Publication date: 17th February 2015
Paperback edition: 204 pagesSource: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: I had no idea how much I would love Alex the day he walked into my life.
He changed everything.
The way I breathed.
The way I thought.
The way I loved.
He brought me back to life.
He gave me strength and a safe place to land.
And then he broke me.
Finding Emilia was a chance to do something good for once in my life.
I wanted to change.
She believed I was her savior.
I ached to be.
She found her way into my heart and claimed it as her safe place.
I should be telling her the truth about me…instead I break her with lies.
I absolutely loved this author's Unbreakable series, so I couldn't wait to read more books from her! When I heard about this book, I knew I was reading it as soon as it released! The cover then definitely sealed the deal that I was going to read it as soon as it released lol! I loved this book! Absolutely loved it! It was exactly my kind of book and I had such a hard time putting it down once I had started reading! The plot was amazing! It had a bit of suspense and action in it and plenty of romance! There were plenty of hot scenes in it too! I just loved the plot! It developed at the perfect pace and there were some unexpected twist and turns in it too! I loved the twist and turns! They added so much to the plot and I didn't see most of them coming! Overall, I just loved the plot, and it definitely exceeded my high expectations! The characters were amazing! Emilia was the main female character, and I felt really sorry for her in this book! She had been through a lot, seen a lot of horrible things and grew up in a poor environment! She also just wanted to be accepted and be loved by someone who loved her! Emilia was a really strong character though and she proved this as this book developed! I just loved her! I also connected really well with her as well! I loved that she was shy, but that she became a bit more confident as the book progressed! She learned a lot in this book and grew a lot as a character! I can't wait to see her grow in the next book! 'Alejandro' Alex was the main male character and love interest of Emilia! Alex was seriously hot, but tangled up in a load of illegal and dangerous stuff! I could understand why he was tangled up in this kind of stuff because of the family he was in! I loved Alex! I could understand his reluctance to start something with Emilia as he wanted to keep her out of danger, but they were seriously hot together! I could also see that Alex had strong feelings for Emilia, and he was also very protective of her! Alex surprised me in this book with the amount of love he did have for Emilia! He was willing to give up everything for a chance at a normal life with her, which made me fall even more in love with him lol! There was a bit of a love triangle in this book, and this was between Emilia, Alex and Sam! I loved that the love triangle wasn't the main focus of the plot, but that it was there! I can see it progressing more in the next book, but that all depends on the outcome of the end of this book! I loved that this book was written from both Alex and Emilia's point of views! It made the plot even better and seeing the characters feelings for each other grow though both of their eyes was so beautiful! I can't wait to read the next book in this series! The ending of this book was insane and I'm going to be on pins and needles for the next book's release! I hope it releases sooner rather than later! The cover for this book is absolutely stunning! I fell completely in love with it as soon as I saw it and it's definitely one of my favourites! Big thank you to Rebecca and Holly's Red Hot Reviews for a copy of Broken by Lies!

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