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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Thursday 31 August 2017

Release Blitz & Giveaway: Coming Up Roses [Southern Roots 01] by LK Farlow!

Myla Rose McGraw may be twenty, single, and pregnant, but she's no damsel in distress. She doesn't need a man. After all, her Grams taught her a thing or two about making lemonade out of life's lemons.

Then she meets Cash Carson.

Reeling from a bad breakup, Cash has sworn off love. It led to nothing but pain and misery, and he’s determined to move forward alone.
Until a redheaded Southern beauty crashes into him. With her shopping cart. At the local Piggly Wiggly.

If love wasn't for him, why did his heart beat a little faster every time Myla Rose sent that sweet smile his way?

He was no knight, and she didn't need saving.

But damn if he didn't want to try anyway.

COMING UP ROSES is a sweet, Southern fairy tale—with a twist.
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

LK Farlow (A.K.A Kate) is a small town girl with a love for words. She’s been writing stories and poems for as long she can remember. A Southern girl through and through, Kate resides in beautiful, sunny LA—that’s Lower Alabama, y’all—with her amazing husband and three wonderful children. When she’s not writing, you can find her snuggled up on the couch watching nature documentaries while she crochets or with her nose in a book. All Kate really wants in this life is her family happy, strong coffee, a good book and more Happily Ever After’s.


Wednesday 30 August 2017

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Toxic by Nicole Blanchard!

   My hands flex on his skin, but he's so intent on my response he either doesn't notice or doesn't care. Beneath my touch, he turns to granite and a part of me wants to take back my question, but I can’t.
   “What's wrong?” I ask, and I hope it deflects from this line of conversation. “Did I hurt you?”
   He breaks eye contact and looks down to where my hands are touching his skin. The moment his eyes land on where our bodies connect, it makes me want to drop my hand. How close he always manages to get to me whenever I let curiosity—or stupidity—get the better of me is astounding.
   "Would take more than that to hurt me, little mouse."
   I feel his words like dark secrets. They unfurl inside me, a molten mixture of pleasure and shame, a heady combination that invites me to ask for more. He's a craving I can't quite shake. A disease slowly spreading through me. My head tells me I should walk away, but my greedy heart begs for more of his illicit attention.
   "Little mouse?" I keep my focus on my fingers. Otherwise, they'll betray my nerves. I swipe antibacterial cream over his skin and realize resistance is practically impossible. Not when I can feel his muscles flexing underneath my hands, the heat coming off him in waves, and my body's answering thrum.
   It has been so long since I’ve felt anything other than violence and fear. The two have become so tightly intertwined that I was certain until now I'd never feel this again. Never feel warmth pooling low in my belly and radiating through my core or the answering wetness slicking between my legs.
   Horror accompanies the rush of pleasure, and I want to fling myself backward, but I know I can't let this dangerous man see my reaction. I can't let him know the effect he has on me. Can't let him have that kind of power over me.
   "Yes,” he finally says. “Because you always look like you want to scurry away into a corner and hide."
   His words make me want to do exactly that. My eyes dance to the door and then back to my hand as I swipe away another smear of blood from his skin. It would be so easy to escape him and his all-too-knowing stare. The reaction I can't deny. The yearning. Ten steps would bring me right back to my dreary life where I can drown in the day-to-day misery and the pain that blots out my unfortunate reality.
   They are ten steps I don’t take. I refuse to let King get the better of me again and return to doctoring his wounds, trading the wipes for clean, white bandages. Unlike Vic, when this man pressures me, tests my boundaries, I find myself wanting to fight back, wanting to go at him with teeth bared and fists balled.
   He lays a big, scratched-up hand over mine, pinning it to the heated flesh of his well-muscled chest. I peer up through my lashes and find the corner of his mouth tipped up in a half smile that would look pleasant on any other man.
   On King, it's a warning.
   Or a threat.
   My heart thumps in my chest, a rabbit trying to escape the pursuit of a predator. I take deep breaths to try to calm its frenetic pace, but it's futile while in his presence. I finish the bandage on his chest without taking the bait. Despite how alive he makes me feel, or maybe because of it, I won't encourage him. I won't go down that road. I did it once before, and it cost me everything.
   I'm waiting for him to throw out another challenge as I finish with his chest and arms, dump the trash into a bag, and set it by the door.
   "Can you stand for me?" I gesture with a roll of gauze I grabbed from my bag of supplies. "I need to wrap your ribs until they can get you in for an X-ray."
   He obliges, reminding me of a half-tame animal submitting to human attention only to turn around and rip the person’s throat out seconds later. His abdomen ripples, and the low hum of desire that I've steadily been trying to ignore roars back to life made sharper by the edge of danger.
   Like fucking in public.
   It's wrong and dirty and you sort of hate yourself for enjoying it so much, but you come harder than you ever have in your life. It makes my breathing grow ragged, and I'm afraid he can hear me but can't find the willpower to back away.
   I have to lean close to wrap the bandage around his chest, which doesn't help. His scent fills my nose like a drug. My fingers brush against his stomach, and I'd give anything for five minutes to explore the line of muscles that disappears into his waistband.
   The fact that I manage to finish binding his ribs is a small miracle. He doesn't make a move to touch me the entire time, even though I spend it wishing he would. When I’m done, I can feel his eyes on me, patient and predatory as I pack up the rest of my supplies.
   "Stop doing that!" I bite out, revealing just how badly he has my nerves frayed.
   He gives me that half-grin again. "Doing what?"
   "Staring at me like that. Are you trying to piss me off? Do you want me to have you reassigned?"
   As though daring me, he takes a step forward. "You won't do that," he challenges.
   "No?" I retort though I can hear the flimsy note to my voice.
   His grin widens. "No."
   I shake my head and feel my body drift closer to his. "I don’t know what you want from me, I don’t know what you think we’re doing here, but we shouldn’t. Let’s just get that clear right now. Also, I appreciate your concern for my safety, but there isn’t anything you can do to help me, and this sort of attention is only going to make my situation worse."
   He shifts, and my whole body stiffens as he brings his lips to my cheek where the memory of the bruise throbs.
   "Don't," I protest, but it comes out sounding more breathy than firm.
   "I'll make you a deal," he says as he closes a bit more of the distance between us. I nearly whimper from frustration, fear, and need. "One kiss. One kiss and I won't bother you again. No one will have to know."
   "You can't be serious," I whisper, but I know from the determined look in his eyes he's serious. “Why?”
  His lips return to my cheek, surprising me with his gentleness, and I'm almost ashamed that my initial instinct is to flinch away from him. He seems to recognize it, and he sighs, pausing long enough to meet my eyes. We wait . . . watching each other. But when he doesn’t follow through with a slap or a biting comment, my traitorous body relaxes.
   My body is clearly an idiot.
   "C’mon," he coaxes as his lips grow bolder. "Let me give you this. One kiss. I promise you'll enjoy it. Let me show you a little something sweet to take away from the sour. One kiss, and if you want me to walk away after I will."
   He's the devil incarnate, the snake that tempted Eve. Though, I'm sure as hell not in paradise. I hate myself for even considering it. Loathe the way my body shouts at me to say yes.
   "You won't bother me again?" The responding triumphant gleam in his eyes screams that I've taken a step off a precipice. There will be no going back after this.
   "Scouts honor." I snort, causing him to grin. "So, is that a yes?"
   "You asked me earlier if I wanted to know your name."
   He nods, but it's a quick, jerky movement. For the first time, he's the one caught off guard.
   "I think I'd like that." It'll be like saying goodbye, or at least that's what I tell myself. Goodbye to the rush of desire, the feeling of being alive. It was fun while it lasted but this level of craziness leads nowhere good.
   For a moment, I think my ears are tricking me, but no. King makes a deep, satisfied groan in the back of his throat. I'm so distracted I don't notice he's been slowly moving closer until his body is pressed fully against mine. My hands go to his shoulders, and I'm grateful for the bandages separating us. Too much contact with his skin and my brain would surely short circuit.
   "Gracin," he says, his lips so close they graze the shell of my ear. "My name is Gracin."
   Then his mouth covers mine.
A new standalone dark romance coming from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Nicole Blanchard.

"John Doe" was just another patient. A criminal.

As a prison nurse, I knew the rules: do my job, don’t get involved, and never let a prisoner get under my skin.

I broke all three.

My passion, my obsession, my addiction. I risked my entire life so we could be together.

I thought helping him escape from prison would be the hard part.

It turns out when you fall in love with a villain, you also turn into one.

 Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks or Google Play

Author bio:

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Nicole Blanchard lives in Mississippi with her family and their menagerie of animals. She chooses each day to chase her own fairy tale even if they contain their fair share of dragons. She is married to her best friend and owns her own business.

Nicole survives on a diet of too many books and substantial amounts of root beer and slim jims. When not reading, she’s lavishing attention on her family or inhaling every episode of The Walking Dead and The Big Bang Theory.


Tuesday 29 August 2017

Stacking The Shelves [26]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):
Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):
Gifted from Authors/Publishers:
(Thank you, Little, Brown Book Group!)
(Thank you, Harper 360!)
 For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

Monday 28 August 2017

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Blood Stained Tranquility [Ryze 02] by N. Isabelle Blanco!


Five weeks ago, my best friend was abducted. A sacrifice for the God of Lust.
It wasn’t the beginning of her end . . . it turned out to be the beginning of mine.
I’ve been brought back from the dead.
Only to be condemned to die once more.
I’ve awakened to find myself mated to Zeniel, the God of Tranquility. But, no. That isn’t who he is anymore.
I’m so vile that simply meeting me tore out the most primal, dark force inside him.
He’s a demon.
A mythical monster.
An indiscriminate killer.
He’s made to destroy the entire fucking world . . . and I’d give anything to have him.


Within the red and black shadows of doom, all I see are my victims. The sinners I need to destroy.
And her.
Always her.
I want to despise her for what her past did to me. A single look into her eyes and the creature trapped inside me broke free.
You see, I’m a fucking sham. A pretender. I wasn’t born as Zeniel, God of Tranquility.
I was born as Mavrak, the war demon God of Vengeance.
He killed millions across the dimensions once.
To avenge and protect her, he’ll destroy millions once again.
For her, I’ll let my powers of Tranquility die in a maelstrom of blood . . .
Even if it means killing everyone else that I love.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks
Author bio:

N. Isabelle Blanco is the Amazon Bestselling Author of the Allure Series, the Need Series with K.I. Lynn, and many others. At the age of three, due to an odd fascination with studying her mother’s handwriting, she began to read and write. By the time she’d reached kindergarten, she had an extensive vocabulary and her obsession with words began to bleed into every aspect of her life.
That is, until coffee came a long and took over everything else.
Nowadays, N. spends most of her days surviving the crazy New York rush and arguing with her characters every ten minutes or so, all in the hopes of one day getting them under control.

Sunday 27 August 2017

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Helena Hawthorne Series by May Freighter!

Russian Roulette [Helena Hawthorne 01]

Who could guess that one brush of a fingertip over a shimmering soul-string could flip your world upside down and inside out?

Nineteen-year-old Helena’s life changes when her spirit enters the Angel Realm in search of her father. But, things don’t go as planned. Against her guardian angel’s warnings, she binds her soul to a vampire—a creature she thought only existed in horror movies.

Lucious has spent his immortality looking for the monsters who killed his sire. The last thing he needs is to be vulnerable because of a bond with a reckless girl. Yet, he sees how he can turn this to his advantage. Believing that Helena possesses great power, he plans to use her against the Council as a bargaining chip.

When Helena meets the gorgeous and also terrifying vampire with whom she’s now stuck sharing an emotional bond, she realises that her life will never be the same. Despite fighting against Lucious’s manipulative ways, she can’t deny their attraction.

As their desire for each other intensifies, she needs to know if she can trust him. After all, her life and soul are on the line.

For readers who enjoyed The Vampire Diaries by L. J. Smith, Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer, or A Shade of Vampire by Bella Forrest

Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon
Demon Gates [Helena Hawthorne 02]

Uncertain whether she is human or not, Helena is forced to undergo new nightmares while her mental battle continues with a demon called 'Lazarus'. Without her guardian angel to protect her, she is left to rely on vampires who have their own reasons for everything.

The attraction between her and Lucious grows, whether it is a side effect of the soul-bond they share or of their own volition. Yet, how can they be certain?

With the help of her new friends, they must seek out a Demon Gate and enter the Demon Realm to stop Lazarus from claiming her and Lucious' souls. But, will they succeed or perish as the only weapon that can kill a demon has been lost centuries ago.
Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon

Crumbling Control [Helena Hawthorne 03]

After attending a funeral in Aberdeen, Helena meets with a very concerned Vincent - a member of the Vampire Council. He shares his worries about the dangers European vampires are facing. The hunters are gathering from all around, local packs of werewolves fight for territory, and Eliza is up to something that she says will 'save them all'.

Lucious is staying away from Helena. The hunters shot him full of tracking bullets and every time he stops, they catch up to him. To prevent those he cares about from being in danger, he ends up helping the man he never wished to see again.

Helena's feelings for Lucious begin to waver as she cannot get in contact with him. Andrew remains as a constant by her side and makes her laugh when everything else is going to hell.

Can Helena and Lucious overcome their new trials as the hunters come knocking, demons escape through the Demon Gate, and the Council begins to crumble?
Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon
Fated Origins [Helena Hawthorne 04]

Helena’s life is back to normal. College, friends, family…everyone’s happy. Yet, she can’t understand what is missing. No matter how hard she tries to fake her excitement about a new movie or laugh over a cup of coffee during lunch, it doesn’t feel right.

Peace doesn’t last long. A demon appears, claiming to be her friend and lifts the memory block Lucious had put up. Outraged he had done this to her, she decides to go against her family’s wishes and pursue him in London. Only one problem remains: she’s losing control of her body.

Lucious is unable to mend his broken heart. He grew complacent and cares little about the proceedings of the Council while Kallias takes the lead. With the hunter threat growing and the werewolves no longer willing to help stabilise London, to unify the vampires all over the world, Kallias believes it is time to awaken the one true leader—Arthemis.

The full cycle comes to an end. Lilia and Helena are faced with the original vampire. Despite their differences, a choice must be made with grave sacrifices. Will they save humanity or let vampires rule the world?
Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:

May Freighter is an internationally bestselling author from Dublin, Ireland. She writes Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, and Sci-Fi mysteries that will keep you entertained, mystified, and hopefully craving more. Her only pets are cacti. They're the only things that survived. It may be too dangerous to entrust her with an animal while she's engrossed in writing.
On sunny, rainy, and overcast days, she spends her time with her fictional friends, putting them through dangerous adventures while wishing them the best of luck. Her hobbies are photography, drawing, and plotting different ways of a characters' demise.

Saturday 26 August 2017

Cover Reveal: Fighting for Your Love [The Fighting Series 04] by Nikki Ash!


I fell in love once and it was amazing. Until it wasn't. I swore to protect her. Until I didn't. I swore to love her forever. Until forever came too soon.
After I lost her, I swore I would never fall in love again. Until I met Ashley.


I depended on a man once. Until he walked out. I gave him my everything. Until he left me and our son with nothing. From then on I knew the only person I could depend on was myself. Until I met Kaden.

I'm not sure when or how it happened, but Kaden has embedded himself into my life, stealing my heart. Sounds like a good thing, right?

Wrong! Because while Kaden has my heart locked and secure, his heart was given to a woman who can't give it back.

Now I am fighting for his love, hoping he can leave his past behind him and find a future with me.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy from Amazon
Author bio:

Nikki Ash resides in South Florida where she is an English teacher and mom by day and a writer by night. When she’s not writing, you can find her with a book in her hand. From the Boxcar Children to Wuthering Heights to the latest Single Parent Romance, she has lived and breathed every type of book.
Reading is like breathing in, writing is like breathing out. - Pam Allyn
While reading and writing are her passions, her two children are her entire world. You can probably find them at a Disney park before you would find them at home on the weekends!


Friday 25 August 2017

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Forever My Badman [Russian Bratva 07] by Hayley Faiman!

If there's one thing Mika Rybin knows, it's loss. While he was raised to be an ambitious Bratva man, the mob that preserved him has also robbed him more than once. When the tables of life start to turn in his favor, and the beautiful Pakhan's daughter chooses him for eternity, he'll be damned if he allows the rules of the organization he serves faithfully to rob him, once again.

If there's one thing Oksana Vetrova is sure of, it is that she will play the role of a pawn no longer. The death of her mother is a loss the entire Bratva grieves, but it pushes her father to the brink of insanity. When his careless and rash decisions threaten to rob her of the man that she loves, he puts into motion a chain of deathly events that are certain to change everything.

Secrets, lies, and betrayal are what Oksana and her badman are up against—but they made a vow of forever—and neither of them is letting go without a fight.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:

I was born and raised in California. My husband and I met when I was just 16. We were married a few years later, moving to Oregon while he was in the US Coast Guard.

Texas is now where we call home, where our boots rest, and where we're raising our two little boys and a chocolate lab named Optimus Prime.


Thursday 24 August 2017

Book Blitz & Giveaways: Royally Mine: 22 All-New Bad Boy Romance Novellas!

Powerful kings. Dirty-talking princes. Insatiable dukes.

They’re ready to rule your heart.

Royally Mine is a sexy collection of bad boy romances featuring HOT royal heroes, brought to you by twenty-two New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling authors. This deliciously naughty bundle of ALL-NEW standalone novellas stars panty-scorching kings, princes, and dukes who are used to being in command. Charge up your e-reader, clear your schedule, and put on your best tiara, because these royal bad boys are ready to conquer your heart while making you blush oh so hard.

Featured authors: Susan Stoker, Annabel Joseph, Katy Regnery, Nikki Sloane, Renee Rose, Molly O’Keefe, Alta Hensley, Nora Flite, Natasha Knight, Sue Lyndon, Jenika Snow, Maggie Ryan, Celeste Jones, Lee Savino, Livia Grant, Alexis Alvarez, Rayanna James, Ava Sinclair, Addison Cain, Jennifer Bene, Becca Jameson, Mikey Lee

Publisher’s Note: The stories included in this smoking hot box set are MF and MFM pairings. Some contain kink. All will leave you breathlessly panting for more.
Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble or iBooks

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Wednesday 23 August 2017

Blog Tour & Giveaway: More Than a Risk [More Than a Threat 02] by Kennedy L. Mitchell!

Is a life worth living if you don’t risk it all for the one you love?

Shot and left for dead, Dr. Kate Wheeler doesn’t know what to expect when she wakes in a hospital room, especially she sees him. It would take a lot to win her back after abandoning her when she needed him most, which he is prepared to do, but Kate has never been one to give in easily. A surprise visit from a friend pulls Kate into a deadly game of cat and mouse with a local business man, full of dark secrets.

It’s up to Kate to bring this man down knowing her father, the Dallas DA, won’t prosecute without evidence; evidence she is willing to do anything to get. With the love of her life shadowing her every move, will Kate risk losing him to save the lives of others?

When Kate’s charade takes a dangerous turn will Weston be enough to bring her back from the edge, or is it too late for it to matter? Hearts and lives are at risk and Kate and Weston’s fiery relationship returns in this second book of the More Than a Threat series.
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks or Google Play

Author bio:

I live in Dallas but I am not a Texan by birth, I am a transplant from Tennessee and married a true Texan so I had to stay. We live in a older home in Dallas proper with our son and goldendoodle (who is roughly the size of a pony).

Writing isn’t my day job, however it is my joy and favorite hobby. I enjoy sending my friends new chapters nightly and hearing their reactions the next day. That is why I write, being published is just a bonus really. My real job is the same every day, but at night I get to be someone else and write about all these fun adventures and sexcapades:) When I’m writing you can find me on the couch, earbuds in and a full glass of wine beside me. Music inspires my stores, at the end of each book I list the playlist that helped me through writing the novel.

When I am not working or writing, I am reading. I go through about 3 books a week and I am 100% sure that I’m that annoying person at book-club that gets on to people when they are not keeping up with the monthly readings or suggest the movie is as good as a book (Sometimes I wish I could vote those people out of book-club like they do on Survivor. “The tribe has spoken”).

My favorite authors that inspire my writing are: Colleen Hoover, Sarah J. Maas, Sandra Brown, and Rainbow Rowell.