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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Monday 30 September 2013

Cover Reveal: Pictures, Lies & Promises [Alaskan Heart Saga 04] by Tiffany Carmouche!

Review (Pictures Lies and Promises)
“What a fantastic novel! There were several times that I had to remind myself to breathe! Pictures, Lies & Promises is jam packed with absolutely everything that makes a really good read! Every character & scene is written with such emotion and detail, you totally feel as if you are living the story. There are so many moments where my heart was thumping through my chest & just as many times I felt like it may have stopped beating. There are so many different aspects to this story & so many different directions it could take, you will be on the edge of your seat… and possibly have a few tears on your cheek.”~Nicki Wilson

 Author bio:

Best Selling Author Tiffany Carmouche has been given the title, The Queen of The Cliffhanger and Best Unknown Author You Need to Discover. When Tiffany Carmouché is not writing suspenseful romance novels, you can find her sculpting, traveling, teaching, singing, dancing, escaping in music or enjoying her family.

From skydiving in Alaska to scuba diving in Hawaii, Carmouché has traveled the world seeking adventure and it is apparent in the books she writes. Her adventures include riding camels in Africa, swimming under the stars in Puerto Rico, dancing salsa in Ecuador, and walking the cobblestone roads of Assisi, Italy. She has also found fulfillment working with the disabled and orphans in Argentina and Mexico. Her most cherished moments, however, have been watching her two beautiful daughters grow and strive to accomplish their own dreams.

Despite all of these amazing experiences, she has survived many struggles. There was a time she felt defeated, but now she is recommitted to savoring experiences both in the novels she writes and in the life she lives each day. Her secret hope is that anyone who is struggling will realize there is a light at the end of the tunnel and no matter how hard the fight, no matter how many times they have been knocked down, it is always worth staggering up to their feet and learning to breathe again. Please visit my author page at

Tiffany Carmouche

Sunday 29 September 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Heaven Sent [Rebel Walking 02] by Hilary Storm!

Publication date: 18th September 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
The Rebel Walking Series continues with Taron and Ivy's story, Heaven Sent. The explosive chemistry that these two share ignites a relationship of epic proportions.

He has been dubbed 'the panty stealer', but Taron Walker has his eyes set on the beautiful, full of life, Ivy Adams. Ivy doesn't usually put up with the player type, yet there is something about Taron that has her intrigued. Taron must leave to go on tour with Rebel Walking and Ivy will be left to face serious struggles on her own. Will she reach out to Taron for help, or will she push him away? Can these two find happiness in each other's arms, or will they tear each other's world apart?

I had been really looking forward to reading this book after I read the first book in the series! I had the amazing opportunity to be on the Blog Tour for the first book and I'm stoked to be back on the Blog Tour for the second book! Heaven Sent was amazing! I really enjoyed the first book in this series, but I have to say that I loved this book more! I connected more with the characters and I thought that the plot was a lot more structured! Overall, this book was amazing! I couldn't put it down! The plot of this book was full of twists and turns! I was instantly sucked into it! I couldn't read it fast enough! I did have a have a problem with the first book as a lot of it was written with "I am" instead of "I'm" which personally frustrates me in a book, but this book was written much better and a lot of the book wasn't written with "I am"! So, for me the plot was perfect! I really enjoyed it and I loved the direction that the author took the plot in! The characters were as amazing as what they were in the first book! Taron and Ivy were both the main characters and I fell completely in love with the both of them! We meet Taron in the first book and we get our first glimpse of his personality and such, but this book was his book and he was such a different person in it! Finally going inside his head was amazing! He's such a guy! Seriously! I loved how protective he was of Ivy and how much he loved her! My opinion of Taron changed a lot in this book compared to the first book! I loved his protective instinct and I could really see that from the very first moment he had genuine feelings for Ivy! Ivy was such a sweet person! I connected brilliantly with her! She goes through quite a lot in this book, but I loved her determination to protect those around her even if it meant her being in the firing line! She was so brave! I also loved that most of the characters from the first book were back in this book! It was exciting to see them again and see how they're developing! I'm really looking forward to reading the next book in this series and I'm excited to find out who's book it's going to be! I'll definitely be reading it regardless of who's book it is! I'm excited to find out though! I love the cover for this book! It's pretty damn hot and I love how well it suits the book! Big thank you to Hilary for an ARC of  Heaven Sent and to Feisty Girls Book Blog for having me on the Blog Tour!

Author bio:
Hilary Storm lives with her high school sweetheart and three children in Enid, Oklahoma. She drives her husband crazy talking about book characters everyday like they are real people. She graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University with an MBA in Accounting and has a full time job as an accountant. Her passions include being a mom, writing, reading, photography, music, mocha coffee, and spending time with friends and family. She is the author of the Amazon Best Selling 'Rebel Walking' series. Book one: 'In a Heartbeat' was released June 2013, Book two: 'Heaven Sent' was just released in September 2013.

 Hilary Storm

Saturday 28 September 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Wrecked [Pointe Hope 01] by H.P. Landry!

Publication date: 31st August 2013
Paperback edition: 271 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4 stars
Synopsis: Mylie Mier's life is overshadowed by tragedy and heartbreak.
She refuses to settle for Mr. Right Now and is holding out for her happily ever after. Then she meets Damien James.

Arriving in Pointe Hope was the pinnacle of Damien James' success.
He finally had everything he worked so hard for and life is going as planned--until he catches a predator attempting to defile a helpless victim. Mylie enters his life with the all the subtleness of a freight train.

Their connection is instantaneous but Damien is jaded and refuses to acknowledge his attraction. Though mesmerized, Mylie quickly realizes that her savior is a pretentious jerk. They fight their obvious connection, and Damien inadvertently pushes Mylie right into the arms of a sociopath.

Will Mylie live to see her happily ever after or will Damien's callousness force her to be destined to a life that is wrecked?

I'd been wanting to read this book since the cover was revealed as the cover is pretty unique and it drew me right in! I have to say though that I didn't really enjoy the story as much as I was expecting too! I did like it, but I didn't fall in love with it which is why I gave it four starts and not five! The plot of this book did confuse me at times! I felt like there was a lot going on and sometimes I had to really pay attention to make sure I didn't miss anything! The plot also started to confuse me as it progressed! I enjoyed it though! I wasn't expecting the plot to confuse me, but it did a little! It was written really well though! There were also some twists and turns to keep it interesting and to keep me wanting to find out what was going to happen next! Once I started to understand the plot I really enjoyed it! It was full of suspense and it kept me guessing! The characters were amazing as a whole, but the main female character did annoy me slightly! The main female character was Mylie and she infuriated me at certain points in this book! I didn't like that she sort of flirted with other guys when she was really in love with the one guy that infuriated her! She did eventually realise who she really loved, but it really annoyed me that she flirted with quite a few other guys! Apart from that I really liked Mylie! She went through quite a lot in this book and I felt really sorry for her! She was strong though and she held her head high during this book which made me admire her! Damien was the main male character and he was hot! I loved how protective he was of Mylie and how much he loved her! I could tell that he had genuine feelings for her as soon as he met her and to see those feelings develop was amazing! There was also quite a lot of sexual tension between Mylie and Damien in this book! I loved this as it made Mylie and Damien's relationship better and I really enjoyed it! This book was also written from both Mylie and Damien's point of views! This was definitely essential as there was quite a lot going on in the book and it was easier to understand it all through both characters point of views! The secondary characters in this book added a lot to the story! I enjoyed them and also what they all brought to the story! I thought that this book was a standalone when I first heard about it, but then I discovered that it's a series! I will definitely continue reading it and I'm looking forward to seeing where it's going to go next! As I said the cover is quite unique! I'm in love with it and I love how well it suits the book! Big thank you to H.P. Landry for a copy of Wrecked and to Girls Heart Books for having me on the Blog Tour!


Check it out on Goodreads!
Author bio:

H.P. Landry is the author of the Pointe Hope Series: the gripping New Adult Romance series that allows you to experience tragedy and heartbreak as it follows the small town and their troubling lives in finding love.

H.P. Landry on her off time is the Family Director of her own version of a chaotic Brady-like family with her two children, and her partner’s two children. She began writing at a very young age that turned into obsession as an adult. The creative writer has been inspired by family and friends to write her compelling stories.

H.P. Landry

Friday 27 September 2013

Cover Reveal: RecruitZ [Afterworld Series 01] by Karice Bolton!

Scientists are the new rock stars. The infection has been contained for nearly three months, and the world is celebrating. But humans are still dying. Rebekah Taylor has seen it firsthand. Her husband was killed right in front of her by the very creatures that humans were told they no longer had to fear.

Rebekah is determined to find out who is responsible for the death of her husband and the obvious cover-up. Fueled with revenge, she begins to find answers that lead to one frightening conclusion. The apocalypse might be over, but the battles are just beginning.

Author bio:

Karice Bolton is a paranormal romance/urban fantasy author living in the Pacific Northwest. All three books in The Watchers Trilogy are available now, Awakening, Legions, and Cataclysm. Lonely Souls, which is the first book in her new series Witch Avenue, was released in June 2012!

Thursday 26 September 2013

Cover Reveal: Perfectly Able by Suzannah Daniels!

What happens when you take a guy who’s afraid of failure…

Ridge Sutherland has his life planned to a tee. Now that he's graduated from college and gotten a job as an engineer, he plans to escape to a week of blissful solitude in the Tennessee mountains to train for his next goal: complete a triathlon...but that was before he realized that his meddling, little sister and her matchmaking friend had other ideas.

…and a girl who’s struggling to find herself…

Ava Nottingham knows all about challenges. Life has thrown her an unexpected one. If she’s learned anything in the last five years, it’s to live every moment to its fullest. But that was before life knocked her to her knees once again. Now, she just needs some time to pull herself together. When she finds herself sharing a cabin with a handsome stranger, she must choose between facing her insecurities and admitting defeat.

…and teach them that sometimes the best things in life are totally unexpected?

Ridge has no time in his schedule for a serious relationship, and the last thing Ava needs is a man who will break her heart. Will their growing attraction demand more than they can give, or are they both perfectly able?
Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Suzannah Daniels has had an affinity for words for as long as she can remember. She grew up in North Georgia with four brothers, so she learned at an early age to admire snakes and motorcycles. When she wasn't pestering her brothers, she could usually be found reading or writing.

She is the author of Dangerous and Devious, young adult contemporary romances, Ghostly Encounter, a young adult paranormal romance, and Viking's Embrace, an adult historical romance.

Currently, she lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee with her husband and her teenage daughter. Her son lives nearby. The family pets include a Lab mix, a Basset Hound, a Shih Tzu, and a sweet, little kitty.


Wednesday 25 September 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Breaking Nova [Nova 01] by Jessica Sorensen!

Publication date: 3rd September 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Nova Reed used to have dreams-of becoming a famous drummer, of marrying her true love. But all of that was taken away in an instant. Now she's getting by as best she can, though sometimes that means doing things the old Nova would never do. Things that are slowly eating away at her spirit. Every day blends into the next . . . until she meets Quinton Carter. His intense, honey brown eyes instantly draw her in, and he looks just about as broken as she feels inside.

Quinton once got a second chance at life-but he doesn't want it. The tattoos on his chest are a constant reminder of what he's done, what he's lost. He's sworn to never allow happiness into his life . . . but then beautiful, sweet Nova makes him smile. He knows he's too damaged to get close to her, yet she's the only one who can make him feel alive again. Quinton will have to decide: does he deserve to start over? Or should he pay for his past forever?
Favourite quote: "You're like my favorite song, Nova. The one that I never want to forget. That I want to play over and over again." 
I'd been looking forward to reading this book for a while now! I'm an avid fan of Jessica Sorensen and I always look forward to her next release! Breaking Nova has to be one of the most emotional books I've ever read! It was so dark, but it had a complete bright spot at the end! Well, for one of the characters anyway! The plot of this book was so beautiful! It was full of emotion! I cried at certain scenes and I'm talking bawling my eyes out crying! I think it's going to stick with people for a long time to come! I know it's one of those books that's going to stick with me! I don't approve of smoking weed at all, but weed actually played a pretty big part in this book! People use drugs to forget and that's exactly what the main characters in this book are trying to do! They're trying to forget about their pasts, their mistakes and most of all they're trying to forget what made them who they are! I think the author took a big step in making drugs play a important role in her book! I don't think they're written about enough in New Adult/Young Adult books, so to see this author take that step was really good to see! There wasn't really a lot of romance in this book! There were steamy scenes, but Breaking Nova was more about the characters trying to come to terms with their pasts first before they think about getting into a relationship! The characters in this book were so complex! Nova was a character that my heart went out too! Her life had become a routine and when something interfered with that routine it made Nova get nervous and she would clam up! She was such a scared person, but she went through such a journey and we only get to see the start of her journey in this book! Hopefully in the next book we'll get to see her journey to recovery continue and see her become an even stronger person! I completely admired Nova at the end of this book! She'd come such a long way! Quinton was a character that had been through a lot and he was trying to come to terms with everything! He used weed to try and forget about what had happened and to block out the memories! I think that Quinton was an amazingly strong character, but he didn't know it! He doubted himself and I think that this is why he had such a hard time coming to terms with what he'd been through! All he needed was to have a little faith in himself and he would have went so far! I loved this book was told from both Nova and Quinton's point of views! It made the book even better as the two of them were so similar, but so different at the same time! Every single character in this book was going through something and they all used drugs to try to heal the pain! I really hope that we get to see all the characters on the road to recovery in the remaining books of this series! Why must Jessica Sorensen come up with the best cliff-hanger's ever?! This cliff-hanger was nowhere near as bad as the one for her other book, The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden, but it's still left me begging for more! I'm dying for the next book in the series! The cover for Breaking Nova is stunning! I think it suits the characters and I completely adore it! Big thank you to Jessica for an ARC of Breaking Nova and to Shh Mom's Reading for having me on the Blog Tour!
Breaking Nova (Nova, #1)
Check it out on Goodreads!
Author bio:
The New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Jessica Sorensen, lives in the snowy mountains of Wyoming. When she's not writing, she spends her time reading and hanging out with her family.

Jessica Sorensen


Tuesday 24 September 2013

Cover Reveal: After the Kiss [Blood and Snow Season 2] by RaShelle Workman!

 photo AfterTheKiss_CVR_LRG_zps137fa3eb.jpg
At the end of Blood and Snow season 1, Snow White kissed her true love and became the Vampire Queen. Life should’ve been perfect.

Except it wasn’t.

<3 This is the story of Snow’s life After the Kiss… <3

Over the course of season 2 in the Blood and Snow series, Snow will unravel the truth about her absentee father, the stepmother who never cared and the treacherous Hunter.

Oh, and don’t forget Snow’s true love.

And the little vampire, Jasmine.

Because in the real world fairytales don’t equal happily ever after. In the real world fairytales don’t even exist.
Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!
Author bio:
RaShelle Workman is the bestselling author of the Dead Roses series ("Sleeping Roses" is being translated into Turkish, and will be available in print wherever Turkish books are sold in 2014), the Immortal Essence series, and the Blood and Snow series. She's sold over two hundred thousand copies of her novels worldwide in the past year, including Japan, Canada, and Europe. You can find RaShelle all over the web, but the best place to start is on her blog: www.rashelleworkman.com


Blog Tour & Giveaway: Because You're Mine [Mine 01] by K. Langston!

Publication date: 19th September 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4.5 stars

Synopsis: Madison Waters knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life. She was already working for one of the most prestigious law firms in Boston as a research assistant, and in a few short months, she would finally graduate from Harvard and collect her law degree. Everything Madison had worked so hard for, was well within her reach.

But when Madison has to take an unexpected trip back home, she's blindsided by the one thing she'd never planned on.

Desperate to escape his wicked past, Holden Brooks moved to Madison's hometown five years ago. It was a struggle at first, but he eventually overcame the demons that nearly destroyed him back in Texas. Holden is in a good place in his life and love is the very last thing on his mind.

Everything changes the moment their two paths collide and they soon find out, fate has a plan of its own.

You never know when love will come along and change...everything.

I had been desperate to read this book since I discovered the author's Facebook page and saw the book cover for Because You're Mine! When I saw sign-ups for her Blog Tour I quickly signed up and was so excited when I got my ARC! This book was amazing! It lived up to what I was expecting apart from one thing! The characters relationship development was too fast for my liking! I would have preferred it to have went slower and then this book would have gotten the full five stars from me! I love a bit of romance, but when a relationship develops too quickly then I really don't like it! The plot of this book was full of sexual tension! It leaked off the page! I completely adored it! The plot was also fast-paced! Seriously! I almost read this book in one sitting and I would have done if I hadn't of started it so late at night! I'm not sure if maybe it was just a short book or if maybe I just read it really fast lol! The plot was amazing though and I really enjoyed it! I would have liked it to have maybe developed a little bit slower though! The characters were amazing! Madison "Maddie" was the main character and I loved her! I didn't like that she sort of used sex to start with until she finally faced her feelings for her love interest! But she was protecting herself and I understood that in a way! Maddie was a girl still trying to find herself and it takes her finding someone she actually truely cares about for her to realise what she wants! Maddie did grow a lot in this book! I loved all her changes! Holden was the love interest of Maddie and he was such a babe! I think everyone's going to have a new book boyfriend! Holden was such a sweetheart! The way he was with Maddie was so protective and so caring! Plus, he was seriously hot! I did find that Maddie and Holden's relationship was developed really quickly! I was expecting their sexual tension to span for at least a few more chapters than what it did, but I was still happy with the direction that their relationship went in! There were other characters in this book as well and they all added so much to the story! I'm also really excited to hear that two of these characters are getting their story told in the next book! I'll definitely be reading the next book in this series! I'll be eagerly anticipating its release and I know that it's about two other characters in this book which makes me want it even more!  The cover for this book is stunning! It suits the book and it's also hot! Big thank you to K. Langston for an ARC of Because You're Mine and to Just Booked for having me on the Blog Tour!
Because You're Mine (Mine, #1)

Check it out on Goodreads!
Author Bio:

I've worked in property management for the last decade. Married to my soul mate and gentle giant for 12 years, the man has never been, nor will he ever be, the romantic type. However, we still have a very passionate marriage and we love each other fiercely. We have two beautiful children who drive us absolutely insane, but we love them dearly and we are certain our life would suck without them.

I love music. I have a broad range of taste so I listen to all genres, but I love country the most.

Most of my friends and family will tell you that I'm a bit loud. I take that back...I'm very LOUD. I tend to always say what others are thinking and I never sugarcoat anything.

Writing has given me the release I've been craving all of these years. An outlet to express myself the way I want to, the way I need to. It's like therapy for me and my life was forever changed the moment I typed that first line.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/klangston13


Sunday 22 September 2013

Spotlight: The Devil Drinks Coffee [A Kate Saxee Mystery 01] by Destiny Ford!

A cow suicide, a revolving door rescue, and the birth of a bright purple pig are starting to make Kate Saxee wonder if taking a job in her small hometown of Branson Falls, Utah, was such a great idea. As The Branson Tribune editor, Kate covers local news, which, more often than not, involves her accident-prone mom. Nothing truly newsworthy has ever happened in the quiet town until local teen Chelsea Bradford turns up dead in a Branson Falls lake.

The police rule Chelsea’s death an accident, but Kate suspects there’s more to the story—and she’s not the only one. Two of Branson’s most eligible bachelors are determined to help her solve the crime—among other things. But the small town social network is faster than Twitter, and gossip about Kate’s love-life is quickly branding her the Branson Falls hussy.

As Kate learns more about Chelsea, she discovers that plenty of people are trying to cover up the real story behind the girl’s death—including Chelsea’s parents. Now Kate has to juggle work, men, her mom’s most recent disaster involving a low-speed John Deere Combine chase on the freeway, and fend off the Mormons heaven-bent on saving her soul—all while solving Chelsea’s murder. Dealing with this is going to require a lot of coffee, chocolate frosted donuts, Neil Diamond's greatest hits, and a slew of words not on the town approved imitation swear list.
The Devil Drinks Coffee (A Kate Saxee Mystery, #1)
Check it out on Goodreads!
Kobo http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/the-devil-drinks-coffee

Author bio:

Destiny Ford is a pseudonym for Angela Corbett. Angela graduated from Westminster College with a double major in communication and sociology. She started working as a reporter when she was sixteen and won awards for feature, news, and editorial writing. She has also done freelance writing. In addition to writing, she works as a director of communications and marketing. She loves classic cars, traveling, cupcakes, and U2. She lives in Utah with her extremely supportive husband and their five-pound Pomeranian, Pippin, whose following of fangirls could rival Justin Bieber's.

She writes adult titles under the name Destiny Ford, and YA/NA titles under the name Angela Corbett.


Saturday 21 September 2013

Review: Through Glass [Glass 01] by Rebecca Ethington!

Publication date: 20th September 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars

Synopsis: Everyone remembered the day the sky went black. The day the sun was wiped from the sky. They remember the wind as it brought in the darkness; the way the earth shook and everything changed.

Everyone remembered the screams as the darkness ate those who were out in the open, those who had surrounded themselves by light, and those who made noise.

Everyone remembered the voice from the sky and the way food disappeared.

At least, that’s what I hoped. I hoped that there was an ‘everyone’ that would remember because I am not sure how many are left, how many survived. Or if anyone did.

I hoped that I wasn’t alone.

I remembered that day.

I remembered because it was the day I became alone.

It was the day that everything was perfect until the monsters took it away. Then the house went silent and the birds stopped singing. It was the day when everyone disappeared, everyone except the boy, the only person I have seen in two years.
The boy I talk to through the glass.

OMG! OMG! OMG! This is one of the best books that I've ever read! It was completely epic and continually blew me away! Everything about it was original and completely unique! I haven't read anything like it before! I originally wasn't going to sign up for an ARC of it, but then my curiosity got the better of me and I signed up! I knew that ARCs were limited so when I got an email saying I was getting one I did get really excited! The plot of this book was insane! It starts off quite normal and every day and then it turns dark and scary! It's definitely not for the faint hearted! The aspect of the plot was just brilliant! It was so original and it actually played out like a movie in my head as I was reading it! It would make a kick-ass movie! This book also didn't really have a lot of romance in it and I normally can't get into books that don't have a lot of romance in them, but in this book adventure and the whole aspect of the plot trumped romance! I was quite happy with that too be honest because there was so much going on in the plot already! The characters were so much more then amazing! Alexis was the main character and she was just completely kick-ass! She was seriously awesome! I connected with her instantly and she continued to completely surprise me as the book progressed! My heart went out to Alexis at certain scenes! As a person she went through so much in this book and she handled it brilliantly in my opinion! I cant wait to see how she'll change in the next book! Cohen was the love interest of Alexis and he wasn't really in the book a lot too be honest! Certain situations happen that make him not in the book a lot! When he was in the book though he was so sweet! I completely adored his relationship with Alexis I'm hoping that he'll be in the next book a lot more and judging from the ending of this book I think he will be! I'm looking forward to really getting to know Cohen more in the next book! There were quite a few other characters in this book as well and they all added so much to the story! There were some good characters and some bad characters, but I'm really looking forward to seeing how all the secondary characters are going to develop in the next book! I thought that this book was a standalone when I first started reading it, but it's actually the first book of a series! The ending was quite a cliff-hanger and there was no way the author could have left it there! I'm really excited about this book being in a series and I'm dying for the next book! Now that I've read the book the cover makes so much more sense to me! I thought that it was stunning before I read it, but now that I have read it I can see just how perfectly it suits the book! Big thank you to Rebecca for an ARC of Through Glass!
    Through Glass

Friday 20 September 2013

Indie-Credible Authors Event: Rashelle Workman!

Interview with Rashelle Workman!

To start us off is there anything you'd love to tell us about yourself?

I drink large amounts of caffeine and love red velvet cupcakes (in case anyone wants to donate) :).

Are you surprised by the response you have had for your books/series'?

I'm so happy with the response to my books. Am I surprised? Pleasantly so.

For the readers out there that haven't read your books could you give us five words as to how you would describe them please?

This is totally random: Romance. Romance. Love. Romance. Romance. Kidding, but my brand tagline is: Love is Always the Answer. I believe it and write about it in all sorts of genres.
Do you have a playlist for your books? If so, what kind of songs are on it?

A little secret. In Exiled, each chapter title is a song from the 80's and in Beguiled each chapter heading is a song title from the 90's. Dovetailed is coming out later this year. Bet you can guess which decade the chapter titles will be from? And I listen to this music. Also, for Touching Melody, the theme song is Titanium (this version):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGoCtJzPHkU

Do you have a favorite quote from any of your books?

This is from Blood and Snow: “Deep, abiding love is discovering something new and wondrous about the other person, even after spending a lifetime together.”
Who is your favorite character from any of your books & why?

Oh wow, this is tough. I'm going to say Snow from my Blood and Snow series. The reason is that her growth is huge in the first series and she's going to continue to grow in the second.

Are you currently writing anything? Can you tell us anything about it please?

Oh my goodness, so many things. The next release will be Witch Land from my Cindy Chronicles series. 

Can you tell us anything about it please?     

The Cindy Chronicles is a new story told from Snow's best friend Cinderella's (Cindy) point of view. It combines magic, science fiction, and love - of course.

Do you have any advice for aspiring writer/authors?

Read books. Take classes. Get involved with other writers in your area. Or, at least online. Keep writing. Write 1,000,000 words and mush them together into story after story after story. I promise you won't get anything but better at your craft.

Is there anything you'd like to say to your fans/readers?

I each of you. If I could hug you, I would.

Quickfire Round!

Favorite Food: Watermelon
Favorite Country: USA
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Animal: Dog
Favorite Book: Too many to list BUT I loved, loved, loved reading the Unearthly series by Cynthia Hand. Like, loved it.
Favorite Movie: The Notebook
Favorite Drink: Coke Zero
Favorite Restaurant: Café Rio

Now, Rashelle has a lot of books out, so rather than me sitting here and making a very long post about them all, I've made a video! Enjoy :)

Author bio:
RaShelle Workman is the international bestselling author of the Dead Roses series ("Sleeping Roses," book 1 in the series, has been translated into Turkish and is NOW available wherever Turkish books are sold), the Immortal Essence series, the Blood and Snow series, the Cindy Chronicles, and Touching Melody (A Forever First Novel). She's sold over three hundred thousand copies of her novels worldwide in the past year, including Japan, Canada, and Europe. You can find RaShelle all over the web, but the best place to start is on her blog: rashelleworkman.com. 
RaShelle Workman

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Unintentional Virgin by A.J. Bennett!

Publication date: 20th September 2012
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars

Synopsis: Karma Points is cursed. Cursed with a stupid name and the inability to lose her virginity. She's on a mission to lose her virginity before she turns twenty if it's the last thing she does.

One night, her good friend Eva brings her to an underground club where Karma meets a tattooed bouncer. He’s far from the clean-cut type she normally falls for, which makes her think this finally might be the night she crosses the threshold of womanhood.

Excited, she goes home with the bouncer named Jax and as always, her dreams crash down once again. Jax cannot believe she is willing to give away her virginity to a stranger she met at a club. As the only son with five sisters and a widowed mom, he can't morally go through with it, even though he's never been more tempted in his life.

Unwilling to let her walk away he strikes a deal. Karma has to spend three weeks dating him and then decide if she wants to have sex or walk away.

I really enjoyed this author's first book, so I was looking forward to reading this book! I have to say that I loved this book more that her first book! I felt that this book was written better! I think I felt like this because I preferred the plot of this book compared to the author's first book! I completely adored this book! It was a quick read and I thoroughly enjoyed it more then I was expecting too! The plot of this book was perfectly paced and brilliant! I was drawn right into it and I actually read this book in one sitting! The plot was written amazingly! It was funny in some parts and then pretty serious in others! I liked that mix as it made the atmosphere of the book better and it also made the atmosphere change dramatically as well! The overall plot I thought was brilliant! I really enjoyed it! The characters were also amazing! Karma was the main character and she was such a self conscious person! At the beginning I thought that she was going to actually be a really overconfident person, but she actually turned out to be a really shy person who had been getting sort of verbally abused which made her really self conscious! I did feel sorry for Karma! She thought she had all these flaws when in actual fact she was beautiful! It takes Karma until near the end of the book to realise that she is in control of her life and that she was the better person! I connected really well with her as well! Jax was the love interest of Karma and he showed her that she was beautiful and that she was perfect for him! I adored Jax! I completely adored him! And by the sounds of it he was smoking hot! I loved how Jax was with Karma! He was so gentle with her and he really showed her how to appreciate herself and not to listen to her mother! I loved that this book was written from both Jax and Karma's point of views! I wasn't expecting it to, but it made the book more interesting and also it was quite fun to go inside Jax's head and see how deep his feelings for Karma were! I'm really looking forward to more from this author! I said that in my review for her first book, Now or Never, and this book was definitely worth the wait, so I'm looking forward to seeing what she'll release next! I love the cover for this book! It's so pretty and the colouring of it goes together perfectly! Big thank you to A.J. for an ARC of Unintentional Virgin and to Allison for having me on the Blog Tour!

Unintentional Virgin
Check it out on Goodreads!
Author bio:
A.J. Bennett lives in Nashville, TN with her husband and bulldog. She's addicted to coffee, popcorn and books. Becoming an author has been a lifelong dream, and she's extremely excited about her positive feedback from her debut novel Now or Never. A.J. can’t wait to release her next book; and of course to continue writing for all of her new fans.

Cover Reveal: Tempt [Take It Off 03] by Cambria Hebert!

Stranded and alone with not one, but two wickedly enticing men.

Ava arrives at the airport, expecting to board a commercial flight to Puerto Rico. But a plane ticket isn’t waiting for her. Instead, she finds a guy with dark curly hair wearing seriously ratty jeans and holding a sign with her name on it.

He may not look like a pilot, but he is. And he’s her ride.

So now it’s just Nash and her on a tiny tin can of a plane flying over the Atlantic. When a thunderstorm comes out of nowhere, it proves to be too much for the little aircraft.

Ava and Nash plunge from the sky and end up on an uncharted deserted island.


As if that isn’t bad enough, Ava starts to desire more than just rescue—hunger for more than food. Nash is only too happy to oblige… but it seems they might not be as alone as they thought.

And Nash might have some competition in claiming Ava’s body… and her heart.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Author bio:
Cambria Hebert is the author of the young adult paranormal Heven and Hell series, the new adult Death Escorts series, and the new adult Take it Off series. She loves a caramel latte, hates math and is afraid of chickens (yes, chickens). She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband and children (both human and furry) where she is plotting her next book. You can find out more about Cambria and her work by visiting http://www.cambriahebert.com