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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Sunday 31 October 2021

Stacking The Shelves [75]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

I, unfortunately, didn't buy any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

I, unfortunately, didn't receive any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

Currently Reading:

Saturday 30 October 2021

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Partner Pursuit [New York Friendship 01] by Kathy Strobos!

Author Interview!

How did you become an author?

I’ve always wanted to be a writer.

But after college, I worked in New York City government, for a New York City Council Member, helping constituents, and then I went to law school and became a lawyer. I worked for a large NY law firm. One of the reasons I became a litigator was because I liked writing briefs.

After I watched a really bad romantic comedy one night, I thought I could write a better one. And so, I started writing one at night. I then took a lot of writing courses. My first writing course was the Penguin Writer’s Academy “Constructing a Novel” course, and my teacher said the exchange between Audrey and Eve (two characters in Partner Pursuit) was “sparky.” That made my month. I realized I could actually write commercial fiction—and not just legal briefs and compliance policies.

Where were you born/where did you grow up?

I am a born and bred New Yorker.

What do you do to unwind and relax?

I hang out with my family, talk to friends, read, listen to music, or watch movies or TV. I am also trying to work out more; I have a stationary bike and I watch Korean dramas or other TV shows, and if it ends on a cliffhanger, that’s usually enough incentive to get back on the bike the next day. I sometimes make miniatures. During the summer, I go to the beach and go swimming in the ocean. If I really need to relax, I take a bath with bath bombs.

What inspired you to write this book?

I found it very hard to have any work/life balance when I was a lawyer at a law firm, so that inspired this in part. But I did make a lot of great friends at the office, so I also wanted to convey those friendships.

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in Partner Pursuit?

Audrey is a workaholic lawyer. She is trying to make partner—with only six months until the decision. She’s torn because she’s stressed by working so much, but she also loves being a lawyer and the analytical thrills. And then she meets Jake.

Jake is a fun-loving music marketing executive. He definitely doesn’t want to date a workaholic lawyer—because his dad was one, and his dad often put work before family. I made him a music marketing executive because when I became in-house counsel, I worked for the parent company of a music company, among other things. When I would ride up in the elevator in the morning, other people would talk about how they’d been late the night before at a concert. I thought, “wow, that’s so different than my life writing a brief or compliance policy until late at night.”

How did you come up with the title of the book?

Finding a title was hard. I put down all the various concepts on a huge piece of paper, and I played around with them. I had so many different titles. I liked Partner Pursuit because she’s trying to become a partner at her firm and find a life partner. And I liked the alliteration.

At one writers’ conference, they said they didn’t like the title Partner Pursuit, so my son (I think he was 7) suggested “Only One”—because only one person making partner and she thought Jake was “the one.” I liked that too. But then, they said it should be “The Only One,” so for a while it was called “The Only One.” But in the end, I liked Partner Pursuit better.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

When I write a good scene, I get a really happy feeling. I love writing banter like when she’s chatting with her friends about whether Jake likes her.

I was walking outside on Columbus Avenue when I thought of the opening scene of her trying to get out of work but make her office look like she’s still there. And I was really happy that I finally thought of a good opening scene. I think I rewrote the opening scene around ten times.

I was also really happy when I thought of the scene where she and Jake are battle the water bug. I had a romantic date with my now-husband when we first started dating; we were eating dinner, by my balcony in my apartment, and all of a sudden, there was a flying water bug! I’d never even seen one fly before. We got out the vacuum cleaner and were trying to vacuum it up. We couldn’t find it, and then my husband saw its antennas peeking out from a shelf on the bookcase.

I also enjoyed sharing my love for New York City.

Do all the characters come to you at the same time or do some of them come to you as you write?

They don’t all come to me at the same time. Some appear as I write. I also sometimes have to sit down and interview a specific character to really get a feel for them.

What is your writing process?

I started out as a pantser, and I’m still mostly a pantser, but I recently tried this eight-sequence outlining process I learned in the Gotham screenwriting class, so maybe I will try that for future books. We’ll see how it works once I try to write that book.

After I write my first really rough draft, I find that a lot more scenes and conversations come to me, and I weave those in. That’s one of my favorite parts, when things start clicking into place. I also create an outline as I write so I can see the character arc and the stakes.

When a workaholic lawyer meets a fun-loving music marketing executive for opposites attract, friends-to-lovers adventures, which partnership will she choose?

Workaholic lawyer Audrey Willems is not going to take any chances with her bid to become a partner at her New York law firm—especially with only six months until the decision.

Until she bumps into Jake—her new neighbor. Jake is a fun-loving music marketing executive who might just be The One.
He’s funny, caring, supportive—and able to kill water bugs in the bathroom.

But Jake will never date a woman married to her job. His father was a workaholic lawyer who never had time for family.
And she’s just got the case of a lifetime—the one she needs to win to make partner. Working 24/7 at the office may not even be enough hours to pull off a victory.

If only she had not met him now.

Audrey is determined to prove that she can juggle work and romance—even if managing court cases, candlelit dinners, and bike rides around Manhattan is a lot harder than it looks. She keeps canceling dates for yet another case crisis.
But when making partner is like a game of musical chairs and the last seat is a business-class alone, which partnership will she choose?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy here

Author bio:

Kathy Strobos is a writer living in New York City with her husband and two children, amid a growing

collection of books, toys and dollhouses. She grew up in New York City and graduated from

Stuyvesant High School, Harvard-Radcliffe University and Columbia Law School. She previously worked as a lawyer. She left law to pursue her dream of writing fiction full-time and getting in shape. She is still working on getting in shape.


Friday 29 October 2021

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Force of Gravity by Melissa Toppen!

Arrogant. Egotistical. Playboy.
Three words that perfectly describe Atlas Keaton.
My twin brother’s best friend.
The absolute bane of my existence.
And my new college roommate.

It wasn’t by choice of course.
The last thing I wanted was to be forced to endure a full semester living under the same roof as him and my brother.
But when a housing mix-up leaves me three thousand miles away from home with nowhere else to turn, I don’t really have another option.

It’s only four months, how hard could it be, right?

Because when you’re dealing with a man like Atlas Keaton, nothing is off limits.
Including me…

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Melissa Toppen is a USA Today Bestselling Author who specializes in New Adult and Contemporary Romance. She is a lover of books and enjoys nothing more than losing herself in a good novel. She has a soft spot for Romance and focuses her writing in that direction; writing what she loves to read.

Melissa resides in Cincinnati Ohio with her husband and two children, where she writes full time.

Thursday 28 October 2021

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Moxie [Salvation Society] by Michelle Cornish!

A WWII love at first sight romance with dual timelines, codebreaking war heroines, and prisoners of war.

People always asked Faye why Will called her Moxie.

It started with a dare at a dance in 1942 that ended in a kiss. Will loved that story.

But there’s more to the story than that. Much more . . .

Gretchen knows this story well. Her grandfather told it over and over while he was alive. But when Gretchen goes home to Jersey to be by her grandmother’s side one last time, Grandma Faye tells a different version of the story.

She knew the moment she saw him, they were meant to be together. Her girlfriends may have dared her to kiss him, but she would have anyway. Then the war got in the way. Faye thought she’d never see Will again. Until that night he took her breath away.

Will may have given Faye the name, but he’s the one with all the moxie.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Michelle Cornish is a recovering CPA with a passion for stories. Writing mostly romance and women's fiction with strong female heroines, Michelle's books often include nods to her former life as a CPA. When Michelle’s not writing, she’s hanging out with her two boys and husband in the beautiful Okanagan Valley, BC, Canada.

Wednesday 27 October 2021

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Dangerous Temptation [Dark Dream 01] by Giana Darling!


   “Have you ever heard of personal space?”
   I blinked, momentarily mute and dumb, the sight of him dominating every other one of my senses. So it took me a second to realize he was insulting me in a voice dripping with poisonous disdain.
   I blinked again as my mouth dropped into a shocked “O.” “Excuse me?”
   One inky brow rose, thick and slashing so that he had a perpetual expression of aggravated contempt. When he spoke, it was slow and overly enunciated as if he were addressing an imbecile.
   “Per-son-al sp-ace.” One tattooed hand, the one with the shiny watch, gestured dismissively between our bodies, his knuckles brushing my chest. There was a tightening to his flat mouth that made me wonder if it was as accidental as it seemed.
   My nipples beaded beneath my hoodie, but the fabric was too thick to betray me.
   Anger sparked through my blood like a delayed fuse, heat racing out from my heart to set my entire body on fire. I didn’t move back. In fact, I took one daring step closer and fisted my hands on my hips. My head was forced back at an awkward angle to maintain eye contact with the tall beast of a man, but I didn’t care.
   This jackass was not going out with my mother.
   I bared my teeth at him. “If this is how you normally greet your girlfriend’s family, it’s no wonder you were still single when you met my mother and it’s even less of a wonder why you’ll be single again after tonight.”
   A slow grin, somehow more vicious for its calculated movement, claimed his handsome face and made it acutely beautiful. “You are operating under the assumption that Aida cares enough about your opinion to end our relationship because you’re embarrassed I caught you making a pass at me.”
   My mouth flapped open, then closed. I felt like a fish out of water, gasping for breath. Never in my entire life had I faced such a rude, horrible man.
   “Making a pass at you?” I almost stomped my foot in outrage and just managed to resist the urge. “You show up at our doorstep and speak like this to a teenager? What kind of man needs to put down a little girl in order to make himself feel big, hmm?”
   “At least you acknowledge you are a little girl,” he said with faux pride. “You’ll forgive me if I don’t give a single fuck what you think of me. I’m dating your mother. Not you.” His pale gaze, a green so light they glowed almost unnaturally, seemed to burrow into me. Past my dark blue eyes straight into my brain, reading my thoughts like an X-ray machine read bones. “Though, it’s obvious you wish things were different.”
   Outrage crackled in my chest, my lungs steaming with it, my ribs creaking as they threatened to cave in on the fiery rage in my heart.
   I was a fairly good-looking girl though I knew I was no Aida Belcante. Still, enough of her boyfriends had hit on me when she wasn’t looking. They cupped my ass while I reached for a cereal bowl, complimented me lecherously at the pool, watched me walk to my room when I came out of the shower. They were all the same, eager for some woman to make them feel like a king. So, his comment rankled me more than it should have.
   I’d dealt with innumerable men in my mother’s life, but never someone like him.
   A demon in a suit more expensive than three months’ rent.
   I gathered myself, rising to my full five-foot-three height as I pinned him with a look I wished ardently had the power to kill him.
   “I wouldn’t date a jackass like you if you were the last goddamn man on the planet.”

He arrives all dressed in black. Diamond cufflinks. A watch on his tanned wrist that cost more than we would ever see in a lifetime of work. He carries a single red rose for my mother.

Months later, Tiernan Morelli lays red roses on my mother’s grave. That same day, he tells me that he is my new guardian.

I should have known from the very start that he had more in common with the thorns than the rose. Now I know the truth: I’m a pawn in his dangerous game of revenge. I was too young and naive. Now it’s too late to save myself from his clutches.

Now I belong to him.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Giana Darling is an USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and Top 40 Amazon Best Selling Canadian romance writer who specializes in the taboo and angsty side of love and romance. She currently lives in beautiful British Columbia where she spends time riding on the back of her man's bike, baking pies, and reading snuggled up with her Golden Retriever puppy, Romeo.

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Blog Tour & Giveaway: The Cursed King [Inferno Rising 04] by Abigail Owen!

Airk Azdajah, the rightful King of the White Clan, spent half a millennium being tortured by the false High King Pytheios. The only reason he’s alive is a curse— the man to kill Airk will be consumed in his own fire. Which is why Pytheios kept Airk alive, barely, unable to shift in his prison cage, driving the creature half of him into madness. Airk escaped, but he'll never be truly free. What good is a king who can never let his feral dragon loose, never fly, and never lead his people? He's better off dead.

Angelika Amon is the last unmated phoenix. The problem? She has no powers. Zip. Zilch. Angelika hates being dormant, especially now that her three sisters are blissfully mated to powerful dragon shifter kings and are very much part of the fight to take down the rotting king Pytheios, their parents' killer. What good is a useless runt of a phoenix in a battle to save the dragon kingdom?

Desperate to find some way to help, she offers herself to Airk as a mate — just for political leverage. But a dormant phoenix is no damn use to him just like a dragon who can't shift is no use to her. Until Pytheios sets his sights on Angelika for himself…

Check it out on Goodreads!

Author bio:

Multi-award-winning author, Abigail Owen, writes adult paranormal romance & upper YA fantasy romance. She loves plots that move hot and fast, feisty heroines with sass, heroes with heart, a dash of snark, and oodles of HEAs! Other titles include wife, mother, Star Wars geek, ex-competitive skydiver, spreadsheet lover, eMBA, organizational guru, Texan, Aggie, and chocoholic.

Abigail attempted to find a practical career related to her favorite pastime by earning a degree in English Rhetoric (Technical Writing) and an MBA. However, she swiftly discovered that writing without imagination is not nearly as fun as writing with it.

Abigail currently resides in Austin, Texas, with her own swoon-worthy hero, their angelic (mostly) kids, who are growing up way too fast, and 2 adorable fur babies.

Monday 25 October 2021

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Black Canvas by Laura Rossi!


   “I dream of waking up and being someone else—my hair, my eyes, even my voice, completely different—and each time I go to the mirror to check my reflection, to see what I look like, I’m her. Every time. Her. It’s her reflection that stares back at me, but I’m the one who controls it. I’m in control, and that’s exactly why it feels so good. I control her and what happens to me; I control both lives—mine and hers—and I have what I want the most: her looks, her status, her marriage. There’s nothing left of me, and only I know the secret. Only I know it’s me inside, it’s me under that perfect porcelain skin, it’s me behind those sweet, smart deep brown eyes.
   And I have him. He’s mine—just mine now. I’m not the other woman anymore. I’m everything he needs. I can be both the wife and the whore. I’m a better version of myself and a better version of Miss Perfection.
   But most importantly I have control.
   I’ve never had control.
   Then, my eyes open to the real world—right when he’s kissing me in the dream, before he can tell me I’m the love of his life and that he only thinks of me.
   I wonder if he lies to her like he lies to me every time we see each other. Does he tell her he loves her? And why? Why does he love her?
   She does nothing for him, besides being her.
   ‘I love you for what you do for me’
   Those are his words of love for me. In the moment, they mean everything, but they don’t stay long. They vanish with him—with my dream.
   I’m jealous of what he says to her; I hate the way he looks at her.
   No secret meetings, no hiding, no masks to disguise ourselves… Everything is out in the open in my dream. I wonder what that would feel like, to live our love out in the open.
   Before I wake up completely, I feel this resentment; the rage resurfaces.
   Would he be mine if it weren’t for her? Would he have married me, if it weren’t for her? I start to lose control again. I want what she has. I want him.
   I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling for a few minutes. I have no reason to get out of bed so early. I’m alone, and I spend the first moments of my day—of each single day of my life—wondering if he’s sleeping close to her, if he’s breathing her scent… Wondering if and when he’ll call me.
   I have no control. He decides. He sets up our meetings. He tells me where and when. My role is to be there on time and the way he wants it. Possibly naked.
   It’s only when I get his text that I have the incentive to get up. It changes my day. I work around our meeting, I do what I have to do and I hope time flies to the moment when I’ll see him again.
   My whole existence revolves around him.
   And is focused on how I can be more like her.
   I would do anything, anything, Doctor. Anything to be her.”

“I dream of waking up and being someone else—my hair, my eyes, even my voice, completely different—and each time I go to the mirror to check my reflection, to see what I look like, I’m her. Every time. Her. It’s her reflection that stares back at me, but I’m the one who controls it. I’m in control, and that’s exactly why it feels so good. I control her and what happens to me; I control both lives—mine and hers—and I have what I want the most: her looks, her status, her marriage. There’s nothing left of me, and only I know the secret. Only I know it’s me inside, it’s me under that perfect porcelain skin, it’s me behind those sweet, smart deep brown eyes.
And I have him. He’s mine—just mine now. I’m not the other woman anymore. I’m everything he needs.”

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

My name is Laura and I am dreamer, the kind that walks around all day and likes to go back and forth, from the real world to her own little world.

I have two kids and a fantastic partner. We work together in our little shop in Italy, near the beach.

When I am not busy working or being a mommy, I like to fantasize about new characters and new stories I'd like to write.

Counterpoints is my first book.

Follow the story @laurarossiauthor on facebook

Sunday 24 October 2021

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Take Me to the River [Mountain Men of Whiskey River 01] by Kaci Rose!

What's a girl to do when she finds a sexy giant bathing in the river?


Who leaves their girlfriend in the woods after a fight?

My now EX-boyfriend that’s who. One fight, okay a BIG fight because I found out he was cheating on me while we were camping and poof! He left me in the words.

So, I start walking to town, only I get turned around end up at the river where I meet Axel. This guy is HUGE.

With a storm rolling in I don’t have much choice but to trust him and take shelter in his cabin since I’ve been walking for hours AWAY from town.

Several days of rain wash out the road and it looks like I’m stuck here with my giant. Only he’s nothing like I thought he’d be. He’s quiet, watchful, smart, and funny.


I’ve lived alone for years and I’ve been okay with that until one day she finds me bathing at the river.

She is small, cute, and talks a lot. I find I don’t mind it.

When the storm washes out the only road into town and she is stranded with me a while longer only I am grateful for more time with her.

I like her in my space, I like showing her what I do, and how I survive out here. I like her in my bed.

After years of living alone, I find little appeal in it anymore.

When her ex-boyfriend shows up at my door can I convince her to stay?

Can I ask her to give up a life in town for one out here in the mountains with me?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Kaci runs on coffee, chocolate, and Oreos. She loves her book boyfriends with tattoos, muscles, beards, and a little dirty.

Kaci loves romance books and has been jotting down ideas since she was in high school and is now putting the ideas down on paper. She believes in satisfying, happily ever afters with a lot of steam on the way.

She was born and raised in Southwest Florida but is wholeheartedly a mountain girl. She has been reading as many books as she could get her hands on since grade school and loves to travel when she gets the chance.


Saturday 23 October 2021

Book Blitz & Giveaway: I’m Not Your Enemy [Enemy 02] by Cara Dee!

The line between love and hate has never been so thin, and Blake and Sebastian return in this sequel with bottled-up hurt that somehow just brings them even closer.

Sebastian was right. I was a coward. I ran my closeted tail all the way back to Georgia. Once I got there, I had no place left to hide. My life imploded. But when I was welcome nowhere, I still had to go somewhere.

I could barely look my sister in the eye, facing Sebastian didn’t even exist on my radar, and I was prepared for my brother-in-law’s protective hostility. I just didn’t have a choice. For once in my life, I wanted redemption. I wanted to belong somewhere, and I was ready to work for it.

Sebastian was the exception—hard no. I might have screwed up royally, but he wasn’t so damn innocent. He’d hurt me too, and he better not push me. In fact, it was best we avoided each other altogether.

So it didn’t make a lick of sense for me to seek him out to provoke a reaction.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

I’m often awkwardly silent or, if the topic interests me, a chronic rambler. In other words, I can discuss writing forever and ever. Fiction, in particular. The love story—while a huge draw and constantly present—is secondary for me, because there’s so much more to writing romance fiction than just making two (or more) people fall in love and have hot sex.

There’s a world to build, characters to develop, interests to create, and a topic or two to research thoroughly.

Every book is a challenge for me, an opportunity to learn something new, and a puzzle to piece together. I want my characters to come to life, and the only way I know to do that is to give them substance—passions, history, goals, quirks, and strong opinions—and to let them evolve.

I want my men and women to be relatable. That means allowing room for everyday problems and, for lack of a better word, flaws. My characters will never be perfect.

Wait…this was supposed to be about me, not my writing.

I'm a writey person who loves to write. Always wanderlusting, twitterpating, kinking, cooking, baking, and geeking. There’s time for hockey and family, too. But mostly, I just love to write.

Friday 22 October 2021

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: All Your Baggage [Big Boys Do it Better 03] by L. Moone!

He’s famous; she’s broke. What could possibly go wrong?

Lily: Today would have been a crappy day; the worst, if not for the ruggedly handsome stranger who comes to my rescue. I’ve just arrived at the White Hart pub newly homeless and weighed down by my own disappointments, when I first meet Sean. He’s older, in that sexy, mature sort of way you just can’t ignore or resist.

Weirdly, he doesn’t judge me for my predicament, he simply offers me a sympathetic ear and a helping hand. Apparently, I don’t owe him anything in return. That’s fine, but I want him anyway, and not just because of who he turns out to be. I know how this looks, though, and I don’t like it one bit.

Will I be able to convince him that I’m not just some gold digger who’s after his fame and fortune? Or will life have a stupid way of getting in my way, just when I’m about to get everything I’ve always dreamed of?

Sean: I’ve been at the pub every night this week, and all I’ve achieved is to deepen my writer’s block even further. That comedy special isn’t going to write itself, and I’m fresh out of inspiration. Until Lily comes along, whose smile is so infectious, I barely even remember what I’m trying to work on.

She’s young enough to be my daughter, and as such I can count at least a dozen reasons why she shouldn’t concern herself with me. But, the more I try to push her away, the closer she’s intent on getting. Until I can no longer resist and fall head-first into temptation.

All these years, the joke’s been on me, which is fine. It’s what I signed up for. But Lily didn’t. Will I be able to keep her out of the media spotlight long enough for us to have a chance? Or will things quickly go to hell like they always do?

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

Realistic characters, pure emotions, true passion. Everything I write is about the characters: how they interact, what’s going on in their heads, how the passionate relationship develops and affects them. I don’t believe in keeping things hidden, or dressing them up just for show. Some of my characters are potty-mouths, most of them are less than perfect (yes, even physically). I aim to write a happy ending for all of them, without keeping anything behind closed doors.