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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Saturday 31 December 2016

My Top 16 Books of 2016!

Hey, guys! It's that time of year again where I share my favourite books of the year! So, here is my list with my top 16 books of 2016! There are quite a few more books that should be on this list lol, but I could only pick 16! The books are also in no particular order!

16. Taxi [Take It Off 11] by Cambria Hebert!

The meter is running...

One night as Rose Crawford steps out of a bar, she gives no second thought to lifting her hand to signal for a cab. After all, it's the responsible thing to do.

A common occurrence.

Far safer than walking several blocks, alone, in the dark.

A familiar-looking yellow taxi with black, faux-leather seats, running meter on the dash, and a smiling driver pulls up to the curb.

Rose slides in. Gives the driver her address...

But she never reaches her destination.

Instead, she finds herself captive, at the will of a man who isn't a driver, but a bona fide psychopath.
Trapped in a taxi she can't escape, Rose begins to panic. As the miles between her and safety grow, hope dwindles. It isn't until someone else joins her in captivity that her spark of hope is rekindled.
Derek is strong, capable, and surely together they can fight their way to freedom.

Then Rose finds out exactly why she's been driven into hell. Derek may be an unwilling captive, but he isn't going to help her.

In fact, he's there to do the exact opposite.

Check it out on Goodreads!
15. Distraction [Underground Kings 03] by Aurora Rose Reynolds!

Distraction: The great intensity, novelty, or attractiveness of something other than the object of attention.

Sven is a man who takes pride in his ability to separate himself from his emotions. He's a man who knows who he is and where he’s going in life, a man who needs no one, because needing someone, anyone, is a weakness.

His past taught him love isn’t enough.

Maggie wants the happily ever after, but has never picked the right men, or stuck around long enough, to build a forever. It’s always been easier to get out early, before emotions make things messy.

When Maggie wakes up naked in Sven’s bed, with no memory of the night before, these two must be honest about their feelings and face their fears, so they can build a future together.

Will love be enough for them to get their happy ending together, or will a threat from outside strike them down before they ever have a chance?

Check it out on Goodreads!
14. Playboy Pilot by Penelope Ward and Vi Keeland!

Money or love? Which would you choose?

You probably just answered the question in your head thinking it's an easy decision.

For me, it's not. Did I mention it's a lot of money? A hell of a lot.

I needed to go far away to think it through.

As I embarked on an impulsive trip, I hit a detour when I met sexy Carter in the airport lounge. We struck up a heated conversation.

Then, he left.

I thought I'd never see him again.

But fate had other plans.

Surprise! He was the pilot of my flight.

The bigger surprise was the adventure that followed after the plane landed.

Carter was dangerous and always on the move.

Even though our connection was magnetic, I knew it was only temporary.

He would give me tickets, and I would follow him around the world to exotic places.

A bevy of flight attendant exes and rumors about Carter's reputation were never far behind.

I didn't know what to believe.

But I was addicted. Nothing else mattered anymore. And I was going to get hurt. Because a part of me wanted to be the one to finally ground the playboy pilot.

At the very least, he was taking me on a thrilling ride.

All good things must come to an end, right?

Except our ending was one I didn't see coming.

Check it out on Goodreads!
13. Edge of Chaos [Love on the Edge 01] by Molly E. Lee!

Blake Caster has been in an emotionally abusive relationship with Justin for so long, she can’t tell what is normal anymore, and so she clings to the one thing that is solidly hers—her passion for extreme weather.

Three years into her Meteorology degree, Blake meets professional storm chaser, Dash Lexington, who is as gorgeous as he is daring. Instantly recognizing her passion and skills in analyzing weather data, he makes a spot for her on his tight-knit storm chasing team. Dash and Blake form a fast friendship and it forces her to realize just how toxic her relationship with Justin is. She can’t deny the lightning-worthy chemistry she has with Dash or how her heart stalls every time he gets too close to a tornado.

With each chase and the cherished moments with Dash, Blake discovers her own self-worth and gains the strength to end things with Justin for good. But he won’t go easily. As Blake tries to sever ties with one man, she fears she’ll lose the other to his dangerous obsession—and she doesn't know if she’ll be enough to save him from the impending storm that could end them all.

Check it out on Goodreads!

12. Wide Open Spaces [Shooting Stars 02] by Aurora Rose Reynolds!
That moment your life changes.
That moment that changes your life.
That moment you love someone more than you love yourself.
That was the moment we gave our son up for adoption and the moment I was left bare. A wide-open space that would forever be empty.
There are moments that define you as a person, moments that prove just how strong you are, moments you push yourself to keep going forward when all you really want to do is give up. It was in one of those moments when I reached out and found him waiting for me.

When Shelby Calder left home fifteen years ago, she never planned on returning to the Alaskan town she left behind. But after the death of her grandfather and a bitter divorce, she hopes going home will be a fresh start for her and her ten-year-old son.

Zach Watters has made a lot of mistakes in his life. But when he sees Shelby Calder, looking more beautiful than ever, standing outside her childhood home, he promises himself that letting her go won't be a mistake he ever makes again.

Some things never change and love is one of them.

Check it out on Goodreads!

11. Stripped Bare [Stripped 01] by Emma Hart!
What do you get when you mix a bachelorette party, the queen of dating disasters, and a stripper so hot he was forged from the fires of hell? Screwed. You get screwed....

Cocky. Commanding. Powerful. Relentless.
Those four words all summed up West Rykman perfectly.
So did filthy, dirty, sexy, and addictive.
He was supposed to be my one night stand...not my new marketing client.
He was definitely not supposed to be back inside my pants, not that anybody told him that.
I knew one thing: What West Rykman wanted, West Rykman got.
And he wanted me.

What happens in Vegas... might just make you stay.
Check it out on Goodreads!

10. Dirty [Dive Bar 01] by Kylie Scott!
The last thing Vaughan Hewson expects to find when he returns to his childhood home is a broken hearted bride in his shower, let alone the drama and chaos that comes with her.

Lydia Green doesn't know whether to burn down the church or sit and cry in a corner. Discovering the love of your life is having an affair on your wedding day is bad enough. Finding out it's with his best man is another thing all together. She narrowly escapes tying the knot and meets Vaughan only hours later.

Vaughan is the exact opposite of the picture perfect, respected businessman she thought she'd marry. This former musician-turned-bartender is rough around the edges and unsettled. But she already tried Mr. Right and discovered he's all wrong-maybe it's time to give Mr. Right Now a chance.

After all, what's wrong with getting dirty?
Check it out on Goodreads!

9. Badd Motherf*cker [Badd Brothers 01] by Jasinda Wilder!

Your wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day of your life, right? That’s what they say, at least. I went into that day hoping I’d get the happiest day of my life. What I got? The worst. I mean, you really can’t get any worse of a day without someone actually dying.

So…I may have gotten just a little drunk, and maybe just a tad impetuous…

And landed myself in a dive bar somewhere in Alaska, alone, still in my wedding dress, half-wasted and heart-broken.

Eight brothers, one bar.

Sounds like the beginning to a bad joke, yeah?

I kinda think so.

Wanna hear another joke? A girl walks into a bar, soaking wet and wearing a wedding dress.

I knew I shouldn’t have touched her. She was hammered, for one thing, and heartbroken for another. I’ve chased enough tail to know better. That kinda thing only leads to clinginess, and a clingy female is the last thing on this earth I need.

I got a bar needs running, and only me to run it—at least until my seven wayward brothers decide to show their asses up…

Then this chick walks in, fine as hell, wearing a soaked wedding dress that leaves little enough to the imagination—and I’ve got a hell of an imagination.

I knew I shouldn’t have touched her. Not so much as a finger, not even innocently.

But I did.

Check it out on Goodreads!

8. I Like Big Dragons series by Lani Lynn Vale!
I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie [I Like Big Dragons 01]
Keifer Vassago, The Prince of Dragons, has enough on his plate without adding a brunette with a bad attitude to the mix. Fate has a way of screwing all his plans, though, whether he wants them screwed or not. One second he’s fetching his brother from yet another situation that could possibly compromise the Vassago name, and the next that brunette is grabbing his assets.

Blythe isn’t after anyone’s assets, though. She’s a good girl. All she wants is to graduate from nursing school, get a job, and move out of her hell hole apartment. What she does not have time to deal with is a sexy bearded man that accuses her of grabbing his junk. She tries to forget about the encounter, but fate’s a cruel bitch.

One second she’s a normal college student barely living paycheck to paycheck, and the next she’s setting her panties on fire with powers from an ancient immortal dragon.
To add insult to injury, she’s hearing voices, and none of them are figments of her imagination.

Blythe’s life is turned upside down, and Keifer forces her to adapt even though she doesn’t want to. She likes her life just the way it is. Not to mention she wants nothing to do with that arrogant asshole. She doesn’t care that he rides a dragon. She also could care less about his stupid beard, and his sexy eyes.

Yeah, who was she kidding? She wasn’t convincing anybody.
Check it out on Goodreads!

Dragons Need Love, Too [I Like Big Dragons 02]

Dragon Prince Nikolai Vassago’s day starts out fairly normal: get up, kick some ass, fondle his beard, take some names.

One minute he’s participating in a run-of-the-mill mission, and the next minute, he’s rescuing Brooklyn, the woman that is fated to be his, from the clutches of a criminal mastermind.

Nikolai is quite pleased with his fated mate. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for Brooklyn.

Living in a religious commune for the majority of her life meant Brooklyn wasn’t exposed to all of the outside world’s craziness. The moment she turned eighteen, she was off and running towards whatever new experiences the outside world could give her.

In her quest to experience it all, she tends to jump into situations without weighing the potential consequences until it’s too late. Brooklyn just wants to be free to make her own decisions and live her life as she pleases. But in her quest to save herself from the limitations of her old commune life, she lands herself in a dangerous situation, and Nikolai swoops in to her rescue, throwing her on the back of his dragon and flying off into the night.

He’s a man-with-a-plan kind of guy, and she’s a fly-by-the-seat-of-her-pants (not on the back of a dragon!) kind of girl.

Nikolai, however, has fate on his side, and whether she is ready to accept her fate or not, it won’t be denied. Brooklyn’s stubborn, though, and Nikolai will need to use all of his powers to show her that she’s exactly where she needs to be.
Check it out on Goodreads!

7. Silent World [Broken World 07] by Kate L. Mary!

When Jim ran out of that farmhouse in Forgotten World, not only did he leave the promise of safety behind, but he was sure he was about to meet a horrible end.

Amira has lived most of her life surrounded by silence, and this new world has dangers lurking around every corner that could mean the end for her.

When two survivors, never meant to meet, find each other in the middle of an apocalypse, it will mean the difference between life and death. With silence as their constant companion, and the threat of death always hanging over their heads, Jim and Amira will learn not only what it means to trust another person, but how to let go of the past so they can survive this new world of violence.

Check it out on Goodreads!

6. Viewing Room [Society X 02] by Heidi McLaughlin & L.P. Dover!

Viewing Room Rules:
The rules of Society X are simple . . . break them and you're out.
Rule #1 - No names
It doesn't matter if you want to know, it's forbidden.
Rule #2 - No exchanging numbers
It doesn't matter if you want to call, it's forbidden.
Rule #3 - Everything is to remain strictly anonymous.
It doesn't matter if you want to tell, it's forbidden.
Whatever your desire.
Whatever your fantasy.
The Viewing Room will make it happen.
For Kennedy Vaughn, it’s an escape.
For Hunter Miles, entering the Viewing Room means he’s been selected.
What you witness in the viewing room will have you asking for more . . .

Check it out on Goodreads!

5. Bossman by Vi Keeland

The first time I met Chase Parker, I didn't exactly make a good impression.

I was hiding in the bathroom hallway of a restaurant, leaving a message for my best friend to save me from my awful date.

He overheard and told me I was a bitch, then proceeded to offer me some dating advice.

So I told him to mind his own damn business―his own tall, gorgeous, full-of-himself damn business―and went back to my miserable date.

When he walked by my table, he smirked, and I watched his arrogant, sexy ass walk back to his date.

I couldn't help but sneak hidden glances at the condescending jerk on the other side of the room. Of course, he caught me on more than one occasion, and winked.

When the gorgeous stranger and his equally hot date suddenly appeared at our table, I thought he was going to rat me out.

But instead, he pretended we knew each other and joined us―telling elaborate, embarrassing stories about our fake childhood.

My date suddenly went from boring to bizarrely exciting.

When it was over and we parted ways, I thought about him more than I would ever admit, even though I knew I'd never see him again.

I mean, what were the chances I'd run into him again in a city with eight million people?Then again...

What were the chances a month later he'd wind up being my new sexy boss?

Check it out on Goodreads!
4. Under the Lights [The Field Party 02] by Abbi Glines!
In the follow-up to Abbi Glines’s #1 New York Times bestseller Until Friday Night—three teens from a small southern town are stuck in a dramatic love triangle.

Willa can’t erase the bad decisions of her past that led her down the path she’s on now. But she can fight for forgiveness from her family. And she can protect herself by refusing to let anyone else get close to her.

High school quarterback and town golden boy Brady used to be the best of friends with Willa—she even had a crush on him when they were kids. But that’s all changed now: her life choices have made her a different person from the girl he used to know.

Gunner used to be friends with Willa and Brady, too. He too is larger than life and a high school football star—not to mention that his family basically owns the town of Lawton. He loves his life, and doesn’t care about anyone except himself. But Willa is the exception—and he understands the girl she’s become in a way no one else can.

As secrets come to light and hearts are broken, these former childhood friends must face the truth about growing up and falling in love…even if it means losing each other forever.

Check it out on Goodreads!
3. The Lies That Define Us [Us 02] by Micalea Smeltzer!

Ariella Geller is on the run from some very bad people and Liam Wade doesn’t know what he’s running from.

Freedom has been an elusive dream for Ari, but when her chance for escape comes, she takes it. She finds herself in California and forced to accept help from strangers in order to stay off the streets and avoid being found by those she ran from.

Liam Wade is sick of living in the shadow of his famous father. All he wants is to make a name for himself as a professional surfer, but it’s impossible when the media focuses on every other aspect of his life. All he wants is respect, a chance to prove himself, but when it never comes he finds himself running and hiding from the ones who love him the most.

When their paths collide Ari and Liam are forced to confront their demons, and in the process they just might find a reason to stop running.

Check it out on Goodreads!

2. The Problem with Forever by Jennifer L. Armentrout!

Growing up, Mallory Dodge learned that the best way to survive was to say nothing. And even though it’s been four years since her nightmare ended, she’s beginning to worry that the fear that holds her back will last a lifetime. Now, after years of homeschooling, Mallory must face a new milestone—spending her senior year at a public high school. But she never imagined she’d run into Rider Stark, the friend and protector she hasn’t seen since childhood, on her very first day.

It doesn’t take long for Mallory to realize that the connection she shared with Rider never really faded. Yet soon it becomes apparent that she’s not the only one grappling with lingering scars from the past. And as she watches Rider’s life spiral out of control, Mallory must make a choice between staying silent and speaking out—for the people she loves, the life she wants and the truths that need to be heard.

Check it out on Goodreads!

1. Vein Of Love [Blackest Gold 01] by R. Scarlett!
"Darkness isn't all one shade, sweetheart."

Three centuries ago, Molly Darling’s ancestors signed a contract in blood—daemon blood—to protect themselves from harm. On the eve she turns nineteen, Molly leaves for her birthday party against her parent’s wishes, sick of their warnings about her “betrothal to a demon.”

Except that she’s very much betrothed, and he’s very much a demon—one who’s only agreed to the nuptials to steal Molly’s ancient daemon powers. Brash, arrogant, and built like a Greek god, Tensley Knight keeps showing up to save Molly from otherworldly attacks, only to insult her a moment later.

As Molly learns more about the demon world, she realizes two things: that her family’s safety depends on a successful marriage, while any chance of freedom she’ll ever have calls for Tensley’s demise.

Yet sometimes Molly spots a tortured soul beyond those liquid grey eyes, and there’s no denying the way her skin tingles when Tensley touches it. In Vein of Love, safety requires sacrifice, foe becomes lover, and one must decide whether to kiss...or to kill.
Check it out on Goodreads!

So there you have it! My top 16 books of 2016! I hope you enjoyed reading some of these books as well! :)

Friday 30 December 2016

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Schooled by a Senior by K. Webster!

Aut Blanks is brilliant bad boy with a chip on his shoulder.

Mrs. Macmillan is a substitute teacher way in over her head.

When they’re forced to work together, the sexual tension is off the charts.

Will the teacher remain professional or will she be schooled in a lesson on sex by a filthy boy who barely fits in his desk?
Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy from Amazon
Author bio:

K Webster is the author of dozens romance books in many different genres including contemporary romance, historical romance, paranormal romance, and erotic romance. When not spending time with her husband of twelve years and two adorable children, she’s active on social media connecting with her readers.

Her other passions besides writing include reading and graphic design. K can always be found in front of her computer chasing her next idea and taking action. She looks forward to the day when she will see one of her titles on the big screen.

You can easily find K Webster on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Goodreads!


Thursday 29 December 2016

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Complex Kisses [Here & Now 01] by Kim Bailey!

When lost and living in the moment …
… can you be found with just a kiss?

Jamie Hartley ran away, leaving grief and heartache behind. Lost on her own. Raising a child. Her plan is simple. Make it through. Find her path. Survive.

Eric Anderson walked away, abandoning plans and expectations. Living day to day. Waiting for miracles. His goal is complicated. Make it through. Find a way. Endure.

In stolen moments of passion and pleasure, Jamie and Eric find reprieve from their complex lives.

Together, they eases the burdens. Together, they soothe the pain.

But can they recognize the future when it finds them?

Here and now.
Check it out on Goodreads!
Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:

Kim Bailey is a Canadian author. She’s a born procrastinator and sarcasm junkie. She gets her motivation from coffee, the fact that her teenage children haven’t disowned her, and the smile on her husband’s face when she tells him “maybe”.

When she was young and naïve, Kim dreamed of being a documentary filmmaker, and script writer. But when real life happened, she went to a job that actually paid her. Now she’s a customer support specialist by day and romance writer by night.

Writing is something she’s always done – she has about 20 million half-started story ideas. She may also be a slight exaggerator.

Kim promised herself to set her fears aside and make the dream real. She’s working on that, one day at a time.



Wednesday 28 December 2016

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Tempting the Badman [Russian Bratva 05] by Hayley Faiman!

At five years old, Inessa Kozlova is exposed to the dangerous power a badman wields. Now, twenty years later, she’s convinced that a badman is the last thing she wants in her bed. Strong, beautiful, and independent, she’s determined to live the life she wants on her own terms. Yet, from the moment she lays eyes on her Bratva lover, her heart demands otherwise.
Dominik Markov owes his life to the Bratva. Having grown up in prison, he associates his ties to the mafia with liberty. Embracing his freedom, he takes all that life has to offer—including all the women he can get. Known as the Bratva playboy, settling down is not his idea of happiness, and love is a mystery he wishes not to solve.
It doesn’t take long for Inessa to learn that the power of love is more dangerous than that of any man, and she’s no match against her feelings for Dominik. Yet, it’s Dominik who is brought to his knees—tempted by the only woman who has ever made him want more. Discovering that the cost of more is surrender, he must decide what kind of badman he really is—and if the woman who tempts his heart is worth it.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!
Pre-order your copy from Amazon
Author bio:

I was born and raised in California. My husband and I met when I was just 16. We were married a few years later, moving to Oregon while he was in the US Coast Guard.
Texas is now where we call home, where our boots rest, and where we're raising our two little boys and a chocolate lab named Optimus Prime.


Tuesday 27 December 2016

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Alpha Squad: Boot Camp [Alpha Squad 01] by Lorelei Moone!

   "I'll be back shortly," she mumbled as she fumbled with the tent's opening and staggered out.
   The sky was clear, which was unusual for this part of the world. Countless stars lit up the tent site and surrounding rocks and shrubbery. Janine would have to walk downhill a bit for cover.
   She took a deep breath and wrapped her warm jacket around herself. It was only late September, but the nights were already chilly in these hills. With the help of the star and moon light, Janine found the most gradual path down into some larger shrubs about thirty or so feet away from the summit.
   She did not waste time, and soon after started her climb back up. That was when it all went wrong. A loose rock escaped from underneath her foot and sent her sliding down the side of the hill. She let out a low whimper as her hip hit a sharp protrusion on the way, all the while flailing and reaching out for whatever vegetation she could find to stop her fall.
   This seemed to go on forever, until finally, she stopped slipping. But it wasn't a small tree or shrub that had broken her momentum, it was a firm hand around her wrist.
   Janine looked up and found a pair of familiar eyes staring down at her. Eric King.
   How in the world had he come to her rescue so quickly? There had been no activity around the camp as far as Janine saw. Perhaps he had been out and about as well.
   "Gotcha," he said. "Terrain's treacherous around these hills." He glanced up at the summit, which was a good hundred feet away now.
   God, that voice. Janine did not say a word as he lifted her back onto her feet; she could not find the words. Of course, it was not just his voice, it was his whole being that had affected her so. After trying so hard to do the best job she could, no matter what the assignment, at this moment, she wanted nothing more than to throw it all away.
   You're mine. The same low growl entered her mind. This was totally the wrong time for her overactive imagination to kick in.
   Am I? Am I yours? she thought.
   I knew that you were from the moment I first saw you.
   Janine was frozen in place, communicating with whatever that voice was—a figment of her own imagination perhaps—when Eric's eyes began to glow in the dark. In this light, it should not have been possible to make out their color, but they had very clearly turned warm amber.
   "How are you doing this?" she stammered.
   "Wait, you can actually hear me?" he asked, looking about as shocked as she felt.
   Janine opened her mouth to say something, then closed it again and frowned.
   I don't understand. I have my orders. I have a job to do. Why are you in my head?
   A smile broke through Eric's formerly serious expression. Because I am meant to be in your head. For whatever reason, we are meant to be in each other's lives.
   Janine shook her head. That does not make any sense. And anyway, I never knew shifters could read minds.
   We can't. Only when we find our true mate can we hear their thoughts, and they can hear ours.
   That was too much. Janine freed her wrist from Eric's grasp and started to walk away, still shaking her head. She could not accept this.
   "Thanks for saving me," she mumbled as she fought the pain resulting from her fall and marched back toward camp. "I need some time to think."

It has only been a few months since humanity has found out about the shifters that live in their midst. When the New Alliance leadership asks Eric King to join Alpha Squad, a joint taskforce supposed to promote cooperation between the shifters and human authorities, his loyalty to the cause doesn’t give him any choice but to agree. But is the squad actually supposed to be relevant, or is it just an eyewash, set up by the new Secretary for Shifter Affairs to make himself look good? And how is he going to concentrate on his training, when his inner bear is insisting that the squad leader is his true mate?

Major Janine Williams is not at all pleased when she is ordered to set up Alpha Squad. The initiative is just a gimmick, meant to pacify the shifter community, plus none of her male colleagues had wanted the job. But when she starts getting to know her team, especially tough East London bear shifter, Eric, she starts to wonder if perhaps it will be possible to make this task force a success, so long as everyone works together. And so long as she can manage to keep her relationship with Eric strictly professional..
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:
Lorelei Moone is an up-and-coming author of paranormal romance based in London. A lover of all things sweet, and caffeinated, when she’s not writing about sexy bear shifters and their strong-willed curvaceous love interests, Lorelei can be found baking cookies or cakes for her family.

Monday 26 December 2016

Release Day Blitz: Face-off at the Altar [Assassins 10] by Toni Aleo!

   Watching as Elli crossed the ice, saying hi to everyone she passed, Mekena knew she had to go. Standing, she wobbled a lot, but she still made it to the entry to the ice. She could do this. It wasn’t that hard. Just like walking—on water. No big deal.
   Oh, God, she was going to die, and everyone was going to see it.
   Swallowing hard, she stepped out on the ice and figured she could ride the side of the boards to him. Elli was already there, gushing over the kids and kissing all over the guy Mekena assumed was her nephew. And holy hot genes. Dark hair, bright blue eyes, and a jawbone that could slice the ice. He was beautiful, just like his uncle and his momma. Tall, too, and thick. Obviously a hockey player. That should have given her a little more confidence to skate over there, but instead, her fingers dug into the siding as she slowly made her way toward them.
   When Elli looked up, Mekena let go of the sides and waved. “I’m a little slow. I’m coming!”
Elli said something to Ryan, whose eyes lit up when he looked over at her. As he detangled himself from the kids that were trying to climb him like a wall, she figured he was coming to help.

   Oh, no, that was embarrassing.
   No, she could skate. She had it!
   Letting go of the siding, she went with ease. And at first, things were good. She was skating! But as well as it was going, it suddenly went very bad. She felt her knee bend funny and then her body start to fall. And as the ice came into view, she let out a cry, waiting for the ice to break not only her glasses but her nose too. Maybe her teeth.
   But she didn’t fall.
   No, instead, someone had her by her hips, pulling her up and to her feet.
   “Whoa there, girlie. I thought you knew what you were doing?”
   Everything inside her went hot. Not from embarrassment but from pure, burning desire. Trying to catch her breath, she looked up at him, his eyes so dark, his mouth so close to her cheek as he smiled.
Crap. Crap on a cracker.

   “Yup, it’s me,” he said, grinning as he stood her on her feet. “Saving your life.”
Markus Reeves is sucking. Big-time. Toiling away on a minor-league hockey team hundreds of miles away from home, he's watching his dreams of an NHL career fade away. Add in the lingering guilt he has over the dramatic demise of his relationship with college girlfriend, Mekena, and he's a mess on and off the ice.

But the family of his heart, the Sinclair's, won't let Markus suffer any longer. When he arrives himself back in Nashville for a trial run on the Assassins, it feels like his life may be making a turn for the better. If only he could get Mekena to forgive him...

Mekena Preston has been hurting since fleeing Nashville following the horror of Markus's betrayal with her sister. Now a professional photographer, Mekena finds herself in the same place at the same time with Markus to celebrate Lucy and Benji Paxton's wedding. Neither of them has been able to move on—and they're starting to wonder if they really want to.

They're headed for a face-off at the altar unless they can confront their past and unearth the truth about what really happened on that fateful night.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or iBooks
Author bio:

My name is Toni Aleo and I’m a total dork.
I am a wife, mother of two and a bulldog, and also a hopeless romantic.
I am the biggest Shea Weber fan ever, and can be found during hockey season with my nose pressed against the Bridgestone Arena’s glass, watching my Nashville Predators play!
When my nose isn’t pressed against the glass, I enjoy going to my husband and son’s hockey games, my daughter’s dance competition, hanging with my best friends, taking pictures, scrapbooking, and reading the latest romance novel.
I have a slight Disney and Harry Potter obsession, I love things that sparkle, I love the color pink, I might have been a Disney Princess in a past life… probably Belle.
… and did I mention I love hockey?

Saturday 24 December 2016

My Dream Book Conference Panel!

This is a different post to what I normally post, but Eventbrite is working on a project right now where they encourage people to share their dream panel of authors, so I narrowed it down to five authors that would make up my dream author panel! If you're feeling inspired to come up with your own dream conference panel and bring it to life, be sure to check out  Eventbrite's conference management page for all the tools to make hosting a book conference really easy!

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Anyone who knows me knows that Jennifer L. Armentrout is my favourite author! Her books enthrall me when I start reading them and I'm always anticipating her next release. Her Lux and Covenant series' are my top favourite series and she's just an all time amazing author. I got the chance to meet Jennifer at a book signing that I attended in July and she was so lovely, even after signing for hours lol! I can't wait to read more from her and to have her on my panel would be a dream come true.


Abbi Glines

Abbi Glines is another one of my top favourite authors, and has been for years, so I would love her to be on my dream panel and discuss her books! Abbi mainly writes contemporary books, and her characters are some of my favourites! Her book, While It Lasts, was the first New Adult book that I remember reading and I now read New Adult books more than any other genre lol! I've had the chance to meet Abbi three times over the years and she's such a nice person! Her books are pretty damn awesome too ;)

Cambria Hebert

Cambria Hebert writes the Hashtag and Take It Off series', which are two other series that I love and adore! All of Cambria's books have taken me by surprise and I've fallen more and more in love with her writing over the years. I'm always desperate to read more from her and she always surpasses my expectations with every new book she releases. She would be an amazing person to have on my dream author panel. I also met Cambria at a book convention earlier this year and she was one of the nicest authors that I've ever met in person!

Micalea Smeltzer

Micalea Smeltzer is a contemporary and paranormal author that I've been reading since 2012. Her Trace + Olivia series made me fall in love with her writing and I've now got the honour of calling her a friend. Since discovering Micalea's books in 2012, her writing has gotten better and better and has made her one of my favourite authors. Her writing pulls me right in and her books get better and better. Micalea would be to offer a lot on a panel, which is why I would love her to be on mines. She's also an amazing person and I still can't believe that I got to meet her in person at a book convention in June!

Tillie Cole

I became a major fan of Tillie Cole's books a few years ago, and it's all down to her Hades Hangmen series. I devoured the first four books in this series, and now I'm anxiously anticipating the rest of the books. The Hades Hangmen series is gritty and completely different to what I normally read, but it's one of my top series'. I also love Tillie's Scarred Souls series. I would love to have Tillie on my panel to pick her brain about the Hades Hangmen series and find out what made her go so dark compared to her one of her other series'. She was also lovely and very friendly when I got to meet her at a book signing in July!

Friday 23 December 2016

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Alpha Squad: Boot Camp [Alpha Squad 01] by Lorelei Moone!

   Eric took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He should have just stayed behind at that service station, perhaps tried to strike up more of a conversation with the mysterious woman who had caught his eye there. Or ideally, he should have risked Henry's disapproval and refused to join the task force. Anything was better than this.
   Back to the mystery woman. And what a woman she was. A regal beauty, with a voice that had set his heart alight. His inner bear had tried its best to claw to the surface; he'd hardly been able to control the urge to shift right there in front of her.
   How would she have reacted if she'd seen his true form? Things had changed since the New Alliance's little stunt, coming out to the entire world media, but they hadn't changed that much for everyone. Humans were still apprehensive, and why wouldn't they be? Most of their kind were pretty damn scary looking.
   Would she have screamed and run away? Or would she have been intrigued?
   He would never find out of course, because he'd let that opportunity pass him by when Adam had dragged him back to the restaurant for lunch.
   Where was she now? And was she thinking about their little encounter as much as he was?
   So many questions he'd never get the answer to…
   Instead, he was stuck here in this decrepit old building with a bunch of people, none of whom seemed to want to be here. Except Blackwood the wolf, maybe. He had seemed like the most cheerful person here after Adam.
   The sound of the door disturbed his gloomy thoughts, but he tried to ignore the intrusion.
   "Attention!" Private Callahan's voice filled the dorm.
   Eric opened his eyes and sat up straight on his bed. The top of his head almost touched the springs underneath Adam's mattress above.
   The private stepped aside and another woman marched into the room.
   Was he still daydreaming? He could not believe who had entered—the woman he'd just been fantasizing about.
   "Major Williams would like to say a few words," Private Callahan said.
   Major Williams. Eric was speechless. He had expected a grey-haired man, gruff like the SAS guy across the room, but perhaps more polished. Their commander was a woman. His woman.
   Major Williams scanned the room, slowly, pausing on each of the other trainees for a moment, then moving on to the next. Until she spotted Eric. She looked away instantly. Of course, she'd recognized him as well, and she did not look pleased to find him here.
   "I am Major Janine Williams, your team leader. Welcome and thank you for joining Alpha Squad. Starting tomorrow, I will conduct your training, evaluate you, and report on the progress of this task force with the relevant higher authorities. The first phase of training starts in the morning and will last two weeks, at the end of which you will all be graded on various aspects of your performance. Anyone who is deemed unfit to continue will be asked to leave at that point, before phase two begins. Any questions?"
   Questions? Eric had so many of those. He did not speak, though.
   "What do you mean, unfit? I was told I was being transferred here permanently," Ben, the younger of the two humans complained.
   "You shall address me as Major Williams or Ma'am, first of all. Secondly, this task force is not a joke. Only those who are worthy will make the cut." The major glared at him from across the room. Eric couldn't help but be impressed by her show of authority.
   Cooper folded his arms and pressed his lips together.
   "Do you understand? What's your name?"
   "Ben Cooper, Ma'am. Yes, I understand."
   Eric had trouble suppressing a smile. She wasn't going to take any crap from anyone, that much was obvious. It would only be a matter of time before Adam and the major would clash similarly. Amusingly, he found himself rooting not for his brother, but for the woman. Training under her command could get interesting.
   She glanced at him for a split second, during which he did his best to hide his reaction. He would play along, fall in line, and do his best to fit into the squad. He owed it to Henry, but that was not the only reason. Fate had handed him a second chance after he recklessly failed to get her details earlier today. No matter what, Eric was not going to waste the opportunity. He'd prove his worth to her one way or another before training was over.
   "All right then, at ease, everyone," the major said, "You have a big day ahead of you and I suggest you take rest."
   Eric nodded, mostly to himself, and lay back on his cot again. Perhaps this whole Alpha Squad nonsense had a couple of silver linings after all.
It has only been a few months since humanity has found out about the shifters that live in their midst. When the New Alliance leadership asks Eric King to join Alpha Squad, a joint taskforce supposed to promote cooperation between the shifters and human authorities, his loyalty to the cause doesn’t give him any choice but to agree. But is the squad actually supposed to be relevant, or is it just an eyewash, set up by the new Secretary for Shifter Affairs to make himself look good? And how is he going to concentrate on his training, when his inner bear is insisting that the squad leader is his true mate?

Major Janine Williams is not at all pleased when she is ordered to set up Alpha Squad. The initiative is just a gimmick, meant to pacify the shifter community, plus none of her male colleagues had wanted the job. But when she starts getting to know her team, especially tough East London bear shifter, Eric, she starts to wonder if perhaps it will be possible to make this task force a success, so long as everyone works together. And so long as she can manage to keep her relationship with Eric strictly professional..
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon
Author bio:

Lorelei Moone is an up-and-coming author of paranormal romance based in London. A lover of all things sweet, and caffeinated, when she’s not writing about sexy bear shifters and their strong-willed curvaceous love interests, Lorelei can be found baking cookies or cakes for her family.

