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Wednesday 15 November 2023

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Rumor: Kingston City Nephilim by Jamie L Biggs!


   As I scan the room full of party people, I see Jared and wave at him. He’s Madison’s favorite cousin and they spend a lot of time talking on the phone together. It’s funny. I feel like I know him already, just from the way Madison speaks of him. Jared’s smile fades when we make eye contact. Before I can stop him, he leaves the dance floor and disappears into the kitchen. Weird. When I met him after the graduation ceremony, I assumed he wanted to talk to me.
   “That guy has a weird vibe. Stay away from him, Rumor.” Turning around, I find Rex glaring in his direction.
   “What in the world, Rex? Have you been glaring at Jared? Why would you do that?” I cross my arms over my chest, waiting for him to answer.
   “I’ve been looking for the two of you.” Madison is at my side, looking at us. “What’s going on?”
   Before I can say anything, Rex responds. “Nothing, just reminding Rumor that she needs to behave herself like her dad told her to.” He smirks.
   “Seriously, when has she ever done something she wasn’t supposed to?”
   “Hey, I’m right here.” I’m not happy about how this conversation is going.
   My best friend laughs, then gives me a quick hug. “We’re teasing you. You and I have our own priorities, and breaking rules isn’t one of them.”
   She’s right. There’s no reason to rock the boat. My dad has done so much for me, and I have no desire to repay him by causing trouble. And Madison? All she wants is to become an attorney. So neither of us have any intention of getting ourselves into any trouble that would tarnish her record, or my dad’s, for that matter.
   “Are you ready for vacation? I mean, will all of your family be going, or is it just like your mom and dad with your brothers and sister?” Rex asks.
   She glances over the room and sees her extended family having a good time. “No, it’s just gonna be Mom and Dad and my brothers and sister, that’s it. I don’t expect that we could handle traveling with all forty of us. It would be fun at some point.” She’s sounds amused. “But not this trip. It’s just us and the beach. It’s been a while since I’ve seen the ocean, and I’m looking forward to it.”
   Madison’s mom is waving at her. “Whoops. Forgot, I need to go help Mom in the kitchen. Have fun, you two. I’ll be back soon.” Madison maneuvers through the crowded living room, meeting her mom in the open kitchen.
   The music changes from a fast pounding beat to a slow-paced ballad. “Dance with me, Rumor?”
   The fine hairs on my arms stand up. “Um, not right now. Okay?” I like Rex. He’s become one of my best friends and I’m feeling a little awkward around him right now because I’m getting mixed signals from him.

She thought the truth would set her free. Instead, it binds her to the supernatural.

Seeking the truth entangles Rumor in a web of angelic mysteries and demonic secrets. She thought the truth would set her free, but instead, it binds her to the supernatural forces that lurk in the shadows.

As her adopted father’s deceit unravels and DNA test results confound her, Rumor must navigate a treacherous path. Her once-trusted friend, Rex, becomes a formidable foe driven by desires beyond friendship, while an enigmatic stranger emerges as an unlikely hero offering everything she craves.

Rumor must find her voice in a world where romance dances with the supernatural, and dark fantasies blur the line between good and evil. In this gripping dark fantasy, she faces an impossible choice: the seductive allure of the stranger or the relentless pursuit of Rex.

Join Rumor on a thrilling journey through a world where angels and demons collide, love is tested, and the supernatural redefines destiny.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon or Barnes and Noble

Author bio:

I'm Jamie, a paranormal fantasy writer. From graduating with a bachelor of Science in Visual Communication, and a masters in Education, my journey to where I am now hasn't been straightforward. But I've always had a passion for storytelling (decades-worth of advice and anecdotes!) and look forward to sharing my fun with you.

I have been known to people watch and take those normal day-to-day situations to spin into storylines. Everyday human behavior can pack a lot of drama. I take ordinary events and enjoy unpacking people's motives to use as inspiration for my writing.

A self-proclaimed coffee addict that loves all things paranormal and creatures that go bump in the night. When I'm not reading or writing, I spend time with my husband, Mark.

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