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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Saturday 30 June 2018

Stacking The Shelves [35]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

I, unfortunately, haven't bought any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

 For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

Friday 29 June 2018

Blog Tour: Going for the Hole by L.P. Dover!

Publication date: 25th June 2018
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Grip it softly.

Stroke it smooth.

And you’ll sink right into the hole. That’s my motto both on and off the golf course. The women come in full supply everywhere I go and there are no complaints. Maybe it’s the size of my driver that gets them going.

I’m Lucas “Ace” Montgomery, professional golfer and world record holder for the longest drive in golf history. The PGA Tour has been my life, but it’s time for a break. A few relaxing weeks of drinking and golf with friends in Myrtle Beach is what I need. However, when a bright pink ball knocks me out on the course, and a blonde beauty comes to my aid, I expect to see a gallery girl, a.k.a a member of the Party Groupie Association. Trust me, those girls know how to have fun. Although, to my surprise, it’s not what I get at all.

Dr. Ashley Locke is beautiful and everything I’d want if I was ever to get serious about someone. Unfortunately, she has no interest in me whatsoever which only makes me want her more. All she wants is to get through her friend’s bachelorette weekend and go back to her life. But after injuring me on the course, I’m not letting her run away so easily. When I want something, I get it.

I’m not competing for money this time. All I want is to win her heart.

I've read pretty much all of this author's books and I've read all her contemporary books! I've loved all the books that I've read from her, so I always look forward to a new release from her! I decided to sign up to review this book and I started my ARC as soon as I received it! After reading this book, I can say that I really enjoyed it! The plot developed at the perfect pace and it kept me wanting to read on and see what was going to happen next! The plot also didn't have any action and suspense in it, which I was expecting, but there was plenty of romance! The romance allowed for some seriously hot scenes in the plot too and they were really, really hot! The plot was also easy to follow and it didn't really have any twist or turns in it! I loved it though and there was quite a few fun, beautiful scenes in it! The characters were also amazing and made this book even better! Lucas “Ace” was the main male character, and in this book he was a famous golfer and was well-known for how well he could play! I loved Lucas a lot in this book! I found him very likable and he was seriously hot! Lucas also wasn't an ass because he was famous and had money! It was also easy to see Lucas' feelings for his love interest develop and turn into love! He was protective of her too and he treated her like she was his everything! Ashley was the main female character and love interest of Lucas! I loved Ashley a lot in this book! She was a doctor, which made me have a lot of respect for her and she loved her job! Ashley was also very resistant to start anything with Lucas at the beginning and I could completely understand why! I'm really happy she gave him a chance though because they were quite a couple! I loved that this book was written from both Lucas and Ashley's point of views! I wasn't sure if it was going to be after I read the synopsis because it made it sound like it was only going to be written from the male character's point of view! I'm really happy that it was written from both characters point of views because it added a lot to the plot, especially as the characters spent some time apart, and it helped me connect more with both characters! I can also completely understand why this book is a standalone! I'm really sad that it is because I would love to read another book on Lucas and Ashley and secondary characters from this book too! The ending was left at the perfect place though and summed up the characters story perfectly! I now can't wait to find out what book this author is going to release next! I'm definitely going to be reading her next release regardless of what it's going to be and I still have a few of her paranormal books to read too! The cover for this book also suits it perfectly! I love it a lot and it matches the comedy feel of the book a lot! It would definitely make me click on it if I saw it scrolling through Amazon and didn't already know the author's name! Big thank you to L.P. Dover and Enticing Journey Book Promotions for an ARC of Going for the Hole!

Author bio:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author L. P. Dover is a southern belle living in North Carolina with her husband and two beautiful girls. Before she began her literary journey she worked in periodontics, enjoying the wonderment of dental surgeries.

She loves to write, but she also loves to play tennis, go on mountain hikes and white water rafting, and has a passion for singing. Her two youngest fans expect a concert each and every night before bedtime, usually Christmas carols.

Dover has written countless novels, including her Forever Fae series, the Second Chances series, the Gloves Off series, the Armed & Dangerous series, the Royal Shifters series, the Society X series, the Circle of Justice series, and her standalone novel Love, Lies, and Deception. Her favorite genre to read and write is romantic suspense, but if she got to choose a setting in which to live, it would be with her faeries in the Land of the Fae.

Thursday 28 June 2018

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: The Cleanup [Washington Rampage 02] by Megan Green!

Boy meets girl.
Boy screws girl.
Girl gets knocked up.

That was my story with Brandon Jeffers, power hitter for the Washington Rampage and baseball’s biggest bad boy. He came into my life like a line drive to the face, and he left without looking back.

It’s okay though, because I’m determined to raise this baby on my own. I mean, women for centuries have navigated parenthood alone…why should I be any different?

But when the major league star shows up on my doorstep making promises I know he can't keep, my defenses go up and my expectations stay low.

Brandon says he can clean up his act…

I’ll believe it when I see it.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Megan lives in Northern Utah with her handsome hubby, Adam. When not writing, chances are you’ll find her curled up with her Kindle. Besides reading and writing, she loves movies, animals, chocolate, and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. She loves hearing from readers, so drop her a line!


Wednesday 27 June 2018

Release Boost & Giveaway: Monday Night Guy [My Guy 01] by Liz Lovelock!

Parker Kent . . .

Deliciously good-looking

Basketball captain

Complete and utter jerk

I made a vow—a vow to steer clear of guys like Parker. But when he shows up every Monday night at my workplace, that vow is torn to shreds. As much as I’d like, to I can’t ignore a customer.

At some point, a friendship forms. It’s not what I expected; he’s not what I expected. Those walls I put up are being torn down piece by piece, allowing Parker into my heart. Am I setting myself up for disaster, or is my Monday-night guy just the antidote my wounded heart needs?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks

Author bio:

Liz Lovelock is from bright sunny Queensland in Australia. She is the mother of three little monsters, a wife to an amazing husband and very much a lover of everything books and reading. Liz has always loved books and, from a very young age she began reading comic books and then in high school her passion grew. She was given Tomorrow When The War Began by John Marsden for an assignment but, when that was done she continued to discover new books to fall in love with.

Liz always has a book she is currently enjoying and, a notebook beside her bed for in her hand bag for when inspiration hits at those crazy times. She is a stationary addict and will buy more notebooks and pens then what she needs. Her one click finger likes to go crazy as well.


Tuesday 26 June 2018

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: The Evolution of Us [Us 02] by D. Nichole King!

They say it’s blind.
That you don’t choose who you fall in love with.
They say it creeps up on you when you least expect it.
They say it doesn’t let go.

I wish it were that easy.

I’ve been in love before, and it happened the way they said it would.
For a while, it was easy and full of bliss.
Until he uttered those damn three words, and all hell broke loose.

I don’t blame him for leaving.
Love is a beast, waiting to devour you at the first sign of weakness.
That’s what they don’t say.

It’s been four years, and a lot has changed.
I never expected to see Jake again,
but here I am, staring into those gorgeous eyes like they still belong to me.

See, I’m Finley May Norwood, the girl who pushes love away when it becomes too
Now, Jake’s engaged to someone else, and I’m too late.
If only my heart could accept that.
It simply doesn’t.
Love. Be damned.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

I'm pretty sure I drink too much Pepsi. I'm also pretty sure that somedays it's what keeps me sane. Well, Pepsi and writing, that is.

I'm a dreamer, an inspirer. I find beauty in weakness, brokenness, and heartbreak. In life, and joy, and happiness. These moments don't define us, but the choices we make in these moments do.

I write about these moments. About the choices we make and the paths we tread. About the circumstances that make us who we are and the experiences that will lead us to who we will become.

I write about life. Love. Pain. And hope.


Monday 25 June 2018

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Reckoning [Skulls Renegade MC 05] by Elizabeth Knox!


Everyone around me calls me a monster. I can’t say that I blame them, over the years I was turned into one, into my worst nightmare – something that I tried so hard not to become. What no one knows is what I had to go through, and I doubt that they ever will.

Sure, I married a monster and maybe he did turn me into what I am today.

But sometimes I wonder….who really turned me into this foul being? My mother? Or was it my husband?

Regardless, it doesn’t matter. I am what I am, and everyone hates me for it, even my own brother and sister.

Here I am, thrown to the side of the road like a piece of trash – hurt by the only person that I thought cared – Sergei. It turns out that he never did, or maybe he only cared when it benefited him.

Now I’m trying to mend the only relationships that I can salvage, while trying to protect my family from the war that is coming. Being a Petrov was never easy, and it never will be.

When I travelled across the globe to Gainesville, Tennessee I expected to mend a relationship with Dmitri and Ksenia. Instead, I began a relationship with someone else, someone who is just as much of a monster as me. Only, no one else knows that.

He’s opening up to me in ways that my husband never did and while our relationship grows I only hope that I can keep everyone I love safe from the fight that is waiting on our doorstep.

After all, Petrov’s survive – no matter what.

We always survive.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Elizabeth is a romantic suspense author most popular for her Mob and MC books, the international bestselling author of Reign, Redemption, Revenge, Relentless, Promised, Tough as Steele, Stripping a Steele & Blackjack.


Sunday 24 June 2018

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Bound [Bound 01] by Jennifer Dean!


   I had woken early Saturday morning with a panic plaguing my mind. I must have checked the Daily Washington News five times, front to back. I even watched two early morning news editions before my dad had even gotten out of bed. It felt excessive and I realized it must have looked that way too as the corner of my eye caught sight of my mother’s many worried glances. But I was almost certain I would find one of the horrid reports that had haunted my dreams most of the night before. Teenage Boy Found Dead or Local Boy Presumed Missing. But nothing stood out among the articles of birth announcements, city budget cuts, and girls’ basketball playoffs. Not even in the obituaries. It was the same on Sunday too.
   By Monday I felt nauseous from the tightened nerves of my stomach. My mind was utterly useless in my first five periods. Luckily, for my sanity, as I entered the cafeteria for lunch I caught sight of both Ross and Nick almost instantly at a corner table. The tension in my shoulders dropped. Even though I knew I would never see them the same, it was comforting to know they would live another day. At least this way they would have a chance at redemption.
   Wait, I thought. My eyes shifted back to notice something strange about the two boys. They weren’t in their usual seats, which was always on either side of Sean at the left corner table, in the back of the cafeteria. In fact, they weren’t even near his table at all. They sat in the front left corner of the room as if they had been shunned from popularity.
   What was worse was catching Ross’s remorseful gaze as I walked toward the lunch line. I couldn’t stand the uncomfortable melancholy that his slumped body held. Nick, on the other hand, couldn’t even find enough courage to look up from his thumbs. Had they shunned themselves from guilt?
   I forced my eyes away so that I could grab some tea. My stomach was settling but still against the idea of food. I pursed my lips at the cause of my loss of appetite. The sight of them only brought back memories I hoped to soon forget, and hopefully that would be sooner rather than later.
   But if I had felt the nerves at lunch, it was nothing compared to the way the anxiety of walking into English made them jump around. Once I had spotted Liam in his assigned seat I felt a dizzy spin from my stomach. I sat looking at my books, suddenly dissatisfied with the placement of my seat. Why did I have to be next to him?
   I looked up at the overhead slides and back at my paper with determination when class began. It was a blessing that today’s notes gave my hands and mind something to do.
   I was so anxious to leave when the bell sounded that I elbowed my pens right off my desk with annoyance. Just as my body swiveled, I found myself face to face with Liam. My eyes froze on his as I inhaled with the awareness of the increased pace of my heart. I felt the slight gulp from my throat as a shiver traveled down my arms and into my fingers. Just like the memories of Ross and Nick, seeing Liam had flashed the images of what he had done to them. When I woke this morning I knew how foolish I was to dismiss, or deny, it all, especially after the weekend had left me with nothing but time to relive the night. But maybe it was easier that way. At least until I saw his face to remind me that I was merely lying to myself.
   “What are you?”
   I was still, watching as he leaned his neck closer. I wasn’t sure where my courage had come from to ask. I certainly had none Friday night.
   “A high school student,” he said.
   I narrowed my eyes, forgetting that I was even slightly terrified of him. As if I hadn’t been plagued with nightmares over the weekend. As if the slightest unfamiliar sound didn’t make me jump, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind as proof. As if I hadn’t asked Sean, like a child, to come over Saturday and Sunday night. No, right now I was only led by my curiosity.
   “I wasn’t under the impression that most high-schoolers could move things with their minds.”
   “I didn’t,” he said.
   My eyes squinted as I leaned in closer with my whisper. “I saw him floating. It was like magic or something.”
   “Did you actually see me doing that?” Liam asked.
   “Yes. Well….” I scrunched my lips as I took a minute to remember. He was right. I had never actually seen him lift Nick because I was too shocked to look away.
   Liam’s lips were straight as he stood. I followed his movement. “Okay, no I didn’t see you doing it.” He nodded, making it clear that was his point. “But you did move me away from getting hit by the truck. I know that.”
   He opened his mouth, ready to speak, but said nothing. In his eyes, I thought I could see, the conflict, the same I had seen before. I didn’t like to see him that way. Finally, he closed his mouth and gathered his books before turning his back to me.
   “Thank you,” I said.
   It was impulsive but needed.
   “For what?” Liam said. His back was still facing me but his neck had turned at my words.
   The shock of being so frightened by Liam had overshadowed my gratefulness for his presence Friday night. I watched as he turned back to face me.
   “I realized that I never thanked you for what you did. I don’t know what would have happened if you had not been there.”
   I looked down with the lie, or maybe it was a realization. It was pretty clear what would have happened if he hadn’t been there. The shame of what felt like stupidity led my eyes to rest on the ground because of this. When I finally let myself look back up at him, I noticed he had moved back to stand at his desk. It was good to know a few students were occupying Mrs. Anderson, keeping her from awkwardly watching our encounter.
   Liam leaned in with the gaze of his bright eyes. “If fate were to rewind us to the same moment, I wouldn’t hesitate to be there again.”
   My eyes bounced back with his, like a tennis match. Suddenly the fright of what he was had begun to melt. In its place was a warmth of safety. Uh-oh.
   I grinned involuntarily. “Can I ask you something?” He nodded with an approved patience.
   “I know what I saw can’t be normal. I mean, I’ve never heard of such a thing in a human.”
   “I don’t believe that sentence was a question.”
   I tried to resist the roll of my eyes as I walked past the desks, parallel with him. He seemed to keep more with my pace than I did with his as we exited the classroom.
   “All right, what are you?” I asked again. He gazed at me like I was an intruder inside a security vault. “I’m not going to tell anyone. I didn’t even tell my brother about what happened, and I tell him everything.”
   Really it was more oddly like I couldn’t tell Sean. Part of me was protective of what I had seen. I still didn’t understand that. All I knew was every time I tried, I remained silent. When we stopped at my locker, I watched as Liam’s chin lifted with surprise. He leaned his lips a few inches away from my ear. “I wish that I could say.”
   “Can’t you?” I asked.
   He leaned back to see my lifted brow. “I wish for so many things.”
   I squinted with confusion, watching him shake his head once before turning to walk down the hall. I was almost certain there was a small grin on his lips. I didn’t know what person would be able to resist the need to solve the mystery of it. He had just silently confessed that what I saw Friday night was true. How was I supposed to ignore that?
   I was smiling almost too much, when Sean walked around the corner. He had a narrowed gaze that wasn’t happy but not quite upset either.
   “I know,” he said.
   My eyebrows lifted with guilt. Had he watched secretly as Liam once again walked me to my locker? I looked toward the ground.
   “Why didn’t you tell me about what they did?”
  They did? Suddenly my eyes flashed up to meet his gaze. He wasn’t talking about just now, how I had technically broken my own promise to stay away from Liam—a task I thought would be so easy. No, that wasn’t it.
   My mouth felt dry as my eyes darted away from him. The image of Ross over me had filtered through my mind again. I was sure that Sean could see my small grimace.
   “Tell you what?” I said innocently.
   “Emma, please, I can see it written in your eyes as much as I could that night.” It wasn’t an easy thing to relive, and now more than ever I was grateful for Liam. “Em?”
   I finally moved my eyes back to meet the patient gaze of his own. I gulped. “How did you even know?”
   “They confessed to me this morning.” I cocked my head back in surprise.
   He narrowed his eyes to question my inquiry.
   I shook my head in defense. “I just mean I didn’t think that would be something to confess to you of all people.”
   “I wouldn’t say they were exactly willing,” he said. “It was almost like they were overcome by some pint up guilt.”
   “Then what made them?”
   “Liam Alexander.”
   So he did know about Liam, or at least that he had been there. “Really?”
   “Well not physically. All he did was walk by us before Nick sudden spit out…”
   Sean exhaled with anger with the small shake of his head. It seemed as if he couldn’t even finish the thought of what had happened. I waited for more anxiously but nothing. So it appeared that Sean didn’t know everything about Friday night, just that Liam had been there to rescue me. He knew nothing of how he rescued me.
   “So, that’s why they weren’t sitting with you at lunch?”
   It all made sense now. They hadn’t shunned themselves because of the guilt. They had been shunned. I was actually grateful I wasn’t around when they told Sean. They were lucky they were still able to be in the cafeteria at all.
   “They won’t ever be sitting at any table that I’m at again.”
   I felt guilty about him losing the friendship that had been ongoing for fifteen years. Because of me it had abruptly and permanently ended. “I’m sorry.”
   “I’m not.” Though his voice was stern, I could see in his now angered eyes that he was lying. Ross and Nick had grown up with him, and now that bond was broken with betrayal. It would be like Lauren or Erika hatching a plan to kidnap and kill Sean. Though I held a bond with my friends, their act would naturally sever any care I previously held for them. I didn’t want to think about it. “I’m just sorry that I wasn’t there to protect you,” Sean said.
   “And that Liam was.” I paused, unsure whether I was saying this as a serious or sarcastic thing. Sean’s gaze had previously been halfway between me and the space in front of him, but I had his full attention now.
   “I can’t say that I’m ungrateful, but it doesn’t change how I feel about him. I question why he was even there.”
   “Does it matter?” I said.
   Sean only glared to my question. His golden honey eyes almost brightening, with each new second that passed.
   “Has your promise changed?”
   I sighed. “No.” I wasn’t sure how much I meant that.
   On the way home, I was terribly grateful that Sean hadn’t asked for details, details like why, if Liam had saved me, did I come home willing to stay away from him.
   Funny how I asked myself the same question as I hopped into bed that night. A question I was made to contemplate once my head hit the pillow and my eyes shut.
   Instantly, I found myself surrounded by a forest of trees in a cloud of darkness, but I could see that I wasn’t alone. Liam Alexander stood beside me, looking toward the space directly in front of us.
   There I caught sight of Ross and Nick, charging at me with an angered vengeance. It wasn’t lust but anger in their eyes. I was to blame for their ending friendship and they were going to make me pay for that. I instinctively readied my arms to swing, when both of Liam’s hands rose forward, flinging both boys backward and out of sight, without a single touch. The swift control of their speed was like a stunt man being pulled back on a harness.
   “Thanks,” I said.
   He nodded before looking behind me. I followed the gaze over my right shoulder to find Sean. He was furious and running right at us like an enraged bull. But as he got closer I could tell it wasn’t me he targeted, it was Liam. I tried to stand in between, but Liam gently pushed me behind him protectively. Sean had his fist out, ready to swipe at Liam as he ran with hatred in his eyes.
   “Stop!” I yelled.
   But my voice was drowned out with Sean’s continued charge. No amount of sound that came from me would catch his attention. I was left to watch helplessly as Liam’s hand instinctively moved in front of him to force Sean’s body to fly back and out of sight, just as he had minutes before with the other two boys. I turned back to see Liam’s eyes glowing with a bright emerald green of unnatural beauty.
   Suddenly my eyes flashed open and my torso flung upward. I looked around my dark room, laying my hand across my chest, feeling the increased beating of my heart. I only had one thought that crossed my mind now that I was awake.
   Just what the hell was Liam Alexander?

When fate leads Emma Morgan back to her small hometown of Washington, she learns that the life she knew three years ago has changed once she meets the charmingly, mysterious Liam Alexander. But when her brother Sean, voices his disapproval, Emma finds her loyalty in the way of her newfound curiosity of the youngest Alexander. Only the more she tries to avoid Liam the more she finds him in her constant company.

A risk that leads down a dangerous path once Emma begins to discover a secret about the Alexanders that no human should ever know.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

I was never that child you found in the corner reading. In fact, I loathed the idea of picking up a book. The activity seemed more of a chore than a past time.

All that changed when my brother began talking to me about the newest novel he was reading, Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix. Before I knew it, my curiosity got the better of me, luring me to try the series. It didn't take long for my mindset of reading to turn on its head. 

But even with my new hobby discovered it wasn't until my junior year of college that I developed a hidden desire for writing stories. And when I found myself writing scenes instead of paying attention to my professors, I knew becoming a writer was the career path I was meant to follow.

Saturday 23 June 2018

Blog Tour: Just Don't Mention It [DIMILY 04] by Estelle Maskame!

Publication date: 21st June 2018
Paperback edition: -
Source: Paperback
Rating: 4.5 stars
Synopsis: Tyler Bruce – hell raiser and bad boy – tells his story in his own words.

Alternating between past and present, Just Don’t Mention It is narrated from Tyler’s perspective. We see his life as a twelve-year-old boy suffering physical abuse at the hands of his dad. We see him as the daredevil seventeen-year-old we first met in Did I Mention I Love You?, the stepbrother who falls head over heels for Eden.

In these parallel timelines we finally understand the enigmatic Tyler’s complex story and his innermost thoughts – on his dad, his mom, on Tiffani and Eden – all the things Eden wasn’t witness to. And, crucially, the reader gains heartbreaking insight into why Tyler becomes the self-obsessed, angry and unhappy guy we encounter in DIMILY.

This utterly addictive rollercoaster of a novel gives voice to one of the most adored characters in Estelle Maskame’s extraordinary international bestseller, Did I Mention I Love You?

I read the first three books in this trilogy straight after each other at the end of May/beginning of June and loved the first three books a lot, so I was really excited to read this book! I knew that this book was going to be written from the male character's point of view, so this made me even more excited for it! I then signed up for the Blog Tour with the publisher, so received an early review copy! After reading this book, I can say that I enjoyed it just as much as the other books in this series! I loved that it went back to the past and showed the main character's struggle and what he went through to be the person he was in this series! It really gave a huge insight into his thoughts and the type of childhood he had! The plot also developed at a nice pace, but it did take me a while to read lol! I'm not sure why, but I felt like I didn't get very far whenever I sat down to read it lol! I did eventually finish it though and loved it a lot! The characters were also amazing and made this book even better! Tyler was the main character and this book was his story! Tyler was an intriguing character in the other books in this series, so I couldn't wait to get inside his head! My heart went out to Tyler in this book because it really showed how his childhood changed him and made him into the arrogant, misunderstood guy in the other books in this series! It was also interesting to see things through Tyler's eyes because it helped me understand and connect with him more! Eden was in this book as well and she was the love interest of Tyler! The first three books were written from her point of view! It was quite an experience to see Eden through Tyler's eyes because it showed how he felt about her and his feelings for her grow! I also still connected with Eden, but I guess it was slightly easier because I'd already read some of this story through her eyes lol! This book was only written from Tyler's point of view! I was obviously expecting this because the cover and synopsis say it's going to be and I already knew before I started reading it lol! I loved getting to go inside Tyler's head because he had such a complex childhood and acted out a lot, so it was amazing to get the chance to go inside his head and see what he went through to make him that way that he was! I'm really sad that Tyler and Eden's story is now officially over! I obviously wasn't expecting a fourth book lol, but it was a good way to wrap up the series and it really helped me understand Tyler more! I now can't wait to check out this author's standalone book and see what she's going to release next! I'll definitely be reading it and waiting for her next book! The cover for this book is also absolutely stunning! I love how well it suits the other UK covers and I love that the layout goes the opposite way to first three books! The cover suits the story perfectly too! Big thank you to Estelle and Ink Road for an early review copy of Just Don't Mention It and for having me on the Blog Tour!

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

(Please click on the tour banner to enlarge it!)

Author bio:

ESTELLE MASKAME started writing at the age of thirteen and completed the first three books in her international bestselling Did I Mention I Love You? series when she was sixteen. She is also the author of the “highly addictive” standalone novel Dare to Fall. Her YA fiction has attracted passionate, loyal fans all around the world, with rights sold in seventeen territories … and counting. Estelle won the Young Scot Arts Award in 2016, and was shortlisted for the Young Adult award at the Romantic Novel of the Year Awards. Estelle grew up in the fishing town of Peterhead, Scotland, where she lives with her family.

Release Boost: Crazy Stupid Love [Dirty Dicks 03] by K.L. Grayson!

There’s a special place in hell for a man like me—a man who shamelessly sleeps with his best friend’s little sister, knowing he’ll never be what she needs. A man who takes because the only thing he has to offer in return is a broken past that’s destined to destroy his future.

I was the kid who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks with shit parents and clothes that had been handed down one too many times. I stole to feed my sister, fought to protect her, and I’ll always be the guy your parents don’t want you to bring home.

So yeah, that’s me. Lincoln Bennett. Adley Allen’s walk on the wild side. Her dirty little secret. And I’m okay with that—ninety-nine percent of the time. Unfortunately today is in that one percent when it doesn’t sit well with me. For some strange reason, I want to be around to celebrate all of Adley’s successes. I want to be here when she gets her first job and take her out to dinner after her first shift. I want to be the one she depends on, the person she calls when she has a bad day. Or a great day. Or any kind of day.

I want more than her body. I want her heart. But men like me don’t get women like her.

At least not to keep.

Check it out on Goodreads!

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Author bio:

K.L. Grayson resides in a small town outside of St. Louis, MO. She is entertained daily by her extraordinary husband, who will forever inspire every good quality she writes in a man. Her entire life rests in the palms of six dirty little hands, and when the day is over and those pint-sized cherubs have been washed and tucked into bed, you can find her typing away furiously on her computer. She has a love for alpha-males, brownies, reading, tattoos, sunglasses, and happy endings…and not particularly in that order.