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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Friday 30 June 2017

Cover Reveal: Ruck Me [Dublin Rugby 02] by Rebecca Norinne!


She’s a free spirit; he’s a no nonsense kind of guy. When these opposites attract ... oh baby! It's game on!

I’ve called Aoife O’Shaughnessy a number of things, but dumb was never one of them. Through all the insane things she’s done—all the trouble she’s gotten into—I never once thought she was actually stupid. Until now. Because I just heard her plan to lose her virginity to the vilest human being I’ve ever met.

My first thought? How the f*ck is Aoife still a virgin? The second? Over my dead body.

So I volunteered for the job instead.

It might be the stupidest thing I’ve ever done, but once the words were out of my mouth, I couldn’t take them back. Now, I can’t stop wondering what it will be like to kiss the pink-haired sprite I’ve known my whole life, to hear her moan my name when she comes.

And I know she’s wondering about me too.

What started off as a bit of fun has spiraled out of control and now I’m in deep. I never meant to fall in love with Aoife … it was never supposed to go this far. And what happens next, just might break both of us.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks or Google Play
Author bio:

USA TODAY bestselling author Rebecca Norinne writes contemporary romance featuring smart and sexy heroines and the men who adore them. When not writing, Rebecca is watching rugby, drinking craft beer, or traveling the globe in search of inspiration for her next story. Her favorite foods are popcorn, sushi, and French fries and she’s never met a Kelly Clarkson song she didn’t like. For more information, visit http://www.rebeccanorinne.com.

Thursday 29 June 2017

Release Tour & Giveaway: Belong by N.B. Baker!


When everything is stacked against you, sometimes surviving only happens when you find that one person in the world and the one place you truly…
This world can beat you down.
Make you feel worthless.
Swallow you up in its darkness.
In the blink of an eye the people I loved more than anything, were taken from me.
Leaving me alone with no one but my abusive father.
If you get told you’re worthless often enough, you start to believe it.
You drink it in until it poisons your soul.
That was my life…until Justin.
The minute I saw Sarah, I knew she was special.
I wanted to claim her then, but she wasn’t ready.
Seeing her again, I know I’m done waiting.
I want her.
I’m not stopping until I make her see how special she is.
I want her to look in the mirror and see the woman I see, the woman who was made for me. Sarah thinks she doesn’t deserve me.
She doesn’t think I can understand the pain inside of her.
I have the same darkness inside of me.
I just need her to believe in herself and in me.
In us.
Can two damaged souls learn to trust and lean on each other?
Can they put their past behind them and learn just how beautiful life can be together?
Or when tragedy strikes, will it all be lost forever?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:
I'm Iowa born; but now I reside in Wyoming with my husband and children, including our four legged children, Kiera and Jade. I love to write in the spare time I have after working forty hours in the financial world and playing wife and mom (a.k.a. chef, doctor, housekeeper, taxi driver, zookeeper, homing device, and much more).


Wednesday 28 June 2017

Stacking The Shelves [24]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):
Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

I, unfortunately, haven't bought any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.
Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

I didn't receive any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

Tuesday 27 June 2017

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Heartbreaker [Hollywood Hearts 02] by Belinda Williams!

   “Why can’t Tim or Jay look after me on-set?” They were my usual bodyguards and I’d had to leave them at home with nothing to do today because of Marc’s interference.
   “Because I’m the best.”
   Infuriating man. It infuriated me more that he was right. “Modest too. But boyfriend? Come on, Marc. Surely that’s not necessary.”
   His dark eyes finally met mine. They observed me coolly. “I’m not happy about it either, believe me. Before you, I’ve avoided being seen in public with my clients, and last time I looked, I’m not a bodyguard. But I’ll do what it takes to protect you, Lena. And think about it. If I’m your boyfriend, I can go everywhere with you.”
   I took a step back and bumped into the kitchen cupboard. I put out my hands to steady myself on the counter behind me. Oh my God. I hadn’t thought about that. Marc would have to go out in public with me. To movie premieres and other places where a person would normally take their significant other. Suddenly the mineral water didn’t seem like such a good idea after all, and the bubbles swirled dangerously in my belly.
   “Not going to happen,” I told him. “I’m going straight to Tania right now to sort this out. Whatever you do, don’t tell anyone else you’re my boyfriend in the meantime.”
   Tania was the assistant production manager, and I tried not to run for the door. The sooner I cleared up this horrible mess, the better.
   “Good luck.”
   It was the smarmy overconfidence that got me. I snatched my hand from the doorknob and turned to face him.
   “Admit it, Romero. The prospect of getting close to me is too good to pass up. That’s why you’re doing it this way.”
   He remained still for a second, and when he moved, it was with the casual grace of a predator who is confident of catching the prey in its sight. It took him two long strides to reach me. His breath heated my face he stood so close, a strangely arousing blend of coffee, mint and spice. I held his gaze, but was reminded of his imposing height. I cleared six foot and he still needed to look down at me.
   His eyes studied my face but it wasn’t the cold, calculating stare reserved for suspects. Eyes so dark I could barely make out the pupils roamed my features with an animal grace that caused my roiling stomach to tighten.
   His mouth curved liked he’d felt my response. “Trust me, Princess. If I want to get close to you, I won’t have to trick you to do it.”


Lena Lyons, one of Hollywood’s hottest female stars, has a celebrity problem: she’s too famous.

Lena’s had stalkers before and figures the crazies come with the territory, but when things start going dangerously wrong on the set of her latest movie, her production company aren’t taking any risks. They hire Marc Romero, Hollywood security expert. And Lena thought stalkers were bad—Marc appears to hate his job and anything celebrity, including Lena.

Still reeling from her divorce, the last thing Lena needs is a brooding investigator who won’t let her out of his sight. Worse still, his plan to protect her involves him going undercover as an up-and-coming actor and pretending they’re a couple.

Lena has no choice but to get close to the mysterious man who won’t share anything about himself. With her life depending on her acting skills, she must convince everyone Marc’s the man for her. But will she be able to convince her heart it’s all an act?

Escape behind the scenes with the second installment of the Hollywood Hearts series, perfect for fans of Rachel Gibson, Victoria Dahl, Susan Elizabeth Phillips and Liliana Hart.
Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks
Author bio:

Belinda is a marketing communications specialist and copywriter who allowed an addiction to romance to get the better of her.

Belinda is the author of the contemporary romance series,
City Love, about four young professional women living in Sydney juggling love, work, friendships and life. The series is published by Momentum (Pan Macmillan), and available from all major ebook retailers.

Belinda is currently working on a new series:
Hollywood Hearts. HEARTTHROB is available now, and the second book in the series, HEARTBREAKER, is due for release in June 2017.

Belinda was named a top ten finalist in
The Romance Writers of Australia Emerald award in both 2013 and 2014. Her debut novel, Radiant, a paranormal romantic suspense, is also available on Amazon.

Her other addictions include music and cars. Belinda is a music lover and her eclectic taste forms the foundation for many of her writing ideas. Her healthy appreciation for fast cars means she would not so secretly love a Lamborghini. For now she’ll have to settle with her son’s supercar Hot Wheels collection and writing hot male leads with sports cars.

Belinda lives in Sydney, Australia.


Monday 26 June 2017

Release Day Blitz: Tied [Devils Wolves 02] by Carian Cole!

He was the myth and the legend of our small town. But no one knew the truth... except me.

My childhood was stolen by a monster. I’ve forgotten what love feels like. What happiness feels like. What hope feels like. I am numb.

He’s possibly as damaged as I am. Maybe even more. Scarred just as much on the inside as the outside. Just like me. He doesn’t speak. He doesn’t smile. He hides in the woods like an animal. I should be scared of him. But I’m not. He’s the only one that has ever made me feel. And I want to make him feel, too.
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:

I have a passion for the bad boys, those covered in tattoos, sexy smirks, ripped jeans, fast cars, motorcycles and of course, the sweet girls that try to tame them and win their hearts. My debut series, Ashes & Embers, follows the lives of rock band members as they find, and sometimes lose, the loves of their lives.

Born and raised a Jersey girl, I now reside in beautiful New Hampshire with my husband and our multitude of furry pets and spend most of my time writing, reading, and vacuuming.

Sunday 25 June 2017

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Hart of Mine [Cale & Mickey 04] by Annie Arcane!

God, this woman drives me insane.

In all of the good, most of the bad, and some of the ugliest ways imaginable. But it doesn’t matter because she’s mine. My little sadist. My crazy girl. My beautiful wife.

And you don’t ever f*ck with what’s mine.

Warning: Strong language, mature content, drama, and angst included. Shirt sold separately.

This novella is an adult contemporary romance featuring a disabled hero who (still) happens to be a rich and sexy alpha male with a potty mouth.

Cale and Mickey: Book 4 of 4
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Romance with wounded heroes, disabled characters, alpha males, and angst.

Annie doesn’t like long walks on the beach, getting dolled up, or HEA endings with a boringly perfect hero. She’d much rather be rock climbing, shooting guns, or ending on cliffhangers with a deliciously imperfect hero. And hugs. She likes hugs.

She also has a B.Sc. in Biology and feels kinda sorta weird referring to herself in 3rd person. Just saying.



Saturday 24 June 2017

Release Blitz: Pure Hearts by Jeannine Allison!

She gave me her kidney. I gave her my heart...

Nicholas Blake learned a long time ago that nobody does anything for free. He’s felt the pain of lies and manipulations enough times to know that people only look out for themselves, and that all good deeds come with a price. So when he wakes up from a near deadly car accident and finds out a stranger is offering to donate her kidney, he’s immediately suspicious of her intentions.

What he doesn’t expect is Iris Chamberlain, a beautiful woman with a big smile and an even bigger heart, claiming she just wants to help. The more time Nick spends with Iris, the more he starts to believe in what he always thought was impossible: a pure heart.

But betrayal leaves a bitter mark. Will Nick be able to let go of his past and let Iris in? And will Iris be able to show him what it truly means to have a pure heart?
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:

Jeannine Allison is an author of contemporary and New Adult romance. After waffling between many degrees in college, she finally graduated with a BA in English Literature from Arizona State University.

She loves writing and reading -- obviously :) -- but when she's not she enjoys playing with her two dogs, obsessing over new makeup, drinking coffee, googling new tattoos, and pretty much anything else that allows her to wear yoga pants and a sweatshirt ;)

She is a big fan of being exactly who you are. Her favorite stories to write are about characters finding and loving who they are.


Friday 23 June 2017

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Roamer [Nomad 03] by Janine Infante Bosco!

The first moment I stared into Ally’s tortured blue eyes, my subconscious knew I’d never escape her. She called to the darkest part of my soul and made it impossible to ignore the strange pull I felt towards her.
Some things are just meant to be.
As long as we were both breathing, my heart would do time with hers. Like the famous outlaw lovers, Bonnie and Clyde, Ally and I committed the perfect crime. I claimed her heart, and she stole mine.
I only meant to save her.
To heal her.
Now, my past threatens to ruin her.
Wanted dead or alive, I’ve got her by my side and together we’ll ride.

I thought the world forgot me.
That I had died at fourteen.
But, I never knew life until I knew him.
Rescued and healed, I found love in the face of an outlaw.
Whether he fails or flies, I’ll ride until I die.
I’m his Bonnie and he’s my Clyde.
A love as strong as ours will never die.
Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:

Janine Infante Bosco lives in New York City, she has always loved reading and writing. When she was thirteen, she began to write her own stories and her passion for writing took off as the years went on. At eighteen, she even wrote a full screenplay with dreams of one day becoming a member of the Screen Actors Guild.

Janine writes emotionally charged novels with an emphasis on family bonds, strong willed female characters, and alpha male men who will do anything for the women they love. She loves to interact with fans and fellow avid romance readers like herself.

She is proud of her success as an author and the friendships she’s made in the book community but her greatest accomplishment to date would be her two sons Joseph and Paul.


Thursday 22 June 2017

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Warrior of Fire [Blood and Silver 02] by Shona Husk!

Guest Post!

With Australian winter just around the corner I broke out the knitting needles and made myself a new hoodie cardigan. I don’t knit very often and some of the terminology and fancy stitches meant I ended up looking at knitting videos on line so I could figure out what I needed do. Where would we be without online crafting resources these days?
All that information is at the tips of my fingers (or it is when my internet connection is working). It wasn’t that long ago that I would’ve had to go to the library to get a book in knitting and work it out from photographs. I’m lucky enough to have a good library—which I use on a regular basis when researching as it doesn’t pay to just rely on what is online.
While I’m not the quickest knitter I did manage to finish the cardi in time for the cooler weather (it doesn’t ever get really cold where I live in Perth, Western Australia but we do complain when it gets to 10C/50F because we’re so used to the heat).
There is a scene in Warrior of Fire where the heroine is wearing flip flops and a coat because it’s cold…I see that quite a bit and it always makes me smile as the body loses a lot of heat through the feet and head. But that is how many people dress for winter here.
This is my cardi. Variegated wool is my favorite and my youngest kid picked out the crayon buttons because they were bright and I’m an author J. Every time I’ve worn it gets a lot of comments.

Is theirs a love match?

 For Leira Venn, her future is a given foretold by the oracle of the Albah, the ancient people she was born to. Which is why she knows from the moment she meets Dr. Julian Ryder that he is fated to be hers. But nothing else about the prophecy feels right. For the handsome doctor is shrouded by darkness, and intimately involved with a woman who seems intent on killing Leira …

Or a death wish?

 Sorrow has shadowed Julian Ryder for as long as he can remember. But from the moment he meets lovely Leira, his heart is filled with hope for the future—a future that is as combustible as the powerful attraction between them. For Leira is marked for death by the very forces who killed his mother. The very darkness that stole everything he held most dear. Only this time, Julian is stronger, more in control of his powers than ever. But will it be enough to save Leira from those who would destroy her?
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks or Google Play
Author bio:
Shona Husk lives in Western Australia at the edge of the Indian Ocean. Blessed with a lively imagination she spent most of her childhood making up stories. As an adult she discovered romance novels and hasn’t looked back. With over forty published stories, ranging from sensual to scorching, she writes contemporary, paranormal, fantasy, and sci-fi romance.


Wednesday 21 June 2017

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Wrecked by Jeannine Colette!

Take one sexy bartender. Add a badass cop. A splash of sweet, that's me. One sour, that's him... and serve over ice.
That’s how you’ll get to my current situation.
You know the girl - the one who commands the scene, bottle of liquor in hand, pouring liquid fire into the willing throats of patrons as they let loose at the local bar?
That's me.
I may be known as the town party girl, but in reality I'm this close to my dream of opening my own bar - McConaugheys. Yes, it will be named after the acclaimed actor. What can I say? I’m a sucker for that sexy Texan.
Everything was going as planned until the night I had a few drinks and accepted a ride home from a friend. A misunderstanding leads to an arrest, and now I'm at the mercy of the one man I can’t stand, and trust me, the feeling is definitely mutual.
Adam Reingold is six-feet-tall and built like a stallion -- the man is the epitome of male. He also happens to be the town narc and hates my guts. There’s a story to our past and it's not a pretty one.
So, now, here I am, chained to him for the summer like a hardened criminal, doing whatever he tells me to do. Problem is, I can’t help but look at him when he’s not watching and wonder what our future could be like if things were different.
There are so many reasons why he’s all wrong for me. Even more reasons why I need to stay away from him.
It’s a cocktail of trouble. Best served shaken, not stirred.
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks

Author bio:

Jeannine Colette is a television producer, writer, mother, and philanthropist.
A graduate of Wagner College and the New York Film Academy, Jeannine went on to become a Segment Producer for television shows on CBS and NBC. She currently freelances in the television industry while attending to her children and pursuing her writing career. She lives in New York with her husband, the two tiny people she adores more than life itself, and a rescue pup named Wrigley.
Jeannine and her family are active supporters of The March of Dimes and the Hearing Health Foundation.


Tuesday 20 June 2017

Cover Reveal: An Impossible World by S.P. Cervantes!

What would happen if terrorism spread and hate took over? What would the world become?

Isabella (Belle) Grey trained her entire adult life to protect those around her––training that would prove invaluable in her quest to make a new life. Forced to live in an impossible world, terror was not only outside the walls of her protected community but also raged behind the walls of her very own home.

No longer willing to put up with her husband’s drunken abuse, Belle made the desperate decision to run away from the safety of her community and escaped alone into the broken world beyond.

Chased by death as bombs exploded in the distance, her next decision could not only save her life but could potentially bring light back into her darkened soul.

When faced with the impossible, Belle found strength in an unsuspecting stranger who set her path in a new direction––one she never considered.

Fear. Love. Revenge. Strength ... all come together in this epic tale of fate and survival.
Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!
Pre-order your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks
Author bio:

S.P. Cervantes is the author of the acclaimed contemporary romance A BROKEN FAIRY TALE series. The series allows you to connect with a group of friends and their triumphs over tragedy. "Dust to Dust" is a suspenseful stand-alone romance that introduces readers to this close knit group of loyal friends. "Wished Away" is an emotional romance that should be read before the Bad-Boy romance, "His Jar of Hearts".

S.P. highly acclaimed romance called "The Wife" is now available.

S.P. is also the author of the highly rated Young Adult Romantic Fantasy trilogy Secrets of Shadow Hill. "Always and Forever", "The Prophecy", and "War of Wizards" that has been described as "Twilight Meets Harry Potter". It's not your typical romantic fantasy.

S.P Cervantes lives in Orange County, California with her husband and three children, where she is a teacher. She enjoys spending time with her family, writing, reading, and running, but is always thinking of an idea for her next novel.



Monday 19 June 2017

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: It Happened One Bachelor [Windy City Bachelors 03] by Caitlyn Blue!

Sometimes you can’t help falling in love with the wrong person.
Successful art director, Brynn Callahan has had it in for adventure vlogger, Paxton Mercer since he introduced her fiance to the love of his life and caused her engagement to end. But when their group of friends heads to the tropics for a fun getaway, an unexpected kiss to end all kisses convinces her what she needs is a little adventure with a man who knows how to have fun.
But a vacation fling isn’t enough to build a relationship on and Brynn is a girl who has her future all planned. Once they’re home it’s going to take more than flirty banter or through the roof electricity for Brynn to take a chance on someone who goes wherever the wind blows him.
Can a guy who lives on the edge convince a woman who loves to play it safe to risk her heart with him?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Kobo or iBooks
Author bio:

Voracious reader with an overactive imagination, chocolate addict, lover of fancy cocktails and tasty edibles, sucker for adventure movies and any music with a beat.
When not writing, Caitlyn loves to connect with her readers for whom she’s extremely grateful. Join her VIP list to stay up to date on giveaways and exclusive offers.