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Friday 29 October 2021

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: Force of Gravity by Melissa Toppen!

Arrogant. Egotistical. Playboy.
Three words that perfectly describe Atlas Keaton.
My twin brother’s best friend.
The absolute bane of my existence.
And my new college roommate.

It wasn’t by choice of course.
The last thing I wanted was to be forced to endure a full semester living under the same roof as him and my brother.
But when a housing mix-up leaves me three thousand miles away from home with nowhere else to turn, I don’t really have another option.

It’s only four months, how hard could it be, right?

Because when you’re dealing with a man like Atlas Keaton, nothing is off limits.
Including me…

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Melissa Toppen is a USA Today Bestselling Author who specializes in New Adult and Contemporary Romance. She is a lover of books and enjoys nothing more than losing herself in a good novel. She has a soft spot for Romance and focuses her writing in that direction; writing what she loves to read.

Melissa resides in Cincinnati Ohio with her husband and two children, where she writes full time.

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