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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Cover Reveal: Embracing the Flames [Born in Flames Trilogy 02] by Candace Knoebel!

The Stone of Immortality has been protected under the watch of the Draconta for as long as time has existed. That is, until the betrayal of a Fate. Now everything is about to change.

Aurora Megalos accepted her destiny without blinking-even if it meant succumbing to her dragon side. Deemed the Progeny, she left the ordinary life she knew and has done everything in her power to learn the ways of her new realm and what it means to be part dragon. But when her mentor, Astral, suddenly disappears, she is forced to take the reins. With war on the brink, she sets out on an epic journey to not only find her mentor, but to stop her Arch Enemy, Zordon, from attaining the Stone of Immortality. But what she discovers about him along the way is far worse than she could’ve ever imagined. She will be tested and pushed to the limit. Lives will be lost, love will be questioned, and a battle will begin.
Author bio:                                                     

Candace Knoebel had dreamed of being a dancer ever since she could remember. With a love of all things art, she saw herself moving to New York and pursuing her passion as an artist. But all that changed on October 10th, 2002 when she met the love of her life. Her dreams diverged and after marrying her high school sweetheart and having two beautiful children, she realized she missed her creative side.

Growing up alongside the Harry Potter series, Candace found herself missing the epicosity of a story that pulls you in and won’t let you go. In 2009, she began dreaming up characters that would mold her first novel. Through lunch breaks and late nights, after putting her kids to bed, she built a world where she could escape the ever-pressing days of an eight to five Purgatory. She found her calling in life and knew this was more than dancing could’ve ever meant to her.

Once complete in 2010, she began the grueling process of finding a publisher. With relentless determination, she was finally able to realize her dream in December of 2011 when 48fourteen offered her a publishing contract. With a HUGE yes and a happy dance, she now continues her Trilogy.

Twitter: @candaceknoebel

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Cover Reveal: Xander's Chance [Damian Eternal 01] by Lizzy Ford!

Xander's Chance by Lizzy Ford facebook banner
Lizzy Ford's upcoming book, "Xander's Chance," the first in spinoff series from her best selling War of Gods saga, will be out in late March. Lizzy recently revitalized the covers for the entire series in anticipation of the release of "Xander's Chance" in late March. Cover by the awesome Regina from Mae I Design!

Xander's Chance ebooklg

As the single-most powerful vampire on the planet, Xander is the ultimate bored predator with too much time on his hands. He manipulates the minds of immortals for fun and bullies around the Gods, while guarding the secret source of his power, a crystal that can wipe out the planet. But beneath the surface, he’s a shrewd creature who learned the brutal lesson of why there must be a balance between good and evil. An unwilling protector of the playthings known as humans, he knows when and where to use his power – and never to let anyone close enough to betray him. It’s easy to do, since he has the power to read the minds of everyone around him. Except for one: Jessi, an innocent looking woman with an unusual talent who shows up unexpectedly in his life. Her sudden appearance is too convenient to be coincidence or chance. Xander determines quickly that she was sent by someone, but he can’t read her mind to discover why. Jessi’s secret – and Xander’s – have the power to forever change the human world. Intrigued by a new sort of challenge, Xander won’t know how much danger he’s in, until he’s placed his fate in the hands of a woman whose betrayal will cost either his heart or his life.

Author bio:
Lizzy Ford is the author of over seventeen novels written for young adult and adult paranormal romance readers, to include the internationally bestselling Rhyn Trilogy, Witchling Trilogy and the War of Gods series. Considered a freak of nature by her peers for the ability to write and release a commercial quality novel in under a month, Lizzy has focused on keeping her readers happy by producing brilliant, gritty romances that remind people why true love is a trial worth enduring. Lizzy’s books can be found on every major ereader library, to include: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, Kobo, Sony and Smashwords. She lives in southern Arizona with her husband, three dogs and a cat. Find Lizzy online!

Cover Reveal: Wait for You by J. Lynn!

Wait For You
Some things are worth waiting for…

Traveling thousands of miles from home to enter college is the only way nineteen-year-old Avery Morgansten can escape what happened at the Halloween party five years ago—an event that forever changed her life. All she needs to do is make it to her classes on time, make sure the bracelet on her left wrist stays in place, not draw any attention to herself, and maybe—please God—make a few friends, because surely that would be a nice change of pace. The one thing she didn’t need and never planned on was capturing the attention of the one guy who could shatter the precarious future she’s building for herself.

Some things are worth experiencing…

Cameron Hamilton is six feet and three inches of swoon-worthy hotness, complete with a pair of striking blue eyes and a remarkable ability to make her want things she believed were irrevocably stolen from her. She knows she needs to stay away from him, but Cam is freaking everywhere, with his charm, his witty banter, and that damn dimple that’s just so… so lickable. Getting involved with him is dangerous, but when ignoring the simmering tension that sparks whenever they are around each other becomes impossible, he brings out a side of her she never knew existed.

Some things should never be kept quiet…

But when Avery starts receiving threatening emails and phone calls forcing her to face a past she wants silenced, she has no other choice but to acknowledge that someone is refusing to allow her to let go of that night when everything changed. When the devastating truth comes out, will she resurface this time with one less scar? And can Cam be there to help her or will he be dragged down with her?

And some things are worth fighting for…

Buy it on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Wait-for-You-ebook/dp/B00BLTOXEI/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1361958795&sr=1-1&keywords=wait+for+you
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/wait-for-you-j-lynn/1114701569?ean=2940016231921

What do early readers have to say about Wait for You?

“J. Lynn creates a wonderful cast of characters that will make you laugh, swoon, and cry. Cam stole my heart.” – Cora Carmack, NY Times and USA TODAY Bestselling Author of LOSING IT

“For the love of all that is Cameron without a shirt on! Wait for You will have you laughing out loud, fanning yourself and anxiously waiting to know what will happen next.” – Molly McAdams, NYTimes and USA TODAY Bestselling Author of FROM ASHES and TAKING CHANCES

“I don't think I have ever read a NA Contemporary novel with as much depth as this one. It really moved me and by the end I was just speechless over how inspirational and uplifting it was as well as being sexy and cute and funny and emotional.” - K Books

“Wait For You is uniquely different from anything else J. Lynn's written but it might possibly be her best work yet.” – Jenuine Cupcakes

“For all of you in love with Aiden and Daemon, PREPARE YOURSELVES! Your heart will have to expand a little more for Cam.” Total Bookaholic

 "For the love of all things CAM, this book deserves more than 5 stars.” – Mundie Moms

“I cannot even begin to explain how much I adored this perfectly crafted contemporary.” – Shortie Says
Author bio:
J. Lynn, also known as Jennifer L. Armentrout, is the USA TODAY Bestselling author of the adult romance Gamble Brothers’ series, the young adult Lux Series and award winning Covenant Series. She pretty much writes everything—contemporary, paranormal, and fantasy. All of her books have one thing in common no matter the name or genre: kissing… and stuff. When she’s not busy writing, which is never, she’s usually hanging out with dog Loki, watching reruns of The Walking Dead, or procrastinating on the Internet.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Shattered Promises [Shattered Promises 01] by Jessica Sorensen!

**Mature Content Warning** 17+ for language and sexual content.
(A re-imagining of The Fallen Star told as a New Adult Paranormal)

For twenty-one year-old Gemma, life has never been normal. She knows nothing about her past and has been haunted by the same monsters in her nightmares for the last three years. Unemotional and numb to life, she feels disconnected from everyone. Until the very first day she cries. After that, nothing in her life is the same.
Her emotions slowly surface and she starts experiencing love, happiness, and anger, feelings she never knew existed. But they leave her confused and she doesn’t know whether to embrace them or run away from them.
Her life only gets more complicated when she meets Alex. Sexy, arrogant, and secretive, Alex can get under Gemma’s skin like no one can. Yet she’s drawn to him by an invisible connection she has no control over. She’s also seen him before. In her nightmares.
Every part of Gemma’s mind is screaming at her to stay away from Alex, but every other part of her is begging to get close to him. But the closer she gets, the more she realizes Alex knows more about her than he originally let on.
As secrets about her past unravel, Gemma’s life becomes threatened. She needs to figure out what’s going on, before she winds up dead. But the only person she can turn to for answers is the one person she isn’t sure she can trust.
Shattered Promises (Shattered Promises, #1)
Check it out on Goodreads:
I will add more buy links as soon as they become available!
Author bio:
The New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Jessica Sorensen, lives in the snowy mountains of Wyoming. When she's not writing, she spends her time reading and hanging out with her family.
Jessica Sorensen

Monday 25 February 2013

Promo Blitz: Owlet [Society of Feathers 01] by Emma Michaels!

Somewhere between falling and flying… there is a girl.

Iris has a secret. She lost her memory eight years ago and never told a living soul. After an asthma attack one night she finds out that her dreams of a strange house on a snowy island may be a memory resurfacing but the more she learns about the past the more she realizes the life she has been living is a lie. As the façade her father has built starts to crumble around her she will have to decide which means more to her; the truth or her life.
Owlet (Society of Feathers, #1)
Author bio:
Personal: Emma Michaels is a cover artist and author of The Thirteenth Chime, Anasazi, Firstling and Owlet. As the founder of The Writers Voice blog (http://OurBooksOurVoice.Blogspot.com) she loves to connect authors and readers. Her love of blogging started when she created a review blog in 2009 (www.EmmaMichaels.com) that gave her that final push towards submitting her novel to her first publisher, Bokheim Publishing. With her novel Owlet and her full ‘Society of Feathers’ series being published through Tribute Books she feels blessed to be working with two of her favorite publishers to bring her books to life.
Twitter: @EmmaMichaels 

Sunday 24 February 2013

Cover Reveal: The Star Caster [The Elicit Novella Series 01] by Jamie Loeak!

Danika wakes up, trapped in a barbed wire cage. All she knows is darkness, fear, and unending questions as to why she was kidnapped. When two strangers walk in, talking about a metamorphosis, Danika seeks to find answers in a handsome stranger, Sterren. Sterren shows Danika the world of the Star Caster, and they find themselves tangled in not only their escape, but in each other as well. When they face their worst enemies together, they grow stronger, and find that they are capable of making their own wishes come true.

Author Interview: Felicia Tatum!

Hey guys! Today we have an interview with the wonderful, Felicia Tatum who is here to talk to us about her book, The White Aura! Enjoy!

Is there anything you'd love to tell us about yourself?

Well, I'm extremely sarcastic and overly ambitious. It's hard for me to talk about my feelings, but I can always write about them. I love writing :)

For the readers out there that haven't read The White Aura could you tell us a quick bit about it please?

Sorcerer Scott Tabors has found his heart mate, Olivia Whitehead, but he can't meet her because of a curse on his family. So he visits her in her dreams and the book is about their dream walking and her journey in finding herself.

How did you come up with the idea to write The White Aura?

I actually had a dream about it. So I started writing and it just developed from there. 

How long did The White Aura take you to write and be available for purchase?

I started it on May 2, 2012 and finished my final draft before editing on October 2, 2012. I hired an editor and it was published November 30th :)

Who designed your cover?

Samantha Bagood! She is wonderful :) www.coverpub.samanthabagood.com

If The White Aura was made into a film which celebrities could you see playing the main characters?

I think I would have to find new faces to play them...I can't think of anyone off the top of my head that would be perfect for the part. I would hope Emma Stone would read for Liv, though, just so I could meet her :D

Are you currently writing anything? Can you tell us anything about it please?

I'm writing a lot of things! I have a column in a local newspaper, I'm working on the sequel to TWA...which is titled The Vessel, and I'm also outlining another story that's really close to my heart. I think it's going to be wonderful.

Is there anything you'd like to say to your fans/readers?

Thank you! It is the best feeling in the world to have someone tell me they love my work, and so many of you have! You bring a smile to my face and warmth to my heart.

Quickfire Round!

Favorite Food: Macaroni and cheese (homemade)
Favorite Country: I haven't been yet...but I love learning about Italy.
Favorite Color: Pink! 
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite Book: Too many favorites, I can't choose! 
Favorite Movie: Dirty Dancing
Favorite Drink: Diet Pepsi
Favorite Restaurant: A local Mexican place, El Tapatio 

Author bio:

Felicia Tatum was born and raised in Tennessee. She always loved reading, and at the age of twelve began writing. Her passion for creating stories grew and in May 2012, she finally wrote her first novel, The White Aura.

She still lives in Tennessee with her daughter and her kitty. She loves cooking and books. Animals are some of her best friends. She watches a lot of Disney channel and often dreams up new book ideas. She's currently writing the second book in series.

Felicia Tatum

Saturday 23 February 2013

Cover Reveal: Fight or Flight by Jamie Canosa!

Some secrets tear us apart. Others bring us together.
Be smart. Keep your head down. And look out for number one.

These are the rules Jay has lived by for the past two years. The rules of surviving life on the streets. But when Em comes bursting into his life, in all of her disastrous glory, the rules go right out the window.

Survive. Flee what’s been left behind. And never look back.

Emerson’s plan was simple. Though, it was easier said than done. The city streets are dangerous and unforgiving to a new arrival. Especially, a seventeen-year-old girl who’s never known anything but life in the suburbs. Sometimes, however, what’s lurking behind those white picket fences can be more frightening than any dark alley.

Both of them made the same decision when life got overwhelming—to run from their demons. Brought together by fate or circumstance, Em and Jay find the kind of love neither of them ever expected. But, when those demons come back to haunt them and their love is on the line, which instincts will they choose to follow this time . . . Fight or Flight?

Add it to your TBR shelf now on Goodreads here
Author bio:
Jamie Canosa is a full time author of YA literature, which she absolutely loves. When she's not writing or spending time with her family, she can usually be found with her nose in a book. She currently resides in upstate NY with her wonderful husband and three crazy kids . . . plus the dog, the bird, and the rabbit.

Her debut novel, Dissidence, was published in 2012 along with several novellas. including Temptation, the first in her Heart and Soul series.

Friday 22 February 2013

Cover Reveal: Beneath [Heven and Hell 3.5] by Cambria Hebert!

Where I came from everything is perfect. Everything is beautiful and predictable. Life isn’t measured by days, but by infinite joy that never ends.
But it did.

When I fell in love with a man who was perfectly imperfect.

The price for forbidden affection was steep and my beautiful white wings withered and died around me.

I was fallen. I am fallen.

Years have passed, and I’ve learned the true meaning of time. I’ve learned to build a wall around myself and exist alone. Yet, when he looks at me… the heart beneath my armor trembles.

But I must remember.

I must remember that I might not have anything left to lose, but he certainly does. And risking him is something I won’t do. So I lock my feelings where they belong.


Author bio:

Cambria Hebert is the author of the young adult paranormal Heven and Hell series and the Death Escorts series. She loves a caramel latte, hates math and is afraid of chickens (yes, chickens). She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and children (both human and furry) where she is plotting her next book. You can find out more about Cambria and her work by visiting http://www.cambriahebert.com

Follow her on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cambriahebert
Cambria's website: http://www.cambriahebert.com

Thursday 21 February 2013

Cover Reveal: The Truth About Letting Go by Leigh Talbert Moore!

Ashley wants to smash everything in her once-perfect life.
Charlotte wants to walk in Ashley's seemingly charmed shoes.
Colt wants to turn Smalltown USA on its ear--with Ashley at his side.
Jordan wants to follow his heart... but Ashley is the one sacrifice he never expected to make.

Ashley Lockett has always followed the rules. She's always done the right thing, played it safe, gone to church. And then her ideal life is shattered when her dad dies suddenly.

Fueled by anger and grief, she vows to do everything opposite of how she lived before. She rejects safety, rules, faith,

and then she meets Jordan.

Jordan has big dreams, he's had a crush on Ashley for years, and he's a great kisser. But he's also safe.

Enter Colt. He is not safe, and he's more than willing to help Ashley fulfill her vow.
I feel Colt laugh, and he looks down into my face. That’s when he seems to realize what I’ve been acutely aware of for the last several minutes—our bodies are pressed together. “It’s awesome, yeah?” he says. “Adrenaline rush.” “Yeah,” I breathe. “I guess.” I’m not sure if he’s going to kiss me until he does. His mouth covers mine, and energy mixes with the alcohol flooding my body. Our tongues slide together, and I grip his shirt so I don’t collapse.  Every single bit of this is wrong, and there’s no way I’m stopping it. It’s back, that good feeling. The sadness has been pushed out again, and in its place is this rush, this rush of adrenaline like Colt said.  He pulls back and smiles at me. “We’re going to start dating. Now. You’re my partner in crime.”
Author bio:
Leigh Talbert Moore is a wife and mom by day, a writer by day, a reader by day, a former journalist and editor, a chocoholic, a caffeine addict, a lover of YA and new adult romance (really any great love story), a beach bum, and occasionally she sleeps. -The Truth About Faking is her debut young adult romance (on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and Kobo) -Rouge is her first New Adult romantic suspense novel (on Amazon). Leigh loves hearing from readers; stop by and say hello!

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Cover Reveal: Gravitational Pull [Vis Vires Trilogy 02] by Marissa Carmel!

Touch me, and bring me to life...
How do you move on when you don’t even know where you were going in the first place?
The Spirit Stalker is dead and I have finally started to erect my life. But I quickly discover, that just because the structure is built doesn’t mean the foundation is sturdy. As much as I try to manage my abilities, I can’t completely control them. The physical impossibility of the relationship I have with Justice has reached a boiling point; our fundamental problem is my inability to control myself from absorbing his power, and his fears of touching me because of it.
 As if that wasn’t deal-breaker enough, a new threat looms on my horizon - Darklings.
They are grim reapers of the immortal world who surface every five-hundred-years to feed off the souls of magical beings who are weak, aimless, lost; those who have given up and want to move on.
They also hunt power. Which means, they’re hunting me.
 Abandoned by the one person I need the most, I find myself in Melenia’s realm.  There, I’m courted by Siberian, a dangerous pixie who covets me, hunted by Death personified; all the while hiding my powers and my ancient bloodline. The pixie prince is alluring, and I feel so broken and vulnerable. I know giving in to him means giving myself over to him. But right now, I don’t care. All I want is to feel anything other than the loss and rejection Justice left me with.
Anything other than pain.
So what do I do when I’m scared to be touched, even though I know it’s the only way to bring my soul back to life?
Excerpt- Justice’s POV

We land right outside the gates of Keelin Castle. Extinguishing ourselves, we descend on the palace.
Walking authoritatively, we make our way down the nave-like hallway of the castle to the huge, golden double doors at the end. The throne room.
“Are you sure that’s where she’ll be?” Derrin asks snidely. “She might be waiting in her chambers for you.”
“Well if she is, she’ll be waiting a while.”
“It could be a good way to get some of your frustrations out,” he says boorishly.
“There’s more than one way to release frustration,” I threaten him.
“Bring it, bitch,” he grabs his crotch, not intimidated at all.
I push open the throne room doors, and as expected, we see the pixie queen perched on her throne waiting for us.
Emery surveys us as we approach. Both Derrin and I give a small nod in due respect as we reach her, but don’t be deceived, we are the supreme strata.
“Your little human has caused quite a stir,” she says evenly, but I can see the danger flashing in her eyes.
“She was the one who was attacked,” I quickly defend Liv.
“Was she? Or did she bring it on herself?”
My look becomes more intense. “What are you talking about?”
“My brother has taken quite a liking to her you know,” Emery says randomly.
Yes, I’ve noticed.
“If your brother knows what’s best for him, he will disappear from her life,” I say through clenched teeth.
Or I’ll remove him myself.
Emery’s eyes become razor sharp at my comment - she’s realized something. She slips off her throne and stalks down the three slate stairs to the floor where Derrin and I are standing. Like Liv, she is tiny, with long hair blacker than night and almond eyes just like Melenia’s.
“What is so special about this human?” she looks up at me, searing the question straight into my soul.
“Nothing,” I snap, but Emery knows me. She sees right through my lies.
“Then it will be nothing if I send the royal guard to take care of her, and rid my land of such contaminants.”
“Do it, and I will burn this entire realm to the ground,” I growl.
Her eyes grow a little wider, but she doesn’t back down from my glare.
“You love her.”
“You deny it?”
“You loved me once,” she says vulnerably.
“What we had was never love,” I bite, “just sex.”
Ouch. That was harsh, even for me.
Emery’s eyebrows crease, and I know I have hurt her deeply.
It’s not a lie, I never loved her. We did have an intense physical relationship that included some emotion, but it’s incomparable to what I have with Liv.
She backs away from me, shifting her eyes between me and Derrin.
Derrin clears his throat. “Not to interrupt this lover’s quarrel,” that I highly enjoy watching, he tells me telepathically, “but what exactly did you mean when you said she brought it on herself?”
Emery’s full attention falls upon Derrin.
“Siberian didn’t give me all the details, but apparently she used her powers on him, and what she did, he described only as provocative.”
I clench my jaw. Provocative?
Images of Liv and Siberian reel through my head. What did she do to him? What did he do to her?
The thought makes me furious.
I’ve damaged us so badly; she turned to a threat more dangerous than the Darklings. And the only thing I can do about it is blame myself.
“So, is she in trouble?” Derrin goes on. “Is there anything we need to be aware of?” he hints. “Besides you sending the royal guard and Siberian?”
Emery contemplates Derrin’s questions for a short second. “Besides Darklings, what else should there be?” She looks over at me as I stand there still-stocked, trying not to give away the anger boiling over in my chest at the thought of Liv and Siberian.
“Who is this girl, exactly?” she pries deeper now, and I know we are heading into hazardous territory.
“She’s no one you have to be concerned about,” I dodge the question. “We just need to know if you’ve caught wind of any unusual uprisings?”
She is simultaneously lost and absolutely intrigued as she stares at me decisively. “No, nothing.”
I nod, and release an almost nonexistent sigh of relief.
“Do I have your word she won’t be harmed while she’s in Devonshire?” I phrase it as a question, but she understands my query is so much more than that. It’s a threat.
She nods her displeasure with a small, irritated frown.
We’ve collected the information we came for, and I’ve had enough of Emery’s probing stares. Surrendering to the ever-present pull drawing me back to Liv, and preparing for the shit-storm I’m sure awaits me once I see her, I turn to leave.
What should I tell my brother?” Emery calls, taunting me. “He wants her.”
I turn back and glare at her. “Tell him he couldn’t handle her, even if he got her.” Then I slam the throne room door behind me, the sound echoing throughout the castle.
That pixie prick is dead.

Author bio:
Marissa Carmel has been writing since a young age and although it has always been for personal enjoyment, she finally decided breakout and share her imagination with the world. She hopes that her universe is as fun and intriguing to her readers as it is to her. Marissa Carmel is originally from NJ but moved to Maryland several years ago, she enjoys reading, writing, and catching up on her ever growing DVR library. She is currently working on the sequel to iFeel, Gravitational Pull and the third and final installment of the Vis Vires trilogy, Constellation.


Tuesday 19 February 2013

Review: Recalled [Death Escorts 01] by Cambria Hebert!

Publication date: 15th February 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: Love or Death? A simple question really. The choice seems obvious. But. What if you never knew love, what if your life was spent just trying to survive? What if you knew your fate before you were fully grown?

And then you died.

And you were given another chance. A better chance.

This new life depended upon one thing: your job. And so you agreed. You thought it would be simple. You thought it would be cut and dry.

It never is.

And now you are left holding the fate of someone else in the palm of your hand and you have to make the ultimate choice.

Love or Death?

This review was so hard for me to write and it took me weeks after I had read the book to actually figure out what I wanted to say about it which I don't think has ever happened to me before with a review! I really enjoyed this book but I do have to be honest and say that I was between 4 and 5 stars but the ending secured it with it's fifth star! The synopsis is also very vague for this book but it is the kind of vague that draws you in and makes you want to read more! It also doesn't tell you anything about the characters but it tells you so much about the plot! The plot of this book was so original and amazing! The story was told from both of the main characters point of views and this was definitely essential because it had so much in it that it had to be told from two point of views! Dex and Piper were the main characters and I really enjoyed the both of them! Dex was so brave to do what he did at the start of this book for Piper! He embraced his new role well and I loved that he stood up for what he wanted and he wasn't prepared to sacrifice someone else to save himself! Piper was a little harder for me to connect with! Sometimes I loved her and then other times she annoyed me a little bit! I think that she was an amazing friend and I loved that she was determined to find out who Dex really was! I think that Dex and Piper's relationship developed quite slowly to be honest! I would have loved it to have developed a bit quicker! I am really looking forward to the next book in this series to see where it goes and how it is going to develop! The cover is also absolutely stunning and it really suits the book! Big thank to Cambria for an ARC of Recalled!

Recalled (Death Escorts, #1)

Monday 18 February 2013

Cover Reveal: Unbroken [Broken Soul 02] by Jenny Phillips!

With Chase’s departure still haunting her, Morgan Cauldwell is just settling back in to life at MAC. Now a regular at Council meetings, Morgan is only getting stronger…but what good are incredible powers if you can’t even protect yourself from a broken heart?

Morgan falls into old routines as her time at MAC winds down. The closer graduation creeps the more someone doesn’t want her to make it that far. Could it be her grandfather or Raven coming to finish off the job?

Gathering strength from some unexpected sources, Morgan decides she is done hiding and braces herself for the ultimate betrayal. Can her fragile heart survive the truth and the uncertainty her future holds?

Author bio:

Born in Michigan, Jenny Phillips has never  strayed far from the beaches of Lake Michigan. Armed with a big imagination, Jenny  would sit in the woods surrounding her home for hours just day dreaming. After  losing her mother to ALS, she vowed she would make the most of her life and never  let her imagination go to waste. When not reading or obsessively buying books, she spends her time with her two beautiful daughters and husband.

Jenny  Phillips




Cover Reveal: The Grey God [War of Gods 04] by Lizzy Ford!

The Grey God-Lizzy Ford ebooklg
"The Grey God" is the final book in Lizzy Ford's War of Gods paranormal romance series to get a whole new look in order to reflect the magic of the books! The new covers are all done by the wonderful Regina at Mae I Design! She even hand designed symbols on each cover to match the necklaces worn by the brothers. The War of Gods cover reveals began January 21 with "Damian's Oracle" and will continue through February, leading up to the release of "Xander's Chance," the first book in the Damian Eternal series, a spin off of the War of Gods.
The Grey God Darian can’t quite shake off the dark streak remaining after the thousands of years he spent enslaved by evil – or the memory of how the only woman he loved betrayed him. When given a second chance at life and love, Darian struggles to leave his past behind, before it destroys his future. The warrior destined to become his mate, Jenn, is accustomed to fighting – and defeating – dangerous men. But Darian isn’t just another powerful man, he’s immune to her mind reading talent and completely unpredictable, a trait sure to get anyone near him killed. Jenn feels trapped between the wild god and his enemies, who learn her fate long before Darian does. Rather than embrace her destiny at his side, Jenn defies it in an attempt to protect him and her own heart.

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Author bio:
Lizzy Ford is the author of over seventeen novels written for young adult and adult paranormal romance readers, to include the internationally bestselling Rhyn Trilogy, Witchling Trilogy and the War of Gods series. Considered a freak of nature by her peers for the ability to write and release a commercial quality novel in under a month, Lizzy has focused on keeping her readers happy by producing brilliant, gritty romances that remind people why true love is a trial worth enduring. Lizzy’s books can be found on every major ereader library, to include: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, Kobo, Sony and Smashwords. She lives in southern Arizona with her husband, three dogs and a cat. Find Lizzy online!