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Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Release Blitz & Giveaway: Fall with Me [Wait for You 04] by Jennifer L. Armentrout!

Eleven months ago, bartender and weird-shirt-wearing extraordinaire Roxy and Officer Reece Anders had a one night stand. Well, kind of. She’s been in love with him since she was fifteen, and he wishes that night they shared never happened. She’s sworn him off forever, but the past and future collide, forcing her to rely on the one man who broke her heart not once, but twice.

Her best friend since birth has been in a long-term care facility since he became a victim of a hate crime years ago, and the person who put him in there is out of prison and wanting to make amends with him and Roxy. She’s not sure she has room for forgiveness in her and when she begins to receive frightening messages and is on the receiving end of escalating violence, she thinks she knows who is to blame. The man who already destroyed one life already.

But Reece isn’t convinced. The threats are too personal, and even if Roxy doesn’t believe him, he’s not willing to let anyone hurt her. Including himself. He’s already messed up more than once when it comes to Roxy and he’s not going to let history repeat itself.
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks


Author bio: 

#1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV.

She also writes adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.


Monday 30 March 2015

Book Blitz & Giveaway: A Secret Place [Stolen Tears 01] by Cortney Pearson!

Raids splatter across the news--Arcaian soldiers are stealing magic left and right, using it against the people they steal it from.

When sixteen-year-old Ambry Csille's brother gets taken in one of these raids, her utter fear and panic should be enough to invoke tears in any normal world. But for Ambry, tears are a thing of the past.

Because of a spell, people can no longer feel emotion; not enough to cry, and definitely not enough to defend themselves against the tyrannical soldiers stealing her people’s magic. A rare vial of enchanted tears chooses Ambry to reverse the spell, and soon she finds herself the target not only of the Arcaians, but of battle-scarred Talon Haraway, who wants the tears for his own reasons.

All Ambry wants is to rescue her brother, but when her tears get stolen, Ambry determines to work with Talon to get them back. Any day the Arcaians could drink her tears. Any day they’ll succeed at draining her people's magic completely, and all hope will be gone—not only for her brother, but for her world.
Check it out on Goodreads!

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Author bio:
Cortney Pearson is a book nerd who studied literature at BYU-Idaho, a music nerd who plays clarinet in her local community orchestra, and a writing nerd who creates stories for young adults. Cortney lives with her husband and three sons in a small Idaho farm town.

Sunday 29 March 2015

Book Blitz & Giveaway: The Secret Diamond Sisters Series by Michelle Madow!

The Secret Diamond Sisters [The Secret Diamond Sisters 01]!
Savannah. Courtney. Peyton.

The three sisters grew up not knowing their father and not quite catching a break. But it looks like their luck is about to change when they find out the secret identity of their long-lost dad—a billionaire Las Vegas hotel owner who wants them to come live in a gorgeous penthouse hotel suite. Suddenly the Strip's most exclusive clubs are all-access, and with an unlimited credit card each, it should be easier than ever to fit right in. But in a town full of secrets and illusion, fitting in is nothing compared to finding out the truth about their past.
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Diamonds in the Rough [The Secret Diamond Sisters 02]!
All-access doesn't mean no problems.

The three Diamond sisters survived the summer in style after coming to live with their long-lost billionaire father. But making a place for themselves at their exclusive new Las Vegas private school is throwing them any number of gold-plated curves. Savannah's YouTube stardom turns into a Sweet Sixteen reality show extravaganza—with complimentary enemies on the side. Dangerous flirtations don't keep Peyton from a gamble that will risk far more than she planned to bet. And when Courtney and the sisters' archenemy, Madison, uncover two explosive secrets, it will rock even this town of glittering illusion—and turn their lives upside down all over again.

Sisterhood, first crushes, and scandalous secrets explode in book two of Michelle Madow's riveting series, The Secret Diamond Sisters.
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble or iBooks

Author bio:

Michelle Madow was inspired to write The Secret Diamond Sisters series while walking through her favorite hotel in Las Vegas. The next book in the series, Diamonds in the Rough, launches in October. Prior to The Secret Diamond Sisters, she successfully self-published The Transcend Time Saga. A tireless promoter of her work, Michelle is active on social media networks and has toured across America to promote her books and encourage high school students to embrace reading and writing. A graduate of Rollins College, Michelle lives in Florida ... but she loves going to Vegas.

To chat with Michelle and other fans about her books, join Michelle Madow's Street Team on Facebook!

Saturday 28 March 2015

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Killer [Stalker 0.5] by Clarissa Wild!

This is a prequel to the Dark Romance Standalone STALKER.

Some secrets are meant to stay hidden …

Secrets could kill you. My husband is the prime example.
I’m a trophy wife. Someone’s prized possession, just there to be pretty. My dreams were pushed aside for his. Until one fateful night, one chance encounter, all his dirty secrets were exposed.
And then my supposed husband is killed.
I should be sad, but all I feel is anger. My husband is a lying, cheating bastard. And if that isn’t bad enough, I’m now the prime suspect for his murder.
Only his brother believes I'm innocent, and in his support, I find relief. However, I will find the real killer and bring him to justice ... before he tries to end my life too.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Included in the Summer Fire Boxed Set! Pre-order now from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo or iBooks

Author bio:

Clarissa Wild is the USA Today Bestselling author of FIERCE, a college romance series, but she's best known for the dark Romance novel Mr. X. She is also a writer of erotic romance such as the Blissful Series, The Billionaire's Bet series, the Doing It Series and the Enflamed Series. She is an avid reader and writer of sexy stories about hot men and feisty women. Her other loves include her furry cat friend and learning about different cultures. In her free time she enjoys watching all sorts of movies, reading tons of books and cooking her favorite meals.


Enter to win a e-ARC of Killer & $15 ebooks of choice HERE!

Friday 27 March 2015

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Deep Blue Eternity [Deep Blue Eternity 01] by Natasha Boyd!

Livvy is on the run. And she’s escaped to the one place nobody will ever find her.

But the isolated cottage isn’t empty. Her refuge is home to a troubled stranger, Tom, there for reasons of his own.

In the intimacy of the abandoned cottage, and the remote wilderness of the island, the electrifying connection between them is impossible to ignore. Both running from their histories and shielding dark secrets, their pasts catch up with them and collide in an unimaginable way.

Deep emotions and powerful chemistry face a painful battle with the tangle of lies, and scars of the past. When the truth emerges, hearts will be shattered.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon or iBooks


Author bio:

Natasha Boyd is an internationally bestselling and award-winning author with a background in marketing and public relations.  Her debut novel Eversea was a finalist in the 2013 Winter Rose Contest for Contemporary Romance and won the 2014 Digital Book Award for Adult Fiction.  She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Georgia Romance Writers and Island Writer’s Network in coastal South Carolina where she has been a featured speaker on book marketing.  She holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and lives with her husband, two sons and the cast of characters in her head.


Thursday 26 March 2015

UK Blog Tour: Slow Burn [Driven 05] by K. Bromberg!

Publication date: 24th February 2015
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: One Night. That's all it was supposed to be.

Reeling from the sudden loss of her sister, Haddie Montgomery has sworn off relationships. All she wanted from Beckett Daniels was a sexy distraction to help her escape her pain for just a little while....There weren’t supposed to be any strings attached—so why can’t she shake the memory of that unforgettable night from her thoughts? Or the taste of his kiss from her lips?

No matter how hard Haddie tries to forget about him, Becks relentlessly tries to prove that she should start living for today. But she is determined to avoid romantic commitment, and she can always use her ex-boyfriend’s reappearance to help snuff out the slow burn within her that Becks has sparked....

Or will fate force her to realize that this kind of connection doesn’t come along very often and a chance at love is worth the risk?

I haven't read the other books in this series, but I've heard a lot about them, so when the UK publisher of this book emailed me and asked me if I would like to be on the UK Blog Tour for this book, I said yes after I found out this book could be read as a standalone! Plus, it sounded amazing and the cover is intriguing! I'm so happy I said yes to reading this book! It was absolutely amazing! I also thought that I was going to have a hard time following it as I haven't read the other books, but I understood everything! The plot was also so beautiful, but very emotional! There were some scenes I just balled my eyes out at, but then there were scenes that had me grinning like an idiot lol! My emotions were all over the place! I also had a hard time putting this book down too! I kept wanting to read on and find out what was going to happen next! I was drawn right into it! The plot also dealt with a very difficult subject matter, which is probably one of the worst subject matters to not only read about in a book, but experience in real life! The author did a brilliant job with the subject matter though, and I loved every second of reading this book! The characters were amazing! Haddie was the main female character, and my heart completely went out to her in this book! She had already been through so much and experienced so much loss, but then she went through so much personally in this book as well! Haddie was such a fighter though, and she was strong and she was fierce! I loved that she was fierce! It really helped her in this book! Haddie was also quite a stubborn character when it came to her love interest, but I could completely understand why she wanted to keep him at arms length! She did it to protect him, not knowing that he was never going to let her go through what she did by herself! I just loved Haddie and I connected with her all the way through this book! Beckett 'Becks' was the main male character and love interest of Haddie! I loved Becks! He was seriously hot, he was really protective, and I could see that he had some insane amount of love for Haddie! He also really impressed me in this book with how he handled Haddie's stubbornness! There was just something about Becks that instantly made me connect with him too! I loved that he was there for Haddie every step of the way in this book and that he was patient with her while she processed everything and manage to get a grasp on what she was about to go through! I just loved him and he's definitely added to my book boyfriend list lol! I also loved that this book was written from both Haddie and Becks point of views! It really helped me connect more with both characters and it helped develop the plot more! I can't wait to read the next book in this series! I know that it's going to be another standalone book, so I'm definitely going to be reading it when it releases! I'm also definitely going to be checking out the other books in this series that are already released! The cover for this book suits the other covers in the series perfectly! I love it, and I love that it's different, but not too different to the US cover! Big thank you to Sphere for a review copy of Slow Burn and for having me on the UK Blog Tour!

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

K. Bromberg was born and raised in Southern California. When not writing or working her day job, she can be found playing ninjas or power rangers with her son, fixing the hair of her oldest daughter's American girl doll, or doing 'arts and crafts' with her youngest daughter, or listening to any or all of them fight/whine/laugh at once. When she needs a break from the daily chaos, you can almost always find her with Kindle in hand, devouring the pages of a good book or mentally outlining her next set of characters.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Cover Reveal: Truth in Watercolor [Truth 02] by Kimberly Rose!

Truth, I hide.
Truth, you seek.
Truth, I confess.
Truth, you leave.

She never meant to let anyone in, least of all him. Now that she has, she is forever changed. Capri sees her life one way. Dull. She’s learned to dim and fade into the world around her. Until the day she agreed to more time with him.

Shrouding himself in a carefully constructed shield of humor and vibrant charm, Wes has effectively kept everyone out for most of his life. He’s successfully hidden the truth about who he really is, but then she agreed to more time with him.

Lines become crossed and reconstructed. Secrets are revealed, and infatuation is born. Will their connection be enough to paint themselves new, or will the truths of their lives be too stained to overcome.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Kimberly Rose is a wife, mom, and writer. She found her love of writing in her teens pouring out an angst-ridden heart into journals. Kimberly self published her first book, Truth in Wildflowers, in 2014. She currently lives in Honolulu, Hawaii with her husband and daughter.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Cover Reveal: Saving London by Taylor Dawn!

“You have terminal cancer.”

London Patterson, a seemingly healthy young woman had her entire life ahead of her. That was until four little words brought everything to a screeching halt. As the shock and grief begin to fade, London decides to map out her last year and embark on an epic journey to complete a bucket list. She wants to do the things she’s been afraid to do in her life, step out of her self-contained box, and see the world. What she didn’t expect was for a mysterious stranger named Adam to breeze into her life like a breath of fresh air.

Adam offers to help London complete her list on one condition…that she sees it through to the end. Agreeing on those terms, the two set out on an adventure of a lifetime. But London soon realizes that Adam isn’t quite…human. Along their journey odd occurrences happen that cause London to question who or what Adam is and why he’s helping her.
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Author bio:
C.D. Taylor [pen name Taylor Dawn) began writing as an item to check off her bucket list. She resides in the southernmost part of Illinois, right on the mighty Mississippi river. She enjoys the quiet country life with her husband, son and the many farm animals that make up the rest of the family. C.D. decided that farm life was just a little too mundane, so she started writing erotica to spice things up, so far so good. C.D. entered cosmetology school right out of High School and practiced the art of hair styling for 12 years. When she isn't writing, she can usually be found sitting around a table making people laugh. She has always wanted to be a standup comic. She loves pulling practical jokes, dresses up in a costume every Halloween and believes that dancing is the key to a happy life (even if you aren't a good dancer). She believes that life shouldn't be taken too seriously, we will never get out alive anyway. More than anything, C.D. is a kid at heart, she doesn't believe in bedtimes, eating everything on her plate, or having ice cream only for dessert. Her favorite quote is by Dr. Seuss..."Why fit in, when you were born to stand out."


Monday 23 March 2015

Cover Reveal: Kyle's Return [Gloves Off 05] by L.P. Dover!

I promised myself I’d stay away from dangerous men, but I couldn’t live up to that when Kyle Andrews came back to town. He’s a manipulator, a guy who’ll do whatever it takes to get what he wants, sabotaging anyone who gets in the way. After a fatal fight left him wounded, his UFC career comes to a close. He has nothing, but he’s determined to get it all back.

My name is Megan. I’ve known violence, pain, and what it feels like to be scared to live another day. All of that changed the moment I refused to be a victim. Now that my psychotic ex, Alex, can’t find me, I’ve been given a second chance. I owe my life to my friends. The same goes for Kyle. Without him, I wouldn’t be able to feel.

Everyone hates him. But for the life of me I don’t. There’s something about him I can’t ignore. Being with Kyle makes me want it all. However, in loving a hated man, I didn’t know it’d bring the life I fled from back to haunt me. Everywhere I go danger lurks and bad things happen. Kyle believes it’s because of him, but I’m starting to think otherwise. I think Alex has found me, and if so, this time he’s not going to let me go.
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Author bio:
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, L.P. Dover, is a southern belle residing in North Carolina along with her husband and two beautiful girls. Before she even began her literary journey she worked in Periodontics enjoying the wonderment of dental surgeries.

Not only does she love to write, but she loves to play tennis, go on mountain hikes, white water rafting, and you can't forget the passion for singing. Her two number one fans expect a concert each and every night before bedtime and those songs usually consist of Christmas carols.

Aside from being a wife and mother, L.P. Dover has written over nine novels including her Forever Fae series, the Second Chances series, and her standalone novel, Love, Lies, and Deception. Her favorite genre to read is romantic suspense and she also loves writing it. However, if she had to choose a setting to live in it would have to be with her faeries in the Land of the Fae.

L.P. Dover is represented by Marisa Corvisiero of Corvisiero Literary Agency.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Love the Way You Lie [Stripped 01] by Skye Warren!

A dark romance about the lies that lead us down…

I’ll do anything to get safe, even if that means working at the scariest club in town.

I’ll do anything to stay hidden, even if it means taking off my clothes for strangers.

I’ll do anything to be free. Except give him up. When he looks at me, I forget why I can’t have him. He’s beautiful and scarred. His body fits mine, filling the places where I’m hollow, rough where I am soft.

He’s the one man who wants to help me, but he has his own agenda. He has questions I can’t answer. What are you afraid of?

Check it out on Goodreads!
  Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks or Smashwords

Author bio:
Skye Warren is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of dark romantic fiction. Her books are raw, sexual and perversely romantic.


Friday 20 March 2015

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Numbers Game by Rebecca Rode!

Treena can’t wait for Rating Day. Her high score will mean a life of luxury, showing the world that she’s a valuable member of society, not a pathetic waste of space. It won’t hurt her chances with her top-Rated boyfriend, either. But when the big day arrives, her true number shocks everyone.

To get her life—and boyfriend—back, she must go undercover and expose a military spy. Doesn’t sound too hard, except that someone seems to want her dead. And then there’s the mysterious soldier with a haunted past and beautiful brown eyes. Together, they discover a dark numbers conspiracy, one that shatters the nation’s future. They must band together if they are to survive the dangerous game of numbers—and the terrible war that rages within Treena’s heart.

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Author bio:

REBECCA RODE is an award-winning author, journalist, and mother of four. She is the author of the YA dystopian novel, NUMBERS GAME, and the inspirational book, HOW TO HAVE PEACE WHEN YOU'RE FALLING TO PIECES. She also writes for Deseret News,
KSL.com, FamilyShare, and Provo Daily Herald. However, her true love is writing for teenagers. She enjoys traveling, reading, and martial arts, and she has a ridiculous addiction to chocolate-banana shakes. Visit her at www.AuthorRebeccaRode.com.


Thursday 19 March 2015

Book Blitz: Indelible [Unfinished 02] by Shae Scott!

making marks that cannot be removed.
Not able to be forgotten or removed
Permanent, lasting, ingrained, enduring, unforgettable, haunting

Some people stay with you. Sometimes love won’t let go. Some marks on the heart cannot be erased.

When Owen walked away from Ally he thought he was doing what was best for her. That’s what he told himself. It was a decision that he regretted instantly. Now, he has to figure out how too change his ways and win her back. This will be the hardest fight of his life. But she is worth it. She is everything.

Ally isn’t the same girl that Owen left six months ago. She shut down. It was survival. She can’t go back. She can’t let him back in. Losing him was too hard to go through the first time. But he keeps showing up, saying all the right words, doing all the right things. Will she be able to resist him? Can a person really change? Is he worth the risk to find out?
Check it out on Goodreads!

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Author bio:

Growing up an only child, Shae Scott fell in love with words at an early age, learning the best friends in the world can be found among the pages of a book.

Born in Oklahoma, she fell in love on vacation in San Francisco and ended up with a happily ever after in Missouri.

Her first book, Unfinished, was released in 2014. She currently lives outside Kansas City with a bearded man, a Pomeranian and a cat formally known as Tinkerbell Waffles. She loves rainy days, the month of February and the Kansas City Royals.

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Wednesday 18 March 2015

UK Blog Tour: Yours Tonight [Reign 01] by Joya Ryan‏!

Publication date: 5th March 2015
Paperback edition: 228 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4.5 stars
Synopsis: For fans of JC ReedJ LynnJodi Ellen Malpas and Jessica Clare comes an all-consuming, raw and powerful love story that will leave you breathless and wanting more 

He will give her everything she's ever wanted . . . 

Jack Powell's confidence is matched only by his intensity. The darkness in him comes from years of secrets and memories he'd rather forget. Lana has an exotic innocence that draws him in and Jack wants a taste of her. She's a light in the darkness of his world - and she needs help, which he agrees to. 

The only rule? He makes the rules. 

Lana gives up her control, letting Jack take her body however he needs, while she works her way into his heart. But Jack's past catches up to them and Lana finds herself wrapped up in a scheme that will expose every secret she's worked so hard to keep. She clung to Jack once when her world was crashing down, but this time, she loves him. She'll continue to reach for him - her only fear is if he'll reach back, or go on his way, taking her soul with him . . . 

Addictive and unforgettable, Jack and Lana's story will seduce, surprise and stay with you. A brand new romance by the #1 bestselling author of Break Me Slowly, this is an emotional roller coaster you'll want to keep riding forever.

I hadn't heard of this book or this author until I got an email from the UK publisher asking me if I would like to review it! As soon as I read the synopsis and saw the cover, I knew I wanted to read this book straightaway! It sounded exactly like my kind of book, and the authors it's for fans of are my kind of authors too! I loved this book! It had an inexperienced main character, a seriously hot love interest, and some seriously hot sex scenes! I do have to say though that I think there were too many sex scenes, and not enough plot development lol! Regardless, I still really enjoyed the plot! I would probably have loved it more if it had less sex scenes, but it is an erotic book lol! The sex scenes were super hot as well, so I shouldn't really complain lol! The plot also developed nicely and held my interest all the way through! I also read it in a few sittings and kept wanting to read a few more chapters! I was really intrigued by it as there was a certain mystery aspect to it with the love interest of the main character, and I really wanted to know what he was hiding! This aspect definitely hooked me lol, and the secret was worth waiting for! The characters were amazing! Lana was the main character, and she had been through a horrible experience because of her step-brother! My heart went out to her when it was revealed what had happened! Nobody should have to go through what she did! She was also in a difficult situation with her family, which made my heart go out to her even more! I could see how big an impact her family situation had on her! Lana was a strong character though! Well, she tried to stay as strong as she could in the circumstances she was in! I just loved Lana! She was my kind of character! Jack was the love interest of Lana, and I wasn't really sure what to think of him at the beginning of this book! I mean, he was hot and he was protective of Lana, but I found him a bit hard to connect with! I actually found him hard to connect with for most of this book! I think it was because this book was only written from Lana's point of view, and Jack was hiding a secret, so I found it a little hard to trust him 100%! Jack was a hardworking, successful guy though, who I could see had feelings for Lana! There was also a bit of a love triangle in this book, which added to the plot, but I think it's going to develop even further in the next book! This book was only written from Lana's point of views and none of it was written from Jack's! This disappointed me a little, as Jack was a character that really intrigued me, but I will say that this book being written from only Lana's point of view added to the mystery that surrounded him! I can't wait to read the next book in this series! I know that it's going to continue Lana's story, so I can't wait to read it! The synopsis also has me desperate to find out what's going to happen next! The ending of this book was very unexpected! The cover for this book is so pretty! It's really different to covers nowadays as it doesn't have a couple on it, but this makes me love it that little bit more! Big thank you to Piatkus for a copy of Yours Tonight and for having me on the UK Blog Tour!

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(Please click on the schedule to enlarge it!)

Author bio:
National and international bestselling author Joya Ryan is the author of the Shattered series, which includes Break Me Slowly, Possess Me Slowly, and Capture Me Slowly. She has also written the Sweet Torment series, which includes Breathe You In and Only You. Passionate about both cooking and dancing (despite not being too skilled at the latter), she loves spending time at home. Along with her husband and her two sons, she resides in California.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Changing Tides [Kill Devil Hills 02] by Sarah Darlington!

Publication date: 16th March 2015
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4.5 stars
Synopsis: “Nate West. Hollywood bad-boy. Television megastar. Womanizer. Basically everything I hated about the male species rolled into one handsome package. And yet…I wanted him.”

Ellie Turner is a lesbian. She has tattoos, short hair, and a ‘don’t-mess-with-me-attitude.’ She knows who she is, loves who she is, and couldn’t care less what the rest of the world thinks of her. And since she has the most kick-ass best friend on the planet, Noah Clark, even when family drama gets in the way, nothing can offset her happy-go-lucky demeanor.

Until television star Nate West comes along. All thick muscle and alpha-male testosterone. When Ellie meets him on an airplane the only thing Nate West should be good for is a brand new profile picture on Facebook. Right? Wrong. Turns out he’s good for so much more.

This man is about to flip everything Ellie thought she knew about herself upside down.

I really enjoyed the first book in this series, and although I knew this book wasn't going to be about the same main characters, I was still looking forward to reading it! I really enjoyed this book as well lol! There was something about it that kept me wanting to read on and see what was going to happen next! The plot was also amazing! It developed at a really good pace and I read it in a few sittings! I also don't think I've read a book where a main character is a lesbian and trying to work out her sexuality, so I found that aspect of the plot really interesting and different! There wasn't any suspense or action in this book though, but a secret was revealed that really shook the plot! It was quite a big secret, but I would have liked some action and suspense too! I think this would have added a lot to the plot! Overall, I enjoyed the plot, and I loved that there were some super hot scenes in it as well! The hot scenes were pretty, damn hot lol! The characters were also awesome! Ellie was the main female character, and I loved her in this book! She was really easy for me to connect with! Ellie was also confident in her sexuality and she knew that she was a lesbian! As soon as she saw her love interest though, she began to question her sexuality! I found this very interesting to read about, because as I said, I haven't read a book where one of the main characters is a lesbian! Ellie also really impressed me in this book and I could see why she did the things she did in regards to the secret! She was quite a strong character as well and she learned a lot about herself in this book and came a long way! Nathanial 'Nate' was the main male character, and he was seriously hot! I also loved that although he was famous, he didn't flaunt his money and his fame around! I also respected him as he acted normal and he didn't act like he was better than anyone because of his fame! Like Ellie, I connected really well with Nate too, and I don't think I lost my connection all the way through this book! Nate was also protective of Ellie, and I could see that he had real, deep feelings for her! I just loved Nate, and he also learned a lot in this book about what's important in life and what makes it worthwhile! As much as I loved Ellie and Nate as a couple, I do think that their feelings for each grew too quickly! It was quite sudden, and I'm not really a fan of instant love! I did love that this book was written from both Ellie and Nate's point of views though lol! It helped develop the plot more and getting to go inside both characters heads helped me connect more with them as well! I can't wait to read the next book in this series! The ending of this book was a little abrupt for Ellie and Nate's story though, and judging from the excerpt at the ending of this book the next book is going to be about different characters, so I hope the author gives Ellie and Nate a novella or something to finish off their story or develop their relationship in the next book! The cover for this book is so pretty! You realise how much the cover suits it after you read it! The model on the front definitely suits the character of Ellie too! Big thank you to Sarah for an ARC of Changing Tides and for having me on the Blog Tour!

Check it out on Goodreads!
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Author bio:
Sarah Darlington lives in Virginia with her husband and two-year-old son. She's a former flight attendant, navy brat, constant day-dreamer, wannabe photographer, and an avid scrapbooker. She loves to travel and is working on visiting all 50 states.