Publication date: 7th October 2014
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4.5 stars
Synopsis: It all started with sex on the beach…the drink, not…you know.
As a bartender, Mason Cambridge often charmed beautiful women who ordered up cocktails on his shift. It was part of his job after all, and he needed the tips—badly.
When Lexi Swafford plopped her pretty little tail down on the bar stool, Mason offered her a drink. He had no idea that he would soon be working with her or that he’d be letting her room with him until her new apartment was ready.
In fact, once Lexi Swafford landed in Creekview, Tennessee, life as Mason Cambridge knew it would cease to exist…because after a night of drinking away the agony of his loneliness, one touch from her would change everything.
As a bartender, Mason Cambridge often charmed beautiful women who ordered up cocktails on his shift. It was part of his job after all, and he needed the tips—badly.
When Lexi Swafford plopped her pretty little tail down on the bar stool, Mason offered her a drink. He had no idea that he would soon be working with her or that he’d be letting her room with him until her new apartment was ready.
In fact, once Lexi Swafford landed in Creekview, Tennessee, life as Mason Cambridge knew it would cease to exist…because after a night of drinking away the agony of his loneliness, one touch from her would change everything.
I was really excited when I first heard about this book! I've read this author's Dangerous trilogy and loved that, so I was really excited about this book! I was even more excited once I saw the cover lol! This book was amazing! I really enjoyed it! I read it in a few sittings in a day too! I had a hard time putting it down once I got a few chapters in! The plot was written brilliantly! It developed at the perfect pace and I was always wanting to find out what was going to happen next! There were also a few secrets in the plot that made for a few twist and turns! There was a particular secret that I didn't see coming! There wasn't much action in the plot though, which is why I felt I had to take it down half a star! I was also expecting maybe a big climax in the plot, and there kinda was, but it wasn't as big as I was expecting! I overall really enjoyed the plot though and I liked its development! The characters were amazing! Mason was the main male character, and he was a character that I felt like he had the world on his shoulders when he was first introduced! I mean, he played it off and he was jokey and sarcastic a lot, but you could tell he was hiding something! When I found out Mason's story, my heart completely went out to the guy! He was such a nice guy that had been dealt a bad hand in life! He also had a bit of a drinking problem, but then I found out more of his story and I could sort of understand why he drank so much! This again made me feel so sorry for him! Mason was so hot though and he had quite a dirty mind lol! I loved him and his dirty mind though lol! Lexi was the main female character and I loved her! She was just such a normal, everyday person, which made it easy for me to connect with her! Lexi was hiding a bit of a secret in this book too, but her secret was very different to Mason's! She then hid an even bigger secret, which changed the direction the plot went in a bit! I wasn't expecting Lexi's secret near the end of this book! I was kinda surprised actually! It also changed the plot quite a bit and made it go in a direction I wasn't expecting! Lexi's personality and such didn't change at any point in this book though, which I liked as I loved her personality! I loved that this book was written from both Mason and Lexi's point of views! I wasn't sure if it was going to be after I read the synopsis, but I'm really glad it was! It really helped me connect more with both characters and it made the plot more interesting being from both of their point of views! I can't wait to read the next book in this series! I know that it's not going to be about Mason and Lexi, and that it's going to be Hawk's story, but I still can't wait to read it! I hope Lexi and Mason make appearances in it! The cover for this book is seriously hot! I loved it as soon as I saw it! The guy on the front also suits the character of Mason perfectly too! Big thank you to Suzannah for an ARC of Wasted!

Thank you, Kendall! <3