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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Saturday 31 January 2015

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Scorch [Delirious 03] by Clarissa Wild!

 Sweet revenge keeps her alive … and drives her to kill.

I am the forgotten one, the girl who was left for dead.
In this mental hospital I call prison I plot my revenge.
I remember everything.
Their faces. Their touch. Even their smell.
What they did to me was beyond cruel. I’m going to return the favor.
In here I survive by using someone just as they used me. One of them wants to claim me as his own. A man without mercy, without a conscience, craving the wickedness inside me. But I won’t be a puppet for his desires. I will play his strings like a puppeteer and use him to escape.
And when I do … I will kill them all.
Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!
Pre-order your copy from Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Google Play or iBooks
Author bio:
Clarissa Wild is the USA Today Bestselling author of FIERCE, a college romance series, but she's best known for the dark Romance novel Mr. X. She is also a writer of erotic romance such as the Blissful Series, The Billionaire's Bet series, the Doing It Series and the Enflamed Series. She is an avid reader and writer of sexy stories about hot men and feisty women. Her other loves include her furry cat friend and learning about different cultures. In her free time she enjoys watching all sorts of movies, reading tons of books and cooking her favorite meals. Check out my sexy books: http://smarturl.it/clarissawildbooks


HERE to head over to Clarissa Wild's Facebook Page and enter the giveaway!
love p

Friday 30 January 2015

Book Blitz & Giveaway: State of Alliance [Collapse 05] by Summer Lane!

There is no such thing as safe.

For Commander Cassidy Hart, staying alive is only one of her day-to-day problems. As a newly minted Senator of the State of California, she must travel to Monterey Bay with the hope of bringing an agreement between the militia forces and the Pacific Northwest Alliance as the United States desperately battles against the shadow invasion forces of Omega.

But Monterey is not what it seems. The threat of another Omega attack looms on the horizon, and Commander Chris Young - the love of Cassidy's life - is not the only important person in Cassidy's life who is keeping secrets. Assassinations, betrayal and startling revelations lie ahead.

The war is now. Fight or die.

Choose your side.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Summer Lane is the author of the international bestselling Collapse Series and Zero Trilogy. She owns WB Publishing and Writing Belle, an online magazine dedicated to the Art of Storytelling. Summer is also an accomplished creative writing teacher and professional journalist. She lives in the Central Valley of California where she creates her stories and shares them with the world.



Thursday 29 January 2015

Release Day Blitz: The Hysterics by Kristen Hope Mazzola!

 Once upon a time, I was Fallon Dunbar.

Rock and roll, drugs, and bad decisions were the life I lived.

I’d fallen so deep into the dark rabbit hole that I was certain I would never make it out alive. People like me didn’t get second chances. People like me didn’t get lifted from the darkness. So when the opportunity showed up, I had to take it.
I walked away from everything I loved, everything that was killing me, and I became Fae Dunham. After that, I hid behind makeup, long sleeves, and a closed-off heart.

All was well until I met Dane Pearson. He wasn’t convinced of the new me, and whenever he was near, I felt like the old me, the real me, filled with passion and a love for music. Every day was a struggle of self-discovery. Every day was a fight to not fall back down the rabbit hole. And every day, somehow, someway, I slowly began to discover what it meant to find myself.

It was a hysteric ride, but it was ours. And I wouldn’t change a thing.​

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

You want to know more about me? Well, let's see...
I am just an average twenty-something following my dreams. I have a full time "day job" and by night I am author. I guess you could say that writing is like my super power (I always wanted one of those). I am the lover of wine, sushi, football and the ocean; that is when I am not wrapped up in the literary world.
Please feel free to contact me to chat about my writing, books you think I'd like or just to shoot the, well you know.
A portion of all my royalties are donated to The Marcie Mazzola Foundation.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Just Let Me Love You [Judge Me Not 03] by S.R. Grey!

No one ever said a lasting love would be easy.

When Chase and Kay hit the streets of Las Vegas, the goal is simple—rescue Will, Chase’s brother, from making the biggest mistake of his young life. But keeping Will out of trouble turns out not to be the only obstacle in Chase and Kay’s path. Finding himself back in the city that broke him, Chase’s heartbreaking past threatens to derail all the progress he’s made.

However, Chase is determined not to let that happen.

While striving to help Will before he implodes, Chase seeks to come to terms with the things that almost destroyed him. He soon discovers that the answers to the most complicated questions sometimes lie in one’s own heart. You just have to be willing to dig deep enough to find them.

Can Chase succeed in doing that?

Just Let Me Love You is a story of healing, letting go, and trusting love to guide you. The conclusion of the Judge Me Not trilogy brings everything full circle.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon or Barnes and Noble

Author bio:

S.R. Grey is an Amazon Top 100 and Barnes & Noble Top 100 Bestselling author. She is the author of the popular Judge Me Not series, as well as the Inevitability duology and A Harbour Falls Mystery trilogy. Ms. Grey’s novels have appeared on Amazon and Barnes & Noble bestseller lists in multiple categories, including #1 on the Barnes & Noble Nook Bestsellers list last year.

New novels slated for 2015 release dates are Inevitable Circumstances (Inevitability #2), and a New Adult novel to be revealed in the future.

Ms. Grey resides in Pennsylvania. She has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree, as well as an MBA. Her background is in business, but her true passion lies in writing. When not writing, Ms. Grey can be found reading, traveling, running, or cheering for her hometown sports teams.



Tuesday 27 January 2015

Release Day Blitz: Tease Me [Tease Me 01] by Emily Goodwin & Hardcore: Volume One [Hardcore 01] by Staci Hart!

Ellie Morgan has played the role of the good girl her entire life. She follows the rules, works hard, does what she’s supposed to do, and rarely takes an unnecessary risk. But when she’s turned down again and again for a promotion at work, Ellie decides she must do something drastic to prove her skills as a police officer to everyone at work…and to herself.

But the small drug deal she tries to bust turns out to be bigger and more dangerous than she ever imagined, and she finds herself kidnapped and smuggled across the border to Mexico. Her life is now in the hands of Alejandro Calaveras, a handsome and powerful cartel leader.

Alejandro promises not to kill her…as long as she agrees to obey him. With his dark eyes, tattoos, and devil-may-care attitude, Ellie agrees, knowing that submitting to someone as dangerous and sexy as Alejandro could be her undoing…or her escape.

From the moment he lays eyes on her, Alejandro is drawn to Ellie. As an American police officer, Ellie is the forbidden fruit, the enemy, the one who has the power to destroy him.

After he gets a taste, he wants more. And Alejandro always gets what he wants.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:
Emily Goodwin is the international best-selling author of the stand-alone novel STAY, The Guardian Legacies Series: UNBOUND, REAPER, MOONLIGHT (releasing 2014), The Beyond the Sea Series: BEYOND THE SEA, RED SKIES AT NIGHT (releasing 2015) and The Contagium Series: CONTAGIOUS, DEATHLY CONTAGIOUS, CONTAGIOUS CHAOS, THE TRUTH IS CONTAGIOUS (Permuted Press).Emily lives with her husband, daughter and German Shepherd named Vader. She has degrees in psychology and nursing. Along with writing, Emily enjoys riding her horse, designing and making costumes and Cosplay.
Hardcore: Volume One [Hardcore 01] by Staci Hart!
*** Part 1 of a 3 part serial *** 

Cory James has never known a life where she wasn’t running. Running from the cops, her home, her past. Running from love. The only time she’s free is when she throws on her hood and takes to the roofs to become a part of New York, to climb to a place in the city where she doesn’t feel alone. 

Stealing is nothing, lying inevitable, byproducts of survival. A way for Cory to provide for herself and for her younger sister, Jill, give her the life Cory couldn’t have. For five years, Cory set up a long line of teetering dominos, one by one, choice by choice. 

Meeting Van is the first domino to fall, and once they crash into each other, it’s only a matter of time before her whole world is in danger of falling apart. She can tell herself over and again that she doesn’t care, but it’s a lie. She knows it from the first time she says his name, but she can’t let him in, not when she has a job to do, a job that could rip her life apart at the seams. One that she’ll have to betray Van to finish. 

He’ll follow however high she can climb, but she can only run for so long before she has to choose.
Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon, Kobo or iBooks

Author bio:

Staci has been a lot of things up to this point in her life -- a graphic designer, an entrepreneur, a seamstress, a clothing and handbag designer, a waitress. Can't forget that. She's also been a mom; she has three little girls who are sure to grow up to break a number of hearts. She's been a wife; even though she's certainly not the cleanest, or the best cook. She's also super, duper fun at a party, especially if she's been drinking whiskey. Her favorite word starts with f and ends with k.

From roots in Houston, to a seven year stint in Southern California, Staci and her family ended up settling somewhere in between and equally north, in Denver. They are new enough that snow is still magical. When she's not writing, she's sleeping, gaming, or designing graphics.


Monday 26 January 2015

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Contractual by Alice Tribue!

They told me I’d be an escort; they made it sound so easy.

Really I’m just a high priced call girl.

Desperation brought me to this and it led me to him, my one and only client.

Hating him is easy, he reminds me of my shame.

Wanting him is wrong it fills me with guilt.

Loving him is a losing battle yet it’s become everything.

A gift and a curse, he consumes my every thought and I’d rather play my part in his bed than to spend one day without him.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Alice Tribue lives with her husband and daughter in New Jersey. She has a bachelors degree in communications and is currently working on her masters degree. She spends most of her free time reading, writing, and when the weather permits lounging out on a beach. 

Saturday 24 January 2015

Blog Tour: The Consequences of Sin By K.A. Robinson!

Publication date: 23rd January 2015
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: When the sun disappeared, the world was cast in shadows, hiding the evil that lay in wait. When it was dark, I hunted. The shadows caressed my body as I did things I could never do in the light of day.

Eighteen-year-old Bree Bowen has spent her entire life training and working as one of her father’s assassins. Fear has kept her and her best friend, Wes, under her father’s thumb—until now.

When Wes takes matters into his own hands, securing Bree a new identity and a plane ticket to America, he gives her the one chance she’s been desperately seeking.

Learning to live a new life isn’t easy. Add in her new roommate, Reid, who just happens to be a stripper, and things start to get a little crazy. Falling for a man has never been part of her plan, but she can’t seem to stay away from Reid.

When Bree’s past comes crashing back into her life, secrets that she’s fought to keep hidden are revealed, and she’s forced to choose between Reid and the life she could have with him, or Wes, the one man who has always loved her unconditionally.

Regardless of her choice, she must learn the consequences of sin.

I was really excited about this book when I first heard about it! All I had to go on was the synopsis, but that sealed the deal that I was definitely going to read it lol! I've also read quite a few of this author's other books and loved them, so I knew this book was going to be amazing! And then I saw the cover for this book! As if I needed something else to make me want it more lol! It I freaking loved this book! As soon as I stared reading it, I couldn't put it down until I had finished it! I was reading it every opportunity I got! It totally blew me away and I got through it in a few sittings! The plot was amazing! It was full of action, romance and suspense, which I loved! These three things make a plot for me, so I was really happy that they were all in this book! The plot was also developed at the perfect pace and the action and suspense were written brilliantly and the romance was seriously hot! I couldn't actually fault anything with the plot lol! Everything about it was amazing! The characters were just as amazing as the plot! Bree was the main character, and I actually felt really sorry for her in this book! All she wanted was to be free and live her life the way she wanted, but instead she was controlled by her father and she had to become a killer, which I could see was the last thing she wanted too be! Bree came a long way in this book though! She got her freedom and she was able to live without looking over her shoulder and do what she wanted with her life! I just loved Bree! She was a pretty kick-ass character and she could hold her own, which impressed me! She was really likeable as well and I connected brilliantly with her! Reid was the love interest of Bree, and he was seriously hot! And a stripper... Yep, you read that right lol! To me, this made him even hotter lol! I wish there were a few more stripper scenes though ;) I loved Reid! He was such a genuine guy who really was put in the middle of a very dangerous situation! He handled it really well though! Reid also reacted the exact same way I would have when he found out Bree's secrets! I liked that he gave her the chance to explain herself and that he was always there for her though it all! It told me a lot about the kind of guy he was! There was a bit of a love triangle in this book between Bree, Reid and Bree's best friend, Wesley! I was expecting this love triangle to become more apparent as the book developed, and it was! It wasn't the main focus of the plot though, which I loved, but the love triangle added a lot to the plot! I'm really sad that this book is a standalone! The ending was left at the perfect place and there weren't any unanswered questions, so I can understand why it is! The cover for this book suits it perfectly! I knew it was going too after I saw it, but after reading the book, I can see just how perfect it is! I absolutely love it! Big thank you to K.A. Robinson for an ARC of The Consequences of Sin and to Book Addict Mumma for having me on the Blog Tour!

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks
Author bio:

K.A. Robinson is the New York Times and USA Today Best Selling Author of The Torn Series and The Ties Series. She lives in a small town in West Virginia with her husband and toddler son. When she isn't writing, she is reading or listening to rock music.

Friday 23 January 2015

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Withering Hope by Layla Hagen!

Publication date: 19th January 2015
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle

Rating: 4 stars
Synopsis: Aimee’s wedding is supposed to turn out perfect. Her dress, her fiancé and the location—the idyllic holiday ranch in Brazil—are perfect.

But all Aimee’s plans come crashing down when the private jet that’s taking her from the U.S. to the ranch—where her fiancé awaits her—defects mid-flight and the pilot is forced to perform an emergency landing in the heart of the Amazon rainforest.

With no way to reach civilisation, being rescued is Aimee and Tristan’s—the pilot—only hope. A slim one that slowly withers away, desperation taking its place. Because death wanders in the jungle under many forms: starvation, diseases. Beasts.
As Aimee and Tristan fight to find ways to survive, they grow closer. Together they discover that facing old, inner agonies carved by painful pasts takes just as much courage, if not even more, than facing the rainforest.

Despite her devotion to her fiancé, Aimee can’t hide her feelings for Tristan—the man for whom she’s slowly becoming everything. You can hide many things in the rainforest. But not lies. Or love.

Withering Hope is the story of a man who desperately needs forgiveness and the woman who brings him hope. It is a story in which hope births wings and blooms into a love that is as
beautiful and intense as it is forbidden.
Favourite quote: "If he's a star and the night is claiming him, I want the night to take us both."

I was so excited about this book that it was one of my most anticipated reads for January! I couldn't wait to read it after I saw the cover and read the blurb! I then saw Blog Tour sign-ups and I quickly signed up! I was really excited when I got my ARC that I started reading it straightaway! After reading this book, I have to say that it wasn't as good as I was expecting it to be! I found that I liked it more than I loved it and I had a bit of a hard time connecting with the main characters, but I thought that the plot was awesome and developed nicely! The plot held my interest and I loved the whole plane crash scenario! I've read a few other books with the same sort of scenario and really enjoyed them, so I was excited to read this book and see if I enjoyed it just as much! There were also a few twist and turns in the plot to keep it interesting and some surprised me and left me desperate to read on and find out what was going to happen next! Overall, I enjoyed the plot and I loved how it all ended! As I said, I had a bit of a hard time connecting with the characters! Aimee was the main female character and I just couldn't connect with at the start of this book! I'm not sure why! I started to connect more with her as this book progressed though, and as Aimee grew as a character! She also learned a lot in this book too, which I loved! Aimee also impressed me in this book with her strength! At the start after the plane crash, she didn't really know how to cope, but as the situation progressed, she was able to take control and learn how to take care of herself! This was the Aimee I loved! She came a long way in this book, and impressed me as the book progressed! Tristan was the main male character and he was always putting Aimee first in this book! I loved that about him, but because of the situation they were in, Tristan should have been just as worried about his own safety as he was about Aimee's! I did respect him for putting Aimee first though, as he had more experience about surviving in the environment they were in! Tristan was also seriously hot and I could see that he had real feelings for Aimee! I loved Tristan, even though he was a bit hard for me to connect with! He came a long way in this book too, and it's true what the blurb says about him needing forgiveness! I'm so happy he found hope with Aimee! I really enjoyed that this book was written from both Aimee and Tristan's point of views! It made the plot better and I enjoyed getting to see their feelings for each other develop through both of their eyes! I can completely understand why this book is a standalone! Everything was resolved and the ending was absolutely beautiful! Tears were streaming down my face as I read it! It may just be one of my favourite endings! The cover for this book is absolutely stunning! It's what first drew me to the book and made me want to read the story behind it! Big thank you to Layla for an ARC of Withering Hope and to Xpresso Book Tours for having me on the Blog Tour!

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks or Kobo

Author bio:

My name is Layla Hagen and I am a New Adult Contemporary Romance author.
I fell in love with books when I was nine years old, and my love affair with stories continues even now, many years later.
I write romantic stories and can’t wait to share them with the world.
And I drink coffee. Lots of it, in case the photo didn’t make it obvious enough.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Book Blitz: Gable [The Powers That Be 01] by Harper Bentley!

Gable Powers had all the makings of everything my father had ever warned me about: a reputation that was anything but stellar, a dirty mouth that had me shivering at the things he uttered in my ear, and a body (oh, God, that body) that was covered in tattoos, all of which added up to a solid ten-point-oh on the bad-boy scale.

The first time I met him, I instantly loathed him.

The second time was even worse.

He was a jerk. He was an ass.

He had secrets.

He was nothing I thought I ever wanted.

So why couldn’t I resist him?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Kobo

Author bio:

Harper Bentley has taught high school English for 22 years. Although she’s managed to maintain her sanity regardless of her career choice, jumping into the world of publishing her own books goes to show that she might be closer to the ledge than was previously thought.

After traveling the nation in her younger years as a military brat, having lived in Alaska, Washington State and California, she now resides in Oklahoma with her teenage daughter, two dogs and one cat, happily writing stories that she hopes her readers will enjoy.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Blog Tour: Soft Shatter [Wolven Moon 01] by Dany Rae Miller!


   My hands over Shavone’s, I tighten my hoodie around her. She needs to keep it on — cover that beautiful, tempting ass of hers.
   I indicate the dart board with a nod. “Are you an ace at that, too?”
   She shakes her head. “No. I’ve never played darts before.”
   “Hallelujah.” I throw my head back. “Maybe I can win a portion of my pride back.” I run my hands up her waist and around to her back. “Will you let me teach you?”
   Yes, kitten, that was an innuendo. I want to teach you a lot of things.
   The increase in feminine pheromone and blushing smile means she got my drift. Fuck. My dick twitches. I don’t know how much more of her I can take.
   “Okay,” she’s says, eyes on my mouth.
   I lick my lips. You want some of this?
   Dilated eyes say yes just before they glance away.
   “Sir?” She calls across the bar and once she has the old man’s attention, motions that the pool table is all his. He waves his thanks.
    Touching her back, I usher her to the dartboard.
   “I love this song.” She rocks her shoulders.
   There’s music? I pause to listen. Sade softly sings something about giving the kiss of life. 
   “You like this old shit?” I tease her, pulling the darts from the board.
   “Hey.” She giggles. “Yes. I like soul — old and new.” She throws out that bottom lip, again.“Don’t make fun of me.”
   “Never, kitten. You have excellent taste in music.”
   The broad grin that spreads across her sweet face wraps another string around my heart. And her swaying hips? Those put another quart of blood in my dick.
   She is something. Beautiful and sweet and sensual. I wonder how she’ll react when she finds out I’m lying to her just as Nash is. And she’ll find out. No doubt. She’s digging in the right place. She’ll be angry. I have no doubt about that either. That we’re doing this to keep her out of the clutches of the hunters won’t make a bit of difference. How strange to feel remorse before the fact. The only chance I’ll have is to get under her skin and fast.
   “Why the sad look?” She asks me.
   I affect an exaggerated shocked expression. “You gotta ask, lady who handed me my ass in pool?”
   “Sorry.” She exaggerates a giggle into her hand. She isn’t sorry at all. “Well, now you can trounce me.”
   Fuck. Was that a euphemism, kitten?
   “At darts,” she quickly adds.
   “I wouldn’t be very gallant, using your word, if I did that.”
   “No, you wouldn’t.” She gives me her coquettish smile.
   “You think batting those lashes at me will save you?” I laugh.
   “A girl can hope.”
   “You showed no mercy. I show no mercy.” I grin. “That’s the way the game works.”
   I move behind her, and, with a hand at her hip, begin to murmur the rules into her ear. Jesus. Her scent. I inhale a lung full of it.
   “This” — I toe a length of tape on the floor — “is the throw line. You cannot step over it when you throw.”
   “What about my arm?”
   “Good question.” I playfully squeeze her bicep, again. “Yes, your buffed arm can cross it.”
   I feel her smile. “I prefer the word ‘toned’.”
   “Kitten, you are so toned.” I nuzzle her hair. “Now, stop distracting me.”
   She giggles and I grin. This is fun. She’s fun.
   The rest of the rules, what there are of them, are fairly simple. I run through them quickly. “Let’s do a few practice throws.” I motion her aside and, when she’s safely out of the way, throw my darts. One lands dead center of the bull’s-eye and the other two in the interior ring, quarter inch from the bull’s-eye.
   She laughs. “This is going to be bad.”
   “Aw, c’mon. Positive thinking.” I move out of the way and bow for her to take my place at the line.
   Lifting her chin, she shakes her hair out of the way and narrows her eyes at the board in concentration.
   Hot and sexy, smart and sharp. No man can resist that. Sorry, Nash. I glance over at him. His eyes pierce me with an anger he normally saves for enemies and rival packs. Cherie grins at me.
   Shavone’s first throw lands on the board, but in the number ring. No score. The second lands in the fat single score ring and the third misses the board completely.
   The music clicks over to a sexy strong drumbeat that Shavone seems to like, too. I walk to the board to extract our darts. Ah, it’s John Mayer. I almost laugh out loud at the lyrics. I’m not the man I used to be either, John.
   Shavone smiles at me as I walk back to her. Rocking her hips, she sings along to the music.
   “Not bad.” I hand her her darts. “You’ve got pretty good form for a newbie. Can I show you a better way?”
   She nods enthusiastically. “Yes, please.”
   I lay my darts on a nearby table.
   “Let’s work on your stance, first.”
   Stop writhing that body, kitten.
   “Okay.” She stands still.
  Taking my sweet ass time and with a caressing touch, I position her body — feet there, hips like this, shoulders like that, hands like this. I’m disappointed when I’m done arranging her.
   She looks up at me through her lashes, a flirty smile on her lips. I stifle a growl.
   Moving back behind her, I drag my hand down her arm to her hand. “Holding the dart is an art,” I whisper in her ear — trying hard not to imagine her soft hand gripping my dick. “Two fingers forward on the stem, like this.” I manipulate her slender fingers. “And your thumb here near the back of the dart.”
   Understanding, she nods. Her brow furrowed, she concentrates so hard.
   “You want to extend your arm, pointing the tip of the dart where you’d like it to stick.”   Placing my cheek directly on her temple, my hand over hers, I raise the dart in front of her face. “Stare down the tip and bring the dart straight back in front of your face,” I say. “Don’t hold it here, by your ear. You can’t see where it’s going if it’s beside your head.” I let go of her hand and hold her at the waist. “Do it now, but don’t throw it yet.”
   While she lines up the dart, I dip my nose into her hair and inhale deeply — not caring if she hears it. My voice is thick when I speak again. “We’ll do a couple of practice movements. Don’t let go of the dart, though.”
   “Okay,” she says softly.
   My left hand glides from her hip to ribs while my right hand wraps around hers and the dart.
   My wolf wants you so bad.

One smart witch and three sexy wolves tell a story of love, lies and rejection.

All Shavone Gentil wants is to find her runaway sister. When witchcraft fails to provide the answers, she resorts to the last resort -- getting a job at the Denver Dollhouse. Shav gets answers, but to questions she didn't even know to ask.

In love and in lust with Shavone since childhood, all Nash LaFontaine wants is her safety, her body and her heart. Responsible and noble, the giant alpha waited so long. Did he wait too long?

All Ben LaFontaine wants is to do his duty as a French wolf. He comes to Denver to do just that. His first assignment is to help his cousin Nash protect the witch. Little does he know the power she'll wield over him.

All Enrique Cruz wants, all he's ever wanted, is Shavone. There's a night from hell that the Native alpha will never forget, the horrors of which his obsession is just beginning to remember.

Who will get they want and whose heart will shatter?

Note: Due to strong language and explicit sexual content, this Wolven Moon Novel is recommended for ages 17 and older.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

I’m Dany Rae Miller and I believe in the power of love.

I believe that love ~ real, unconditional, soulful devotion ~ can change who you are as a person. It can change you from shy to open, wary to trusting, scared to brave, running in circles to holding on to your rock.

Young and naive, believing I was in love, I married right out of high school. Three years later, I was a brokenhearted, single mom of a toddler. Fast forward two more years to another sweetheart turned asshole and my faith in love was lost.

Done with boys, I built a life for my child and me by myself. It wasn’t easy, but I grew up and learned how to stand on my own two feet. I didn’t need a man, I reasoned, I’ve got my confidence.

In my mid twenties, I wanted to up my earning power and decided to go to college, setting my sights on journalism school. It was then, when I wasn’t looking for him, that the love of my life walked into a college speech class and sat down next to me.

The right person at the right time changes everything and mends even the most shattered trust. I am living proof. That’s what I try to put into my novels.

When I’m at the computer writing, life is golden. It just doesn’t get any better than weaving sometimes euphoric and sometimes gut-wrenching tales of erotic romance.

In former lives, I was an advertising rep, then, a property manager. After college, I became a TV producer, and an award-winning screenwriter.

Now, I conjure sexy love stories from thin air. It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it. I do it from my home in spectacular Colorado (a location featured prominently in my stories) where I live with my wonderful husband and two affectionate kitties.


Tuesday 20 January 2015

Cover Reveal: Ricochet [Rise & Fall 01] by Jessica Wilde!

It's the last thing I remembered.
I was afraid.
Afraid to fight, afraid to run… afraid to breathe.
Then, everything had gone dark. As if life was finally hearing my pleas, my cries to end the torment. To end the fear.
But even in the dark, I still felt it.
I always felt it.

My life had been a ricochet of one event leading to the next. Bouncing back and forth from good to bad. Happiness to despair. Hope to fear.

My name is Arianna West. I'm stronger now. Steady. Alive.
I can find a way to survive on my own. I can see what is coming for me. I can channel my fear into strength.

Except… I didn't see Jack.
And Jack changed everything.
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Author bio: 

I live in Morgan Utah with my husband, daughter, and dog, Kolo. I write as often as my active daughter will let me and my husband has the patience of a saint. I find inspiration from dreams, people I meet, and life experiences. When I write, I usually end up drinking one too many cans of Peace Tea, eating three too many Fruit by the Foot fruit snacks, and accidentally kicking my pup and best buddy, Kolo, too many times since he loves to sleep under my desk at my feet. I started writing as a teen, but my fear of the unknown won out every time and I threw everything out. After becoming a mother and deciding to stay at home to raise my beautiful little girl, I tried again when I couldn't stop thinking of ideas. I loved every minute, every hour of sleep lost, and every character that came to life in my mind. It's strange, but my favorite moments are when I have writer's block because I can turn to my husband and find inspiration through him by just doing what we do best together. Talking, laughing, and just being in love. He doesn't like to read, but he never stops encouraging me to keep going. Writing has become an important part of my life and every book has a special place in my heart.