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Monday 10 February 2020

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Puck Performance [BTU Alumni 04] by Alley Ciz!

All’s fair in love and potatoes

Melody Brightly
Broadway Star.
Pink hair.
A smile that hits me harder than a slap shot.
Terrible taste in hockey teams.
Full of secrets.
The one woman I fail to defend my heart against

Jase Donnelly
Sexy as puck.
Makes my hormones give a standing ovation.
The one guy I can never be with, but can’t stay away from.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Alley Ciz is an indie author of Contemporary/New Adult, Rom-Com, Sports Romances.

She's a stay at home mom to 3 amazing and crazy mini royals, a 95lb lab, and let's face it on some days her hubby is her 4th kid... But to be fair she totally loves him a lot.

When she's not corralling her crazy mini royals she can be found writing the stories the voices in her head tell her. Caffeine is a staple in her daily diet since she does most of her writing late at night when the rest of her house is asleep, usually with her trusty dog Buke (short for Beukeboom reluctantly named after a NY Ranger even though she's a NJ Devils fan all the way. Is it any surprise she writes sports romances?

Pizza and mac-n-cheese are major food groups and she is a proud Potterhead and superhero buff.

She is a complete romance junkie and can always be found reading or listening to a book.


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