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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Saturday 31 July 2021

Stacking The Shelves [72]!

Stacking The Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews and Reading Reality where we show what books we got recently. I do this post once a month.

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you’re adding to your shelves, be it buying or borrowing. From ‘real’ books you’ve purchased, a book you’ve borrowed, a book you’ve been given or an e-book, they can all be shared!

Purchased (Ebooks):

Purchased (Paperbacks/hardbacks):

I, unfortunately, didn't buy any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

Gifted from Authors/Publishers:

I, unfortunately, didn't receive any paperbacks or hardbacks this month.

For Review from Author/Netgalley/Edelweiss:

Currently Reading:

Friday 30 July 2021

Release Day Blitz: Shadow Empire [Broken Cross 04] by Bri Blackwood!

What lurks in the shadows…

I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
When Broderick Cross saved me from an untimely fate.
I hated him with every fiber of my being,
And I know he won’t touch me because I’m his best friend’s sister.
Or that’s what I thought.
But even with danger knocking on my door,
The one I need protection from is him.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Bri loves a good romance, especially ones that involve a hot anti-hero. That is why she likes to turn the dial up a notch with her own writing. Her Broken Cross series is her debut dark romance series.

She spends most of her time hanging out with her family, plotting her next novel, or reading books by other romance authors.

Thursday 29 July 2021

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Frostbite [Touch of Frost 01] by Lynn Rush!


   “Now, I’ll share my chocolate if you agree to another date.”
   I looked at him from the corner of my eye, thankful for the dark room hiding my flaming cheeks. Hopefully the roaring bass rattling through the theatre masked the sounds of my thrashing heart. “Resorting to bribery again?”
   He grunted.
   “What if I don’t like chocolate?” Which I totally did, but I was having fun, relieved he hadn’t lied to me about Samantha.
   “Remember the monster chocolate chip cookie at Java Joe’s?” He popped a few M&Ms into his mouth. “Plus, what girl doesn’t like chocolate?”
   “True. Haven’t met one yet.”
   “So, how ‘bout it?” He held the bag up and tucked his chin to his chest.
   The screen brightened, revealing his big, grey eyes. The tempting tilt to his mouth lured my attention. One lean forward, and I could connect with him. He’d just eaten chocolate, too, so it’d be a yummy kiss.
   Instead, I took a long draw of soda to cool my insides.
   He leaned in until his lips grazed my earlobe. His steamy breath tickled my neck, then his soft lips brushed the skin up to my ear.
   “Say yes.” He nipped at my earlobe. “Because I’m dying to continue what we started at the beach today.”

Amanda gives a whole new meaning to cool…

Amanda Smith is sick of getting chased from town-to-town. So when she lands in tiny Trifle, Arizona, she hopes it’s her last move for a long time. Despite hating the smallness of the town, she settles in and finds a best friend, and even a boyfriend. Normality at its finest.

But for a girl who can shoot snow from her hands and lift a two-ton truck over her head like a bag of feathers—normal is not an option.

The scientists who murdered her mother come barreling into Amanda’s quiet life. She must decide if she’ll run again or stay and fight. The price of either choice might be her life or the lives of those she’s come to love…

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo or Apple Books

Author bio:

New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author, Lynn Rush, is a full-time writer, wife, and trail runner living in the Sonoran Desert, despite her fear of rattlesnakes. Known as #TheRunningWriter, Lynn can't resist posting epic sunrise pictures while running in the desert with her trail sisters, even if she has to occasionally hop a scorpion.

When she's not running or writing, she's watching movies that fuel her everlasting love of superheroes, vampires, and all things Supernatural. The books she reads usually carry the same theme, but this former college athlete loves reading sweet sports romances as well.

She's madly in love with her Ironman husband of 20+ years who is the inspiration for what true love is. You can find her on social media as @LynnRushWrites and her website is: www.lynnrush.com

Wednesday 28 July 2021

Release Blitz & Giveaway: Love Displayed [Pure Sin Trilogy 02] by Thetta James!

April Young's dark past makes her want nothing to do with men. Instead, she finds comfort in owning her own pleasure—even in public places.

It's empowering and helps her forget.

What she didn't count on was Javier Perez trying to force his way into her heart, claiming her in a way no man has.

Javier Perez is a loner. He's always thought love is a distraction and makes you weak.

Until her.

April catches his eye, and his walls begin to crumble. Pulling her out of her past is one of the hardest missions he's ever encountered, but he's determined to prove to her that love conquers all.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

I've enjoyed books for as long as I can remember. Reading allows you to expand your mind and make you say, what if? Four years ago, I became a part of the Book World as a Blogger and The Erotic Book Review was born.

I love reading and listening to all genres, but I'm very drawn to Romance on the kinky side of things. I believe pursuing your passion brings out your creativity and allows endless possibilities to come forth. Taking a reader on a journey that forces them to crossover into your world is magic. My love for stories has inspired me to write and share my words. I hope readers enjoy them as much as I loved creating them.

I live in North Georgia and I've been married to the love of my life for almost 29 years. We're parents of 5 adults and we have 9 grandchildren. We drive a Big Rig for a living and travel the entire US. When I'm not driving, I love writing, reading, and hanging out in my Private Playroom on FB. I love meeting new people and enjoy learning about other cultures. I love watching football and binge watching TV shows.

One quote I live by.."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending”


Enter to win SIGNED paperbacks of Love Displayed on Thetta's Facebook page HERE!

Tuesday 27 July 2021

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Damaged Gods [Monsters of Saint Mark's 01] by KC Cross!


   “If this kills me—”
   “If this kills you, you should thank me. Since you’re immortal. That means your curse would be broken.”
   Well. She’s got a point there. I put the test tube up to my lips, almost pass out from the horrible smell, then down it in one gulp. It hits my stomach with a burn.
   “The burn passes,” Pie says hurriedly. And she puts her hand on my arm, either faking compassion or really meaning it.
   Her touch is warm too. And something about it does make me feel better. Soon, the burn is gone and in its place is a tingling feeling in my hands. Then a buzzing in my head.
   “Did you get to the buzzing yet?” she asks. I nod. “Good. You’re almost there. Now, while we’re waiting for it to work, let’s talk about this job.”
   “No.” I put up a hand. “Not now.”
   “Yes. I need a job. Just a part-time one. The Honey Bean is looking for a waitress. I need that, Pell. And I will use all my money to buy what we need and then I won’t have to go into debt.”
   “You don’t get it. That won’t work. The harder you fight the curse, the more it works against you. The less magic money you use, the more the curse will force you to use it. Bad things will happen. And that will force you to work harder to…” I pause, not really wanting to say the last bit.
   “Harder to what?” she presses.
   “Please me. The harder you’ll have to work to please me with the debt book stuff.”
   She points a finger in my face. “I will not be blowing you. Just… FYI.”
   I cannot hide my laugh. “Good to know. And for the record, Pie, you’re not my type.”
   She lifts her chin up in indignation like I just insulted her. “I’m not your type?”
   “What kind of type do you like? Bull girls?”
   “I’m not a bull.”
   “A satyr chimera girl?”
   “There are no female satyr chimeras. We’re all men.”
   “Then what is your type?” And now she’s annoyed.
   I shrug. “I’ve always been partial to the nymphs.”
   “Nymphs.” She crinkles her nose like the thought of nymphs is distasteful. “Water fairies?”
   “Not fairies. Nymphs. You know. Willowy girls with evil intentions lurking in the forest.”
   She laughs. A real laugh. “You like bad girls?”
   “I do.”
   “I’m not bad enough for you?”
   “Not even close.”

When I answered an ad for a caretaker at Saint Mark’s Sanctuary I thought I’d be dusting chandeliers and polishing floors. I didn’t expect to be tricked into a curse, going in debt to a monster, and being forced to take a self-paced “Let’s Learn Magic” course so I can fix a two-thousand-year-old problem. 

And that monster? 
Not your ordinary, everyday beast.
He has hooves, and horns, and fur on his legs. 
But ya know where he doesn’t have fur?
Yep. There.
Which is fine. 
Except he doesn’t wear pants. 

Nothing at Saint Mark’s is exactly what it seems.
The entire inside is magic, the hallways upstairs are nothing but parties from the past, and the super-hot guy who lives in the dungeon?
Not human. 

My name is Pie and all I want is to be a normal girl with an average life. 
I refuse to get stuck in this curse.
I refuse to learn magic to break it.
And there is no way in hell I will fall in love with a monster. 


Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

JA Huss is a New York Times Bestselling author and has been on the USA Today Bestseller's list 21 times. She writes characters with heart, plots with twists, and perfect endings. Her books have sold millions of copies all over the world. Her book, Eighteen, was nominated for a Voice Arts Award and an Audie Award in 2016 and 2017 respectively. Her audiobook, Mr. Perfect, was nominated for a Voice Arts Award in 2017. Her audiobook, Taking Turns, was nominated for an Audie Award in 2018. Her book, Total Exposure, was nominated for a RITA Award in 2019.


Monday 26 July 2021

Cover Reveal: The Oath Duet by Serena Akeroyd!

The Don [The Oath Duet 01]

Blood stains my hands, my soul, my heart, yet I’ll shed more to keep her safe.

A chance meeting brings Jen MacNeill into my life—the woman born to reign at my side.
She just doesn’t know it yet.
How could my Lady be anything other than a silken promise taunting me with every breath she takes?
A new Don reigns over Manhattan.
But though I won the war, peace isn’t easily brokered.
Over a decade of avenging my father’s death, I made many enemies.
To each and every one, Jen’s a target.
But I’ll paint NYC red before I let them harm her.
I just never imagined I’d be in the line of fire first…

A heart broken by grief can feel no guilt or shame with the brutality in which vengeance is delivered.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy from Amazon

[The Lady [The Oath Duet 02]

I’ve spent a lifetime avoiding the various factions of the mafia in NYC, yet somehow I’m in it up to my eyeballs.
I should be scared.
I should want to run.
Yet the city quivers in fear with every designer-clad footstep I take, because the Valentinis have ascended, and I’m the Don’s Lady.
It’s intoxicating.
However Luciu comes with vendettas and a craving for vengeance that could get him killed.
With my allegiance tied to the Irish, can I say yes when he wants me to take an oath to the Sicilians?
Is a happily-ever-after on the cards when the ‘after’ isn’t even promised?

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Pre-order your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Born in England, Serena Akeroyd is a true romance bookaholic. As a reader she will not touch a book unless she knows it has a happy ending, which makes her write the endings that your heart craves! This addiction, made her want to craft stories to suit her voracious need for steamy, sexy romance. She loves to write stories with plots twists, alpha sexy men, dark humor, and hot AF love scenes. Some are darker than others as she has a taste for the weird and the unexpected.

She writes MF, MM, Menage and Reverse Harem (also known as Why Choose romance) in both con-temporary and paranormal. But she has recently decided to concentrate more on contemporary MF stories, mainly with A Dark and Dirty Sinners’ MC Series and The Filthy Feckers Series.

Sunday 25 July 2021

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Silent Scars [Perfectly Stated] by Alicia Cicoria!

Brenna Greenburg has spent her entire life trying to make her sister proud. A sister who was murdered at the age of sixteen. Nurturing her and her sister's desire to become a fashion designer and open a boutique, Brenna moves forward with their dream. B & H Boutique is in downtown Guthrie, Oklahoma, named using the initials of Brenna and Harper's first names.

The last thing Brenna needs in her life is a hot-blooded male ruining the life she already planned for herself. After all, how can she move forward with any sort of relationship, much less fall in love, if he sister never got the same chance?

But Rylan Renick isn't at all what she expected. And he's got a few silent scars of his own.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Alicia Cicoria, currently working on her Associate’s degree in pre-education, is the author of Greekorian, Gorgorian, Unbreak Me, and In September. She resides in Oklahoma with her husband, four kids, and a plethora of animals.

Her favorite genre to write is in the romance category, but also enjoys great paranormal and thriller stories. When she’s not reading and writing, she enjoys watching romance movies, visiting with family, and playing video games.

Saturday 24 July 2021

Book Blitz & Giveaway: The Stolen Husband [Marriage Mistake Thrillers 02] by Loretta Lost!


   “This is a lot of sangria—were you planning to drink it all by yourself?” he asks with a chuckle.
   “No, please have some,” I say, reaching for a second glass and pouring some for him.
   “Well, you know I usually prefer not to drink. But this looks so good I’ll make an exception.” He places a stack of envelopes on the table. “I brought this all in from the mailbox. It was kind of overflowing.”
   “Oh, thanks,” I say, sliding his drink over to him. I begin rifling through the pile of mail when I notice one particular letter that looks a bit fancier than the others.
   Picking it up, I feel my heart sink when I see the elegant cursive lettering. And the name of the senders. I don’t realize that my hand is frozen in midair for several seconds until Lukas clears his throat.
   “Is that a wedding invitation?”
   I feel like I’m going to be sick again. I don’t want to open it, but Lukas is watching me, so I try to act like it’s just another piece of mail. Ripping the envelope open with my fingernail, I pull out the silver card.
   You are cordially invited to celebrate the union of Gabriel and Camilla…
   I don’t realize that I am staring at the invitation way too long, and clutching it until my fingers turn white, when Lukas reaches over to touch my hand.
   “They sent you a wedding invitation?” he asks with surprise. “Isn’t that a little… too soon?”
   “The ink is barely dry on the divorce papers,” I tell him weakly. And then the anger floods through me. I flick my wrist and send the invitation hurtling through the air, and it lands in the pool. I stare at the pretty piece of paper, floating and bobbing as the edges get slowly soaked with water.
   Drowning is not satisfying at all. I want to watch it burn.

My husband was stolen. While I was in a coma.

But I’m okay. I swear. Am I a little salty? Sure.
Have I fantasized about revenge? Absolutely. Made plans to get him back? Naturally. Have I stabbed a voodoo doll while crying my eyes out? Just a little bit.

But I am a strong, independent badass, and I am choosing to let go and move on. I got attached to my new guy a little too fast to soothe my wounds, but Lukas is amazing. Younger, hotter, obsessed with the gym, and his body shows it. He’s all I need to forget about my stupid ex-husband.

But when I start getting cryptic messages on social media to stay away from him… and creepy letters shoved under my front door? Cars following me late at night? I am starting to regret diving in so fast…

I may have bitten off more than I can chew. But I would rather be the predator than the prey…

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon

Author bio:

Loretta Lost is a USA Today bestselling author who writes stories about survivors. She is the author of the CLARITY series and Sophie Shields novels. She lives in Toronto, Canada with adorable cats, and she hopes to find a good boyfriend who isn't fictional before all her hair turns grey.

Follow @loretta.lost on Instagram, @LorettaLost on Twitter, or connect on Facebook: www.facebook.com/LorettaLost

You can also subscribe to Loretta's mailing list for updates and a free book: www.eepurl.com/O0WTL

Fun fact: The author's real name is Nadia-- she chose her pen name because her sister's name is Loretta, and her sister is lost.

Friday 23 July 2021

Release Tour & Giveaway: Curly [Hell's Handlers MC Florida Chapter 01] by Lilly Atlas!

Travis Bryant, known in the biker world as Curly, spent thirteen hard years behind bars for a heinous crime he didn’t commit. When the truth finally sets him free, nothing remains of his former life. Curly can’t imagine living without the brotherhood of a club. After visiting the Hell’s Handler’s MC, he’s given the go-ahead to open a charter in his home state. Claiming an ol’ lady is the furthest thing from his mind until he meets Brooke, the beautiful, hardheaded dog trainer bent on ending a violent dogfighting ring near her home.

After ten long years married to an abusive narcissist, Brooke vowes she’ll never live under another man’s thumb again. Accepting help doesn’t come easy, but when abandoned dogs begin popping up with fatal injuries, she’ll do anything to put an end to the fighting ring responsible. Even enlist the assistance of the most attractive man she’s ever met and his outlaw MC brothers.

From her feisty, independent spirit to her shapely legs, Brooke appeals to Curly on every level. He can’t stay away, but he’s been burned before and refuses to tie himself to a woman again. Brooke is in a similar boat, having promised herself no man would exert control over her life again. Unfortunately, she can’t kick the curly-haired, muscular man in biker boots out of her head or her bed.

As Brooke and Curly grow closer and danger strikes, will they be able to overcome their past traumas and find strength in each other? Or will they remain stubborn and stick to their guns as their lives crash and burn?

Check it out on Goodreads!

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Author bio:

Lilly Atlas is a contemporary romance author, proud Navy wife, and mother of two spunky girls. By day she works as a physical therapist for a hospital in Virginia. Lilly is an avid romance reader, and expects her Kindle to beg for mercy every time she downloads a new eBook. Thankfully, it hasn’t happened yet, and she can often be found absorbed in a good book.


Thursday 22 July 2021

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Her Outback Driver by Giulia Skye!

When former Olympic champion, Michael Adams—now Canada’s hottest reality TV star—insults his fake showbiz wife on social media, he jumps on the first flight to Australia to escape the ensuing scandal. Desperate to experience ordinary life again—if only for a few weeks—he becomes “Adam”; just another tourist exploring the dusty Outback trails in a beat up truck. But with a reward out for his safe return and his fame’s nasty habit of catching up with him when he least expects, Adam needs a better disguise… and he’s just found one.

Tired of lies and liars, British Backpacker Evie Blake is taking a year out of her busy London life, looking for adventure to heal her broken heart. So when the hot Canadian she meets at the campground offers to drive her through Western Australia’s wild Kimberley region, she grabs the chance, unaware he has the world out looking for him. He’s just a down-on-his-luck traveler, right?

But when hot days turn into even hotter nights, how long does Adam have before Evie discovers who he really is?

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy here

Author bio:

Italian-born Giulia Skye writes page-turning romances with a lot of heart and sizzle. She describes her books as pure feel-good escapism! She lives in England with her Man and their two gorgeous sons, loves gardening and hates waste of any kind.

Her Outback Driver is her first novel and to celebrate being a Vivian® Contest Finalist, she is inviting readers to download her book for FREE by joining her mailing list.
Please go to https://www.subscribepage.com/giuliaskye to claim your free copy today!