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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Omega [Omega 01] by Lizzy Ford!

Publication date: 25th October 2015
Paperback edition: -
Source: Paperback
Rating: 4.5 stars
Synopsis: In a modern world ruled by territorial Greek gods, the human race has been oppressed, exploited and now, nearly destroyed by the constant infighting of gods.

However, a human girl with the power of a goddess is coming of age. Alessandra is the Oracle of Delphi – the last prophesized – and bears the mark of the double omega. Soon after she turns eighteen, Alessandra is told her destiny: to step between the warring gods and the human race and save her world from certain ruin.

For the gods, her appearance marks the beginning of the end – their end. They and the Triumvirate – leaders of the human elite – who serve them will stop at nothing to preserve their power.

Alessandra emerges from the forest where she spent her life hidden from gods and men and immediately plummets into a race against time, gods, and herself to discover who and what she is in a world where everyone she meets has a hidden agenda, and those pulling the strings remain in the shadows.

Before she can determine exactly what kind of savior her world needs, she must first master her power by completing three trials devised by the Triumvirate to enslave her.

One lone girl stands between warring gods and the people she’s destined to protect, but it’s the battle to understand who she is that she must win first.

This author has loads of books out, and I've read a few of them and loved them! I'm head over heels in love with the cover of this book, so I knew I had to read the story behind it! I've also read a couple of books that centre around Greek gods before, so I was looking forward to reading this one, and it sounded amazing! I also received a proof ARC from the author before I was accepted on this Blog Tour, so I had started to read it! I enjoyed this book! It was a brilliant fantasy book and had such an interesting plot! Like the other books from this author that I've read, I also had to read every word in this book to understand the plot lol! I tend to sometimes skim a page if there's a lot of unnecessary description, but I felt like I missed a lot if I did that with this book! I also haven't read the Omega Beginnings Miniseries, so it did take me a few chapters to full understand what was going on in the plot lol! I loved the plot though, and it developed so well! There was romance, mystery and a bit of action! This book also took me like a week to get through lol! I enjoyed it though, and it was very unique! The characters were also awesome! Alessandra 'Lyssa' was the main character, and she was someone that had a lot of responsibility on her shoulders, but wasn't aware of just how much responsibility! I loved Alessandra! She stood up for herself and she wanted to restore peace and freedom in the world! I had so much respect for Alessandra and she came a long way in this book! She was quite naïve at the start, as she didn't really know anything about her power, but as the book progressed she learned who she was and she learned about the amount of power she had! There were also quite a few secondary characters in this book, and they all added a lot to the plot! Some characters where good and some were bad! There were also a few that I wasn't sure what to think about lol! I would say that the main secondary characters were Niko, Dosy, Herakles and Adonis, and each one added something different to the plot! Niko was the bad guy, Dosy was Alessandra's friend (I think lol), Herakles was the father figure in Alessandra's life, and I would say that Adonis was Alessandra's love interest! This book was mainly written from Alessandra's point of view, but there were a few more different point of views in it too! The different point of views added a lot to the plot and they let you find out more about what was going on in the plot! I can't wait to read the next book in this series! I enjoyed this book, even if I did have to read every sentence to understand it all lol, and I can't wait to see where it's going to go next! The ending was also left at a really good and satisfying place! It wasn't a big cliff-hanger, but it wasn't resolved or anything! I would also recommend reading the Omega Beginnings Miniseries, before this book! The cover for this book is absolutely stunning! I loved it as soon as I saw it and it suits the book so well! Big thank you to Lizzy for an ARC of Omega and to Xpresso Book Tours for having me on the Blog Tour!

Check it out on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy from Amazon or Barnes and Noble

Author bio:
Lizzy Ford is the award winning, internationally acclaimed author of over thirty five books written for young adult, new adult and adult romance readers, to include the internationally bestselling Rhyn Trilogy, Witchling Series and the War of Gods series. Considered a freak of nature by her peers for the ability to write and release a commercial quality novel in under a month, Lizzy has focused on keeping her readers happy by producing brilliant, gritty romances that remind people why true love is a trial worth enduring.


Tuesday 29 September 2015

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Forever with You [Wait for You 05] by Jennifer L. Armentrout!

In the irresistibly sexy series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout, two free spirits find their lives changed by a one-night stand…Some things you just believe in, even if you've never experienced them. For Stephanie, that list includes love. It's out there. Somewhere. Eventually. Meanwhile she's got her job at the mixed martial arts training center and hot flings with gorgeous, temporary guys like Nick. Then a secret brings them closer, opening Steph's eyes to a future she never knew she wanted—until tragedy rips it away.

Nick's self-assured surface shields a past no one needs to know about. His mind-blowing connection with Steph changes all that. As fast as he's knocking down the walls that have kept him commitment-free, she's building them up again, determined to keep the hurt—and Nick—out. But he can't walk away. Not when she's the only one who's ever made him wish for forever . . .
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks

Author bio:

# 1 New York Times and # 1 International Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing, she spends her time reading, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV. Her young adult romantic suspense novel DON’T LOOK BACK was a 2014 nominated Best in Young Adult Fiction by YALSA.

She also writes Adult and New Adult contemporary and paranormal romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

Author Photo--JLA_J. Lynn

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Monday 28 September 2015

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Never Say Never by Emily Goodwin!


   A tear rolls down her cheek and she bites her lip, trying not to cry. Then her face breaks and her shoulders slump forward. I stand there, shaking, terrified of the raw emotion. My heart breaks for her and I rush forward, wrapping her in my arms as she sobs. It’s beautiful and it’s tragic, and in that moment, I’ve never felt anything more real. 
   The pain. The sorrow. Her loss. The darkness I try to hard to keep out, that I fight tooth and nail but can never fully avoid. I hold her and feel it all. It swarms around me, filling me, hurting me, opening my eyes. I realize everything I’ve done to desperately hold it together slowly chipped away at me until there was nothing left, nothing but a shell of a man with an empty heart that I never though was capable of feeling anything but hurt. A heart I thought was never worthy of a second chance, was never capable of redemption. 
   It’s then that I realize I never, ever want to let her go. 
   And it’s crazy, because I don’t know her—really know her—but there is something so intimate about holding someone as they cry. It exposes so much, and you can’t hold back as the tears fall and the sadness comes out in waves. I feel my own eyes mist over. I close them and cradle Haley close to me. 
   “There’s nothing wrong with you,” I tell her. “I promise you that.” 
   “Look at me,” she repeats. “Have you ever had a date end this way?”
   “Our date didn’t even start,” I say. “And hey, you didn’t go crazy and shave your head, so I say you’re doing all right.” 
   She laughs, and her arms slowly wrap around me. Something inside me relaxes. I sit and pull her onto my lap and we stay there in silence for a few minutes. Gently, I push her hair out of her face. “Want that drink now?” She laughs again and nods. 
   “I need that drink now.” She stands up and wipes her eyes, smearing her makeup across her cheeks. “And really, I won’t hold it against you or call the tabloids on you if you drop me off at home and call it a night.” 
   Tabloids? The word is jarring. For a few minutes I was the real Aiden again…and I didn’t mind. “It’s up to you, Haley. I’m not mad or upset, so don’t worry. I don’t like seeing you sad, and if you’d like, I want to try and cheer you up.” 
   “I’d like that.” 
   I stand and drape my arm around her. “Are you hungry? I can go get the food.” 
   “I am. And thanks, Aiden. I…I don’t know.” 
   “What?” I probe. 
   “I’m surprised by your kindness.” 
   “Ouch,” I say with a chuckle. “Thanks?”
   She smiles and takes a step toward the restaurant. “Hey, you can’t really blame me, can you?”
   I can’t, because I’ve fooled the world—and at times, myself—about who I really am. The partying, the women, the excessive spending, and run-ins with the American law…okay, so maybe I had a reputation. “No, I can’t. But I’m glad I surprised you.”
My life was full of nevers.

It was never supposed to go this way. I was never supposed to lose Mom so soon. I was never supposed to worry about making ends meet, to worry about losing the farm. I never thought I’d be working a job I hate, with a boss who was more interested in what was under my shirt than in my head. Saving neglected and abused horses had been my whole life. It was my reprieve, my sanity, my last saving grace in a cruel world. I never thought I’d grow to resent it, but I guess there is a first for everything.

Then I met him.

The Hollywood playboy. The entitled, cocky asshole that I can’t get out of my head. I never thought there could be more to him than sex appeal and an infamous reputation of loving and leaving. I never thought I’d fall for him, put my heart on the line, and risk letting him completely destroy me.

But you know what they tell you…never say never.
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:
Emily Goodwin is the author of the twice banned dark romance, STAY, as well as over a dozen other titles. Emily writes all types of romance, from love stories set in the zombie apocalypse to contemporary romances taking place on a western horse ranch. Emily lives in Indiana with her husband, children, and many pets, including a German Shepherd named Vader. When she isn't writing, Emily can be found riding her horses, designing and making costumes, and sitting outside with a good book.


love 2

Sunday 27 September 2015

Release Day Blitz: A Paper Trail [My Paper Heart 03] by Magan Vernon!

   He moved the strap of my dress to the side and his lips lingered just above my skin before he kissed my shoulder, then moved his mouth to my neck, causing goose bumps to form everywhere his lips grazed. "One of the many reasons why you're the best," he whispered.
   An involuntary moan escaped my lips as his finger tip-toed down to my thighs. His hands splayed against my warm flesh while his thumbs inched up the hemline of my dress. Delicately slow, his thumbs slid under my dress and ran along the silk of my underwear.
   "Do you think this is the place to be doing that, especially when you have a new tattoo?" I asked, but knew the moment his fingers slipped beneath my panties that I didn't exactly care where we were.
   "Doing what exactly?" he whispered before nipping at my ear.
   I opened my mouth to speak but instead only a whimper came out when he ran his thumb along my center.
   "Hmmm..." He raised an eyebrow, his eyes locked on mine in the mirror. Blaine slid one finger inside of me while his thumb circled my sensitive flesh.
   I had to bite down hard on my bottom lip to keep from moaning as I pushed myself against his hand, burying his fingers deeper. My whole body perked up from his touch and I felt more alive than I had all day. All it took was one hook of his finger and I was coming hard on him and couldn't hold in the little gasp that escaped my lips.
   "Damn, baby, you're so wet," Blaine whispered into my shoulder.
   I arched my back and moaned again as he twirled his fingers inside of me. He put one hand on my waist and then slowly pulled his hand back. I whimpered, already missing the feel of him. But he quickly spun me around so that I was facing him.
   With his free hand, he pulled me toward him and I melted into him as his mouth met mine, his tongue dancing behind my lips as if he were savoring all of me.
   I groaned, sliding my panties off, wanting to be closer. Wanting him to take me. Yes we were in the bathroom of a tattoo parlor, but there was something about his bare chest, the way his hands roamed, and I found myself panting with need.
   "Think anyone is going to notice you're gone?" I asked, undoing his belt.
   He grinned and pulled his wallet out of his back pocket. "N—"
   Before he could finish his word, a knock came at the door. "Hey, you two aren't knocking boots in there, are you?"
   "Shit," Blaine muttered.
   I picked my underwear off the ground and shoved them in my purse. "Guess we'll have to continue this later," I whispered.
   Blaine cocked an eyebrow and looked at my purse, then to me. "If you're not going to wear those, then that's all I'm going to be thinking about."
   I shot him a wink before opening the door to a wide-eyed Don. Then I looked back at Blaine. "Think all you want."

Passing her first semester of community college? Done.

Getting her boyfriend an amazing birthday gift? Done.

Throwing up in New Orleans on said boyfriend's birthday? Yeah...about that...
Everything in Libby's life was falling into place...or she thought it was.

After a night of sin in New Orleans, she thought she might just be sick from exhaustion but a trip to the doctor proved otherwise.

Now instead of moving forward, her and commit-a-phobic boyfriend Blaine Crabtree have to go in a completely new direction.

Every road block has gotten in their way. Everything to tear them apart. Now they have to figure out if they are strong enough to move forward or if this is the end of their paper trail.

Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks or Google Play
Author bio:
Magan Vernon has been living off of reader tears since she wrote her first short story in 2004. She now spends her time killing off fictional characters, pretending to plot while she really just watches Netflix, and she tries to do this all while her two young children run amuck around her Texas ranch.

Saturday 26 September 2015

Stacking The Shelves [5]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

I, unfortunately, haven't bought any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.
Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

(Thank you, Magan!)

Friday 25 September 2015

Release Day Blitz: The Air He Breathes [Elements 01] by Brittainy C. Cherry!

I was warned about Tristan Cole.

“Stay away from him,” people said.
“He’s cruel.”
“He’s cold.”
“He’s damaged.”

It’s easy to judge a man because of his past. To look at Tristan and see a monster.

But I couldn’t do that. I had to accept the wreckage that lived inside of him because it also lived inside of me.

We were both empty.
We were both looking for something else. Something more.
We both wanted to put together the shattered pieces of our yesterdays.

Then perhaps we could finally remember how to breathe.


Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:
Brittainy Cherry has been in love with words since the day she took her first breath. She graduated from Carroll University with a Bachelors Degree in Theatre Arts and a minor in Creative Writing. She loves to take part in writing screenplays, acting, and dancing--poorly of course. Coffee, chai tea, and wine are three things that she thinks every person should partake in! Brittainy lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her family. When she's not running a million errands and crafting stories, she's probably playing with her adorable pets.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Release Blitz & Giveaways: Sinful Desire [Sinful Nights 02] by Lauren Blakely!

He gave her the most mind-blowing night of pleasure ever. He made her want to get down on her knees. He dominated her in ways she'd only dreamed of. And she didn't even know his name...

It’s what Ryan Sloan values most. Control of his business, control of his secrets, control of his days and nights. With the way his life spiraled in the past, he needs to stay in charge of his present.

Giving up control.

It’s what Sophie Winston craves. After a wildly successful career, she’s stepped away from the business world and is now focused on her work as her city’s most noted philanthropist.

When she meets Ryan Sloan, the chemistry is scorching, and utterly undeniable. Their desire for each other runs red hot. He wants everything she’s willing to give him in bed, and she wants him to take her to new heights as only he can.

Soon, he has to have more. All of her — heart, mind and body.

The only trouble is, he hasn’t been honest about how he met her and the dangerous connection he has to her brother.

When the truth is revealed, he’ll have to give more of himself than he’s bargained for or risk losing the only woman he’s ever let into his heart.

SINFUL DESIRE is book two in SINFUL NIGHTS, a four-book series. Each book will follow a new couple.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks or Google Play
Author bio:

Lauren Blakely writes sexy contemporary romance novels with heat, heart, and humor, and she has had eight books on the New York Times Bestseller list and fourteen on the USA Today Bestseller list. Like the heroine in her novel, FAR TOO TEMPTING, she thinks life should be filled with family, laughter, and the kind of love that love songs promise. Lauren lives in California with her husband, children, and dogs. She loves hearing from readers! Her bestselling series include Sinful Nights, Seductive Nights, No Regrets, Caught Up in Love, and Fighting Fire. She recently released SWEET SINFUL NIGHTS, the first novel in her new sexy romance series Sinful Nights that became an instant New York Times Bestseller. Her new adult forbidden romance, 21 Stolen Kisses, hit e-readers in May and landed on the USA Today Bestseller list. In September, she'll release SINFUL DESIRE, her next title in the bestselling SINFUL NIGHTS series. She also writes for young adults under the name Daisy Whitney. To receive an email when Lauren releases a new book, text BLAKELY + your email address to 678-249-3375 (please use the actual + sign).

Feeling the Desire to have a Sinful night of your own? Then you’ll want to take the Sinful Nights quiz and answer fun trivia questions about the Sinful Nights series! To celebrate the release of SINFUL DESIRE on September 22nd, Lauren is giving away a $500 gift card for a stay at the Ritz Carlton nearest you!*
Everything you need to turn your fantasy into reality and enter the Sinful Nights contest during release week can be found in the back of the SINFUL DESIRE eBook, including the short quiz in the book that you have to complete to enter the contest. The SINFUL DESIRE eBook is the ONLY location with the link to the quiz. The release week contest runs through Saturday, September 26, ONLY, so you’ll have to make this read a quickie to enter to win this awesome prize! In addition to the grand prize, there are several other great prizes in the giveaway!
So grab your copy of SINFUL DESIRE today! Get ready to ignite your passion and dive into SINFUL DESIRE on release day!
*Please note: If you are the winner and there is no Ritz Carlton near you, you may opt to receive a $500 gift card to any Marriott property, or Marriott-owned hotel.
**If you purchase the paperback and would like to participate in the contest, please contact Lauren at lauren@laurenblakely.com for instructions. 
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Wednesday 23 September 2015

Blog Tour & Giveaway: For A Reason by T.N. Cole!

   I reached up and pushed Kate’s hair out of her face. It was pulled to one side, but it had long fallen out of the updo it was in when the sight of her first took my breath away tonight. I lightly traced my fingers over the bandage covering the right side of her forehead and I hovered over the outline of some of the bruises and scratches. I watched my fingers, and I felt her watching me—waiting for me to tell her something. I wanted so badly to trace her lips on my exploration of her face—to feel her breath on my fingertips. But, I forced myself to pull back. “Don’t look at me like that,” I finally whispered.
   “Like what?” she frowned.
   “Don’t look at me like I saved you. I’m the reason this happened to you. You’re looking at me like you’re so happy that I’m here. Those guys shouldn’t have slipped something in your drink, or whatever they did. If I were paying attention, they wouldn’t have almost made off with you. I did this to you, and don’t you fucking forget it.” I stopped to take a deep, shuddering breath and buried my face in my hands.
   “Funny,” Kate said coldly as she leaned forward. “I didn’t peg you as the victim type.”
   I reared back. “What?”
   “You heard me,” she snapped. “I was the one who had something slipped in my drink. And apparently, I was the one who was almost kidnapped. But I wasn’t. Because you stopped them from taking me. You brought me here. I’m safe. So, quit the pity party on yourself.”
   My hands had fallen from my face during her tirade to meet her now angry glare. I didn’t know if I was supposed to be mad at what she was saying or not, but I didn’t have the time to figure it out because she wasn’t done yet. “Do you know how Aimee knew to go get you from the waiting room? I begged her to go get you because, somehow, I knew you would be there. I knew you were the one who saved me from whatever caused me to end up in the freaking hospital. So, none of this is your fault. Yes, we shouldn’t have separated, but that’s on both of us. But, it’s not my fault or your fault that some asshole roofied me, capisce?”
   She was breathing heavily by the end of her rant. She slowly fell back against the pillows, closing her eyes. I watched her as she got her breathing under control, knowing I had to choose my next words carefully. I didn’t want to upset her more, and I knew that everything she said was true. “Hey. Kate.” I threaded my fingers through hers and waited until she slowly opened her eyes to peek at me. “You’re right. You’re absolutely right. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you more; it’s just... You were so gorgeous tonight. I wanted you to stay by me, but I couldn’t ask you for that. And all of a sudden, I couldn’t find you, and then you were almost kidnapped, and I couldn’t get you to open your eyes. I couldn’t see your beautiful brown eyes,” I was so quiet; I knew she had to be straining to hear me. I didn’t want her to know how helpless I had felt. How I felt like I had failed and lost all over again. And how my feelings for her were getting too intense and they were scaring me.
   She tightened her grip on my hand. “I heard you, you know. Through the haze, you said ‘Katelyn, please’. And that’s how I knew something was wrong. So, I fought to wake up. You brought me back.”
   I closed my eyes, fighting off the onslaught of emotion threatening to take over me. If only I had been able to save Mel like I was able to save Kate. I didn’t know what else to say. I was exhausted and I knew she had to be in even worse shape than I was. “You should get some rest, Kate. We can talk in the morning. I’ll be here. I’m not going to leave you.”

She loved me. 
I failed her. 
She loves me.
I'll break her. 
Tristan Westdyke seems to have it all: he's handsome, athletic, smart, and admired. What people don't see beyond the façade, though, is the pain and guilt eating away at his soul. Blaming himself for the loss of another person, Tristan trudges through life not allowing himself to feel. 
But when the beautiful and energetic Katelyn Sharp barrels into his life, Tristan is helpless to resist emotions long buried. A connection slowly grows between the two, yet secrets and deceit threaten to shatter the fragile trust and love they’ve found. 
Can two people who have been hurt and betrayed open their hearts up once more? Can both accept that all may have happened For a Reason?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Kobo

Author bio:
T.N. Cole spends her time seeking new adventures, determined to make her life a memorable story. A recent graduate with a bachelor in biology, T.N. is headed to graduate school at Texas Tech to pursue her long time dream of becoming a pharmacist. When she's not reading, writing, or studying, you'll find her trying to stay out of trouble or planning her ultimate dream of traveling the world.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Release Day Blitz: Even Better [Stripped 2.5] by Skye Warren!

A story about how coming together can break us apart…

An old military friend of Blue’s comes to stay with us, and suddenly I have two muscled men surrounding me. Before I can take a breath, we’re diving into something dirty together—something dangerous. Dangerous because three is a crowd.

This is Blue’s best friend, and one of us will have to leave.
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:
Skye Warren is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of dark romance.

Monday 21 September 2015

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Switch [Spark 05] by Jennifer Ryder!

   If I poke him, will it be like waking an angry bear? I’m tempted, but I won’t. That’d be a bitchy thing to do. We might be living under the same roof, but we lead separate lives. And that’s how I want it. Completely separate. Removed. His business is his, and mine is mine.
   I take a step backward and step on something metal. I crouch down and pick up a spoon. I look around underneath the coffee table, and find an empty glass bowl with remnants of green an inch below the rim.
   Snatching up the bowl, the cruel absence of what I was planning to eat when I got home tonight mocks me.
   The motherfucker ate my jelly.
   “Hey,” I bark out with a hard shove to his shoulder.
   Rocco grumbles and swings his head back violently, one eye open as he searches me out. “Who the ... what the fuck?” he hisses. Rolling onto his side, he props himself up and falls back into the couch cushions and runs his fingers down his face. His dark brown, almost-black eyes drill me, as he runs his tongue over his bottom teeth. The whites of his eyes are scattered with red, and beads of sweat lace his brow and down the sides of his face. He looks like shit. More accurately, he looks like someone who greedily smashed a bottle of primo tequila last night.
   “You ate my jelly,” I say, shoving the bowl towards him.
   He shrugs and his lip curls to the side. “I was hungry,” he says with a challenging gaze.
   “You were fucking hungry? I haven’t been here even twenty-four hours and you’re helping yourself to my food?”
   He scoffs, and I want to punch him in the face.
   “It’s jelly,” he says, with a roll of his eyes. “It’s like a dollar or some shit. I’ll buy a packet. Bloody hell, I’ll buy two. No need to get your fuckin’ panties in a bunch.”
   He sits up and rakes his fingers back through the longer strands of dark hair on the top of his head. He slouches farther into the couch, one hand scratching at the faded black T-shirt adorning his chest, the other hand sliding between his legs and adjusting himself.
   Fucking men.
   “I’m not pissed about the fact it costs bugger all. I don’t touch your shit and you don’t touch mine. Got it?”
   I turn on my heel, flicking my ponytail over my shoulder. I couldn’t be arsed waiting for his response. I can’t imagine I’ll like it anyway.
   “Fine,” he grumbles.
   “And would it kill you to put the bloody toilet seat down?” I throw at him as I walk out the door.
   His laughter echoes into the stairwell, right before the door slams shut.

With an ex fiancé leaving her in debt, breaking up with her girlfriend and struggling to find a place she can afford, Sophie McKenna has hit an all-time low. Everyone thinks she’s a lesbian, and she likes it that way, but her estranged parents know better.

The foul-mouthed motocross mechanic, Rocco De Luca, only has his incarcerated brother left. Every day is a battle of the mind and of the bottle. Tequila and easy women soothe the pain, but they never fill the void.

Rocco doesn’t mind offering his spare room to the hot lesbian he refers to as ‘Suds’. She won’t be clingy, far from it, and he’s keen on the idea of getting to see a bit of girl on girl action.

With such volatile personalities under the same roof, and being in April and Spencer’s wedding party, they both have to learn to get along, even though they can’t stand each other.

He never thought he might actually grow to like her.

She never thought she might actually hate him less.
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks
Author bio:
New Adult and erotic romance writer, and author of the Spark series.

A sexy imagination, a life-long love of books and a sucker for romance, Jennifer Ryder couldn't stifle her creativity any longer.

Writing steamy adult romance has become her new focus. Living on a rural property in New South Wales, Australia, she enjoys the best of city and country.

Her loving husband is ever willing to provide inspiration, and her two young cherubs, and sheep that don't see fences as barriers, keep life more than interesting.

Jennifer placed third in the International Stringybark Erotic Short Fiction Award 2013.


Saturday 19 September 2015

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Fractured Suns [Broken Skies 02] by Theresa Kay!

   I push the door open and slide through. The door closes behind me, leaving me in the dark, and my hand instinctively searches the wall for a light switch.
   A familiar voice in the darkness. “Jax?”
   I inhale sharply at the naked hope in that sound and the flare of elation that crashes into me from somewhere across the room. Squinting my eyes, I try to make him out. “Can I get some light here?” I say. “Not all of us can see in the dark.”
   There’s movement to my left, and then a soft blue light fills the room. Not much, but enough for my eyes to finally find his.
   “Hello.” Lir’s eyes travel over my face with a longing look. He steps forward until he’s within two feet of me, the closest we’ve been to each other in weeks.
   If Rym looked tired, Lir looks exhausted. The charcoal-colored uniform he wears highlights the dark bags under his eyes and contrasts deeply with the paleness of his skin. The gold in his hair and eyes looks tarnished and dull. He’s lost weight, too—his features are more gaunt than angular.
   “How have you been?” he says.
   His almost nonchalant greeting is making it easy for me to hold on to the fire of my anger, and I inject my words with heat. “How have I been?” My voice creeps up with each word. “What the hell? You asked me to come here, to risk not only my life but everyone else’s, to ask me how I’ve been? I’ve been just peachy. How about you?” I close my eyes and take a deep breath, swallowing back the other words that are fighting to pass my lips: Why did you leave me? I’ve missed you. I’m sorry.
   When I open my eyes again, he’s moved closer. I’m frozen in his gaze, a burn forming behind my eyes from the tears I refuse to let him see.
   He lifts one eyebrow in a graceful arch. “Based on the context in which I have heard you use that word… I believe I’ve been peachy too.”
   A sound that’s half laugh, half sob explodes from my mouth, and I throw myself into his arms. It’s the only thing I’ve really wanted to do since the moment I saw him, and though I know it’s stupid and impulsive, I can’t hold myself back anymore. There’s still a whisper of suspicion in the back of my mind, but I ignore it.
   Lir jolts, a splash of cautious elation flowing from him, before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close to his chest. One of his hands presses into the small of my back, a slight tremble in his fingers. He relaxes into the hug. His arms and shoulders loosen and his breathing steadies.
We came in peace. Lie.
We had no role in the Collapse. Lie.
I have always been honest. Lie.
I never lied to her. Truth.

Reunited with her brother, and surrounded by Flint, Peter and her new-found grandfather, Jax Mitchell has still never felt more alone. The choice to follow Rym back to the city to find answers and see Lir is an easy one, but their reunion is cut short and Jax is forced to leave Lir behind. She finds herself traveling with some unexpected companions and heading back toward a place she’d hoped to never see again.

After being imprisoned—and tortured—on the orders of his uncle, Lir hasn’t seen daylight or linked to anyone in weeks. After a lifetime of connection, the pain and loneliness is almost too much to bear. Elated that Jax actually came, Lir finds renewed hope and strength to continue fighting his uncle’s influence over the E’rikon, even when things look hopeless and Lir’s been branded a traitor by the very people he’s trying to save.

While Jax and Lir fight separate battles, their missions have more in common than they realize. It’s a race against time to stop men driven only by greed and power. But the people they trust the most might be the very people working against them—and “family” doesn’t mean what it used to. Will they recognize their friends from their enemies in time to save the people they love or will they lose each other in the process?
Check it out on Goodreads!
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Author bio:
The only person she knows who had a subscription to Writer's Digest at eleven and was always excited to write research papers, Theresa has been putting words to paper since a young age. Living in the mountains of central Virginia with her husband and two kids, she works as a paralegal by day, binges on Netflix at night and finds bits of time in between reading almost everything she can get her hands on and laundry to craft stories that tend to feature broken characters in sci-fi or paranormal worlds, with a touch of romance thrown in for good measure.

She's constantly lost in one fictional universe or another and is a self-proclaimed "fangirl" who loves being sucked in to new books or TV shows. Theresa originally wanted to write horror novels as an ode to her childhood passion for Stephen King novels, but between her internal Muse's ramblings and the constant praise for her sci-fi pieces from her writer's group - The Rebel Writers - she knew she should stick with what was working.


Friday 18 September 2015

Cover Reveals & Giveaway: Love and Art Series by Stella London!

The Art of Stealing Hearts [Love and Art 01]

“The bid is at five million dollars. Going once…”

This morning, I was waiting tables and dreaming of an internship at San Francisco’s most famous auction house . Now I have my paddle in the air, bidding more money than I can imagine for a priceless painting – and all because of him.

“Going twice…”

Charles St. Clair is a famous British billionaire, and the most seductive man I’ve ever met. I can’t get him out of my head, and he’s not letting me get away. He’s offered the chance of a lifetime, all I need to do is say ‘yes’.

“Sold, to the lady in the front row!”

Things like this don’t happen to girls like me – or do they? All I know is, I’m going to enjoy the ride.
Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

The Art of Stealing Kisses [Love and Art 02]

A priceless painting. A devastatingly handsome new boss.
A mystery I can’t resist.

Ever since billionaire art collector Charles St Clair crashed into my life, my whole world’s turned upside down. Now I’m trading my old waitress uniform for designer gowns, and bad blind dates for steamy hookups with the most eligible bachelor in town. But a string of daring art heists is turning heads - and all the clues point to St Clair.

Who is the man behind the myth? And what secrets is he hiding behind that million-dollar smile?
All I know is, I’m going to enjoy unwrapping the truth.
Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!
The Art of Stealing Forever [Love and Art 03]

Charles St Clair’s secret is out. My billionaire art collector boss has been hiding a double life - and now he wants me in on the deal.

I’ve never been one to break the rules, but there’s something about him I can’t resist.

 It’s thrilling. Intoxicating.

Sexy as hell.

But how far can we go before someone gets caught?

I’m going to find out.
Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Author bio:
Stella London is a romance lover turned newbie author. After a childhood spent traveling in Europe, she now calls New York City her home - but still keeps a flame burning for those sexy foreign accents. She loves strong coffee, new shoes, and handsome men in a well-cut suit.
