Kari. No way.
   It was his Kari. And okay, maybe she was never formally his fiancée, but until college and distance broke them up, they always planned on it. He’d given her a promise ring in high school, so that was close enough.
   When Carolina had mentioned she was meeting two wedding professionals named Katie and Carrie, he'd heard it as the more familiar spelling. She'd never spelled it out, and she hadn't bothered to tell him Kari's last name.
   “Caleb, have you swallowed your tongue along with your manners? Shake the poor woman's hand, for goodness sake!” Carolina crooned, giving him side-eye while managing a puzzled smile at Kari as the two stood awkwardly in front of each other, gaping.
   Kari had changed in some ways, for sure, but it was her, alright. Her brown hair was a darker shade but still thick and shiny, framed in soft layers around her face, brushing the edges of straight, strong shoulders. He recognized those whiskey brown eyes, deceptively sleepy unless you knew her, knew that behind them, her brain was working constantly at warp speed.
   She was taller now–or anyway, she didn’t wear four-inch heels back then–so instead of having to bend to kiss her lips, he could just dip his head.
   If he wanted to kiss her.
   If wanting to kiss her wasn’t the only thing he could think about.

Rule #1: Don’t fall in love with the groom

Stalker exes. Momzillas. Drunk uncles. Hurricanes. Jealous siblings. Paparazzi.

You name it, Kari Westveldt has seen it all.

And that’s why brides and grooms hire her.

Because she makes it all go away.

Wedding Protectors, Inc., is here to make sure that special day stays special.

Whatever it takes.

No matter what.

But when her newest client turns out to be her own long-lost high school sweetheart, rising tech star billionaire Caleb Mikelmas, suddenly Kari’s not sure whether she’s protecting the wedding couple —

Or her own heart.

Tech billionaire Caleb never thought he had a chance, much less a second chance with his first love and high school sweetheart, Kari. When a case of mistaken identity turns their reunion into one big misunderstanding, unraveling his feelings about the one who got away while supporting his brother’s nuptials means facing old demons.

And kissing Kari.

He likes kissing Kari far more than that whole demon thing.

But if kisses were enough, Kari would already be his wife.

Maybe it’s time to revisit the past and right some wrongs.

One vow at a time.

Welcome to the Whatever It Takes series:

Every bride needs something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue –

But you know what brides don’t need?


Welcome to Wedding Protectors, Inc. Have a spritzer or a latte or some lovely Zen tea and sink into a comfortable chair in our sunlit offices as we listen to your wedding problem – and form the perfect solution to every possible contingency.

We plan for everything.

Except our own love lives.

But that’s not your problem.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge. Since 2013, she has sold more than 2 million books, with 4 New York Times bestsellers and more than 21 appearances on the USA Today bestseller list. Her books have been translated into French, German, and Italian, with more titles releasing in the future.

From billionaires to BBWs to new adult rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every contemporary romance she writes. Unlike Shannon from Shopping for a Billionaire, she did not meet her husband after dropping her phone in a men's room toilet (and he isn't a billionaire she met in a romantic comedy).

She lives in New England with her husband and three children where she is the only person in the household with the gene required to change empty toilet paper rolls.

She loves to hear from her readers by email at julia@jkentauthor.com, on Twitter @jkentauthor, on Facebook at @jkentauthor, and on Instagram @jkentauthor. Visit her at http://jkentauthor.com

Sunday 26 November 2023

Stacking the Shelves [100]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Saturday 25 November 2023

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Merry Ghostmas [Baker City: Hearts & Haunts Christmas 5.5] by Josie Malone!


   Moises Pride drifted through the cocktail lounge at Pop’s Café in Baker City, Washington. It wasn’t super busy on the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving. Most people had other commitments, shopping, cooking, visiting their relatives, but he wasn’t one of them, not anymore. That’s because I’m dead, dead, dead! Sorry, Momma. Another year of missing the family and your sweet potato pie.
   He spotted a few of the other ghosts hanging out, watching the action between the living patrons. An old-time holiday movie played on the big-screen TV in the corner. He floated toward the corner booth where Mayor O’Connell, a middle-aged fellow in a black suit sat talking to Zeke Garvey and Raven Driscoll-Barlow, two former soldiers who’d died in ambushes in Afghanistan. Their war might not be his, but it didn’t mean they didn’t have a lot in common when it came to paying the ultimate cost for serving their country. Nodding respectfully, Moises waited to join the conversation.
   Raven, a thin, dark-haired wraith in camouflage fatigues and combat boots, gestured at two of the people sitting at the bar, focused on their conversation and one another. “You have something to do with that, Pride? Are you following Garvey’s example and playing Cupid the way he did with Ann Barrett and Harry Colter?”
   “I just gave them a little nudge.” Moises followed her gaze toward the lovely ash-blonde woman in a red dress and the soldier next to her. Derek Waller was a solid, muscular man whose worn features looked as if he’d won more fights than he’d lost in his thirty-plus years of military service. A ‘high and tight’ style for his receding salt and pepper black hair, dark brown, almost black eyes, he was all man. “I’ve hung out at the barn for the past few months, and I’ve seen Kyra O’Neill busting her butt. She deserves someone decent, not that candy-assed horseshoer who bullies the animals when he’s sure nobody’s watching.”
   “These two were betting on how long she’d wait for some guy tonight.” Raven frowned thoughtfully. “Is that him?”
   “Not the Sergeant-Major,” Moises said. “I already told you. She’s hung up on Nick MacGillicudy and I’d like to do something about the jerk.”
   Mayor O’Connell frowned thoughtfully. “What do you have in mind, Pride?”
   “Oh, let’s get in the holiday spirit.” Moises pointed at the TV. “We could do our own Christmas Carol on Nick MacGillicudy and teach him what he needs to know.”
   “He might even move on and leave town,” Zeke agreed. “I never liked the guy when we were in high school. Do I get to be the Ghost of Christmas Past?”
   “You’re not the only one who has issues with Herman MacGillicudy and his son,” Mayor O’Connell said. “That banker has been running Baker City into the ground for years. He tries to get his grown kids to help him rip off our kin.”
   “He won’t be happy until he levels the place and turns it into one of his gravel pits,” Zeke said. “His daughter, Dominique, the realtor may say she’s on the same page, but that isn’t true, not when she finds buyers for the houses and businesses here. She helped my wife purchase the bakery after I died. ”
   “She restores the places that need it before she sells them,” Raven pointed out. “I like Dominique. She did right by my bestie and her hubby. They love the home she found for them.”
   The mayor nodded. “She takes after her momma, one of the O’Leary women.” He paused, obviously considering Moises’ suggestion. “Most of our folks will be here tomorrow when Pop sets up his holiday meal. Let’s get everyone involved. Things have been downright dull since the haunted town festival last month and the Veteran’s Day Parade a couple weeks ago. We need something to do now.”

The holidays are the best time of the year in Baker City, Washington especially when the town ghosts, led by newcomer, Army Ranger Moises Pride decide to wreak havoc and do their own version of A Christmas Carol. They’ll attempt to redeem Nick MacGillicudy, the incompetent horseshoer who’s been hurting two and four-legged folks for years. He needs a lesson not only in manners, but also in empathy and what the haunts consider decency.

Along the way, they’ll also help Kyra O’Neill, local riding instructor find love, light and happiness with a ‘real man’. Orphaned at a young age, Derek Waller found a new life in the US Army. Thirty years later, he’s ready for something more than camos and combat boots. A home of his own in Baker City won’t be complete without the woman who runs the pool table in the cocktail lounge at Pop’s Café and defeats him on a regular basis.

There’s no place like home for the holidays in Baker City – thank heaven! And it’s Merry Ghostmas to one and all!

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Josie Malone lives and works at her family business, a riding stable in Washington State. Teaching kids to ride and know about horses, she finds in many cases, she's taught three generations of families. Her life experiences span adventures from dealing cards in a casino, attending graduate school to get her Masters in Teaching degree, being a substitute teacher, and serving in the Army Reserve - all leading to her second career as a published author. Visit her at her website, www.josiemalone.com to learn about her books.

Friday 24 November 2023

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Rise Like a Phoenix [The Acadian Secret 03] by Tammy Lowe!


   When Crooked Nose punched, David blocked. Then, with a quick elbow movement, he smacked the man’s face with the end of the rope before stepping back. The effect was rather comical.
   Crooked threw another punch.
   David pounced, wrapping the rope around the man’s wrist. Yanking the tied arm back made him double over. His eyes turned cold and hard. “Who sent you?”
   The man’s breath sawed in and out. “You’ve no idea whose daughter you’ve run away with, do you?”
   He pulled Crooked’s arm straight back some more. “Enlighten me.”
   “Make her tell you,” he hissed.
   David swallowed a lump in his throat. “She hides nothing from me.” He then snapped the man’s arm at the elbow, and grabbed Elisabeth’s hand, pulling her to a run.
   Her breath hitched, and the colorful bouquet of wildflowers dropped.
   “By the gods!” David led the way through a field of grazing sheep, toward a grove of trees. “Your father is here?”
   “No…” She shook her head in denial. “No, he can’t be…can he?”
   “You tell me!”
   Elisabeth let out an uncontrollable whimper.
   If Dad found out she was time-traveling—she was so grounded.

When Elisabeth London travels back in time to the 14th century, she is transported to a world straight out of the pages of a fairy-tale. Swept away by the adventure and romance, Elisabeth follows her heart—and Aquarius—into this whole new world.
But Elisabeth soon learns her father has discovered where (or rather when) she is. He’s sent a bounty-hunter to bring her home. Although a million questions buzz through her mind, there’s one thing she’s certain of—her parents will never let her hang out in the 14th century with a guy she met in Ancient Rome.
With her heart at stake, can Elisabeth avoid the bounty-hunter and find a way to stay in this fairy-tale world?
Or is her love-life about to take a rather grim twist?
Find out in Elisabeth London’s timeless story of love, danger, and adventure.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

An adventurer at heart, Tammy has explored ruins in Rome, Pompeii, and Istanbul (Constantinople) with historians and archaeologists.

She’s slept in the tower of a 15th century castle in Scotland, climbed down the cramped tunnels of Egyptian pyramids, scaled the Sydney Harbour Bridge, sailed on a tiny raft down the Yulong River in rural China, dined at a Bedouin camp in the Arabian Desert, and escaped from head-hunters in the South Pacific.

I suppose one could say her own childhood wish of time traveling adventures came true…in a roundabout way.

Thursday 23 November 2023

Release Day Blitz: The Wicked Sting [Apex Tactical 03] by Candice Wright!

I used to be that girl.
Before loving you.
The daydreamer who believed in fairytales
And I knew I was right to have faith when a moment of serendipity led me to both of you.
The three of us were blissfully happy
Until your lies were exposed and the dream faded
Now I know that falling in love was just the point of impact,
A single moment when life veered dangerously off course.
Now I’m that girl.
After loving you.
The one you once made strong but left broken in the wreckage of our happily ever
Yet here we are again in another time, in another place
Only instead of taking your heart, I take a bullet.
I should have stayed far, far away
But how do I move on when all roads lead me back to you?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Candice Wright is the international bestselling author of the Underestimated Series. Hailing from the UK, Candice lives with her three slightly unhinged children and the long-suffering partner. When she isn’t busy raising the next generation of crazy, you can find her sitting at the computer writing words she hopes will resonate or snuggled up reading stories by the authors that cultivated her love of the written word.

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Pariah’s Lament [Of Metal and Magic Core 02] by Richie Billing!


   Like a flock of dive-bombing gulls, the great stones of the Yurrish trebuchets and catapults twisted and turned in the air. One jagged chunk struck the bow of a Karraban galley and splinters and shards burst forth to a chorus of cracks and screams. Another great boulder obliterated the masthead of a nearby ship, hurling those upon the deck overboard.
   More missed than struck. The yellow tide did not falter.
   Driven forward by oars, the Karraban fleet ate up the water, moving in a diagonal line. The trebuchets were taking an age to reload. From his vantage point, Jem could see those on the quay hurrying to winch back the catapults. At the sound of a frantic horn, the arms of the catapults were unleashed and clusters of iron balls, stones and rocks rained down on those ships leading the Karraban charge, puncturing hulls, sails and decks.
   Still they came.
   The trebuchets, ranges adjusted, loosed again and once more struck a destructive blow. The Karrabans still persisted. Yurrish archers upon the quay walls unleashed their first volley. Unfortunate rowers upon the open decks screamed, and the momentum of a number of ships waned, oars falling slack or tangling with others. One talented, or lucky, archer struck a helmsman and the galley veered into another, scraping its side and snapping its oars, and, no doubt, the arms of a few oarsmen too.
   The Karrabans answered with arrows of their own, their archers placed in crow’s nests and platforms built amongst the rigging. The air quickly grew thick with darts. The persistent shouts and cries of men were incrementally drowned out by the great crashes of stone against wood as the loads of catapults and trebuchets fell. The frenetic scene around the quay wall absorbed Jem’s attention. Creeping into the top of his vision, looming behind the chaos, came the first of the great galleons. Its rowers slowed, turned portside, level with the quay gate.
   "Sir, the galleon carries the thunder. You must stop it!" Jem shouted.
   Gundar looked to where he pointed and nodded. He dispatched messengers to the quay and artillery stations. Jem spotted hatches opening on the portside of the ship. Catapults continued to fire at the galleys, though some quick-thinking engineers had turned their aim to the galleon. Their loads fell short. The trebuchets were still reloading. They were the only ones who had a hope of hitting it, if any of their operators had the presence of mind to know where to aim.
   One by one, their great wooden arms swung forwards. Huge rocks hung in the air like eagles. Everyone upon the wall had their eyes upon them, hoping they struck, willing them to do so, and despairing as they watched each one splash harmlessly into the water.

“So often it’s the forgotten who possess the power to change the world.”

When an attempt is made on the life of Ashara, Keeper of Yurr, his young, hapless advisor Edvar must uncover and stop those behind it.

With enemies in the capital city and the belligerent Tesh, Keeper of neighbouring nation Karrabar stirring trouble in the Borderlands, can Edvar hold together Ashara’s brittle reign?

The troubles ripple throughout Yurr, affecting an ancient race of people known as the Amast, who in their time of utmost need, turn to pariah Isy for salvation. Rejected by society, kith and kin, can Isy guide the Amast to safety during the greatest turmoil Yurr has known since the War of the Damned?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Richie Billing writes all kinds of stories, but mostly fantasy fiction. His tales often explore real-world issues, zooming in on his characters and their troubles.

His short fiction has been widely published, with one story adapted for BBC radio. And his debut novel, an epic fantasy called Pariah's Lament, was published by Of Metal and Magic Publishing in March 2

Richie also hosts the podcast The Fantasy Writers’ Toolshed, a venture inspired by the requests of readers of his acclaimed craft book, A Fantasy Writers’ Handbook.

When not writing, Richie works as an editor and digital marketer and teaches creative writing both online and in his home city of Liverpool.

Most nights you can find him up into the early hours scribbling away or watching the NBA.

Monday 20 November 2023

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Whispered Surrender [The Sinful Duets 01] by Via Mari!

Jay and Sasha:

I’ve never once protected someone outside of the job, or felt compelled to do anything of the kind, until Sasha.

Those beautiful hazy-filled eyes watch me with interest, suspicion, and longing, but something else too. An emotion that stirs a deep-seated need to control as though she were put on earth just for me.

The hot-headed Russian may be graceful for the public but is sharp-edged and deliciously sinful when not on stage.

When Sasha falls on the wrong side of the mafia, keeping her safe is not a question, but there’s much more at stake than danger in this power game we play.

I want to peel away the older layers she uses to protect her heart and replace it with a fiery ring that will protect her from anything and everything in this forbidden game of love and war.

My reputation and name are whispered on the lips of our enemies for a reason. I dare anyone, even the most notorious of crime families, to stand in the way of me claiming my wayward angel.

Matt and Marenah:

The last thing I expect to find when on an undercover assignment is an innocent blonde with sky blue eyes who makes my heart pound with excitement and blood race with an intensity that I’ve never felt before.

But the granddaughter of the head of the Russian Bratva is not who she appears to be. Not even her family knows her life’s passion, where she goes when she’s not with them, or the secrets that she keeps.

I’ve earned the reputation of one of the most fearless and ruthless protectors in the business for a reason. I’m not about to let any crime family come between me and the woman I want.

When secrets are revealed, I will protect, tame, and make the innocent and off limit mafia princess mine.

Even if the fearless beauty’s good intentions may be the demise of us all.

Whispered Surrender is the bundled collection of Wayward and Undercover. It is the first in a sinfully delicious collection of duets by International Best-Selling Author Via Mari. You will fall in love with these two fearless women who capture the hearts of the men who will do anything to protect them, even from themselves.

You will love these novels where the passion is fiery, the loyalty is fierce, and the stakes are high. Each story and couple have a guaranteed happily ever after.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Via lives in the Midwest with her husband. As a child raised in both the United States and the United Kingdom, she spent countless hours traveling and developed a passion for the written word at a young age.

She is also an avid reader of romance. In fact, you can find her curled up in an overstuffed chair, especially during winter when the wood fire is crackling and popping, reading a page-turning novel until the early hours of the morning.


Sunday 19 November 2023

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Finding the End Zone [Game Time 01] by Tam DeRudder Jackson!


   “Sorry I’m late. A group of girls from the freshmen dorm rolled in at ten minutes to close and spent twenty minutes deciding to buy one bag of sour gummy worms and a couple boxes of Red Hots.”
   Without acknowledging my outlay on the table, she began extracting notebooks, folders, and books from her bag as though it were Hermione’s magic purse from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. At last, she set her pack on the floor beside her chair, pulled a pen from somewhere in her curls, and opened one of her notebooks. “I’ve outlined a list of themes we could explore. I’m sort of partial to exploitation in Hardy’s novels.”
   “Hello, Jamaica. How was your day?”
   When she glanced up at me, I sat back in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest. She might have ideas about how this partnership was going to go, but I had ideas too.
   I jacked a brow. “How was your day?” Letting a little grin slip out, I shrugged. “Aside from annoying freshmen at closing time.”
   Her head tilted to the side as she finally looked at me, a puzzled expression on her stunning face. “Um, it was fine. Good, actually. Yours?”
   “Better now.” I leaned my forearms on the table and dropped my voice half an octave. “I’m looking forward to pairing up with you.”
   She scolded me with her face. “Partners. We are project partners.”
   I coughed into my hand to hide my laughter at her expression and her schoolteacher tone. “The difference is—what?”
   “We aren’t ‘paired up’ as in getting together. We are partners preparing a class project for our mutual advancement.”
   “Is that what we are?” I drawled.

Never date a player.

Football god Callahan O’Reilly can keep his blazing blue eyes to himself. I have a scholarship to maintain, and I do not have time to babysit a jock through a make-or-break class project. Even if one smoldering glance from him sets my panties on fire.

Time to change her mind.

Jamaica Winslow opens her mouth and spews sass like a volcano. One look at her uptight package and I want to coax the genie from the bottle, unleash all the passion she hides beneath a mop of unruly curls and a smart-ass attitude. She’s not my type, she doesn’t know one damn thing about the game that rules my life, and I can’t stop thinking about her.

Who said anything about love?

Jamaica does her best to keep me at arm’s length, but I’m not a pro prospect because I let the plays come to me. With the game on the line, I always want the ball. When an alum with deep pockets and delusions of grandeur makes demands that threaten my NFL chances and Jamaica’s scholarship, I have no choice but to man up and do the right thing no matter the cost.

It started as fun and games. Now I’m playing for her heart—and my own.

Game Time.

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Author bio:

Tam DeRudder Jackson is the author of the paranormal romance Talisman Series and the contemporary romance Balefire Series. Her favorite “room” in her house is her patio where she dreams up stories of romance and risk. When she’s not writing her latest paranormal or contemporary romance, you can find her driving around in her convertible or carving turns on the slopes of the local ski hill. The mom of two grown sons, Tam likes to travel, attend rock concerts, watch football and soccer, and visit old car shows with her husband. She lives in the mountains of northwest Wyoming where she spends most of her free time trying to read all the books. Her TBR piles are threatening to take over her office, and she’s fine with that.

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