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Scotland, United Kingdom
Hi! My name is Kendall, I'm 29, a Media Graduate and I'm from Scotland. I'm a Reader, Reviewer, and Blogger.

Thursday 31 October 2013

Cover Reveal: Entangled [Evolve 2.5] by S.E. Hall!

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Entangled Wrap

Things heat up, and not just the Georgia summertime, when Dane and Laney go head to head over plans for her new duplex. But Laney's got his number, and knows just how to coerce her bossy, domineering man. Spend the summer with the gang and find out...just how many is a crowd?

Buy Emerge (Evolve #1):
Amazon / Barnes & Noble

Buy Embrace (Evolve #2):
Amazon / Barnes & Noble


“Men shouldn’t know how to decorate anyway, using words like gaudy.” I let one brow raise and give him a suspicious smirk. “Do I need to learn how to fix the cars then? What if I get a flat?”
   “Oh baby,” he growls, his feet pounding the floor as he stalks toward me, “you questioning my manliness?”
   “Maybe,” I tease, slowing backing up. “Nancy.” My eyes dart anxiously around the room, mentally planning my escape route in this new territory.     
   He laughs deeply, not a ‘ha ha that’s funny’ laugh, but more an ‘uh huh I’m coming to get ya’ sexy laugh.
   “Got it planned yet?” He grins knowingly, one eyebrow cocked. “Better run to wherever looks the most comfortable.”
   There’s no furniture yet, what is he talking about comfortable? Seeing the confusion on my face, he answers unasked.
   “Showing you how much of a man I am when I catch ya,” he creeps closer, “so I’d stay away from the tile, might hurt your back,” the mischief in his eyes ignites as he continues moving slowly closer, “or your knees.”
   Do I still have to pretend I don’t want to be caught?
   I love this side of Dane; the dominant, controlling, hunter than comes out more and more every day. 
   The game’s precept itself is laughable; no one could question Dane’s virility. It seeps from his pores, an aura around him taking up all the air in a room. And he’s all mine. From his forever jostled brown locks and matching warm eyes, cocky lopsided grin and sculpted chest all the way to his eight back, that irresistible v and toned, tight ass- he is mine.
   “You wouldn’t!” I challenge, knowingly delightfully well that he would.
   “Oh baby, you know I can and will.” He flips open the button on his pants, that cocky grin suffocating me from where he stands, “I think you want me to.”
Author bio:

S.E.Hall resides in Arkansas with her husband of 17 years and 3 beautiful daughters. When not in the stands watching her ladies play softball, she enjoys reading YA and NA romance.
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K.A. Young Contest!

Hi! I’m K.A. Young, an Indie paranormal romance/urban fantasy author. I’m hosting a contest whereby the winner will be given a part in my book, Dead Spell (The Elise Michaels Series, #2) due to release early 2014!
All you need to do to be in with a chance is complete a questionnaire.
Here’s a little background on the contest:
Enter to be written as a character in my book, Dead Spell. I’ll create your character using your name, description and personality.

I already know which character you’ll be and without giving away too much, this character is:
*integral to the storyline * and will play a part in all future books in the Elise Michaels series
The winner will get:
*A written part in Dead Spell and future Elise Michaels books

*The ability to read Dead Spell before it’s released to the public

*Added to the Acknowledgments page of Dead Spell

*A signed (with dedication) paperback copy of Dead Spell

*A signed paperback copy Coven (The Elise Michaels Series, #1)

To enter, just complete the questionnaire.
To enter the competition click HERE
Elise Michaels' motto has always been: no guts, no glory. She is a thrill seeker, continually craving excitement and adventure. The idea of being tied down to a place or man never interested her, even though a betrothal spell was cast linking her and the Head of Council’s son when they were mere infants.

Being a distant third in succession to assume the Head Mistress role, she felt confidant that her secret would remain in her past along with Coven life. Unfortunately, nothing in our fun loving heroine’s future is anything she or anyone from the supernatural realm is prepared for.

Now, she’s forced to return to the place and the Sorcerer she so desperately sought to forget.

Elise has no idea the power and gifts that await her. Can she let go of her own desires and embrace her new role? Or will she surrender to the faceless evil coming for them all?

Available now!

Amazon US

Author bio:
K.A. Young is a paranormal/fantasy romance author that lives with her family in the South. She began writing because her mind was swimming with incredible stories that were begging to be told. Her love for reading began as a small child when she realized that a good book was an instant escape to a mystical land that could be reached anytime and from anyplace.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Cover Reveal: A Blue Tale by Sarah Dosher!

The rock legend’s daughter…

Eli Blue Savage doesn’t trust musicians, especially those that idolize her dad. Her heart’s been broken by everyone she’s ever loved. Fairytale dreams and the music she locks inside her heart are all that keep her alive.

The musician with a dark past…

Deacon Chastain plays a blue guitar to match his rock idol, the man that saved him from a path of destruction. His life revolves around music; it’s the only thing that saves him from the darkness.

Hearts beat to the same rhythm…

Broken and scarred by their pasts, can they find a way to heal and move forward? No matter the adversity, even the hardest of hearts can be softened by love – music is easy; life is hard.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!
Author bio:
Sarah Dosher was born and raised in rural Oklahoma where she currently resides with her cowboy husband and twins (one cowboy and one cowgirl).

She is addicted to books and The Golden Girls. Her love for reading inspired her to write her first novel, Haven from the Storm. The prequel, Before the Storm, was published in August 2013 and the final in the series, Sanctuary from the Darkness, is set to publish early 2014. Dosher's first contemporary romance titled A Blue Tale will be released December 2013.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Blog Tour: The Elemental Prophecy Series by Nikki Narvaez!

Excerpt from Emblazed [The Elemental Prophecy 02]!

   Hades walked in with that stupid smirk on his face, which I couldn't wait to remove. When he reached me, he sneered as he said, “I'm going to give you one last chance to surrender your power to me. I shall spare you and you can go back home. If not, you can stay here while I continue to torture you until you beg me to take it.”    
   I snorted. “That will never happen. I would never give you my power, even if I knew how, which I don't.”
   “Not even for the life of your flame?” Hades asked smugly.    
   I stiffened as fear spread over me. Had he found Jace? He couldn't have – Jace just got here. I could still feel him, and he wasn't in the building yet. Hades directed his attention to the door, which opened to two minotaurs dragging Jace between them. No. No, no, no!
   I concentrated on talking to Jace in my mind, but he didn't respond. He still felt like he was somewhere else in the Underworld, not standing right in front of me. I knew our connection was having issues from being apart, but shouldn't it be back to normal since he was in front of me? He barely struggled against his captors, and he wouldn't even look at me. Jace, look at me! Look at me!
   He still didn't respond. Something wasn't right. This couldn't be Jace – all my senses but my sight told me it wasn't, but how could I deny it when he stood before me? He looked like my Jace, and given I was probably delirious from everything I'd experienced down here, I didn't put much weight on not being able to hear or feel him. Our bond was probably all fucked up from being down here in another realm anyway.
   “Last chance – submit your power to me or he will die,” Hades threatened.
   “But, I don't know how. Please, don't,” I begged. Fuck, I didn't want to resort to begging, but this was Jace. I'd do anything for him, even damn humanity. I didn't care whether I was being selfish or not, Jace was my world, the only one that really mattered to me.
   Then, my nightmare sprang to life before my eyes. The minotaurs moved away as the demons and skeletons from the walls converged on Jace. “Jace!!! Nooo!!!”
   I pulled and fought against my bonds as tears blurred my sight. I couldn't feel anything that was happening to him, further confusing me as to what was transpiring with our bond. All I could focus on was Jace fighting off demons in front of me, and desperation and rage pulsed through me. I used it to empower my Akasha, but I was so consumed with emotion that I had no control over the tremendous power that streamed out of me. It erupted from my body, engulfing the room in light while wildly shooting in all directions, including upwards where the invisible bonds imprisoned me.
   I fell to the floor in a heap, finally free. I looked up, frantically searching for Jace among the piles of charred bodies that had been in the path of my Akasha. Chandeliers sat in fragments in between the multitude of bodies and their strewn parts scattered across the floor. The thrones were on opposite sides of the room, embedded in the walls. Piles of ash smoked in various places throughout the room. Hades was nowhere in sight, and I hoped that I had obliterated him to one of those mounds of dust, even though he probably fled like coward when everything started happening.
   I tried to stand, but I was too weak to support myself. Dots spotted my vision as I dragged myself down the stairs, praying that I could find Jace in the carnage in front of me before I blacked out. I was still alive, so that meant he was too, right? Our bond couldn't be that fractured, could it? I saw the red tips of his hair beneath a mass of blackened bodies.
   I crawled over the smoking remains of the demons, the stench of which caused me to vomit on one of them. I continued crawling over bodies until I finally made it to Jace. I pushed the bodies on top of him weakly, but they wouldn't budge. I sobbed as I continued, only freeing his face and chest before I collapsed from my efforts. My head rested on his chest, which wasn't rising and falling with breath. I couldn't hear his heartbeat, my most cherished sound in the whole world. My heart shattered as I took in his charred face, his dead eyes staring back at me. Darkness crept in, and the last thought I had before I was pulled into nothing was that Jace couldn't be burned.
Three days. Three days seems like a lot of time, but not when you are racing to save the one you love. Not when time is against you.

Three days is all Jace has to save Brielle, to prevent both of their deaths. Both have more to battle than they ever imagined while they fight for their lives, their souls, and their love.

Will Jace be able to rescue Brielle, or will the fate of the world die with her?
Emblazed (The Elemental Prophecy, #2)

Envisioned [The Elemental Prophecy 01]!

Brielle De Luca thought she was just an average girl, despite her nightly dreams of an impending apocalypse, along with a gorgeous man that pulls at her soul.

However, on the night of her 18th birthday, everything changes when she is thrown into the Elemental World, a world where she is supposedly the One that is spoken about in an ancient Prophecy; a Prophecy that states she is the key to preventing an apocalypse.

Now she must learn to control her power over the four elements, all while dealing with the love and intense passion of her bond to the man from her dreams, Jace Vasquez.

Piece of cake, right?

Check it out on Goodreads!
Author bio:

My name is Nikki Narvaez. I was born and raised in San Antonio, TX, where I currently live with my husband, our two dogs, Bella and Oreo, and our cat, Cupcake. I have been teaching for four years, but I hope to become a full-time writer and stay at home mom one day. I am 27 years old, and have three older sisters who have blessed me with four nephews and one niece. In my free time, I love to write and play Texas Hold 'Em poker. I just released my first novel, a New Adult Fantasy/Paranormal Romance titled Envisioned. It is the first in the trilogy of The Elemental Prophecy Series. I am currently working on Book Two, titled Emblazed, as well as another Adult Paranormal Romance trilogy and a Contemporary Romance.

Monday 28 October 2013

Blog Tour: Running in Place [Mending Hearts 02] by L.B. Simmons!

Publication date: 24th October 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle

Rating: 5 stars
Tatum O’Connell:

Some call me a party girl. People see me as happy, full of life, with absolutely no cares in the world. They see what I want them to see. But no one knows me - really knows me. Not even Noah Reese. Mr. Perfect is always watching me, most likely judging every single imperfect thing I do. But, if Noah wants to keep an eye on me, that’s just fine. I definitely don’t mind. I just hope he doesn’t have any plans to save me from my new-found life of self-destruction because in order to save me, he will have to see me…

And I’m never going to let that happen.

Noah Reese:

Perfect. That’s me. That’s the only acceptable way to be, according to my father. Perfect grades. Perfect manners. Perfect athlete. Perfect SAT scores. Perfect college. And recently, I was accepted into the perfect med school. My future has already been mapped out for me and there’s nothing that can change that. Not even Tatum O’Connell. That girl is out of control, yet for some reason, I can’t seem to keep my distance from her. I watch her closely, hoping that one day she’ll let me in, but watching her lead her life down the dangerous path she’s on right now isn’t easy…

I have a feeling I’m about to find myself swept away by the hurricane that is Tatum O’Connell.

“Two fleeting souls,
Unknowingly tethered.
Too slowly drawn,
Impatient fate calls.
The jolting collide intertwines their lives
And splinters their walls.”

“Catalyst” – Noah Reese

This is one of my absolute favourite series' and I had the honour to be on the Blog Tour for the first book and the novella and now I have the honour to be on the Blog Tour for this book, which is freaking amazing! I knew that this book wasn't going to be about the main characters in the first book and the novella and that it was going to be about secondary characters from those books, which made me really excited! This author's writing is so beautiful and it just sucks me right in! I honestly can't get enough of it, so I always look forward to reading more from her! This book was Tatum and Noah's story and it was flippin amazing! I couldn't wait to read it and it definitely lived up to my expectations! The plot of this book was amazing! It was about the two main characters finding themselves! They have to fight their demons, both together and alone to come out at the other end! There are just no words to describe the plot as it was just absolutely perfect! I fell completely in love with it! It was beautifully written as well! The characters were absolutely amazing! Tatum was the main female character and she was such a fragile character, but she had a façade around her to make her look a happy, content person! Her façade was a good one to everyone, but one! Noah! He saw right through Tatum's façade and he sort of made it his mission to discover the girl underneath it! Tatum was such a sweet person! I adored her! My heart went out to her in this book as she went through things that made my heart break! I wasn't expecting Tatum to have went through and to go through such horrible things during and before this book, so this did surprise me, but it really showed why Tatum acted the way she did! Noah was the main male character and he was seriously hot! I loved how amazing he was with Tatum as he was so sweet towards her, but he was brutally honest with her as well! I also loved how protective he was of Tatum and I could see that he really would do anything to keep her safe and to make her happy! Tatum and Noah's relationship was so beautiful! Absolutely beautiful! I loved watching it unfold! This book was also written in both Tatum and Noah's point of views which I loved as seeing their relationship develop through both of their eyes was so amazing! I also loved that Alex and Blake were back in this book as I fell in love with them in their books and I loved seeing how far their relationship had progressed! I'm not sure if there's going to be another book in this series or a novella or anything for Tatum and Noah, but I really hope there is! I love this series and I would be seriously upset to say goodbye to it! The cover for this book is absolutely stunning! It suits the other covers in the series perfectly as well! Big thank you to L.B. Simmons for an ARC of Running in Place and to Brandee's Book Endings for having me on the Blog Tour!

Running in Place (Mending Hearts, #2)

Author bio:

L.B. Simmons is a graduate of Texas A&M University and holds a degree in Biomedical Science. She has been a practicing Chemist for the last 11 years. She lives with her husband and three daughters in Texas and writes every chance she gets. 


Cover Reveal: Watch What Burns by Kirsty-Anne Still!

“It just seems like when everything starts to run smoothly, she causes the bumps to appear. I don’t want to have to worry every day, Tyler. There is no room for that woman in our life anymore.”

Austin Pearson found everything the day she walked back into the small town of Point Arena. She found forgiveness, love and the life she had grown up to believe she was destined for with Tyler. Even with scars that remind her of the past, Austin is empowered and forthright. No longer afraid to hide her feelings, or ignore what she knows is right. She trusts in her husband’s love and her family and nothing can change that.

When Natasha Truman begins to strike up an appearance in their lives again, still evidently living with a grudge and the belief that Tyler will love her again, Austin finds her entire life under threat. Even behind bars, Natasha is unstoppable at her attempts to make Austin doubt her life, her love and her future with the man she belongs with. What Natasha doesn’t realise is the girl she victimised years ago, no longer exists.

What happens when Natasha takes her plan to the next level, and finds that Austin is now a force that should not be reckoned with? What about when Tyler proves how little he cares for Natasha in order to protect his family?

After all, a lot can change in three years.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Author bio:

I won’t lie – I’m like any other 22 year old! I go out, have fun, have a job, been to University but, I suppose what makes me different is that I’m most happiest when I’m sat writing! I went to University to do Education Studies – doesn’t sound exciting, wasn’t very exciting, but I met amazing people, lived the Uni lifestyle and really realised what I want out of life – oh, and got the degree at the end of it, LOL. I have three loves in life: art, writing and working with children. One’s a hobby, one’s a dream and the last is a reality. I just hope one day writing can be a reality as well.

I got involved in writing when I was nineteen. I never even knew I could write! I stumbled upon Fanfiction and out of needless curiosity I just posted a story. Simple as that! I gave it a shot and then I found that one story wasn’t enough and soon – I’ve made it sound like a drug addiction! I found writing to be a lifeline for me when life got tough or stressful and to top it all off, people were actually reading my stuff and loved it! Imagine my surprise?! I literally grew in my writing and pushed my boundaries and tried writing things I had never experienced and I found out that I was nailing the emotions. I knew I was doing something right even if I didn’t think I was.

Working in a shop, I sell books a lot, so when the Fifty Shades craze took over I had to see what the hype was about – I wasn’t impressed as a writer myself. I found them repetitive and simplistic. Personal choice right?! I decided on impulse to just write a Fifty Shades fanfiction, not knowing it would make the most reviewed story on its section on the site! I got a lot of readers interested in my writing from there. They then started reading my original stuff on my writing Facebook and loving it and slowly, bit by bit, I came to realise that hey, I needed to believe in myself! Which has gotten me to this spot in my life that I am at and I LOVE it!

I struggle with self-doubt like anyone else and a few times it has nearly tripped me up and stopped me writing but, I know I won’t be letting just myself down any longer. It’s weird to say but I have fans that will kill me if I ever gave up! Trust me, I’m hounded by them some times and I wouldn’t replace them for the world! They keep my spirits high, my muse alive and keep a smile on my face. They’re more than just readers. They’re my support and more importantly my friends. What more could a writer want in her fans?

I have one motto with my work – I write for myself first, others after. When I write I write something that I want to read. Something that excites me, something that makes me lose my breath and empowers me. I like getting my own heart racing and my own fears up. I just didn’t realise other people would feel the same and what to read what I wanted to write!

Sunday 27 October 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Now or Never [Fight or Flight 02] by Jamie Canosa!

Publication date: 21st October 2013
Paperback edition: 255 pages
Source: Kindle
Rating: 5 stars
Synopsis: To move on,
Leave the past behind,
And build a new life with Jay.

That’s all Em wanted. After everything they’d been through together, they were both overdue their ‘happily ever after’. Too bad the world doesn’t work that way. Memories last longer than dreams and Em’s fears continue to plague her both day and night, interfering with that new life she so desperately craves.

To start over,
Secure a future,
And give Em the life she deserves.

That was Jay’s plan, but the past isn’t done with them, yet. While Em still struggles to overcome the ghosts of her past, Jay is forced to come face to face with his. When the skeletons in his closet step back into the light, Jay must decide what he will do—and what he will sacrifice—to protect Em from them.

Against all odds, Em and Jay are on the verge of having everything they’ve ever wanted. They’ve fought for it before, but is their love strong enough to endure any more heartache? The time has come for each of them to choose for themselves whether or not they will allow the past to continue to corrupt their future. And, together, they must decide, will it be . . . NOW OR NEVER?
Favourite quote: "You brought back my reason to live. You are my reason, Em. You're the reason for every breath I breathe. Every beat of my heart belongs to you."

Now or Never was a heart-wrenching, emotional whirlwind of a book! It continues the emotional story of Jay and Em as they struggle to find their Happy Ever After! I loved this book! Completely loved it! In my opinion it may have been slightly better then Fight or Flight, which I can't believe I'm saying as I loved Fight or Flight! This book was all about realising what's right in front of you and that sometimes you have to suffer to come out better at the other end! The plot of this book was so amazing! It was so fast paced and you had no idea what was around the corner! I was completely engrossed in it and I didn't want to put it down until I had finished it! The plot was heart-breaking as the main characters suffer even more than what they did in the first book! I wasn't expecting them to go through even more suffering, but they did and in a way the ending was completely worth every bit of suffering they went through! I was an emotional wreck throughout this book as I wanted the main characters to finally catch a break and to be happy, but sometimes you have to suffer to find happiness and this is exactly what the main characters in this series had to do! The characters were again amazing! Em was still main female character and in the last book, Em was a broken girl trying to find her strength again! In this book she's a girl who's conquered so much, but still has such a long way to go! I wanted Em to find her Happily Ever After because she deserved too! She had been through so much already that I wanted her to be happy and live a secure life! I loved her in this book as she took so much on and she didn't give up! Jay was again the main male character and my heart completely broke for him in this book! He tried so hard to make ends meet for him and Em and he just had so much difficulty doing so! I completely admired Jay in this book as in a way it was more his book than Em's! Jay was still the same lovable guy from the first book that feels the pressure of trying to settle down with the girl he loves, but faces some serious difficulties along the way, which made my heart break for him! I wanted him and Em to be happy and not to have to suffer anymore! They were still completely in love though, which I loved! I also loved that this book was again written from both Jay and Em's point of views as there was quite a lot going on and it was definitely essential to give this book its full potential! I don't think there's going to be another book to Jay and Em's story, but I'm seriously happy that the author gave them another book! This was the complete right thing to do! I have loved Jay and Em's emotional story and I'm really sad to see it come to an end! I do sort of see potential for another book or a novella though, as the ending of this book was a little unresolved! I read this book when it didn't have a cover and I didn't have a cover in mind for it, but the actual cover is stunning! Absolutely stunning! I love it and also how well it suits the cover for the first book! Big thank you to Jamie for an ARC of Now or Never and also for having me on her Blog Tour!

Now or Never (Fight or Flight, #2)

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy your copy from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Never-Fight-Flight-Jamie-Canosa-ebook/dp/B00G2RY25E/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1382448038&sr=8-12&keywords=jamie+canosa

Author bio:
Jamie Canosa is a full time author of YA literature, which she absolutely loves. When she’s not writing or spending time with her family, she can usually be found with her nose in a book. She currently resides in Ravena, NY with her wonderful husband and three crazy kids . . . plus the dog, the bird and the rabbit.

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorJamieCanosa?ref=hl
Blog: http://jamiecanosa.blogspot.com/
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6150972.Jamie_Canosa
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JL_Canosa


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday 26 October 2013

Blog Tour & Giveaway: A Risk Worth Taking by Heather Hildenbrand!

Publication date: 22nd October 2013
Paperback edition: -
Source: Kindle
Rating: 4.5 stars
Synopsis: When 22-year-old Summer Stafford’s parents split halfway through her senior year at college, Summer’s world is rocked. Everything she thought she knew—heck, everything she thought she wanted for her own life—feels like a lie. The truth is love is a risk. And the true kind, the kind that lasts, might even be a fairy tale.

Reeling from the divorce, Summer derails her own future by breaking up with her parent-approved boyfriend and giving up her lifelong plans for a big-city career. She moves back home, business degree in hand. Dad needs her to fill the gaps her mother left behind; Summer needs to find who she is outside of the cookie-cutter life that failed so miserably for her parents.

Ford O’Neal’s future involves one person: himself. He doesn’t have a permanent address and he definitely doesn’t commit. To a place or a person. Raised by hippies, he plans just far enough ahead to secure his next stop, this one landing him at a work-study program at Heritage Plantation where he can grow his own herbal and medicinal creations.

Summer is gorgeous and smart and fun to be with, the perfect way to pass five months. It won’t be love—Ford’s got too many things to accomplish, too many places to go, before he settles down. Yet Summer pulls him in, challenging him to rethink his own philosophy.

When Ford’s five months are up, each of them must decide if love is really worth the risk.
I loved this book! I fell completely in love with the last half of it, but I did find the beginning a little slow and that's why I took it down half a star! Overall, this book thoroughly impressed me! I've read one other book from this author and it was a paranormal book and the difference between a paranormal book and a contemporary book is huge, so I was looking forward to seeing how the author was going to incorporate it and looking forward to seeing the end result! The plot of this book was so amazing, but slow in some areas! The relationship development between the two main characters developed slower than I would have liked and the first half of the book was really slow and it was all about the main female character coming to terms with her parents divorce! The second half was a whirlwind of romance and the main female character finding the answers she needed! The main lesson learned from the plot of this book is that love is a risk! Do you take that risk that could end up breaking you in the end? Or do you let it go to save yourself the heartache? These are the questions that the two main characters ask themselves throughout this book! They know what's going to happen several months down the line, so they have to decide whether to risk having their hearts broken! The characters were amazing! Summer was the main character and while I loved her, I did have a few problems with her! I thought that Summer was a little selfish at the beginning of this book! She sort of jumped to conclusions with her parents divorce instead of actually listening to the reasoning behind it, which annoyed me a bit! I know she was protecting her dad, but I personally wouldn't have acted the way she did! As the book progressed though, Summer grew so much! By the end of the book she was a much more mature person and I loved that side of her! Summer was a character that was sort of lost in life, but by the end of this book she found herself! Ford was the love interest of Summer and he was so hot! He was a sort of geeky hot, but then he'd come out with this fierce hotness and I swooned like mad! I loved that Ford was different to a lot of other guys in books I read! I liked that he was smart and didn't have that whole bad boy appeal! He was pretty damn hot though! I loved that this book was written from both Summer and Ford's point of views as watching their relationship develop through both of their eyes was so beautiful! I know that this book is a standalone, but I have to say that I could see potential for a second book or maybe even a novella for Summer and Ford even though the ending of this book was beautiful! Or maybe a novella or other book for other characters in this book! As soon as I saw the cover for this book I knew I wanted to read the story behind it! The cover is stunning and definitely suits the book! Big thank you to Heather for an ARC of  A Risk Worth Taking and to InkSlinger PR for having me on the Blog Tour!
  A Risk Worth Taking

Check it out on Goodreads!
Author bio:

Heather Hildenbrand was born and raised in a small town in northern Virginia where she was homeschooled through high school. She now lives in coastal VA, a few miles from the Atlantic Ocean, with her two adorable children. She works from home, part time, as a property manager and when she's not furiously pounding at the keyboard, or staring off into space whilst plotting a new story, she's lying on the beach, soaking in those delicious, pre-cancerous rays.
Heather loves Mexican food, hates socks with sandals, and if her house was on fire, the one thing she'd grab is her DVR player.

Heather is a co-founder of Accendo Press, a publishing group she operates with fellow authors: Angeline Kace and Jennifer Sommersby. Accendo (a-CH-endo), A Latin word, means “to kindle, illuminate, inflame, or set fire.” This is something Accendo strives to do inside a reader’s imagination with every title released. For a complete list of titles and author bios, visit

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Lucifer [Sons of Old Trilogy 01] by Annabell Cadiz!

   A growl escaped the Imago’s lips as he threw a punch down toward Solomon’s face with such speed Zahara was surprised her father somehow managed to move his head aside just in time. She pulled the dagger out of her back pocket and jumped back up, running toward her father. Solomon had also returned to his feet and had his arm wrapped around the Imago’s neck. Zahara threw the knife, aiming at the Imago’s heart and let out a scream as the Imago tossed Solomon over his shoulder at the same time. 
   Zahara cried out, but the knife missed Solomon by a mere inch. Solomon kept hold of the Imago’s arm and twisted as hard he could, his hand finding the dagger on the ground and driving it into the Imago’s side. The Imago shrieked, fumbling back for a moment, but Solomon refused to let him go, using the Imago’s arm to turn him around and, as he moved to kick his legs from under him, the Imago grabbed onto Solomon’s arm and threw him into the air. 
   Zahara didn’t wait to see where her father landed; she knew he was going to need more than human, brute strength to beat a supernatural. She ran to the truck, Becca following behind, throwing the driver’s side door open and almost being slammed by the door bouncing back since she was too impatient to wait for it to fully open before jumping into the truck. 
   “What are you doing?!” Becca asked as she climbed into the passenger seat.
   “Key, key, key, where is that blasted key?” Zahara murmured to herself as she looked in the middle consul but only found another dagger. Becca opened the compartment in the dashboard and she barely held it out to Zahara before she was bringing the truck to life. Becca jumped into the passenger seat.
   Zahara pushed her foot into the gas pedal and steered the truck toward the Imago, who had thrown Solomon against the side of the porch. As he sped toward Solomon, Zahara pressed harder on the gas pedal. The Imago noticed the truck just in time to vanish into the wind and suddenly appear in the back of the truck, arm shattering the glass of the back window. Becca screamed. Zahara pushed her foot against the brake pedal this time, and the Imago fell back. She jumped out of the truck, dagger from the consul in hand, and growled at the Imago, who was now staring down at her, growling in return.
   The Imago jumped down from the truck and stood in front of her in the blink of an eye. Zahara reacted just as fast, swiping the dagger across his chest. The Imago hissed and grabbed Zahara’s wrist, snapping her bones the same way someone’s foot would snap a twig. Zahara’s scream was cut short when the Imago lifted her up, his hand a vice grip around her neck. Instantly, Zahara’s vision blackened, as she was on the brink of losing consciousness. The skin of her neck began to drip with blood as his nails dug hungrily into it. Zahara could swear she heard the bones begin to crack, but she couldn’t tell over the grinding of her own teeth. 
   She tried to kick out her leg, but she could only find the strength to connect with his thigh. The Imago seemed unfazed by her weak efforts to remain alive. A strangled cry escaped through Zahara’s clenched teeth. The Imago’s features contorted from that bit of triumph to shocked agony. Zahara’s brow creased in confusion and then she was falling to the ground, her lungs choking from the instant intake of air. 
   Zahara looked up at the Imago. He was standing frozen, arm still outstretched and fingers now grasping nothing more than air.
Have you ever wondered what could be hiding in the shadows?

Well, for eighteen-year-old Zahara Faraday, she doesn’t have to wonder. You see she comes from a lineage of Light Witches, those who have chosen to help protect and serve between the supernatural world and the human world. The only problem is Zahara, like her father Solomon, is as human as a human being can be whereas her mother, Mia, and her Aunt Catalina, were born as Light Witches. As a family they hunt down rogue supernaturals—creatures who harm humans or who have committed an act against their kingdom.

Zahara’s hunting skills are usually kept dormant since her parents would prefer she live life as a normal human girl without knowledge of the supernatural world. She plans on doing just that—except when she finds a couple being attacked by fairies, she has no choice but to step in. Before she can return to pretending to be blissfully ignorant, Zahara encounters a problem she isn’t the least equip to handle: Bryan Hamilton, the good looking new co-worker she has to help train. In a heartbeat, her best friend, Becca King, has set her up on a double date with herself and her new crush, Rekesh Saint-Louis, who happens to be the most powerful leader of the biggest Imago Coven in South Florida –supernatural creatures with the ability to control water . . . and suck out human souls.

Zahara has no time to focus on how she’s going to explain her double date with her best friend and the enemy they have a tentative truce with to her parents because soon one of the members of Mia and Catalina’s coven is found murdered with a strange tattoo of a snake with wings carved into his arm.

Zahara is then thrown into a whirlwind battle with an angel determined to have revenge against God, an Imago coven she doesn’t think they should trust, and slew of dream-eating fairies and powerful Nephilims, hybrid children of angels and humans, more than happy to rip her to shreds.

Normal just got a deadlier definition.
  Lucifer (Sons of Old Trilogy, #1)
Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy it from Amazon and Barnes and Noble!
Author bio:
Annabell Cadiz was born in the sweltering heat of South Florida. She was raised surrounded by Puerto Rican chefs and band of siblings that weren’t all related to her. A self-proclaimed nerd and book-a-holic (her room does hold much evidence to prove her claims are justifiable), she created TeamNerd Reviews to showcase her EXTREME love for novels where, along with her best friend, Bridget Strahin, she hosts book reviews, interviews, giveaways, Indie Shoutouts and much more. She also had the pleasure of being published in three separate issue of Suspense Magazine. She is currently attending Trinity International University to attain her B.A. in Psychology. She also adores Cinnamon Teddy Grahams, has an addiction to Minute Maid Orange juice, and is a proud Jesus Freak. Her debut novel, LUCIFER (SONS OF OLD TRILOGY, #1) was published January 2013 and the second book, MICHAEL, will be out Fall 2013 and the third book, NEPHILIM, will be out Spring 2014.

Listen up fans and readers a-like! Make sure to show love to your favourite blogger/reviewer by leaving a comment on the Lucifer Blog Tour Post! The reviewer with the most comments will win a $20 Barnes and Noble Giftcard!
FAN GIVEAWAY: Lucifer Inspired Swag Pack!

**Must be 13 or older to enter**

**Opened to U.S. ONLY**

**Winner has 24 HOURS to respond before new winner is chosen**

Swag Pack Includes:

-An e-copy of Lucifer (Sons of Old Trilogy, #1) by Annabell Cadiz
-Lucifer Inspired Keychain
-Lucifer Inspired Button
-Beautiful Day Lotion and Body Spray

Friday 25 October 2013

Cover Reveal: Reign of Ice [Forever Fae 04] by L.P. Dover!

Two courts to four is what needs to be … to save the land so shall we see.

The scroll has been found and now the fae know how to defeat the dark sorcerer, to end his evil existence in the Land of the Fae. However, the only thing standing in the way is the one bond that must be formed; the one that will empower all four courts together and make them invincible. Ariella and Brayden’s bond will not come easily, for Ariella is mischievous and head-strong with a heart of love, while Brayden is strong and loyal with a heart of ice.

What do you do when the fate of your land rests upon your shoulders and the bond you must form to save it? How are you supposed to do that when the one man to help you fulfill the prophecy is the one man who doesn’t believe in love?

With all four princesses bound together as one, will they be strong enough to save the life of Ariella who is destined to be the one who ends it, the one who will sacrifice everything to save the people she loves. In this final installment of the Forever Fae series you will see how the bonds of love and all the sacrifices it takes to truly conquer the evil once and for all.
Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads!

Author Bio:

L.P. Dover lives in the beautiful state of North Carolina with her husband and two wonderful daughters. She's an avid reader that loves her collection of books. Writing has always been her passion and she's delighted to share it with the world. L.P. Dover spent several years in college starting out with a major in Psychology and then switching to dental. She worked in the dental field for eight years and then decided to stay home with her two beautiful girls.

Her works consist of the Forever Fae series, and the Second Chances series. She's really excited to be able to experience writing in the different genres. Her reading used to consist of nothing but suspense thrillers, but now she can't get away from the paranormal/fantasy books. Now that she has started on her passion and began writing, you will not see her go anywhere without a notebook, pen, and her secret energy builder ... chocolate.

L.P. Dover