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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Ruin by Clarissa Wild!


Maybell Fairweather was the girl of my dreams.
Always smiling brightly, she kept going, despite the names her classmates called her behind her back.
She was full of curiosity and independence, the extent of which I could only be jealous of. Even though she had all odds stacked against her, she knew what she wanted from life and pursued it, no matter the cost.
She was completely my opposite in every way.
Perfect, even though she couldn’t see it.
Perfect … until me.
Because this is the story of how I ruined her.
Based on a true story. Standalone Romance. No cliffhanger.
Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy from Barnes and Noble or iBooks
Author bio:
Clarissa Wild is a New York Times & USA Today Bestselling author, best known for the dark Romance novel Mr. X. Her novels include the Fierce Series, the Delirious Series, Stalker Duology, Twenty-One (21), Ultimate Sin, VIKTOR, and Bad Teacher. She is also a writer of erotic romance such as the Blissful Series, The Billionaire's Bet series, and the Enflamed Series. She is an avid reader and writer of sexy stories about hot men and feisty women. Her other loves include her furry cat friend and learning about different cultures. In her free time she enjoys watching all sorts of movies, reading tons of books and cooking her favorite meals.


Tuesday 30 August 2016

Release Blitz, Review & Giveaway: When Stars Collide [Light in the Dark 02] by Micalea Smeltzer!

Publication date: 30th August 2016
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars

Synopsis: We were like two stars orbiting each other—dancing around the possibility that one day we might collide. When we finally did, we opened up a black hole, obliterating everything around us. No one would be the same.

Least of all, us.

Waking up in Vegas married to the guy of your dreams sounds like a good thing, right? Not when you’re Thea Montgomery and said guy is your brother’s best friend.

Thea and Xander have always avoided the connection between them because her brother would never approve. Now, they’re married— the strongest bond you can have as a couple—and they’re not even a real couple…unless they want to be.

Thea wants an annulment immediately, but Xander’s waited too long to see her become his and he won’t let her go easily.

If she wants a divorce, fine, but he wants the summer to convince her that he’s the one. If at the end of the summer she still wants to end their marriage he’ll sign the papers, but until then…

All is not fair in love and war.

I've read all this author's contemporary books and one of her paranormal series, and I'm a really big fan of hers, so when I heard that she was writing a second book in the Light in the Dark series, I was really excited! I loved Rae of Sunshine a lot, and I was hoping that the characters in this book would get their own book, so I'm really happy that the author made it happen! After reading, I can say that I freaking loved this book! There were times where it made me grin like an idiot and then there were times where it made me nearly cry lol! It was very emotional lol! The plot also developed at the perfect pace and it only took me a few sittings to read! I was reading a few more chapters every chance I had and I absolutely devoured it! The plot also had plenty of really, really hot scenes in it! I wasn't expecting them to be so hot, but I was really happy that they were! I loved the few twist and turns in the plot too, and I wasn't expecting the plot to go in the overall direction it did! The characters were also amazing and made this book even better! Thea was the main female character, and she was someone who was content and happy with her life until she did something completely unexpected and her life flipped upside down! I loved Thea in this book! I could understand her resistance at the beginning of this book, but I was really happy that she gave her love interest a chance to prove that they could be happy together! Thea was also a very funny character and she did make me laugh quite a few times! I also loved her personality and she was easy for me to connect with! I just loved her! Xander was the main male character, and he was seriously hot! I just completely adored Xander in this book! He was such a lovely guy and he knew how to treat Thea! He always made sure she was okay and it was easy to see how deep his feelings for her were! Xander was also very protective of Thea and he showed this several times in this book! Xander was also someone who didn't want to disappoint the people he loved, so he did hide a few secrets in this book! I could understand why he did, but I wish that he had been more open because he deserved to be happy and in the career he wanted! I loved that this book was written from both Thea and Xander's point of views! I was hoping it was going to be, so I'm really happy it was! It helped me connect more with both characters and allowed for more things to happen in the plot! It was also fun to have Cade and Rae, who were the main characters in Rae of Sunshine, be secondary characters this time lol! I'm also really excited that this author is going to give secondary characters in this series their own book too! I can't wait to read it and I'll definitely be on pins and needles waiting for it to release! The cover for this book is stunning! I love how well it suits the cover for the first book and the models on the front are the perfect Thea and Xander! I love it! Big thank you to Micalea and Give Me Books for an ARC of When Stars Collide!

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks
Purchase When Stars Collide and receive an exclusive short story! Get your copy HERE!
Author bio:
Micalea Smeltzer is a bestselling twenty-something author. She started scribbling stories before she even knew her alphabet. She currently resides in Virginia with her doggie side-kick Ollie.

Monday 29 August 2016

Release Day Blitz: Balance [Off Balance 01] by Lucia Franco!


Kova turned around to face me, his broad shoulders pulled back, one hand propped on his hip and the other clenched around his water bottle. "Do you think you are the first gymnast to show wear and tear on their hands from bars? You are not in Palm Beach anymore, malysh—"
   Kova visibly tensed, stopping short from his last word. Since I didn't speak a lick of Russian, I didn't have a clue as to what he said. But judging by the alarmed look on his face and the thick air between us, whatever he said couldn't have been good.
   Snapping his head to the side, he cracked his neck. "I am not going to go light on you. Get used to it. Nobody said it was going to be easy, it only gets harder from here on out. You need to learn to toughen up and take it. Remember what I said earlier? Prove it to me. Every time you step foot into that gym—make it count. I do not care if your hands hurt or your back is sore or you are running on two hours of sleep. Prove it. Champions are not made by complaining. They are made by the endless pursuit of their dream despite the obstacles they are faced with. Push through it and do it."
   I took a minute to let the weight of his words sink in. While an outsider would think they were laced with malice, I knew they weren't. That was the furthest thing from the truth. I knew he was pushing me to be better. Not only to prove it to him, but myself as well. Without a doubt, Konstantin Kournakova was one hundred percent right.
   Slowly nodding, I looked into his eyes and said, "You're completely right, but I never expected you to go light on me. That's not what I wanted. That's not why I came here. I want the challenge. I want to be better. It's why I pour every ounce of blood and sweat into a sport that gives me so little in return. The truth is, I've never been challenged by a coach the way I have by you, so I'm learning to adjust to it." I held up my hands and showed him the bloody blisters threatening to pop under my palms. "You won't hear a complaint come from me again."
   Kova's shoulders loosened and he blew out a ragged breath. His gaze openly traveled the length of my body, taking in every inch. The way his eyes pierced mine, like he was pleased with my response, made my heart rush against my chest with satisfaction.
Adrianna Rossi is no stranger to the rigorous demands required of her body. Years of pain and determination make her one of the best. Olympic glory is the ultimate goal, and she'll do anything to achieve it. Even if that means leaving home to attend World Cup Academy of Gymnastics, a training center that serves one purpose—producing champions.

Perfection, precision, and dedication are required of his athletes. When two time Olympian Konstantin Kournakova is persuaded into training the young hopeful, he immediately regrets it. She doesn't come close to his high standards. As the relentless pursuit of her dream keeps her striving, a passion is ignited within him.

Kova's power and domination, coupled with Adrianna's fierce tenacity, reveal there is more for her body to learn. Every interaction can be misconstrued, but there’s no mistaking the darkening of his gaze, the lingering of his touch, or the illicit image of his bare skin pressed against hers. Integrity is on the line. One toe off the beam and their forbidden desires could ruin everything they’ve worked for, throwing it all off balance.
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon or iBooks
Author bio:

A competitive athlete for over ten years, Lucia Franco currently resides in sunny South Florida with her husband and two boys. Paranormal romance was her first love, but she has a soft spot in her heart for small-town and reunion romance stories.
When Lucia is not hard at work on her next novel, you can find her relaxing with her toes in the sand at a nearby beach.
Find out more about Lucia at authorluciafranco.com. Make sure to join her newsletter to receive exclusive updates and more!


Sunday 28 August 2016

Stacking The Shelves [15]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):
Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

I, unfortunately, haven't bought any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.
Gifted from Authors/Publishers:
(Thank you, Little, Brown Book Group!)
 For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

Saturday 27 August 2016

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: All Her Men [The Queen's Men 01] by Brina Cary!


   A glint in the trees off to the left of her house proved his worst fears realized… They were not the only ones hunting Amelia. They had to move quickly.
   “Shooter in the woods! Go! Go! Go!”
   Jacob swung his door open and took off towards the assassin. He had to get there first. They could not let the shooter make it to the house. It would throw their plan into chaos. The future would be lost.
   Jacob stealthily ran across the road. The shooter would know that they were there soon. Will and Darren were not far behind him. The shooter was moving towards the house. However; something caught his eye. Bringing him to a momentary halt. There was another glint in a tree…
   Two shooters!
   He turned slightly and motioned Will to the house. His brother would see to the woman. He and Darren would take care of the shooters.
   Holding the gun in front of him he aimed towards the shooter in the tree. A light came on in the upstairs of the house. The shooter was aiming towards the bedroom. Towards the woman, Amelia.
   Jacob fired.
2015 was a turbulent time…
As the world anxiously watched, Scotland voted for political freedom from England.
With the vote, frumpy Amelia MacRory became Scotland’s only hope. As the last direct descendant of Mary Queen of Scots, fire ran in Amelia’s blood. Only she could defend the rights of the people. After being kidnapped from her American home in the dead of night—and almost killed in the process—she was forced to become Queen of Scotland. And as a killer closes in, the Royal Scottish Guards must step in and protect her — whether she likes it or not.
Can she survive a world of intrigue, subterfuge, and assassins that have been designed to bring down the newly independent country? Or will she lose it all—including the man she loves…?

Check it out on Goodreads!

 Buy your copy from Amazon
Join the Release Party HERE!

Author bio:

Brina Cary is a world weary traveler who has been to such faraway places as Guam, Singapore, Hong Kong, Jebel Ali, Bahrain, etc. through a tour in the US Navy. While growing up surrounded by poverty Brina began to dream of the different avenues her life could take. She joined the Navy out of high school to find out what she wanted in life and have a bit of an adventure. Since then that adventure has taken her down the road to martial arts, private investigations, forensic anthropology, financial analysis, arson investigation, Egyptian curses, myths and legends, etc. Brina uses all this experience in her writing to create adventures for her readers!

 Brina Cary is a member of RWA and the following RWA Chapters: Southern Magic, Celtic Hearts, Kiss of Death, and FF&P. She is also a member of Sisters in Crime and their Guppies Chapter.


Friday 26 August 2016

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Conquering [Vipers Creed MC 02] by Ryan Michele!

I fight for what’s mine.
Growing up with a junkie for a mother, Stiff’s responsibilities came young and fast, taking care of his brother with everything he had. If that meant getting his hands dirty, then so be it.
Becoming part of Vipers Creed MC gave him the family he and his brother never had, people they could count on. He vowed to protect them, even when that meant turning his back on the woman who gave him life … until Chelsea.
He knew he wasn’t good enough for her, but he didn’t care. He had to have her.
After all, Stiff always fought for what was his. No matter the price.
No one messes with my family.
Chelsea Miller’s life was simple: work, family, save for the future. Every day was the same. Her ultimate goal: live an easier life than the one she’d been dealt. That was, until her sister ended up bleeding, bruised, and fighting for her life.
Everything in Chelsea’s life changed in an instant. And the cost of protecting her family was far higher than she had bargained for.
Stiff. The Vipers Creed MC. A relentless trail of bullets and carnage. Everything she knew turned on its head.
Survival of the fittest, they say. Well, Chelsea’s a survivor. And she refuses to go down without a fight.
When two stubborn people clash in a combustion of passion and family, will conquering each other come at a price neither of them is willing to pay?
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks or Google Play

Author bio:

Ryan Michele found her passion in making fictional characters come to life. She loves being in an imaginative world where anything is possible and has a knack for special twists readers don’t see coming.

She writes MC, Contemporary, Erotic, Paranormal, New Adult, Inspirational, and many more romances. And whether it’s bikers, wolf shifters, mafia, or beyond, Ryan spends her time making sure her heroes are strong and her heroines match them at every turn.

When she isn’t writing, Ryan is a mom and wife living in rural Illinois and reading by her pond in the warm sun.



Enter to win a paperback of Conquering over on Goodreads! You can enter HERE!

Thursday 25 August 2016

UK Blog Tour: Burn [Dark in You 01] by Suzanne Wright!

Publication date: 1st September 2016
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Part of a small demon lair in Las Vegas, tattooist Harper Wallis lives a pretty simple life. That changes overnight when she discovers that her psychic mate, or 'anchor', is a guy who's rumoured to be the most powerful demon in existence. Compelling, full of secrets and armed with raw sexuality, Knox Thorne is determined to claim her as his anchor, creating a psychic bond that will prevent their inner demons from ever turning rogue.

The billionaire also wants Harper in his bed.

She's not so sure she wants either of those things. No one seems to know what breed of demon Knox is, only that he's more dangerous than anything she's ever before encountered. But he refuses to walk away. And when an unknown danger starts closing in on Harper, it seems that Knox is the only one who can keep her safe.

As Prime of his Las Vegas lair and a successful businessman, Knox Thorne is used to being in control. He's also used to people fearing and obeying him. Harper does neither, which unexpectedly amuses him. Unpredictable, elusive and complex, she draws Knox and his inner demon like nothing ever has.

Knox is used to getting what he wants, and he wants Harper. He'll have her, and he'll keep her safe from the threat that looms over her. Because Knox protects what's his. He won't allow anyone to take her from him. Even if it will mean letting the demon inside him rise and wreak the havoc it was created to make.

This book probably isn't a book that I would have picked up on my own because I'm reading a lot of contemporary books right now, but I received an email from the UK publisher about being on the UK Blog Tour and it brought this book to my attention! It did sound like a paranormal book that I would read, so I said yes to reviewing it! I'm so happy I did say yes because I really enjoyed this book! I was intrigued from the first few pages and I was then reading a few more chapters every chance I had! The plot had a unique concept to it and it held my interest all the way through! The plot also had demons and quite a few different paranormal creatures in it, and I found it all very interesting! I haven't read a lot of books on demons before, so I enjoyed it and it was different to read about! There were also plenty of very, very hot scenes in this book, and I have to be honest and say that I wasn't expecting them to be so explicit lol! I loved the action and suspense in the plot too! It added a lot to the plot! The characters were also amazing and made this book even better! Harper was the main female character, and she was someone who stood up for herself and didn't let anyone tell her what to do! She was very self-reliant and preferred to do things herself and not have any help from anyone! Harper had been through a lot in her childhood though, so this is why she was like this! I really liked Harper in this book! She grew a lot and I connected really well with her too! I loved her attitude too! She was very straight with people, especially her love interest, and wasn't afraid to swear and be herself! She was a very understanding character too! I just loved everything about her! Knox was the main male character and love interest of Harper! Knox was a guy that had a lot! He had a lot of businesses, he had plenty of money, and he had power over a lot of people! This did make Knox slightly cocky, but I wouldn't say that he was overly cocky at all! Knox was also seriously hot and knew what he wanted! He wanted Harper, and she definitely didn't make it easy for him lol! Knox was also very protective of Harper, and he showed this again and again as the plot progressed! It was also easy to see that his feelings for Harper were very strong and that he would do anything for her and to keep her safe! Knox was also seriously hot! I also loved that this book was written from both Harper and Knox's point of views! I was hoping that it was going to be, so I'm really happy that it was! It helped me connect more with both characters and allowed for more to happen in the plot! I also can't wait to read the next book in this series! I enjoyed this book a lot more than I was expecting too, so I can't wait to see where the characters story is going to go next! I also love the cover for this book! I know that the US and UK covers are different, but I do have to say that I prefer the UK cover! I love how well it suits the book and the model on the front is the perfect Harper! It also suits the cover for the second book perfectly too! Big thank you to Piatkus and Netgalley for an ARC of Burn and for having me on the UK Blog Tour!

Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy of Burn from Amazon UK and your copy of Blaze from Amazon UK
(Please click on the tour schedule to enlarge it!)

Author bio:

Suzanne Wright lives in England with her husband and two children. When she’s not spending time with her family, she’s writing, reading or doing her version of housework – sweeping the house with a look. She’s worked in a pharmaceutical company, at a Disney Store, at a primary school as a voluntary teaching assistant, at the RSCPA and has a First Class Honours degree in Psychology and Identity Studies.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Breaking Through [Breaking 03] by Juliana Haygert!

From the outside, Hilary Taylor has it all—beauty, money, a caring family, good friends—but inside she’s struggling, full of fears. Events from the past forever changed her, and though years of therapy have helped, she still has a long way to go…. No matter how much progress she’s made, Hil isn’t sure she’ll ever be able to trust men again. Especially one who sees her as nothing more than a pretty face. But Hil knows it’s time to face her fears, and the best way to do that is to start small.

To Guilherme Fernandes life is about three things: polo, parties and pretty girls—only one of which he takes seriously. Gui is too focused on his polo career to waste time on relationships, however he can’t help but be intrigued by the beautiful yet troubled Hil. So when she decides she’d like to learn more about horses, Gui is happy to find himself in the right place at the right time. But what was supposed to be a one time thing, soon turns into a weekly date.

As Gui helps her discover a new found love for horses, Hil’s guard begins to crumble. The more support Gui offers, the more she wants to accept…and the more the lines of friendship blur. Despite knowing better, Hil can’t help it as Gui slowly breaks through the walls she’s built. Now she has to decide if she’ll stop him there, or if she’ll finally let her fear go and allow Gui to reach for her heart.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks or Google Play

Author bio:

While Juliana Haygert dreams of being Wonder Woman, Buffy, or a blood elf shadow priest, she settles for the less exciting—but equally gratifying—life of a wife, mother, and author. Thousands of miles away from her former home in Brazil, she now resides in North Carolina and spends her days writing about kick-ass heroines and the heroes who drive them crazy.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Blended [Redemption 01] by Sasha Brümmer!

Clichéd sentiments of love are not my thing. Instead, I give into raw temptation and thrive on the physical aspects of what men have to offer. Unemotional, carnal connections are what I live for, and they seem to keep me in a blissfully naïve state.
I’ve gone years with a different man in a different bed each night, but one glance from a ruminating stranger as he lifts my panties to his nose narrows my attraction from multiple men to only one.
I’m not entirely sure how to process the thoughts and passions battling in my mind until he gives me no other choice…until I’m thrust into an unstable emotional high that I cannot seem to resist.
His objective is to break me in and savor me as if I’m his favorite bottle of single malt whiskey.
I’m well aware of my sensual dependencies. He’s unaware that his still exist.
Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!
Author bio:

A self-published author by night and all around busybody by day, Sasha is an international baby, born in gorgeous South Africa. Her cultured lifestyle is one that many don’t get to experience. When she’s not preoccupied with reading romance novels, she’s hashing out new ways to translate a titillating and libidinous scene onto a page.


Monday 22 August 2016

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: I Can't Die Alone by Regina Bartley!

She was alone on a journey to find a man she’d never met. She had a backpack filled with three days worth of clothing, and old photograph, and a letter dated 1997. With one goal in mind she set out to find the man from the letter, the man named Benjamin Cooper. The only thing that she knew about this man was that he was married to her mother many years ago, and according to his letter he loved her. That was the only conformation she needed to search for him.
Tori Holt had no family left that she knew of, and one chance to find someone to share her last days with. Otherwise, she’d die alone. The doctors said she wouldn’t live to see her twenty-first birthday, the birthday that was only three months away. Time was not on her side, but she didn’t care. Tori knew right from the beginning that this journey wouldn’t be easy. But it didn’t stop her, because nothing about her life had been easy.
Then she met Bo, the handsome boy who kept her company on a park bench. Bo was the son of a man named Benjamin, the man from a letter dated 1997.
The hardest part about finding love is letting it go.
The easiest part about the journey is the moment it all makes sense.

Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:
Regina is a contemporary romance writer from Kentucky. She lives there with her husband, kids, dog and cat. She can be found behind her computer, a good book, or watching sports. She loves to hear from her readers.

Sunday 21 August 2016

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Recipe For Lust by Alice Ward!

Combine two hot guys and one lonely girl. Add a teaspoon of longing and a pinch of drama, and what do you get? The perfect recipe for lust.

My life had been one big comfort zone — long term boyfriend, long term friends, long term boring life. I wanted sizzle. Something new. Something different. When they say you better be careful what you wish for… believe me, you better.

I’m Claire Walker, and on a whim, I applied for the hot reality show, Extreme Cuisine, to launch my dream career as a chef. I soon found out I’d bit off more than I could chew when I was ossed into the pressure cooker of the show.

Over nine long weeks, I served up my best, even while cameras and everyone else watched my every move. So, how does a good girl from LA end up in the tabloids with a famous chef, surrounded by scandal and betrayal? Welcome to my life…

Remember Claire from Unraveling the Billionaire? If you loved Lauren and Asher, you’ll adore Claire and her journey to step out of her comfort zone, take a few risks, and discover love. Beware, it’s hot in the kitchen. 18+

 This is a standalone book so even if you haven’t yet read Unraveling the Billionaire you can jump right into this one with no problems. HEA included.
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:

Alice Ward is the bestselling author of dozens of hot and steamy contemporary romances. She’s an amazingly prolific writer, releasing a new book almost every single month. Her books are widely read, especially by women and any other lovers of the romance genre. My Stepbrother, My Lover, was her first smash hit.

Alice lives in Miami with her hunky husband. The beach is her all time favorite place to relax with her laptop and write.

She might or might not have a thing for Gerard Butler (it’s the accent).

To find out what Alice is up to currently, visit authoraliceward.com.
