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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Sunday 28 February 2021

Stacking The Shelves [67]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month. 

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

Saturday 27 February 2021

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Secret Beast by Amelia Wilde!

The beast hides a dark secret in his past… 

Leo Morelli is known as the Beast of Bishop’s Landing for his cruelty. He’ll get revenge on the Constantine family and make millions of dollars in the process. Even it means using an old man who dreams up wild inventions. 

The beauty will sacrifice everything for her family… 

Haley Constantine will do anything to protect her father. Even trade her body for his life. The college student must spend thirty days with the ruthless billionaire. He’ll make her earn her freedom in degrading ways, but in the end he needs her to set him free. 

SECRET BEAST is a new full-length novel from USA Today bestselling author Amelia Wilde about revenge, family secrets, and the redeeming power of love.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Amelia Wilde is a USA TODAY bestselling author of steamy contemporary romance and loves it a little too much. She lives in Michigan with her husband and daughters. She spends most of her time typing furiously on an iPad and appreciating the natural splendor of her home state from where she likes it best: inside. 

Amelia is a USA Today best selling author from northern Michigan. Be her friend!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday 26 February 2021

Release Day Blitz: Miss Trust [Miss 04] by Aubrey Bondurant!

Chance Maxwell is the most arrogant man I’ve ever known – and he’s my boss.

Worse, he’s incredibly sexy. At least until he opens his condescending mouth. I hate being indebted to him for this job, but I have more important priorities to worry about.

My attraction to him is growing despite my better judgment.
But I sure as hell won’t ever reveal it to him.

Tory Larson is the most stubborn woman I’ve ever met – and I’ve hired her as my new assistant.

She’s different from my usual women, and my plan to leave her alone is failing miserably.
Maybe the best way to rid her from my system is to address this inexplicable spark between us.
Only, I’m in over my head.

I’m a man who always gets what I want.
She may be the exception.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Aubrey Bondurant is a working mom who loves to write, read and travel.

She describes her writing style as: "Adult Contemporary Erotic Romantic Comedy," which is just another way of saying she likes her characters funny, her bedroom scenes hot, and her romances with a happy ending.

When Aubrey isn't working her day job, or spending time with her family, she's on her laptop typing away on her next story. She only wishes there were more hours of the day!

She's a former member of the US Marine Corps and passionate about veteran charities and giving back to the community. She loves a big drooly dog, a fantastic margarita, and football. 

Thursday 25 February 2021

Release Day Blitz: The Cowboy and His Vegas Wedding [Rock Springs Texas 08] by Kaci Rose!

Viva Las Vegas! Wedding bells are ringing for Rock Springs... Sin City style!

Anna Mae
To say I have little trust in men is an understatement. After I caught my husband cheating with his secretary and he ended our marriage, I swore never to be blinded by love again. I’ve noticed Royce around for over a year now, and can’t deny the hot rush of heat I feel whenever our gazes meet. Still, I don’t trust myself enough to allow it to be more than a casual flirtation. We may both be headed to a bachelor/bachelorette party in Las Vegas, but I’m completely confident I can keep my libido in check. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?

Drinks were flowing as we celebrated my sister and her fiancĂ©’s upcoming wedding. Next thing I know, I’m waking up in bed with Anna Mae and it seems we did a whole lot more than spend the night together. Our drunken selves found a cute little chapel and tied the knot. Anna is understandably upset, but I see this as an opportunity with a beautiful woman I genuinely care for. Can I convince her to take a gamble on our happily ever after? Or once we are back in Rock Springs will we roll snake eyes on what could have been a beautiful future?

Come meet the small town of Rock Springs Texas with a family that has your back, a town that knows your business, and men who love with everything they have.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Kaci Rose runs on coffee, chocolate, and Oreos. She writes the type of romance books she wants to read.
Kaci loves her book boyfriends with tattoos, muscles, beards, and a little dirty.

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Release Day Blitz: Mr. Uptight by Felice Stevens!

What do you do when you wake up with a hangover and find yourself in bed with your best friend’s younger brother?
Who happens to be your new brother-in-law?
The man who drives you crazy.
The man who’s always skated by on fast-talk, good looks, and a bright smile.
The one who makes you want to break all the rules.
You hire him as your assistant, of course. And pray you can keep your sanity.
And your hands off him.

How do you prove you’ve changed?
That you’re no longer the party-boy who always needed rescuing from his own mistakes—and boy you’ve made some big ones.
But no one needs to know your secrets.
You take a job with the one man who doesn’t trust you.
The man who’s waiting for you to screw up.
You try and forget that one explosive night together.
Except you can’t.
And to your shock...neither can he.
What do you do when the one man you can’t imagine living with is the one you can’t live without?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Felice Stevens has always been a romantic at heart. She believes that while life is tough, there is always a happy ending around the corner, Her characters have to work for it, however. Like life in NYC, nothing comes easy and that includes love.

She lives in New York City and has way too much black in her wardrobe yet can't stop buying "just one more pair" of black pants. Felice is a happily addicted Bravo and Say Yes to the Dress addict and proud of it. And let's not get started on House Hunters. Her dream day starts out with iced coffee and ends with Prosecco, because...why shouldn't it? You can find her procrastinating on FB in her reader group, Felice's Breakfast Club.

Tuesday 23 February 2021

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Dark Wish by Clarissa Wild!

I told him my deepest, darkest secret,
And in turn he made my wish come true.

She's the shy girl.
The one you'd never notice.
But I did.
I watched her, studied her.
While she worked in the library, meticulously rearranging books as though she'd written them herself.
I wanted her... so I made her an offer she couldn’t refuse.
Tell me your deepest, darkest wish...
And I will make it come true.
One whisper ...
One single wish ...
And I bought her soul.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Clarissa Wild is a New York Times & USA Today Bestselling author of Dark Romance and Contemporary Romance novels. She is an avid reader and writer of swoony stories about dangerous men and feisty women. Her other loves include her hilarious husband, her two crazy but cute dogs, and her ninja cat that sometimes thinks he's a dog too. In her free time she enjoys watching all sorts of movies, playing video games, reading tons of books, and cooking her favorite meals.

Want to get an email when my next book is released? Sign up here to receive 4 FREE short stories: http://eepurl.com/FdY71


Monday 22 February 2021

Blog Tour & Giveaway: A Pocket in Time [Time Weavers Inc. 02] by Lexi Post!


   Katz grinned and bowed, sweeping the hood out to the side as if it were a hat. “At your service, my Lord.”
   Jack strode toward her, his limp almost imperceptible as he crossed the room.
   “You can’t be here,” he hissed and grabbed her shoulders.
   She stepped back and out of his hold. “Of course, I can. It’s what I do.”
   His intense gaze didn’t leave hers. “Not now. Not tonight. Not while I’m here. If I’m associated—you knew I’d be here.”
   “I did. It wasn’t hard to figure out where you were headed since there was only one engagement ball tonight. Actually, it doesn’t seem as if anyone wants to compete with such a grand event.”
   He was far from mollified. “You have to leave. Now.”
   “I just arrived. If I’m going to take this kind of risk, I need to leave with something.” She winked.
   “You can’t. Not at an event I’m attending.”
   She sauntered by a wingback chair, trailing her fingers along the top of it. “Don’t you see? If I hit this grand ball and then a few more, it won’t bring any special attention to anyone.”
   He stepped toward her, the chair between them. “It’s too dangerous. Every lady here is taking inventory of what every other one is wearing.”
   He did have a point, but she wasn’t so easily swayed. “True. However, the men aren’t, and I’m sure our host isn’t.”
   “No.” His immediate response was telling.
   She cocked her head. “Is he a friend of yours?”
   “I met him a fortnight ago, but he has been of some assistance. I don’t want anything from here to go missing.”
   She pouted. “That’s no fun.” Two weeks ago? Could the man in question be a Disruptor?
   Jack’s lips quirked up, just enough to tell her he wasn’t angry anymore. “I hadn’t been aware that stealing from others was expected to be enjoyable.”
   She walked around the chair, sat on its large arm, and crossed her legs, well aware how amazing her legs looked in pantaloons. They were even indecent by modern-day standards. She wiggled her brows. “Sometimes it’s more enjoyable than others.” Rising, she opened her mouth again, but at his startled expression, she stilled. Footsteps. Shit.
   She glanced toward the French doors. Too far.
   “There!” Jack whispered as he pointed to a door behind her.
   She spun and raced for it, hoping it was unlocked. Luck was on her side.

Katz Almira’s mission is clear—travel to the past, steal the note that ruins the world, travel back to the present. Easy. She’s the best pickpocket Time Weavers, Inc. has ever had. Posing as a poor widow in Regency London, she convinces her target, Lord John Byron, a man as sexy as he is wealthy, to take her in off the streets. But at her request to keep her hidden, instead of his cushy manor, he allows her to stay in a warehouse full of orphan boys he cares for there.

It’s the perfect place to hide, and bonus, her new roommates can help her find the mysterious note. With John as their pseudo-father, they know what he does every day, and with who. Katz can’t afford any distractions, but she soon finds herself getting attached to the orphans—and John—even helping him plan for their futures.

Each day she spends in the past is another day closer to her deadline, another day closer to returning to her own time, and another day John and this makeshift family get dangerously closer to her heart. But Katz staying in the past would have dire consequences for them all…

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Lexi Post is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of romance inspired by the classics. She spent years in higher education taking and teaching courses about the classical literature she loved. From Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “The Masque of the Red Death” to Tolstoy’s War and Peace, she’s read, studied, and taught wonderful classics. But Lexi’s first love is romance novels so she married her two first loves, romance and the classics. From hot paranormals to sizzling cowboys to hunks from out of this world, Lexi provides a sensuous experience with a “whole lotta story.” Lexi is living her own happily ever after with her husband and her cat in Florida. She makes her own ice cream every weekend, loves bright colors, and you will never see her without a hat.


Sunday 21 February 2021

Release Tour & Giveaway: Whole Lotta Love [Calamity Falls Small Town Romance 08] by Erika Kelly!


Xander's gaze skimmed over her features, as if she were precious to him. “The thought of you being here with Griffin drove me crazy.”
   “Why?” Lulu whispered.
   “Because I want to be with you.” He pressed his mouth to hers, softly, gently. “Only you.”
   And then he kissed her.
   It was soft, sweet, but his body practically vibrated with restraint. She wanted him—God, did she want him—but her fears were screaming. Still, she knew--she absolutely knew--if she didn't take a leap of faith and kiss him back, she'd never have a chance at this kind of love.
   Clasping her hands around his neck, body pressed up against his, she opened her heart, her soul, and let herself fall into him. And it was dizzying. “What part of me do you want?” She lowered her forehead to his chest. “Because if you just want my body for a night or two, that’s just…I mean, if you know me at all, you have to know that won’t work for me.”
   "I want all of you. I want us. Nothing feels better than being with you.”
   She flung herself against him, lifting up on her toes to reach his mouth. His kiss was hot, urgent, and sent her senses spiraling. She thought she might melt from the heat of his desire, and when she whimpered, he bent his knees, lifted her, and carried her to the blanket.
   “You want this, too? Us?” His eyes were wild.
   “More than anything.”

Lulu Cavanaugh’s a liar.

The moment she lost her job running the fanciest restaurant on Maui, Lulu threw herself into recovery-mode. She's pitched a cooking show, and as soon as it gets the green light, she'll come clean to her family. Prodigy chefs don't fail--so she's waiting until she has the kind of news that will blow them away.

Alexander Wilder flamed out.

An injury cut short the quarterback's promising career, but he's determined to find his way back--even if it means swerving in the most unexpected way. So, when a producer offers him a cooking show, he takes it. He grew up in his mom’s restaurant, so he knows his way around a kitchen, and it'll give him much-needed visibility...why not?

Lulu nails her audition. But before she can pop open the champagne in celebration, the producers drop a bomb: they're giving her a co-host. And she can pretty much take it or leave it, because the quarterback's got the starring role.

What happens when these enemies become lovers?

Heat so hot even the kitchen can’t stand it.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Award-winning author Erika Kelly writes sexy and emotional small town romance. Married to the love of her life and raising four children, she lives in the southwest, drinks a lot of tea, and is always waiting for her cats to get off her keyboard. Please note that 10% of the net income of all Erika Kelly books goes to the Semper Fi Fund (semperfifund.org)


Saturday 20 February 2021

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Broken Beginnings [The Moretti Crime Family 02] by J.L. Beck & C. Hallman!


   Lucca tosses the broken plate into the sink. The sound makes me jump but doesn’t scare me as much as when I look away from the sink and find Lucca advancing toward me. I take a hesitant step back.
   Instantly, I’m the prey, and he’s the hunter.
   Lucca’s chest brushes against mine, and sparks of desire form low in my belly. I lick my bottom lip, wondering what it would be like to kiss him or if he would kiss me back? I’m so caught up in him, in his scent, his body, what I want him to do to me, that I lose focus for a moment. I can’t let the lust drive me alone.
   Dark blue eyes pierce my own, and I break the connection taking a step back, putting a breath of space between us. It’s hard to show him my anger when he’s this close.
   “I will not be your prisoner here. I will not be trapped in that bedroom. I’m an adult, but more than that, I’m a human being, not an animal you can keep in a cage.”
   “I don’t care how old you are and what you think is best for you…” His voice is deep and soft, causing me to look up from his chest and directly into his eyes. His gaze has softened to a dull knife, and for once, in all the time I’ve known him, I feel like I’m seeing him, the real him, for the first time. His thumb brushes against the apple of my cheek, his touch making my skin heat. “Your age doesn’t stop me from protecting you, nor does it stop me from locking you up in that bedroom and keeping you there until you learn to listen to me.” 

The night I saved her eight years ago I knew a choice had been made.

Years later and I can’t manage to let her go.

She’s barely eighteen, virginal, and kind.

Touching her would be a sin, but letting another man have her would destroy me.

Every time I close my eyes I see her, standing there, afraid, scared out of her mind because of that one fateful night.

She doesn’t know the lengths I’ve gone to protect her.

The blood spilled, the words said.

Nothing deters my obsession… it’s wrong, immoral, to follow her, and watch her at every turn but I can’t help myself.

Her safety, her life. It’s the only thing of importance to me.

When an enemy lurking in the shadows challenges that I’ll do whatever I can to protect her, even make a deal with a devil, knowing the only way out is death.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bios:

J.L. Beck is a USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR, she has written over fifty different romance novels. She started her journey of writing back in 2014 and hasn't slowed down a second since then.

She's captivated by real romance, and loves reading about strong "ALPHA" males, as well as sassy heroines that know or may not know what they want. She is best known for delivering a happily ever after but has ended things on a cliffhanger a time or two.

When she's not typing away at her next book you can find her being a mom to her two adorable kiddos and wife to her high school sweetheart.

She's obsessed with Starbucks, social media, and is definitely more of a dog person than cat.

Born and raised in Germany, Cassandra moved to the United States when she was eighteen. She always had a love for reading, that love slowly transpired into writing. She put fingers to the keyboard and started writing about the dark side of romance.

Cassandra is one half of the international bestselling author duo Beck & Hallman, who are most knows for the writing the Northwood University series.
The pair also write under the pen name Jenna Reed.

Friday 19 February 2021

Release Day Blitz: The Priest [Bratva Blood 05] by SR Jones!

They call me The Priest, but there’s nothing holy about me. 

Call sign: Priest
Occupation: Mercenary
Assignment: Hostage Extraction

The assignment was simple: Extract the hostage. Take out all hostiles. Relocate the hostage to a safe house.
The assignment was simple…until it wasn’t.

Roze is a mafia princess, but she doesn’t live in that world.
Innocent, young, and naĂŻve, she’s become mine to protect.
Just a broken girl looking for some humanity….and a man with nothing left to give.
Yet, she’s the light to my dark and my soul yearns for her.

Lines are about to be crossed. Morals burned to the ground.
She’s the first thing I’ve wanted in forever and I’m not about to walk away.
God help me.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Hi guys. I’m Skye, a paranormal and contemporary romance author from rainy Northern England. I write Paranormal romance as Skye Jones, and steamy dark romance as S.R. Jones.

The one thing my books in both genres have in common are gritty themes, and alpha heroes who are damaged but oh-so-redeemable!

When I’m not writing, I’m either walking my dogs, drinking coffee, or watching my fave TV shows such as The Sopranos, McMafia, and Little House on the Prairie, yep I have eclectic taste!

Thursday 18 February 2021

Release Day Blitz: Torque [Burns Brothers 04] by Gillian Archer!

She’s his little sister’s best friend—totally off limits. But then again, this tattooed bad boy has never followed the rules.

I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t in love with Nathan Burns. We met when I was six and twenty years later, I love him still. But he’ll never see me as anything other than his little sister’s best friend—a pest—if he even thinks of me that much. I’ve got to face facts. He’s not into me. He’ll never be into me.

It’s beyond time to move on.

I swear I blinked and my little sister’s best friend—a woman who’s about as off-limits as it can get—grew up. And she’s hot as hell. When did that happen? And it doesn’t help that she’s everywhere now—at our weekly family dinner nights, sleeping on my brother’s couch next door, lying out in our complex’s swimming pool in a barely-there bikini. And who are these losers hanging around her lately? None of them are worthy of the woman she’s become. Then again, neither am I.

And when I stumble across her profile on a hook up app, all bets are off.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Gillian has a bachelor’s degree in mining engineering but prefers to spend her time on happily ever after. She writes the kind of stories she loves to read—the hotter the better!

When Gillian’s not pounding away on the keyboard, she can be found surfing the couch indulging in her latest reality tv fixation, baking something ridiculously tasty (and horrible for her waist line) or snuggling with her husband.

Home is currently in the wilds of Nevada with her amazing husband, ridiculously cute kiddo, and goofy dog.