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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Release Day Blitz: Their Will Be Done [Sinners of Saint Amos 02] by Logan Fox!

I didn't just make a deal with the devil...I sold my soul to FOUR of them.

Who knew within days of arriving at Saint Amos I'd land myself on the Brotherhood's radar?
Not me.
Not them.
Possibly not even the Universe herself. (Of course she's female - I've never met a man as ruthless as her)
The Brotherhood tried to get rid of me. It didn't work.
They tried to get me on their side. I demanded proof.
I should be long gone. Instead, I can't seem to get enough of their black hearts and dark psyches.
Now I have to prove them wrong.
Settle their fractured souls.
And maybe help them find their way back to the light.
They seem convinced I'll be the one who'll follow them...
Straight into the depths of Hell.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Logan Fox writes deliciously dark and twisted books. 
Possessive, growly alphas.
Feisty heroines.
Kindle-melting steam

Monday 29 June 2020

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: I Never Let You Go [I Never 03] by Stefanie Jenkins!

One word was all it took to change everything. For years, Lauren Lawson believed happily ever afters didn’t exist for everyone—especially her. Now a decade after watching the love of her life walk away, he’s back.

Finn Reynolds is determined to win her back, but Lauren is scared. She keeps her feelings locked up to protect her fragile heart from being shattered again. But Finn has a way of getting her to open up—he always has.

Can Lauren leave the past behind and move on to a future where she never lets him go?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Stefanie Jenkins writes contemporary romance and lives in Surf City, North Carolina with her husband and two sons. Born and raised in Maryland, Stefanie brings her favorite parts of her hometown to life in her books. She is a coffee addict, wine connoisseur, hockey fan & lover of all romances - give her all the swoon & angst.

Sunday 28 June 2020

Stacking The Shelves [59]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

I, unfortunately, haven't bought any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

 For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

Currently Reading:

Saturday 27 June 2020

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Out of My League by Sarah Sutton!


   In the middle of the lawn sat a giant pink flamingo pool float, with throw blankets tossed over the top of it and pillows piled on. The pool float was made so that the body of the flamingo was two inner tube-like holes with a giant head poking straight up into the air. Beside the inflatable sat two clear plastic cups, and even from here I could see it was filled with something blue.
   “I had to go to three different stores to find blue-raspberry. Every place had either cherry or cola. Apparently not everyone is as crazy about blue-raspberry as you.”
   I stared at the giant pool float, utterly stupefied. “Why?”
   “I figured since you can’t go to the bay, I thought I could bring some bay to you.”

It’s all fun and games until someone catches feelings.

Sophia Wallace is convinced her life is over when her high school cuts the journalism program. Without the elective, she loses her chance to intern with the biggest newspaper company in the county, and why? All because the baseball team needs more funding.

To make matters worse, her boyfriend publicly dumps her at a party, which is mortifying. But the icing on the cake is when the captain of the baseball team and the most popular guy at Bayview High, Walsh Hunter, decides to be chivalrous. He jumps in, throws his arm around Sophia, and declares his undying love for her. In front of everyone.

Suddenly, Sophia is thrown into a world of fake relationships and undercover journalism, and she realizes she’s way, way out of her league.

Good thing she’s got the team captain to teach her how to play. But faced with choosing between saving her journalism class or her newfound feelings for Walsh, will she strike out or hit a home run?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Sarah Sutton is a YA Romance author, bringing you stories about teenagers falling in love (sometimes with magic)✨She spends her days dreaming up ideas with her two adorable puppies by her side being cheerleaders (and mega distractions).


Friday 26 June 2020

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Boom by Sabrina Stark!

One crumbling house. One exploded truck. And two people who think they can't stand each other.

Arden Weathers – she's a girl on a mission, and that mission most certainly doesn't involve Brody Blastoviak, the hometown hottie who made her college prospects go boom, and not in a good way, six years ago.

Brody Blastoviak – he knows better than to stick his you-know-what into Crazy. So why is he losing his cookies over Arden Weathers, the uptight chemistry partner who "accidentally" torched his truck back in high school?

Now, older and wiser, these former classmates are supposedly on the same team – working to restore a crumbling beach house that both of them want to claim as their own. Too bad for Arden, Brody holds not just the deed, but all of the cards and clout, too.

She's a broke college graduate while Brody is not only hotter than ever, but obnoxiously rich and famous, thanks to Blast Tools, a rags-to-riches brotherly venture. It's all so stupidly unfair, especially when Arden makes an appalling discovery. Turns out, she's not nearly as immune to Brody's charms as she thought.

And Brody? Let's just say, this tool-toting billionaire is reluctantly learning that the girl of his nightmares just might be the girl of his dreams.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Sabrina Stark writes fun contemporary romances featuring plucky girls and the bad boys who capture their hearts. She's worked as a fortune-teller, barista, science writer and alas, jobs that required a hairnet. She has a journalism degree from Central Michigan University and is married with one son and a bunch of very spoiled kittens. She currently makes her home in Northern Alabama.


Thursday 25 June 2020

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Trick You [Rebel Ink 02] by Tracy Lorraine!

I hated to trick her...

But I knew she would never go for the real me.
She was beautiful, smart and funny—everything I could want.

And I was... well. Me.
Tattooed, foul mouthed, bad boy.

I told one little white lie hoping to meet someone different. And I did.

Danniella Abbot.

She wasn’t who I was expecting, and I guess she could say the same, because Danni made it very clear she wasn’t interested in me or my reasons for lying.

The fact that she was my best friend’s little sister only complicated an already impossible situation.

I didn’t intend on tricking her. I just wanted her to give me a chance, to discover who I am underneath the ink.

She can fight me all she likes because we both know that I’m exactly her type. She just doesn’t know it yet.

What happens when you wake up married to the woman you tricked into a date?

You kiss the bride and prove her wrong.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Tracy Lorraine is a M/F and M/M contemporary romance author. Tracy recently-ish turned thirty and lives in a cute Cotswold village in England with her husband, daughter and lovable but slightly crazy dog. Having always been a bookaholic with her head stuck in her Kindle Tracy decided to try her hand at a story idea she dreamt up and hasn’t looked back since.


Wednesday 24 June 2020

Release Blitz & Giveaway: You're the Reason by J. Nathan!

Welcome to Crestwood University...
Where smiles conceal secrets.
Gossip runs rampant.
And everyone hides the truth.

Sophia Galloway has no idea what she’s walking
into when she transfers to Crestwood University.
Returning to Texas was her only goal.
But nothing could prepare her for stepping foot
on a campus where no one is what they seem.
In a world where frat guys think they can do no wrong.
And sorority presidents think they run the show.
Sophia’s about to find out what happens when she
unknowingly crosses the wrong guy,
pisses off the wrong sorority sister,
and refuses to play by anyone else’s rules.

A life will be lost.
Lies will be told.
Hearts will be broken.
And secrets...well secrets are meant to be revealed.

Is there anyone she can trust?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

J. Nathan is the author of new adult and sports romances with cocky heroes and sassy heroines. When she's not writing, she's a total romance junkie! Add an alpha male who's unlikable in the beginning...even better. She loves guys in backward hats, country music, the summertime, and her amazing family and friends.


Enter the Giveaway on J. Nathan's Facebook page HERE!

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Love and Neckties [Rockland Falls 04] by Lacey Black!

For Samuel Grayson, everything is black or white. As a funeral director, there’s no room for in-between. He’s accustomed to dealing with life and death, though he’s definitely more comfortable with the latter. Especially when it comes to a chaotic, petite, feisty ball of energy. Freedom Rayne. Samuel’s pretty sure her goal is to make his life hell, or so it appears. When Samuel boards a flight to Las Vegas for his sister’s wedding, the last thing he expects is to share it with the one woman who drives him crazy.

Freedom is eccentric and completely content with it. Floating around from job to job, she finds peace and tranquility in everything she does, including tormenting poor, uptight Samuel Grayson. When she finds herself on the same flight as him for her best friend’s wedding, she sees this as the perfect opportunity to get under his skin, something she tries to do every chance she gets. The problem is the more time she spends with him, the more she likes him.

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right? Not for Samuel and Freedom. Will they be able to forget about their trip when they return to Rockland Falls? What if one mistake turns out to be the best thing ever?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Lacey Black is a Midwestern girl with a passion for reading and writing. She carries her e-reader with her everywhere she goes so she never misses an opportunity to read a few pages. Always looking for a happily ever after, Lacey is passionate about contemporary romance novels and enjoys it further when you mix in a little suspense. She resides in a small town in Illinois with her husband, two children, and a chocolate lab. Lacey loves shooting guns and should only consume one mixed drink because she’s a lightweight.


Monday 22 June 2020

Release Day Blitz: Mykel [King's Descendants MC 03] by Bella Jewel!

Hi there….
Hmmm, no, that doesn’t work.
Not quite.
Good lord, what am I, a cowboy?
Whatever, let me just get right into it.
I’m Waverly.
There, that wasn’t so hard.
I’m not going to blabber on about how strong and fierce I am.
Or proceed to tell you how broken or damaged my life has been.
No, I’m just going to tell you that I’m me. Just me. Waverly.
I am all of those things, but I’m also so much more.
I’m helping a club, a club that needs me to bring peace back into their worlds.
If you had asked me if I’d be working for a biker club six months ago, I would have simply laughed in your face.
I mean, a biker club? Come on.
Yet here I am.
Doing the unthinkable.
Penetrating the deepest, darkest parts of the world.
Pretending to be something I’m not.
I’ve got this, though.
That is one thing about me you should know, I won’t let them down.
I won’t crack under the pressure.
I won’t break, no matter how much horror I see.
There are lives at stake, there are people who need me.
Not a single thing will distract me from the mission I’m on.
At least, that’s what I first thought.
Until I didn’t.
Now I’m tangled up in a world I can’t even begin to understand.
Now I’m dealing with feelings that are foreign to me.
Feelings for a monster.
Feelings for an angel.
The literal battle between good and evil, and I'm living it.
Who are these men, you ask?
You’re just going to have to start from the beginning. 

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Bella Jewel is a self published, USA Today bestselling author. She’s been publishing since 2013. Her first release was a contemporary romance, Hell’s Knights which topped the charts upon release. Since that time, she has published over five novels, gaining a bestseller status on numerous platforms. She lives in North Queensland and is currently studying editing and proofreading to further expand her career. Bella has been writing since she was just shy of fifteen years old. In Summer 2013 she was offered an ebook deal through Montlake Romance for her bestselling modern day pirate series, Enslaved By The Ocean. She plans to expand her writing career, planning many new releases for the future.

Sunday 21 June 2020

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Taste My Wrath [The Iron Fae 01] by Debbie Cassidy!

A dead earth, a handful of survivors, and a game that could wipe out humanity.

I was one of the few humans to be saved by the shining ones. Powerful beings who came from the stars just in time to stop the annihilation of mankind.

But they’ve been here before.

Earth was once their home and humanity has another name for them. Fae.

Now we live in iron cities paying for haven as workers and conscripted warriors.

We owe them after all.

Until they ask too much.

The Regency Tournament is about to begin. A test of prowess for the shining ones to determine which House will rule their people for the next century.

And we humans? We’re the prey.

But I didn’t survive earths almost destruction to be hunted like a beast.

If I’m going to go down, then I’ll be taking these pointy eared wankers with me.

And I have an advantage. A shadow companion—protective but tough. My mentor has trained me in the art of survival. With his smooth dulcet tones in my head, and his shadowy form at my back, I’ll no longer be prey.

And when I hunt the shining ones, they won’t even see me coming.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Debbie Cassidy lives in England, Bedfordshire, with her three kids and very supportive husband. Coffee and chocolate biscuits are her writing fuels of choice, and she is still working on getting that perfect tower of solitude built in her back garden. Obsessed with building new worlds and reading about them, she spends her spare time daydreaming and conversing with the characters in her head - in a totally non psychotic way of course. She writes Urban Fantasy, Fantasy and Reverse Harem Fantasy. All her books contain plenty of action, romance and twisty plots.


Saturday 20 June 2020

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Hard Knox [Perfect Stats 02] by Amber Malloy!


   With less than a minute on the clock, Gavin Knox faked right and threw the ball to his running back. His teammate’s gravity-defying catch took place in the end zone, resulting in their game-winning touchdown. As the band played the school’s fight song, the student body of Michigan Institute of Technology flooded the field.
   Letting out a ferocious howl, Knox snatched off his helmet. For the second time in a row his team was headed to the championships. With only one more year left in college, Knox looked forward to the Heisman Trophy Ceremony and a single digit position in the professional draft.
   It may have seemed arrogant on his part to assume that he had a right to any of those things, but he had worked his ass off. He had mapped out his whole career since the age of twelve. In his freshman year of high school, Knox had transferred to America from Canada to secure his spot in the pros. He’d then followed it up with enrollment at a Big Ten college.
   Intending to get drunk off his ass, Knox scanned the crowd for his best friend, Hawk. On his way past a couple of his teammates, he slapped their heads as he moved closer to the stands—and that was when he saw her. A chocolate-colored honey ran straight at him. Her letterman jacket showcased her body-hugging, tight sweater and perfect tits. Since she was focused on something over her shoulder, Knox felt safe to peruse her banging-ass body without judgment.
   However, once she turned those big, almond-shaped eyes in his direction, his whole world came to a sudden and glorious halt. Shiny black curls bounced up and down, framing her heart-shaped face. Simple and utter perfection barreled straight at him.
   As she licked her full lips, instant wood clouded his mind. Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t seem to stop himself. Fate had other plans. Flashes of what life would be like if he didn’t talk to her propelled him into action. Knox reached out to snag her around the waist, bringing the beauty inches from his mug.
   “Where did you come from?” he asked her.
   Confusion shuttled across her stunning face before she tilted her head to the side and smiled. “Nowhere.”
   “So you just fell out of the sky?” It might have sounded lame, but he meant every word of it.
   “Technically, you grabbed me. So, what happened here?” She checked out the field. “Did you win something big?”
   “If the answer’s ‘you’, then sure.” As he looked into her eyes, he almost forgot the last few minutes of his life.
   “Do you mind?” She glanced down at the ground. “The air’s kind of thin up here in Giantsville.”
   Though he was reluctant to let her go, he set her down.
   “So, what…? Are you like the main guy?” she asked, looking totally serious.
   Knox laughed. He couldn’t help it. Obviously she didn’t care about football. “Something like that.”
   “Which makes you a supastar, right?”
   Positive that she didn’t have a bra on under her soft, cream-colored sweater, he desperately wanted to feel her body against his one more time.
   “Are you going to tell me your name?” he asked abruptly. She glanced over her shoulder at something. For a split second he wondered if she had a boyfriend, but, truthfully, he didn’t care.
   “And make it easy for you? No, but”—she raised onto her tiptoes and Knox leaned down to meet her halfway—“dream about me, okay? Then just maybe…” The warmth of her candy-scented breath heated his cheek.
   Tempted to tip his head down a little farther to intercept her lips, he froze and hit the dreaded blue screen.
   “Hey, man, congrat-u-fucking-lations!” His friend Hawk grabbed him in a big bear hug. When the melody of her laughter kicked him into gear, he realized that the beauty had disappeared.
   Knox searched the crowd but couldn’t find her. “Where did she go?” he asked.
   “Who? What the hell are you talking about? I didn’t see anybody.”
   Positive that she’d given him a hint to her name, he ran through the possibilities in his head.
   “The press wants to talk to you. Then we’re going out to celebrate.” Hawk patted him on the back and led him toward the locker room. Still shell-shocked by his encounter with the hottest girl he had ever laid eyes on, he reluctantly followed his friend.

Everything comes easy to quarterback Gavin Knox—women, football, even money. However, the only thing he truly wants but can’t win is the beauty of his dreams, Remy Bell.

A simple favor to save the girl turns into the quarterback losing his heart.

As beautiful as she is fun, Remy Bell has only one problem—a psychotic killer with political power wants her dead. Always a ‘two steps ahead’ type of gal, she plans to outrun the maniac. Marriage and a sweet life in the football star’s hometown in Canada would give her the cover she needs, but Remy doesn’t stick around long enough to find out. She travels all over the world, photographing the most beautiful and devastating events, but her now-husband’s tabloid activities lead her to the one place she should avoid…back home.

Superstar Gavin Knox wins at everything. However, once he scores the girl of his dreams, he’s suddenly in danger of losing the one thing he has always needed. Before she can slip through his fingers, he offers her a deal she can’t refuse—marry him for Canadian citizenship, which will protect her, and after five years, they can divorce. Knox is positive that she will fall head over heels in love with him, but it doesn’t happen. After six years of marriage, two playoff titles and a third on the way, Knox is forced to contend with a successful wife almost more famous than he is.

Determined to get exactly what he wants, which includes having Remy and a family, he devises a stupid scheme that puts everything he’s worked so hard for in jeopardy.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Amber Malloy dreamed of being a double agent but couldn’t pass the psyche evaluation. Crushed by despair that she couldn’t legally shoot things, Amber pursued her second career choice as pastry chef. When she’s not writing or whipping up a mean Snickers Cheesecake, she occasionally spies on her sommelier. Amber is convinced he’s faking his French accent.



Friday 19 June 2020

Release Day Blitz: Tool [Ruthless Kings MC 03] by K.L. Savage!

Being the VP of the Ruthless Kings has made me jaded and scarred, a savage bloodthirsty beast.

Grit, pain, blood, the three constants in my life.

I wouldn't burden anyone with loving me. I'm a hard man to love.
Until she walks through the garage doors, looking perfect in her little blue dress and high heels.
She's neat and clean and too damn good for me, but I'm determined to get her filthy.
Then Reaper reminds me of the debt I owe him, and the fine is costly—stay away from the woman whose voice is a song.
Because her father is the sheriff of Vegas, and he fucking hates us.
Come to find out, the sheriff is a bit crooked, which unlocks a whole new set of rules in my playbook. And I have the right tools to break all of them.

Did I go against my Prez again for my little sparrow? Or do I let her fly away?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

K.L. Savage decided they were tired of looking for the kind of books they wanted to read. They had an itch that needed to be scratched, and as every girl knows, nothing scratches better than an alpha.

They write about gritty, alpha males, sometimes their dark sides, and the women they love.
If you have the same itch, their alpha males should fix that.