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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Saturday 29 February 2020

Stacking The Shelves [55]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Torn Bond [Bonded Duet 01] by Abigail Davies
Tied Bond [Bonded Duet 02] by Abigail Davies
Always Yours [Roommate: Liam & Madelyn Duet 02] by Kennedy Fox
Say Yes [Hush Hush 1.5] by Lucia Franco
Disavow [The Dumonts 03] by Karina Halle
Fake It 'Til You Break It by Meagan Brandy
A Thousand Cuts [Cell Block C 01] by Melissa Toppen (Read)
My Maddie [Hades Hangmen 08] by Tillie Cole
We Are Us by Tara Leigh
Bullseye [The Monsers Within 01] by Monica James
Power Twist [Power Play 02] by Kennedy L. Mitchell
Reckless At Raleigh High [Raleigh Rebels 03] by Callie Hart

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

Obsidian [Lux 01] by Jennifer L. Armentrout (Read)
The Protector by Jodi Ellen Malpas (Read)
Eternal Gambit [Pirates of Felicity 06] by Kelly St. Clare

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

Hideaway by Nora Roberts
A Lady in Disguise by Lynsay Sands

For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

The Faerie Wand [The Faerie Games 04] by Michelle Madow (Read)
Sweet Dandelion by Micalea Smeltzer (Read)

Currently Reading:

Friday 28 February 2020

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Dagger [Vegas MMA 01] by S.L Sterling!


I'd been fighting all my life.

Making it my career choice seemed...logical.

Sticking to what I was good at seemed...illogical as often as I ended up in the ER.

Then my occupational hazard began to feel like more of a perk when I met, Katy. She was a night nurse at the ER I frequented. She could barely hide her contempt for me, which naturally made the curvy brunette with long wavy hair all the more irresistible.

𝙉𝙀𝙬 𝙄 π™Ÿπ™ͺ𝙨𝙩 π™£π™šπ™šπ™™π™šπ™™ 𝙩𝙀 π™˜π™€π™£π™«π™žπ™£π™˜π™š π™π™šπ™§ 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙖 π™—π™šπ™©π™©π™šπ™§ π™‘π™€π™«π™šπ™§ 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙖 π™›π™žπ™œπ™π™©π™šπ™§.


They called him Dagger, for the looks he gave.

He knew I hated him on sight, but still, he teased me and tried to sway me.

There's no way it would work. I was on the run and still healing from a relationship with a 'roid-raging powerlifter. No way was I going to give it a go with someone trained to cause pain for a living.

Then my ex tracked me down. And suddenly, having a fighter in my corner didn't seem like such a bad idea.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

S.L. Sterling was born and raised in southern Ontario. She now lives in Northern Ontario Canada and is married to her best friend and soul mate and their two dogs.

An avid reader all her life, S.L. Sterling dreamt of becoming an author. She decided to give writing a try after one of her favorite authors launched a course on how to write your novel. This course gave her the push she needed to put pen to paper and her debut novel "It Was Always You" was born.

When S.L. Sterling isn't writing or plotting her next novel she can be found curled up with a cup of coffee, blanket and the newest romance novel from one of her favorite authors on her e-reader. Her favorite authors include Kendall Ryan, Vi Keeland, Penelope Ward, Lauren Blakely, Alessandra Torre and Willow Winters.

In her spare time, she enjoys camping, hiking, sunny destinations, spending quality time with family and friends and of course reading.



Enter the Giveaway on S.L. Sterling's Facebook page HERE!

Thursday 27 February 2020

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Stolen Soulmate by Mary Catherine Gebhard!

There’s a rule in Crowne Hall: never look a Crowne in the eyes.
It protects us more than them.
I broke it once, the night Grayson Crowne mistook me for his true love and stole my first kiss. I’ve regretted it every day since.
He hates me.
He torments me.
He won’t let me go, because that night he whispered a secret against my lips not meant for me. Grayson Crowne, heir to the Crowne empire and notorious playboy prince is… a virgin.
I signed a contract in my heart’s blood as much as ink: help him get back his love, repair what I broke. Give him my body, my soul, my heart, let him use all of me, so when the time comes to marry her, he won’t need me.
I shouldn’t need him.
But he’s my stolen soulmate, and I’m at his mercy.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Mary Catherine Gebhard bites off more than she can chew. She's lived in Salt Lake City, Utah her entire life, but occasionally goes on vacation from reality. Don't worry, she sends postcards.


Enter the Giveaway on Mary's Facebook page HERE!

Wednesday 26 February 2020

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Echoes from the Veil [Aisling Chronicles 03] by Colleen Halverson!


   I shut my eyes tight, aching for Finn. I tried to dream, but sleep escaped me. After hours of tossing and turning, I slipped out of the tent. The camp had settled, the only sound the occasional murmuring of male voices or the pop of sparks from a fire. I walked back to the hill from earlier in the day and sat down in the cool grass, the night wind whispering through my hair. Cuchulainn paced, a tiny dot against the cliffs. How could I, Elizabeth Tanner, defeat one of the greatest warriors who ever lived? The very idea made me laugh out loud, and I shook my head, planting my chin in my hands.
   “You cannot win, you know,” a silky female voice said beside me.
   I started, my eyes widening and taking in the glowing, translucent being sitting beside me. Black hair flowed down the length of her back, her eyes so dark they appeared as nothing more than two deep pits in her perfect porcelain face. Bloodstained red lips smiled at me, sharp teeth gleaming.
   I scrambled away, but the figure waved her hand, paralyzing me. I struggled against the weight of her spell, a crushing weight on my chest, but no matter how hard I strained my muscles, I couldn’t budge an inch.
   “But I might be able to assist you in thwarting the great Cuchulainn.” She crawled over to me, her breasts pressed up against mine.
   Who are you? I longed to ask, my throat muscles tightening.
   “Oh, you know me, Elizabeth Tanner,” she whispered, her lips grazing against my neck. “You took one of my greatest warriors from me.”
   A cold frost chilled my heart, stopping it for a moment. It was the MorrΓ­gan. Who else could it be? I had stood in the way of Finn’s blood oath, Finn forsaking this goddess for me. And now, she had come to collect her debts.
   “You left him behind to fight alone.” She shook her head slowly, narrowing her hollow eyes. “Foolish girl. You should hold on to your warriors better.”
   My heart leapt into my throat. “What’s happened to him? What do you know?”
   “I know a lot of things,” she replied. “The past…the present…and the future…”
   My mouth strained with the invectives I longed to throw at her, but MorrΓ­gan simply laughed, her breath cold against my skin.
   “It is no matter,” she said. “You fight Cuchulainn tomorrow. I can help you.”
   I tried to shake my head. I didn’t want her help. She would only assist me to steal Finn away again.
   “The choice is not yours, Elizabeth Tanner,” she whispered. “Defeat Cuchulainn. Steal the bull. Return to your lover, Finn. But know this…” She sat up, staring at me, her long black hair floating around her blank white face. A flicker of a flame quickened in her eyes, turning into a great red inferno. I swallowed the hard lump in my throat, pure terror racing through me. My hearth pounded like a snare drum, fast and violent and threatening to tear through my chest.
   “When it comes to the Fianna,” she continued, “all roads lead back to the MorrΓ­gan.”

Aisling Elizabeth Tanner is now the leader of the Faerie rebellion. Facing the end of the world, she will have to find the strength to lead the Fae to victory against the threat they face, or risk losing everything, including Finn, whom she’s come to love more than life.

Warrior Finn O’Connell wants nothing more than to fight by Elizabeth’s side. But an ancient Celtic goddess threatens to take charge of his soul, and he will have to wage a war within himself to save the rebellion from disintegrating into chaos.

Betrayal leads them into the Fae Underworld, where Finn discovers his greatest sacrifice might be letting Elizabeth go—forever.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

As a child, Colleen Halverson used to play in the woods imagining worlds and telling stories to herself. Growing up on military bases, she found solace in her local library and later decided to make a living sharing the wonders of literature to poor, unsuspecting college freshmen. After backpacking through Ireland and singing in a traditional Irish music band, she earned a PhD in English with a specialization in Irish literature. When she’s not making up stories or teaching, she can be found hiking the rolling hills of the Driftless area of Wisconsin with her husband and two children. She also writes as C.B. Halverson.



Tuesday 25 February 2020

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Titan's Addiction [Wall Street Titan 02] by Anna Zaires!

One determined billionaire

Hedge fund titan Marcus Carelli knows how to get what he wants, and he’s never wanted anything as much as he does Emma. The cat-loving redhead may have walked out of his life, but he’s not about to let her go.

One wary cat lady

Bookstore clerk Emma Walsh has had her heart broken by the ruthless billionaire once, and she’s not about to forget it. Marcus can chase her down all he likes, but winning her back is another story.

One queen-sized bed

All is fair in love and war, and the new battlefield is a guest room with a single bed. To the winner go the spoils… Let the
games begin.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Anna Zaires is a New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling author of sci-fi romance and contemporary dark romance. She fell in love with books at the age of five, when her grandmother taught her to read. Since then, she has always lived partially in a fantasy world where the only limits were those of her imagination. Currently residing in Florida, Anna is happily married to Dima Zales (a science fiction and fantasy author) and closely collaborates with him on all their works.


Monday 24 February 2020

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Under His Rule by Clarissa Wild!

His Family. His rules.

Some people have loving homes.
Mine only has laws.
And she will learn to obey …
When I found Natalie alone and afraid, I knew she was the one.
She came to me looking for answers to her past.
But every dark desire has a price.
Now she’s here in my domain, locked in the dark, waiting for me...
And I am more than ready to make her submit.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Clarissa Wild is a New York Times & USA Today Bestselling author of Dark Romance and Contemporary Romance novels. She is an avid reader and writer of swoony stories about dangerous men and feisty women. Her other loves include her hilarious husband, her two crazy but cute dogs, and her ninja cat that sometimes thinks he's a dog too. In her free time she enjoys watching all sorts of movies, playing video games, reading tons of books, and cooking her favorite meals.

Want to get an email when my next book is released? Sign up here to receive 4 FREE short stories: http://eepurl.com/FdY71


Sunday 23 February 2020

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Unforgettable [Always 02] by Lexxie Couper!

Sometimes being an optimist is hard work.

Brendon Osmond’s an optimist, a fitness geek, a man with a plan and the drive to achieve it. He’s sure he knows everything there is to know about his life and where it’s headed—until he gets one brief text.

A text from her.

Amanda. The girl who broke his heart.

‘Thinking of you.’

Just three little words, but they’re enough to make Brendon drop everything and head half way around the world to see her.

Acting only on gut instinct, nothing can prepare Brendon for the truth he’s about to learn.

A truth Amanda kept from him for almost two years. A truth who has Brendon’s eyes and claims his heart in an instant.

A truth that comes with a devastating diagnosis with the power to destroy everything he never knew he wanted or held dear.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

International bestselling romance author Lexxie Couper started writing when she was six and hasn't stopped since. She's not a deviant, but she does have a deviant's imagination and a desire to entertain readers with her words. Add the two together and you get romances that can make you laugh, cry, shake with fear or tremble with desire...Sometimes all at once.


Saturday 22 February 2020

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Reckless Times [Paragon Society 01] by Michelle Hercules!



Those are the words used to describe me. I’m an Idol who can’t see, and in this savage world where power is everything, being born with a disability makes me an aberration. Idols are the direct descendants of the gods. We’re supposed to be perfect.

My parents kept me protected behind walls most of my life. They fear I won’t survive in the real world. They have no idea what kind of power runs through my veins.

Stephan Silverstone—the most perfect Idol I’ve ever met—does. He’s cocky, annoying, and pushes my buttons like no other. But he sees me, the real person behind all the preconceived notions. Without effort, he’s breaking all my barriers; he’s claiming my heart.

When I’m with him, sparks fly. I want to be reckless and forget everything. If only things were that simple. We’re both keeping dangerous secrets that could tear us apart. War is coming, and I’m not sure if what we have will survive.

*This is a spin-off of Gifted Academy Series. This is not an RH romance.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

USA Today bestselling author Michelle Hercules always knew creative arts were her calling but not in a million years did she think she would write a novel. With a background in fashion design she thought she would follow that path. But one day, out of the blue, she had an idea for a book. One page turned into ten pages, ten pages turned into a hundred, and before she knew, her first book, The Prophecy of Arcadia, was born.

Michelle Hercules resides in The Netherlands with her husband and daughter. She is currently working on the Legends of Gattica series.


Enter to win a SIGNED copy of Reckless Times on Michelle's Instagram HERE!


Friday 21 February 2020

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Mr. Big Ego [Dirty South 03] by Kat Addams!

Finding love in The Big Easy is a gamble … especially when he’s your new boss.

Event planner Samantha Masson had sworn off alpha men after a nasty divorce. The last thing she was looking for was a man with an ego bigger than his bank account. Too bad that was exactly what she found when she spent a wild night in the arms of a masked stranger.

Planning a Halloween masquerade gala for the infamous Victor Beaumont made a nice addition to her reputable portfolio. She just hadn’t planned on becoming a notch on his bedpost … or falling for him in the process.

But there was more to the man behind the mask …

Millionaire Victor Beaumont owned the largest rum distillery in New Orleans. He had power, wealth, and all that came with it, including the crushing weight of responsibility.

He would gladly walk away from everything for a chance to be his own man, but tradition wouldn’t allow it … and neither would his pride.

As a skilled actor, he had everyone fooled with his arrogance and charming wit. Until he met the infuriatingly talented and beautiful Samantha, who saw right through him. From rendezvous to romance, he couldn’t keep his hands off of her.

To keep her, he would have to take his mask off once and for all …

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Kat Addams is a forever twenty-nine-year-old fashionista following her lifelong dream of writing contemporary romance inspired by the exotic men she meets in her worldly travels. At least, that’s what she would like for you to think. She’s certainly not a stay-at-home mom indulging in excessive daydreaming, frozen pizzas, an unhealthy addiction to purchasing pajamas, and one too many cocktails on the regular. That’s some other romance author. The poor thing probably has to sneak away upstairs to write her dirty stories! What would her family think? Thankfully, that’s not Kat!


Thursday 20 February 2020

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Paine [Rosewood High 02] by Tracy Lorraine!

She was my best friend. The person I told my deepest secrets to. But when my world came crashing down, it was all because of her family.

From that moment, I realized I’d been wrong to trust her. Her big caring eyes and sweet face were nothing but an act as she’d watched on while I tried to keep my head above water.

That was our past.

Now, I’ve largely put Camila behind me and moved on with my life. Though it doesn’t explain why she’s always there: taunting me, tempting me, showing me the life I could have been living.

I should have been laughing when her own world turned upside down. Karma always wins out in the end. But suddenly we’re forced together once again and I have no choice but to remember the girl I’ve tried so hard to forget.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Tracy Lorraine is a M/F and M/M contemporary romance author. Tracy recently-ish turned thirty and lives in a cute Cotswold village in England with her husband, daughter and lovable but slightly crazy dog. Having always been a bookaholic with her head stuck in her Kindle Tracy decided to try her hand at a story idea she dreamt up and hasn’t looked back since.

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Creeping Beautiful by JA Huss!


I wasn’t the one who broke her but I played my part.

She came to us when she was ten. I raised her. I loved her. 
I taught her how to survive in a world of evil men. 
But it wasn’t enough.


I wasn’t the one who saved her but I did my best.
She needed me as much as I needed her.
Bought and paid for on the auction block.
But not for the reasons you think.
She was my weapon.


I wasn’t the one who lied to her but I hid her truth. 
She was broken before I got there. 
Wild and angry. 
Defiant and bratty. But she trusted me most. 
She loved me best.

So I set her free.

Indie Anna Accorsi is a woman lost in her past.
A pretty little nightmare.
A gorgeous piece of misery.
A mess of lovely darkness.
She is creeping beautiful.
And now we want her back.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

JA Huss is the New York Times Bestselling author of 321 and has been on the USA Today Bestseller's list 21 times in the past five years. She writes characters with heart, plots with twists, and perfect endings.

Her new sexy sci-fi romance and paranormal romance pen name is KC Cross and she writes novels and teleplays collaboratively with actor and screenwriter, Johnathan McClain.

Her books have sold millions of copies all over the world, the audio version of her semi-autobiographical book, Eighteen, was nominated for a Voice Arts Award and an Audie Award in 2016 and 2017 respectively. Her audiobook, Mr. Perfect, was nominated for a Voice Arts Award in 2017. Her audiobook, Taking Turns, was nominated for an Audie Award in 2018. Five of her book were optioned for a TV series by MGM television in 2018. And her book, Total Exposure, was nominated for a RITA Award in 2019.

She lives on a ranch in Central Colorado with her family.